J**l 发帖数: 75 | 1
UOB Internet Banking
1) Login to UOB Personal Internet Banking
2) Click on "Bill Payment" on the left menu
3) Click on "Pay Bills" on the left menu
4) Click on "New Bill" on the main screen
5) Select "Red Cross China Earthquake" from the drop down menu of the payee
corporations list
6) Enter telephone number as the Bill Reference Number
7) Enter |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 2 【 以下文字转载自 Movie 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: Movie
标 题: 韩国的internet真是世界第一快啊
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Sep 9 05:52:49 2014, 美东)
刚在hotel里面下载youtube上的修春刀,单线程速度在3000 ~8000 KB/s 之间变化, 1G
的修春刀 4分钟搞定. |
N*******g 发帖数: 1089 | 3 Verizon FIOS有点贵, 想转Comcast Faster Internet, 有没有两个都用过的, 感觉
(家里老人过来, 给她定了麒麟电视,comcast faster internet看麒麟电视有没有影
谢谢!! |
j*****o 发帖数: 214 | 4 我今天也在准备安装comcast,昨天打电话过去还说是$19.99 after basic cable,今
绑定啊?问题是我只想要internet呀!?到底哪种internet服务又便宜又好呢? |
s*********y 发帖数: 1189 | 5 如果只要internet,不要其他服务,哪家 internet 比较便宜?谢谢! |
b********5 发帖数: 54 | 6 马上要搬到watertown,要装internet了。问了apartment office说有两个公司可以选
择comcast vs RCN。
多谢各位。 |
l****y 发帖数: 8847 | 7 【 以下文字转载自 shopping 讨论区 】
发信人: lycsky (flying), 信区: shopping
标 题: Internet ATT vs TimeWarner
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 22 14:21:32 2011, 美东)
搬家,要新开Internet,不需要home phone
查了下现在的价格,ATT $35 6M、$30 3M,TW $35 7M
现在是都不便宜,同学去年开的ATT 6M $20
thanks~ |
b********8 发帖数: 35 | 8 用了二年多TW,后来涨价后就换到了ATT;ATT又涨价了,上个月又换回了TW。这次换回
后上ESPN3看不了比赛了。每次都问我选择INTERNET PROVIDER,然后要用户名密码。输
这次过一段时间后我可以又想换回ATT了。 |
F****n 发帖数: 746 | 9 My TWC service also increase to >$130/month with telelphone, TV and internet
going to switch to AT&T.
TV and internet (12mb/s) only, about $85 pre-tax. |
a******u 发帖数: 211 | 10 最近有什么comcast internet的deal吗?(只要internet,不用cable或home phone).谢
谢啊! |
r******m 发帖数: 5550 | 11 光是普通 的internet
因为楼里面有comcast basic得电视cable,
不过我就真的只浏览网页,comcast碰到我这种用户要笑死了 |
Z*L 发帖数: 9598 | 12 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
everseen (everseen) 于 (Wed Jul 27 11:21:51 2011, 美东) 提到:
今天cancel了RCN cable internet service,用了两年了,每月都有租金3.45,现在还
应该自己买,要不还不够折腾得。同时顺便鄙视RCN,对老用户只知道增加monthly fee。
LittleSeven ( 蜜果小七) 于 (Wed Jul 27 11:31:16 2011, 美东) 提到:
Comet (流星|给点阳光就灿烂) 于 (Wed Jul 27 11:41:08 2011, 美东) 提到:
从来不租 每次都是找的fr... 阅读全帖 |
J**********y 发帖数: 1891 | 13 必须是真正免费的不能是带广告的。
谢谢指点。 |
f*****S 发帖数: 998 | 14 check answers below
you are welcome
cable internet from cablevision : no.
adsl from at&t: yes if not installed by yourself. i do not see cable
internet service provided by at&t.
cablevision: you can move your service to new address. not sure if there is
penalty for early termination. i cancelled several times right before the
end of 6-month promotion provided by cablevision, and no penalty. |
w*******n 发帖数: 65 | 15 我现在用的是最基本的TV PROGRAM (就本地10多个台)+ internet. 刚刚发现今年开
Recurring charges (Services) $75.90
Non-recurring charges (e.g. One-time fees, PPV, Usage) $0.00
Taxes, surcharges, fees $1.65
Total bill $77.55
。 |
B****k 发帖数: 188 | 16 请问哪家的cable + internet比较好呀?性价比比较高?
谢谢 |
R****a 发帖数: 130 | 17 要搬到偏远的农村,没有 DSL and Cable for Internet, 只能用Satellite internet。
HughesNet 如何? 看网上恶评如潮。
谢谢! |
p********n 发帖数: 287 | 18 请问大家都用哪个公司的internet啊?刚租房,要按internet。不要cable。
Att在现在居住的洲名声不太好,不知道在亚特兰大怎么样?多谢推荐! |
s**********d 发帖数: 1694 | 19 internet service两年的合同,现在$29.99/month一年了,来信说如果我不采取任何行
电话cable电视的,光internet就$53.99一个月太夸张了吧?! |
s**********e 发帖数: 62 | 20 Hi guys,
Just relocated to Arcadia, want to get internet service.
Was thinking about U-verse, then found out they only provide basic plan in
91007,which is only 768 k download...that is too slow.
Wondering if you guys can give me any suggestions about the internet service?
Thanks a lot. |
r**i 发帖数: 1222 | 21 在Chinatown,老人家也不需要多快的internet。目前landline+internet共交AT&T $70
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.7 |
l******n 发帖数: 335 | 22 Do you have other choice? Probably no.
You usually have one and only one choice.
Most carriers have a 6-mon discount.
After that, they are the same.
They usually provide 3mbps (cheapest, sufficient) internet cable,
and basic, expanded basic, digital HD... TV cable.
Within 6-mon, my 3mbps and expanded basic cost around $60,
now they charge me $95 including tax.
you also can have Phone/TV/Internet package from cox |
c**********t 发帖数: 215 | 23 马上要搬到Michigan来了,想装high speed internet,以前一直用Bellsouth的DSL,
不知道Michigan的High speed internet provider有哪些?那家比较好?谢谢大家的帮
忙。 |
s****t 发帖数: 17096 | 24 我没有用cable
internet反正前两个月老是断,后来特频繁,打电话过去才知道是area problem
我每天两块钱的internet钱跟打水漂一样,后来我去complain了一下 |
a****l 发帖数: 430 | 25 不常看电视,装cable浪费钱,不如用天线收local台
现在最便宜的是century link $29.99,加上杂七杂八的费用大概$37一个月,但是只能
comcast需要blast! internet+basic cable价格稍多一点,也是6个月,$29.99的
internet,但是basic cable和天线台没本质区别,而且大约$12一个月,modem另算。如
果用performance就便宜10刀。 |
c*********t 发帖数: 62 | 26 basic phone+Internet还错,basic phone $20/月,Internet 12.99/月,从DELL申请还能
有$100的REBATE.就是要有一年的合同.Cable的没合同限制,可以随时CANCEL |
c*******u 发帖数: 3526 | 27 ppstream其实主要就是当个国内电视看。
话说这个时代,internet是最重要的。没网真的该郁闷死了。 |
c********r 发帖数: 520 | 29 今天突然发现comcast居然有250G的internet容量限制了, 想问问大家都用什么。一直
用的comcast的 internet+cable, 觉得好像越来越贵了。估计是时间换换了 |
w**********g 发帖数: 43 | 30 I am new here at NJ, near Hightstown. Now, I wanna to apply an internet
for my new apt. Do u guys know any good internet service? I called
Comcast, but it is a little bit expensive. Can u give any suggestions?
Thank you so much!!!
Happy Holidays!! |
w**********g 发帖数: 43 | 31
thank you~~~
btw, does ur internet with home phone? or it is just an internet? |
a*********n 发帖数: 1331 | 32 上礼拜试了,没有这个promotion,最便宜35/月,internet only,只好从了。
还有别的更便宜的internet only吗? |
f*******3 发帖数: 584 | 33 You are correct. Not every location has DSL. Such as my house location, no
For COMCAST, they charge "Internet only" for higher price. But if you
subscribe together with TV, then, the internet (Economy tier) $29 and TV (
Basic TV tier) $17 |
a*********n 发帖数: 1331 | 34 一直忍着现在的价钱在等comcast internet only有sale。我们这被comcast垄断了,根
最近有comcast internet deal吗? |
f*******3 发帖数: 584 | 35 I use Comcast cable "Economy Plus" internet (lowest price), 3 mbps download,
1 mbps upload, no problem to watch Chinese TV programs at PC, use OOMA for
internet phone, Skype, and web browsing. No problem.
LD |
a*******r 发帖数: 360 | 36 【 以下文字转载自 shopping 讨论区 】
发信人: allprayer (prayer), 信区: shopping
标 题: Any Time Warner or Verizon Internet Deal now?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 24 23:46:35 2011, 美东)
Is there any Time Warner or Verizon internet deal ongoing now? |
J**********y 发帖数: 1891 | 37 必须是真正免费的不能是带广告的。
谢谢指点。 |
v****t 发帖数: 338 | 38 谢谢
看了verizon,貌似没有INTERnet only
有无便宜的internet only的呢 |
A*********R 发帖数: 11847 | 40 i am using comcast internet for $29.99/mth. With a wireless router, you can
use it anywhere in the house - I call it wireless internet. |
x**m 发帖数: 26 | 41 Could anybody recommand the internet service in Forest Height area? I just
need very basic high speed one for internet surfing/watering, thanks. |
w********r 发帖数: 146 | 42 不知不觉的comcast 的high speed internet 账单从30 涨到了67了,也没有用任何
cable 电视和 家庭电话。准备换个费用低点的,住在97229区。请问大家用那个合算点
?只用high speed internet.
谢谢! |
M***o 发帖数: 980 | 43 我来咨询一下大家都用什么cable/internet公司的,一般费用是多少呢?
,就internet alone呢?黑大妈告诉我,要60多刀。这不是赤裸裸地抢劫吗?
大家都用哪个公司的?一般费用如何?谢谢! |
j*****1 发帖数: 105 | 44 急问Exton 附近的朋友们都用哪家的Internet service呀?我对电视之类的不关心。只
关心高速Internet。 有朋友用Comcast 的 Blast service 的吗? 70 刀每月, 最高
50 Mbt speed。 怎么样?好像只是前12 月. 之后是多少,有朋友知道吗?
不胜感激。 |
y****i 发帖数: 12114 | 45 try verizon dsl.
i am using its phone+internet, monthly cost is around $47, a little cheaper
than comcast. the speed is slow but i can watch ppstream and pptv smoothly.
or, you can ask verizon if there is FioS in your area. monthly cost for FioS
is around $99 for TV+phone+internet |
h******n 发帖数: 21 | 46 xdjm们,最近有什么好的internet only promotion那。verizon要和phone捆绑,速度
internet only的DSL的.怎么这儿的限制这么多呀,还不便宜. |
C********y 发帖数: 524 | 47 dish internet 堡里有人用吗
comcast不断涨价。。。 |
i****a 发帖数: 36252 | 48 you can switch back to AT&T and get their promotional deal at that time
but I don't like cable internet. I've had 3 or 4 different cable internet
services in different cities, with different companies and always have bad
phone line DSL or Uverse (fiber) is much better
些? |
p*********r 发帖数: 1440 | 49 Got an appartment at Carmel Creek. Now need to set up telephone, internet,
and cable service.
Called AT & T and was told for all 3 servcie together, unlimited landline,
internet, and cable, the total is about $120/month.
Is this a good deal or not? It seems they don't have great wall package,
which my parents like a lot.
Thanks. |
b******1 发帖数: 301 | 50 现在用的是Time Warner Cable的Internet。 但是最近网络老是断断续续的。研究了一
下ATT U-Verse,好像比较稳定。但是就是要收99美元安装费用,和Modem的费用。问了
版上有人用U-Verse的Internet的吗?你们有什么经验分享吗?谢谢。 |