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发帖数: 12955

This actually proves US agrees that China has 12 nm territorial sea around
the island. Because "innocent passage" is only applicable when naval ships
passing through another nation's territorial sea. So when US ship assumes "
innocent" posture within 12 nm, it means they recognize the ship has entered
Chinese territorial sea.
If they really want to prove China does not have territorial sea claim
around the island, they should have passed by in a manner consistent with
sailing through internat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27852
来自主题: Military版 - Why Can't Islam be Reformed? By Ali Sina
Why Can't Islam be Reformed?
By Ali Sina
Dear Mr. Sina,
I am a Muslim woman living in the USA I read some of your articles and
totally agree with you on many points.
I am still a Muslim but at the same time I hold rather peculiar positions on
many points.
There are five pillars of Islam and six pillars of faith that cannot be
modified. That's all. The rest can be negotiated and must be modernized.
Islam is doomed and the fate of the Church of England awaits it. But
Anglicans didn’t leave C... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
【 以下文字转载自 Belief 讨论区 】
发信人: hstlqamd (British Robot), 信区: Belief
标 题: Vatican defends China invite to organ trafficking summit
关键字: Pope Francis,Vatican
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 8 01:19:57 2017, 美东)
Vatican defends China invite to organ trafficking summit
7 February 2017
From the section Asia
Image caption
China's Huang Jeifu told the summit China was making progress in ending
organ harvesting
The Vatican has defended its decision to invite China... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
When Barack Obama was still in office, Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, one of the
perpetrators of the 9/11 terror attacks, penned a letter to him. Though a
judge recently ruled that letter could be sent to the White House before the
outgoing president left office, the contents were to be withheld from the
public until a month later - until after President Trump had assumed power.
This week, the Miami Herald obtained and published the contents of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6601
Jack and Meng jing are in a master-slave relationship. Jing frequently poses
nude and being videotaped during sex for him. Jack is an amateur
photographer and porn producer and Jing along with several other Asian girls
have become his personal models.
Rachel Meng Jing was a typical Asian... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6601
Is China trying to exterminate Uyghurs?
Rinat Abdekadir, I'm a Kazakh-Chinese who was born in Xinjiang.
Updated 6h ago
Are you serious?
My Turkish friends, has China even committed a single act of genocide
against Uyghurs for the 60+ years of Chinese rule of Xinjiang?
Armenian Genocide - Turks deny it although there is plenty of evidence, 1.5
million innocents killed
Greek Genocide ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: dragonfly (小蜻蜓), 信区: USANews
标 题: 27种不同情况下,拥枪者使犯罪分子伏法的成功案例(转)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 4 19:55:16 2017, 美东)
Reasons Why We Need to Preserve Our 2nd Amendment Right to Keep and Bear
The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil
interference. They deserve a place of honor with all that is good. When
firearms go, all goes. We need them every hour. — George Washington,
Founding Father in his address to the 2nd session of united States Cong... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11162
来自主题: Military版 - 住宾馆的要小心了

Los Angeles man arrested in ‘swatting’ call that preceded fatal police
shooting in Kansas
Los Angeles police arrested a 25-year-old man in a suspected "swatting" hoax
911 call in Kansas that ended in the fatal police shooting of an unarmed
The LAPD took Tyler Barriss of Los Angeles into custody in that city on
Friday afternoon, on a fugitive warrant stemming from the Thursday evening
incident in Kansas, a spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Dep... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
来自主题: Military版 - destroyed”
Trump Just Went After the #MeToo Movement: 'Lives Are Being Shattered&#
Just a day after defending Rob Porter
Jamie Ducharme
President Donald Trump on Saturday tweeted that “lives are being shattered
and destroyed” by “mere” allegations, and lamented what he framed as a
lack of due process.
Though the subject of the tweet is unclear, it comes just a day after Trump
defended former staff secretary Rob Porter, who resigned amidst allegations
of domestic abuse from his two ex-wives.
T... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20965
来自主题: Military版 - 我就想知道怎么发落的
A retired Chinese engineer was sent to prison Monday for four to 15 years
for downloading child pornography even though he steadfastly maintains his
innocence and brought dozens of supporters to court Monday.
Weiwu Zhao, 76, of Easton, was convicted at trial earlier this year of
downloading 14 videos of child pornography in 2014.
Zhao and his supporters told Northampton County Judge Jennifer Sletvold that
he didn't understand the case against him because he doesn't speak English,
that ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 994
Facial recognition failures in the UK prompt calls for a rethink of the
technology here
Twitter WhatsApp Facial recognition technology used as airline passengers
arrive at a terminal. PHOTO Facial recognition technology is already being
used around the world. SUPPLIED A massive case of mistaken identity in the
UK is prompting calls for a rethink on plans to use facial recognition
technology to track down terrorists and traff... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5309
President Trump on Tuesday cranked up the volume on his white male base’s
primal scream to ear-shattering decibels. He worries that this is a “very
scary time for young men” in America, who are at risk of being accused of
things they didn’t do. He insists, “My whole life I’ve heard you’re
innocent until proven guilty, but now you’re guilty until proven innocent.
That is a very, very difficult standard.” The president — with more than a
dozen accusers claiming he engaged in unwan... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
这个是老美发起的调查议员被杀的petition,议员夫妻被杀。 议员调查儿童医疗绑架,
儿童色情等等。美国有47万儿童被系统剥夺父母抚养权, 很多都是恶意绑架, 政府
不调查, 还杀人。
这个议员在国际上的发言youtube上有, 我的网站上也有
帮助她整理记录这一切的记者同年也给弄死了。 都死于发布纪录片之前。 纪录片
release前的一个介绍流出来了, 就是医院通过儿童保护组织杀人, 搜索youtube,
innocence destroyed就可以了。
其实很多都是政府, 法院, 儿童保护组织, 医... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9770
原创:守望者精选 守望者精选 微信号 IslamWatch
谈十字军东征的历史意义的优质文章,在国外引起... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2
Has Taiwan media brainwashed their people, because I, as non-mainlander or
Taiwanese, visited Taiwan once and all the newspapers in Taiwan are bad
things about China?
My answer is Yes and No.
Almost every country is kind of brainwashing their people.
Recently I read the blog of a Taiwanese who got... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Military版 - 战狼出手,波兰市长被刺
By Vanessa Gera | AP
January 13 at 5:33 PM
WARSAW, Poland — The mayor of a city in Poland was in very serious
condition after he was stabbed on stage Sunday during the finale of a large
charity event, and Polish media reported details that gave the attack a
political element.
Gdansk Mayor Pawel Adamowicz was attacked with a knife while he stood on
stage, held his belly and collapsed during the “Lights to Heaven”
fundraiser organized by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, Poland... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 42116
来自主题: Military版 - 白宫:石头起诉与川普无关
White House says Stone indictment has 'nothing to do' with Trump
Stone proclaims innocence and vows he won't testify against Trump
发帖数: 4465
Grace Wang. She's really something.
She's quite useful to the media. Both sides are having a field day. The
chinese TV are branding her as this terrible traitor while western media is
holding her up as the lone voice of reason. They both are neglecting the
truth, what Grace really is, beyond the 9 minute Youtube video and glorious
When I first met her at a dinner, she immediately spilled her life story. I
thought, maybe she was being a slightly socially incompetent fob and trying
to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Question: Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear weapons?
Answer: Israel.
Question: Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear non-
proliferation treaty and bars international inspections?
Answer: Israel.
Question: Which country in the Middle East seized the sovereign territory of
other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of
United Nations Security Council resolutions?
Answer: Israel.
Question: Which country in the Middle East routinely ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
傻逼文盲老酱,你帝好死泥鸽O8吹的rule of law,早就有Virginia教授在WSJ撰文写过
了,是rule of law enforcement,Hilary Clinton不被指控就是law enforment的人群
决定不起诉ta,以前whitewater,现在把epstein“自杀”掉也是law enforment的人配
你帝的due process法官都赤裸裸的说是flexible concept,可以随意把玩,innocent
until proven guilty其实是guilty until proven innocent,excessive bail就是有
发帖数: 878
Wuhan officials are kind of innocent since they might not know at that time
that it could spread from person to person. LA officials were not really
innocent even it was OK according to CDC because they already knew what
happened in China, South Korea, and Italy.
发帖数: 1665
Allow me to continue.
It is my understanding that the shameless way to prey on vulnerable and
innocent/or not-that-innocent other people(men or women) successfully
represents the values in today's Chinese society, that is, never give a
sucker an even break.
发帖数: 3978
来自主题: RisingChina版 - CNN网友评论
by moonflower7 (teddybearmom)
As parents and teachers, we do our best to nurture our children. We teach
them good values, guide them in the right directions when they make mistakes
; we protect them from all harms before they are mature enough to protect
themselves. To shield young children from inappropriate contents on TV, many
parents have used the parental control features on their remote control.
Initially, I thought ABC ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1582
来自主题: USANews版 - 也谈王医生事件
"innocent man"?
发帖数: 10233
well, you are right, those kids are innocent.
what about those who have to pay the bills, are they also innocent? why they
got punished...
by bill, i am not only talking about money.

发帖数: 29846
The boy brimming with pride, the fanatics burning with hate... two faces of
Armistice Day
By Paul Harris
Last updated at 10:07 AM on 12th November 2010
He was 3ft tall in his shiny black shoes and he wore his great-uncle’s
medals with pride as he stood to attention in the rain.
Jonny Osborne, seven, symbolised the face of a new generation yesterday as
he marched shoulder to shoulder with servicemen and women to honour those
killed by war.
But three miles across London from the Armistice Day cere... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Rabbi Aryeh Spero
What if a Muslim country, such as Iran, launched a nuclear attack against us
, or if agents aligned with Pakistan using dirty bombs were to attack
America? Would Barack Hussein Obama retaliate with nuclear force, as has
been our stated policy since the 1950s? Would he even unleash a barrage of
non-nuclear shock and awe that would level those countries so that they'd be
incapable of striking a second time?
When queried in Japan in November 2009, Mr. Obama declined to defend... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2406
Integrity from a liberal, nobody was expecting that.
ps, Che was not about politics, Che was about slaughtering innocent people:
men, women and children. where is your integrity on that?
Did he or did he not do that: slaughtering?
Did he or did he not subscribe to the quoate, judging from what he did?
would a normal average human being be more likely or less likely to believe
he said that?
am I more about polictics or are you more about politics than about
how about some decency, lik... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
bama and his willing accomplices in the media are now targeting Cardinal
June 2, 2012 by Rick Rice
No one should deny that The New York Times serves at the behest of Barack
Hussein Obama and the leftist ideology they both embrace.
And no one should deny that Cardinal Dolan is the face of the opposition to
the HHS Mandate being foisted upon Catholics by this administration.
So this hit piece from the New York Times can’t really be surprising.
Cardinal Dolan must be taught to bow to Obama... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Holder's Just-Us Department under Fire
By Clarice Feldman
Whether he resigns or is removed or spends the rest of this year responding
to Congressional inquiries, Attorney general Holder has treated the
Department of Justice as a partisan arm of the Obama Administration. Now
and for the foreseeable future he is just another Albatross around Obama's
Fast and Furious
Let's review the case against Eric Holder.
In the forefront of the news is the Department's role in an operation known
as Fast & furious and his lies, obfuscation... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3803

very thoughtful essay on the topic.
It's funny how irony Americans are today treating the idea of individuality.
For example, in innermost city, if a cop stopped a car driven by a
suspicious black man and later found him innocent and let him go, the
community will go all out rioting to protest against the police abuse. Then
crimes fall on the same neighborhood and some black lives have been taken.
The community mourns the loss of life and blames the cops of providing no
if you think... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Stephens: Eric Holder's Gritted Teeth
Who knew Team Obama was shilling for Dick Cheney?
It must be tough on the left, not being able to trash John Durham.
Mr. Durham, recall, is the special prosecutor appointed in 2008 by then-
Attorney General Michael Mukasey to investigate allegations that the CIA had
illegally destroyed videotapes of CIA detainee interrogations. The
prosecutor's mandate was expanded in 2009 by current Attorney General Eric
Holder to look into allegations that CIA officers and contractors had abused
and, in some c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - I am Spartacus!
by wheatington
Any citizen of any country at any time in history had been permitted to go
the mansion of the leader and sing his praises. But that is not freedom.
Freedom means being able to criticize the leader, even unfairly, without
being questioned, certainly without being hauled before the magistrates and
sentenced to public service, fined, or incarcerated.
Westerners are rapidly losing the freedom to speak out. Not against our
political leaders, except perhaps in Russia. (Silly me, I alre... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4321
The Bible on the Poor
or, Why God is a liberal
The Bible contains more than 300 verses on the poor, social justice, and God
's deep concern for both. This page contains a wide sample of them, and some
reflections. It's aimed at anyone who takes the Bible seriously.
As you read these passages, you will very likely feel a good deal of
resistance (possibly at first manifesting itself as indifference). American
churches have departed strongly from Biblical values in these areas, and
even created a r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9084
来自主题: USANews版 - 不得不承认黑太阳有妖术
“Now, I have to go back to work on my State of the Union speech. And I
worked on it until pretty late last night. But I want to say one thing to
the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again
told anybody to lie, not a single time; never. These allegations are false.
And I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you!“
这个是lie to entire country, 当然politician lie比比皆是,但cheat on wife and
lie to the country is another story. 仅... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Incredible Shrinking President
By Mark Steyn
October 26, 2012 7:30 P.M.
‘We’re going to have that person arrested and prosecuted that did the
video,” said Hillary Clinton. No, not the person who made the video saying
that voting for Barack Obama is like losing your virginity to a really cool
guy. I’ll get to that in a moment. But Secretary Clinton was talking about
the fellow who made the supposedly Islamophobic video that supposedly set
off the sacking of the Benghazi consulate. And, indeed, she did “have that
person arreste... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 162
Why is a war, like the one in Iraq, immoral, SERIOUSLY?
If the left says “Innocent people got killed”. Well, I would argue that
more innocent would have been killed by the dictator without the war? The
proof? Ask Kurds or Syrians. The left also says “The oil companies got
enriched by promoting the war”. I would argue that securing the oil supply
is humanitarian because hundreds of millions of families in the US and
around the world depend on a low oil price to have jobs that pay to feed
their ch... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Freedom in a digital world
by Seth Godin
For a long time, there was alignment between what we wanted when it came to
privacy and what was possible for the government to do. We relished our
privacy and got used to the freedom to act anonymously at the same time that
the government and marketers really couldn't keep track even if they wanted
In the pre-internet world, there was just no way to imagine a useful
database of every citizen's fingerprints. The thought that a store would
know every item you've ever purchased (... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1365
PORTLAND -- Nick Meli is emotionally drained. The 22-year-old was at Clacka
mas Town Center with a friend and her baby when a masked man opened fire.
"I heard three shots and turned and looked at Casey and said, 'are you serio
us?,'" he said.
The friend and baby hit the floor. Meli, who has a concealed carry permit,
positioned himself behind ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 636
来自主题: USANews版 - 禁枪和拥枪都是对的

但问题的关键在于两个数据中有各有多少victim 是innocent people 呢。 要是犯罪分
子杀的都是自己人,比如gang fight,而精神病人和普通人杀的都是innocent people
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - What’s to Like? by Ben Stein
Tuesday I try very hard to like Barack Obama. And sometimes he helps me out
. For example, at the beginning of his State of the Union address yesterday,
he made what seemed to me to be some sense about the budget. And he offered
excellent free advice to the GOP. Why, he asked, should we hamstring all of
our other attempts to work on the budget crisis because some of the GOP are
trying to protect the tax breaks of the very richest among us? Why is the
GOP going to the mat to defend the richest p... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Hollande loses key ally as budget minister resigns
By FRANCE 24 the 20/03/2013 - 11:43
The resignation of France’s budget minister is a major blow to Franç
ois Hollande’s Socialist government, which is struggling to get the country
out of the red.
Jérôme Cahuzac’s resignation as the French budget minister made
headlines in France on Wednesday, shining a spotlight on an important but –
until now– little known member of President François Hollande’... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Mom, aunt of Ga. baby slaying suspect arrested
March 26, 2013
By By RUSS BYNUM, Associated Press
SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — The mother and aunt of a teenage suspect in the fatal
shooting of a baby in his stroller have been arrested on charges that they
lied to authorities, police said Tuesday.
After their arrests, both women gave police new information that helped lead
investigators to a small saltwater pond where they found a handgun, Glynn
County po... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 596
1. 被告被控的罪名,和陪审团可以有的选项(可定哪些罪,或者无罪)。
2. 被控的罪名含义和要满足定罪标准所需要的充分条件。
3. 讨论时的注意事项与规则。
In deciding whether George Zim... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2047
-- Emily Miller is senior editor of opinion for The Washington Times.
Attorney General Eric Holder has confiscated George Zimmerman’s gun. Even
though Mr. Zimmerman was acquitted by a jury in the death of Trayvon Martin,
the Justice Department on Thursday ordered the Sanford police to put a hold
on the evidence from the trial, which includes the Kel Tek 9mm handgun.
It is not clear what federal law or legal procedure allows Mr. Holder to
stop a police chief in Florida from returning a firearm to... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21627
来自主题: USANews版 - 疣太高盛迫害前员工
Michael Lewis: Did Goldman Sachs Overstep in Criminally Charging Its Ex-
A month after ace programmer Sergey Aleynikov left Goldman Sachs, he was
arrested. Exactly what he’d done neither the F.B.I., which interrogated him
, nor the jury, which convicted him a year later, seemed to understand. But
Goldman had accused him of stealing computer code, and the 41-year-old
father of three was sentenced to eight years in federal prison.
Investigating Aleynikov’s case, Michael Lewis holds a s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1067
同意,我觉得这个帖子就写得挺好的,还可以发给JK show的赞助商们要求撤赞助
by moonflower7 (teddybearmom)
As parents and teachers, we do our best to nurture our children. We teach
them good values, guide them in the right directions when they make mistakes
; we protect them from all harms before they are mature enough to protect
themselves. To shield young children from inappropriate contents on TV, many
parents have... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 尼玛CT决定ban 半自动步枪了
果然是温水煮青蛙, liberal一点一点收紧他们的套索.
EDITORIAL: Connecticut gun owners revolt
Widely flouted registration law puts legislators in a bind
Laws are more than just symbolic gestures. Connecticut's General Assembly
must come to grips with this truth before its recent effort to “save lives
” ends up destroying them.
State law enforcement officials are now in the difficult position of dealing
with one of the most widely flouted laws since the end of the 55 miles-per-
hour speed limit and Prohibition. If it’s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Sorry Mr. President, ISIS Is 100 Percent Islamic
By Daniel Pipes , CP Op-Ed Contributor
September 11, 2014|11:15 am
In a televised address on how to address the Islamic State Wednesday evening
, President Barack Obama declared the organization variously known as ISIS
or ISIL to be "not Islamic."
In making this preposterous claim, Obama joins his two immediate
predecessors in pronouncing on what is not Islamic. Bill Clinton called the
Taliban treatment of women and children "a terrible perversion... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Double Standard: NBC Gives News Christie Innocent In Bridgegate Scandal 38
Secs; Spent Nearly 5 Mins When Story Broke
By Curtis Houck | September 18, 2014 | 9:09 PM EDT
An enormous development in the Bridgegate scandal broke late Thursday
afternoon when federal officials reported that they have cleared New Jersey
Governor Chris Christie (R) of any wrong-doing relating to the closure of
lanes on the George Washington Bridge in September 2013.
When it came to the major broadcast networks covering ... 阅读全帖
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