d**w 发帖数: 14889 | 1 LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Jim Hellriegel can't sing and is too old to
compete on "American Idol" but his home-grown Web site is attracting
hordes of fans who can't wait 24 hours to find out which aspiring pop
star is going home each week.
Hellriegel's Dialidol.com measures the busy signals on "Idol" voting
phone lines to predict who stays and who must leave America's
most-watched TV show long before the official results are announced.
"You watch the show, you care about it, you want to know," said |
a****n 发帖数: 48 | 2 Smokey and Jacob are eternal nemeses. However, apparently they're playing by
a rule book that states that one cannot physically kill the other.
So in order for Smokey to kill Jacob, he has to find someone who might
actually harbor a grudge with Jacob. Our Losties have never come into direct
contact with Jacob, so they wouldn't have any real reason to kill him.
Smokey DOES know, however, that the leader of the Others, Ben, is a somewhat
impatient and selfish man who cares about his own personal g |
a***e 发帖数: 2094 | 3 never posted on youtube. have you? is it easy and faster? it took me about
45 min. to upload the two clips on sharebig...i was quite impatient. |
a***8 发帖数: 4735 | 4 Thank you, i like my new short curvy hair.
Always love long hair, but i am so impatient to wait for my hair to grow
long, and my hair just grow too slow. |
发帖数: 1 | 5 Like the game player of gamble for the most part, have a special liking to
gambling game is, should hear of so when having interesting game game, when
having card bureau, everybody is too impatient to wait, this is the fact
that goes changing without method, and be aimed at such circumstance, a lot
of people look, this also is a kind of very important result. The closest
period of timeA hunderd schools on the net is happyIt is very hot, because
like the player of gamble to feel this is a very am... 阅读全帖 |
b****s 发帖数: 10197 | 6 The name of the flower in picture is Impatients. |
f******w 发帖数: 10267 | 7 impatience for the shade, day lily for full sun (don't get more than two),
petunia for full sun. These are super easy, hard to kill, and dirt cheap to
buy at HD/WM. |
c***p 发帖数: 27645 | 8 一切都从花苞开始
santa barbara daisy,去年夏天从小苗种的,现在铺满了走道
Heavenly bamboo
sage, 白的地方像兔子的大牙
lily of the nile,好养,四季常绿,种了一大堆
最后一个大家猜猜是啥,猜中奖肉包子五个 |
r****a 发帖数: 3304 | 9 就是这种指甲花!想起小时候了,好多呢~~ 这边的impatient都长得不是这个样 |
a****a 发帖数: 26187 | 10 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
almeda (土木工程) 于 (Sun May 22 00:31:48 2011, 美东) 提到:
整一植株都是这个色调, 惹人怜爱
almeda (土木工程) 于 (Sun May 22 00:35:48 2011, 美东) 提到:
almeda (土木工程) 于 (Sun May 22 00:37:24 2011, 美东) 提到:
lily of nile
almeda (土木工程) 于 (Sun May 22 00:39:04 2011, 美东) 提到:
grapetomato (delicio... 阅读全帖 |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 12 1. Impatient
5. Hollyhock
其他的吃不准 |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 13 foxglove, columbine,begonia,impatient,astilbe,coral bells,绣球,
买植物的时候,一定要看包装上写的说明,种错了地方,一般都不会长的太好啊。 |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 14 今天天气不错,阴天,比较适合拍照片,就多拍了几张。
1. 大俗之一,lincoln。第二波花比第一波花更大,开的更多。缺点是花不结实,退色
2. Container里的lincoln,方便移动,也不错。移到屋檐下持久性好些。
3. Begonia, 以前贴过。开花真不错,从来没有间断过。红色非常正点。
4. American Beauty, 色正,型也正
5. 剑兰刚刚冒花苞,颜色也不错。长的比我还高
6. Double delight. 第二波也是花更大更多,可惜收到了日本beetle的袭击,有些花
7. Pink, Pink, 3月份买来就这样,到现在还是这样,象假花一样。
8. Impatient, 1块钱在露私买的75%off的一大盆,刚开。
9. Astilbe. 今年的astilbe开的很不好。很可能是因为早春时候的寒流袭击导致。好
10. 乱七八糟的一堆。 annual野花,bee balm, dahlia, ... 阅读全帖 |
h********s 发帖数: 1973 | 15 你的院子,就四个字,
那个impatient 是annual的吧,一直觉得很好看,可要每年种的话就懒得种了。 如果
可以自己seeding, 那就好了。 |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 16 今年的剑兰刚开几颗,它生长的地方也是春天tulips开花的地方。他们间种的,tulips
die down之后,现在轮到剑兰了。
有一个问题很头疼。就是郁金香发芽很早,开花也早。花谢了,自然die down,大概需
tulips都死掉了,他们都还很小。所以,没有太大关系。有人担心,夏天给剑兰... 阅读全帖 |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 17 夏天,气温高,花开的快,谢的也快些。几天的光景,就又是另外的一片景象,所以更
1. impatient, 翠绿的叶子,雪白的花瓣,再配上后面的白桦树,看上去很清清爽爽。
2. 白色的剑兰,天气热,谢的可真急
3. 很大很大的百合,昨夜的一场小雨,脑袋太大,居然从中间断了,前天还不舍得cut,
4. 白色的phlox,看上去冰清玉洁
5. 这个仍然不知道叫神马名字,开花很像国内和百合一起插花的满天星,但是可以确
6. 白色的木槿刚刚开,傍晚照相,居然花瓣都有些蔫蔫的,十分纤弱。不知道是不是
7. 百合和daisy,比比谁是真正的白富美。有个小虫子,太碍眼了。。。
8. 白色的一丈红,应该叫一仗白才对吧。一边谢一边开,尚可。
9. 百合,玫瑰,菊花,看起来也相得益彰。不过,百合种的有点稀,明年多补一些。
10. 很su... 阅读全帖 |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 18 过了烦躁的夏天,这几日终于也凉爽了下来。晚上居然觉得有些凉,最低只有50多度,
逐渐绽放。 有春天育苗的aster,分了根的mums和sedum。当然还有很多zinnia,
1. 蜂鸟,不速之客
2. 女王3姐妹,长的比俺都高了。估计今年不会再开了
3. pink aster
4. light blue
5. white
6. dark purple
7. real red
8. mix
9. 还算壮观的zinnia,最高的5尺多高, 挡了后面的玫瑰了。本想给玫瑰挡脚呢,
11. 被俺救活的impatient,冬天挪室内,看看能否越冬。第一次实验
12. pink特别亮眼
13. 对dahlia的新鲜劲过去了,但是他们却仍然盛放
14. 午后的小石板路, 前面被我堆满了花盆 |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 19 发现有一片阴凉的地方还空着,
可能会在周围补些impatient |
x****g 发帖数: 342 | 20 Luckily, that is when my partner’s arrow decided to land on the back of the
swing gladiatrix. She lose grasp on the sword as the swing lessened in
power and potential damage. Nevertheless the momentum of the swing still
guides the sword to land upon my leg. The sharp tip of the sword graze
across my shin leaving behind a path of oozing red line. As I stumble back
and lower my shield for balance, another gladiatrix fall to the floor with
an arrow lying firmly within her body. See how valuable of ... 阅读全帖 |
x******n 发帖数: 8550 | 21 日日春,也叫长春花,很耐热,英文俗名vinca periwinkle,喜阳。(和凤仙花
impatients 有些像,这个喜阴,不要买错)。
矮牛是petunia,一般耐热。 |
N****D 发帖数: 1236 | 22 请问区长,五区impatients 是annual吗? |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 23 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
freelong (花悦奴) 于 (Sun Sep 9 23:27:44 2012, 美东) 提到:
1. 西瓜不大,买苗的时候就知道,4,5磅吧,忘了称了。
2. 是黄瓤西瓜,记得买的时候的tag上就是这么画的,没骗人。
3. 绝对是记忆中最好吃的,比在local farm买的都要棒。
4. 随便来几张盛开的dahlia,春天育的苗,现在长的很大,开的很不错。
5. 耀眼的红色
6. 硕大的金黄色
7. 橘色
8. 雕塑一般的绣球,从上周到现在,竟然看不出任何变化
9. double delight,还在努力盛开
10. 2个月前育的花苗,前5个猜中的有双簧包
11. 春天育苗的... 阅读全帖 |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 25 我之前知道,但是去年霜冻很早,都没来得及挖出来。
begonia和impatient都是典型。 |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 26 这里头都是耐阴的品种,放大屋檐下。
gerbena daisy, lobelia, fuschia, impatient等, |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 27 单瓣的,难道看着和Impatient一样?
并且质量都非常好 |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 28 现在正值初夏,大家蔬菜正盛,也大谈种菜感想,跟大伙分享丰收的喜悦。
1. 被主席誉为最美的玫瑰,花型颜色都十分赞。不管从开始还是到结束。
2. 上次奔包子的时候最后贴过。这个粉色的很好看,像霞云一般。
3. 蓝色的夏花婆婆纳,开了好久。纯蓝色非常别致,很给院子添色。
4. 另一个cluster。蓝色的背景是annual的Blue Enchantment。
5. 这是另外一株。枯黄的Iris还没有来得及剪掉,看着破败一片。
6. 这是一株老的A... 阅读全帖 |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 29 咳咳,说是展望丰收,说这话的时候,俺就没有底气。这两天刚刚
1. baby 1
2. baby 2
3. baby3
4. 番茄也结了一些
5. 没浇水,没施肥,就弄了个架子随便长。还自己把自己给压断了
7. 开春的时候进了两棵亚洲梨。已经thin了很多小梨,但是还是剩了不少。
8. 结的实在是太重了,枝了很多棍子。应该能吃到。
9. 我看还是花花更养眼,这是一颗粉色的dinner plate。很漂亮
10. 白色的低着脑袋,好像开的不是很平衡,脑袋好像被挤了一样。
也是dinner plate,显然没有俺家的dinner plate那么大。
11. 春天的时候进了一颗小铁著名的品种,n... 阅读全帖 |
b**********y 发帖数: 2718 | 30 MM喜不喜欢Impatients?这个花特能长,几小棵很快就长成一片,花期还长。而且有几
种不同的颜色,可以和你的玫瑰的颜色错开。 |
b*******g 发帖数: 531 | 31 I am 100% sure that you were impatient. |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 32 Annual 的开花机很多啊。
比较钟爱的有 Impatient, Geranium, Begonia, Marigold, Petunia,
都是颜色很丰富又好种的东西。把这些种好就很好了。 |
l*********d 发帖数: 21519 | 33 impatient 和begonia 都喜欢阴,我家的花圃种不了。
Geranium 不错! |
f******g 发帖数: 13917 | 34 这两个都很不错。
impatient也整一些。 |
s*********4 发帖数: 231 | 35 Hello, everyone:
I have planted seed of Impatiens 1 month ago. It only grows 4 real leaves
so far, I am wondering how soon can I see the flowers?
Does anyone here plant Impatient before and can tell me the timing of it?
Thanks a lot. |
m******u 发帖数: 50 | 36 我家的地很少,前院两小块种 了一些多年生的,旁边一小溜儿是wild flowers。 后院
靠fence的是一些shady plants. 我种很多盆栽美化前后院还有窗台。都是从种子种起
, or partial sun, 所以我种impatient 特别多。易种花期长且易收集种子来年再用。
当初是这样滴: |
b*s 发帖数: 82482 | 37 摘抄一段那段黑丝袜和sex的议论,很长,微色,慎入:
Note to myself: let’s see "Letters to Penthouse" print this!
I don’t suppose that graduate students of either gender are exactly sought
out by sexual connoisseurs for their great fucking skills. We think about it
too much. Everything has to be verbalized. A person who believes that
fucking is a sexual discourse is simply never going to be any good in the
I have a thing about stockings. They have to be sheer black stockings,
preferably with seams up the back. When... 阅读全帖 |
b*s 发帖数: 82482 | 38 摘抄一段那段黑丝袜和sex的议论,很长,微色,慎入:
Note to myself: let’s see "Letters to Penthouse" print this!
I don’t suppose that graduate students of either gender are exactly sought
out by sexual connoisseurs for their great fucking skills. We think about it
too much. Everything has to be verbalized. A person who believes that
fucking is a sexual discourse is simply never going to be any good in the
I have a thing about stockings. They have to be sheer black stockings,
preferably with seams up the back. When... 阅读全帖 |
b*s 发帖数: 82482 | 39 Aureliano, had never been more lucid in any act of his life as when he
forgot about his dead ones and the pain of his dead ones and nailed up the
doors and windows again with Fernanda’s crossed boards so as not to be
disturbed by any temptations of the world, for he knew then that his fate
was written in Melquíades’ parchments. He found them intact among the
prehistoric plants and steaming puddles and luminous insects that had
removed all trace of man’s passage on earth from the room, and he did... 阅读全帖 |
b*s 发帖数: 82482 | 40 来自主题: LeisureTime版 - 推荐个短篇 too impatient
你真事儿! |
K*****u 发帖数: 241 | 41 怎么一个故事写了两次,前后描述还有差异?恳请能看懂的人指点。
Nothing Has Changed by Colin Thubron
Colin Thubron started his career in documentary film and in TV. He made
his reputation, though, as a travel writer, especially in the Middle East.
He has more recently turned to novels. There is a journey in this story; it
is an exploration of the writer's own feelings when faced with both his loss
and someone else's. Whether the woman in the story really existed or not
does not matter; the situation is a very human one.
We writ... 阅读全帖 |
R*****h 发帖数: 2 | 42 不错。感情如果可以量化就不会有人传阅。女人如果智慧到可以预期感情的annual
return, 爱的P/E ;爱的P/B那可以不妨将标题改成 [Warren buffett stock portfolio
; The Man Who Thought Different ;Impatient Optimist] |
b*s 发帖数: 82482 | 43 Here you are:
“On a frosty, winter afternoon, I rode in sight of Thornfield Hall.
Abhorred spot! I expected no peace—no pleasure there. On a stile in Hay
Lane I saw a quiet little figure sitting by itself. I passed it as
negligently as I did the pollard willow opposite to it: I had no
presentiment of what it would be to me; no inward warning that the arbitress
of my life—my genius for good or evil— waited there in humble guise. I
did not know it, even when, on the occasion of Mesrour's accident,... 阅读全帖 |
l*r 发帖数: 79569 | 44 giving a mischievous final glance,i closed my eyes, standing still, gripping
the horn handle with both hands. i heard undead arms clinging to my heels,
squeezing themselves out from the rotten soil. i heard phantom wings swoop
down at my back from top of the fig trees. i heard dozen of fer-de-lance
snakes hissing at the tips of my nose hairs. i heard my machete humming
impatiently. with a deep sigh of satisfaction,i let it slash.
a |
b*s 发帖数: 82482 | 45 she looked at me with that detestable grin. the medusa hair splashed on her
shoulder, bounced up, and curled in front of her nipples. I tasted the heat
in the air, bloody, disorienting, and sweet. Bursted with energy, i
decapitated a bunch of serpents, their dead bodies oozed thick death.
giving a mischievous final glance,i closed my eyes, standing still, gripping
the horn handle with both hands. i heard undead arms clinging to my heels,
squeezing themselves out from the rotten soil. i heard p... 阅读全帖 |
l*y 发帖数: 21010 | 46 由美国著名的作家Neal Stephenson撰写
I don’t suppose that graduate students of either gender are exactly sought
out by sexual connoisseurs for their great fucking skills. We think about it
too much. Everything has to be verbalized. A person who believes that
fucking is a sexual discourse is simply never going to be any good in the
I have a thing about stockings. They have to be sheer black stockings,
preferably with seams up the back. When I was thirteen years old I actually
shoplifted some black pan... 阅读全帖 |
wh 发帖数: 141625 | 47 本篇发表于《Gettysburg Review》2003年夏季刊,李翊云从1978年一个反革命女孩的
What Has That to Do with Me?
Yiyun Li
This story I am going to tell you, it is a true story.
The year was 1968. The girl was nineteen, the secretary of the Communist
Youth League for her class in a local high school in Hunan Province, China.
You probably don’t know much about Hunan, but I am sure you have heard... 阅读全帖 |
wh 发帖数: 141625 | 48 40 Incorrectly Used Words That Can Make You Look Dumb
Jeff Haden
Ghostwriter, Speaker, Inc. Magazine Contributing Editor
December 03, 2014
While I like to think I know a little about business writing, I still fall
into a few word traps.
Take the words "who" and "whom." I rarely use "whom" when I should -- even
when spell check suggests "whom" I think it sounds pretentious. So I use "
And then I sound dumb.
Just like one misspelled word can get your resume tossed onto the "nope"
pile, one i... 阅读全帖 |
wh 发帖数: 141625 | 49 这个DVD借了1/4年才借到手,真抢手。晚上全家坐在电视机跟前,连一向无暇娱乐的领
最让人掉眼泪的镜头,是那个imaginary friend——Bing Bong——从imaginary火箭上
最开心的镜头——你们的是什么?我的是那个imaginary boyfriend被无穷复制n张,
boyfriend复制品不可能站起来啊,另一个说一定是个3D printer——他们正在学
校玩3D printer,见识得比我多。又一个说可是3D printer打印速度非常慢,不可能无... 阅读全帖 |
ay 发帖数: 2267 | 50 贴一个评论
As a Floridian I have this fear on a daily basis, that someone in traffic is
going to be impatient or think I cut him off or do something to offend him
and out comes the gun during a fit of rage. There simply is no reason for
people to be carrying concealed weapons to be carrying weapons in their cars
on a regular basis and the number of concealed weapons permits in Florida
now means that you simply have to assume that everyone has a gun.
Does that make a more polite society? No, it makes ... 阅读全帖 |