m**********r 发帖数: 618 | 1 就我所知,这里的小学有三种演习,FIRE DRILL,EARTHQUAKE DRILL,还有一种叫
/Fire Drill应该就是熟悉走火通道,知道怎样最快跑到室外空旷的安全地带。
//Earthquake Drill,就是马上蹲到课桌/或者有遮挡的物体的下面,用某种手势抱住
//LOCKDOWN DRILL就是所有门上锁,保持绝对安静,寻找躲避的地方躲起来。
这个周一,我女儿学校校长有发另一封信说明学校会重新评估LOCKDOWN DILL的过程和
时间,增加LOCKDOWN DRILL的演习频率。还提到最近一段时间BSD会加强小学校园的巡
““。。。Bellevue school District's school security is placing an emphasis
on elementary school campuses by conducting random patrols.
Additionally, Bellevue Police have advised t... 阅读全帖 |
m********e 发帖数: 4403 | 2 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
walala (walala) 于 (Wed Dec 19 20:53:20 2012, 美东) 提到:
学校应该培训一下孩子。 大人也要培训。
【 以下文字转载自 K12 俱乐部 】
发信人: flyinger (没昵称), 信区: K12
标 题: 应付枪击
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 18 10:32:30 2012, 美东)
1. Get out
2. Hide out
3. Take out
4. 当swat 来的时候不知道谁... 阅读全帖 |
o******s 发帖数: 2946 | 3 follow-up:
PITTSBURGH (AP) — A man armed with two semiautomatic handguns entered the
lobby of a psychiatric clinic at the University of Pittsburgh on Thursday
and opened fire, killing one person and wounding several others before he
was shot dead, apparently by campus police, the mayor said.
Six people were wounded by the man's gunfire, Mayor Luke Ravenstahl said. A
seventh suffered unspecified injuries but wasn't shot, officials said.
The mayor stopped short of confirming the gunman was fatally... 阅读全帖 |
w*p 发帖数: 16484 | 4 美国杨佳,刀捅法官,枪击警察,不过很牛,跑了。
SEATTLE (Reuters) - A knife-wielding attacker stabbed a judge and shot a
sheriff's deputy with her own gun in a county courthouse in Washington state
on Friday, prompting a lockdown of schools and government buildings as
police and SWAT teams searched for the attacker.
The gunman, described as relatively well dressed and carrying a briefcase,
confronted the deputy inside the main entrance of the Grays Harbor County
Courthouse in Montesano, County Undersheriff Rick Scott t... 阅读全帖 |
d*********o 发帖数: 6388 | 5 https://www.football-italia.net/150936/lombardy-total-lockdown
A new Government decree will reportedly lock down several regions in
northern Italy, so nobody can leave or enter unless for emergencies or
unavoidable work commitments, due to the Coronavirus outbreak.
There are concerns this could lead to the complete shutdown of the football
season, as it might bar teams from travelling, even when going to play
behind closed doors.
However, it’s likely the squads and their staff will be considered... 阅读全帖 |
v***t 发帖数: 27100 | 6 除非他们认为在lockdown期间能搞出疫苗或特效药, 不然lockdown就是无用功
东亚能够控制住是靠lockdown+口罩, 缺一不可
欧美这群蠢货 |
发帖数: 1 | 7 https://www.latimes.com/gallery/with-masks-at-the-ready-ice-agents-make-
Los Angeles Times
With masks at the ready, ICE agents make arrests on first day of California
coronavirus lockdown
With masks at the ready, ICE agents make arrests on first day of California
coronavirus lockdown
ICE agents given masks for protection. Children at homes they door-knock.
Eerily quiet neighborhoods. A day in the life of ICE agents seeking to make
... 阅读全帖 |
B******e 发帖数: 16928 | 9 Tokyo may go into lockdown if coronavirus cases spike, governor warns
From CNN’s Emiko Jozuka and Yoko Wakatsuki
Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike warned on Monday that the capital could be placed
under lockdown if the number of coronavirus cases spike.
Koike said the next three weeks were critical, and urged residents and
events organizers to avoid large public gatherings and exercise restraint to
avoid tougher movement restrictions.
“Depending on future developments, it’s possible we may need to adopt
s... 阅读全帖 |
B******e 发帖数: 16928 | 10 据纽约州州长说封是not legal
President Donald Trump said Saturday he's considering mandatory short-term (
two-week) quarantine on New York, certain parts of New Jersey and
Connecticut. Trump says it’d be an enforceable quarantine.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo told CNN locking down states isn't legal and
would lead to "total mayhem." He called Trump's suggestion a "federal
declaration of war" on states.
"I don’t even believe it’s legal," Cuomo said. "That’s not a quarantine,
that’d be a lockdown. If you said... 阅读全帖 |
a*******o 发帖数: 699 | 11 找到了个
1,下载本附件: 伪激活文件 Lockdown.rar (3 K) 下载次数:3466 ,在电脑上解压;
3,打开i-Funbox,将路径定位到 /private/var/root/Library/Lockdown ,将里面的文件
5,重启IPHONE即可 |
s*********5 发帖数: 5637 | 12 Lock down已经解除。
Lockdown At Poway High School Lifted Following Threat
A precautionary lockdown at Poway High School prompted by a bomb threat has been lifted as sheriff's deputies did not find any sign of a possible device on the
MORE DETAILS: <http://www.10News.com/tu/62o6nAq08.html>
Poway High School has been placed on a precautionary lockdown after school
officials received a bomb threat.
MORE DETAILS: <http://www.10N... 阅读全帖 |
o***s 发帖数: 42149 | 13 《变形金刚》
反派“解锁”这一角色来源于《变形金刚进化版》系列,虽然被认为是霸天虎一员,他事实上是一个“赏金猎人”型角色,他既不忠于汽车人,也不忠于威震天(他以前甚至螺魔... 阅读全帖 |
K**W 发帖数: 6346 | 14 Virginia Tech shooting: police officer shot, gunman is reported dead
A police officer was shot and killed early this afternoon on Virginia Tech's
campus during a routine traffic stop, according to the university. A second
victim was found dead at another campus parking lot, and NBC News is
reporting that this second victim was the shooter. A gun was found near the
second victim.
Students were asked to stay indoors as hundreds of police officers searched
and secured campus buildings and public ar... 阅读全帖 |
w********t 发帖数: 12853 | 15 我再次劝你看东西,听故事,多动脑子。
VT 案件中,警方是无能迟钝,不是渎职,学校警方,和当地警方在得到 911 报警后
15 分钟就到达现场,开始调查,但是他们不知道发生了什么,因为凶手已经离开现场
。第二次 911 之后,警察 3 分钟就到了现场。
你说的案件完全不是这个样子,警察 2 小时都到不了固定的枪击现场。我再次问你一
遍:到底是什么时候,哪一个州哪一个城市发生了你说的警察接到 911 后两个小
时不能到达枪击现场 ? 你就告诉我们你的朋友当时在哪个城市吧 ?
所以我说,编故事一定要动脑子。人长脑子不是装 Coke 的,OK ?
Monday, April 16
5:00 a.m.: While in Suite 2121 of Harper Hall,[39] Joseph E. "Joe" Aust,
[7] one of Cho's five roommates, noticed that Cho was awake and at his
Around 5:30 a.m.: Karan Grewal, one of Cho... 阅读全帖 |
y***u 发帖数: 7039 | 16 在美国坐牢的日子---狱中几需:衣食住行拉撒睡(1)by 西路之蝉 (2014-02-03
通发达:北面面对联邦办公楼区,包括联邦法院和FBI,东面为莫镇的唯一主 街,南面
是高速公路,西面是莫郡政府和法庭建筑群。莫狱的囚人住在十二个囚区(cell block)
里: 十个正式囚区,两个解毒区(Detox Area), 一个男用,一个女用,顾名思义,这
一楼,紧挨着录入处,旁边就是臭名昭著 的“自杀笼子”,关于此笼,我下面会有详
细介绍。一个囚区约可容纳三十个囚人。囚区一般大同小异, 大的囚区为十六间囚室,
小的囚区如我所在的第八囚区为十间囚室。一般囚室为两人编制, 约7.5平方米,内部
侧两张铁板凳,皆焊在墙上;对面是上下两层钢制的铁 板床, 是的, 我用的是正确的
表达, 铁板床, 坚硬而冰冷的铁板床。床长约一米八,宽约七十... 阅读全帖 |
b*********3 发帖数: 1709 | 17 Death threats cause lockdown after teacher handcuffed
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A Louisiana school board's office went on temporary
lockdown after receiving death threats from around the world in response to
widely viewed video of a teacher screaming while being handcuffed at a
school board meeting. |
r*****g 发帖数: 9999 | 18 OK, 把原文也贴这儿
It has been almost a month since I last posted an update of what it is like
here in China. So much has changed between then and now - clearly the
pressing and urgent matter is the spread of the virus around the globe and
the rate of increases of cases in multiple countries.
In Shanghai, the city is back to life this past week. It has slowly been
coming back for the past 2 weeks or so, but this week is the first it has
felt like daily activity is getting back to normal. Restaurants, s... 阅读全帖 |
d*********o 发帖数: 6388 | 19 https://twitter.com/BNODesk/status/1239632646336065536
BNO Newsroom @BNODesk
BREAKING: 5 Bay Area counties will join San Francisco in putting their
regions on lockdown, which will cover 6.7 million people, according to the
San Francisco Chronicle
BREAKING: San Francisco Mayor Breed puts city on lockdown, says residents
will be required to stay at home except for essential needs |
发帖数: 1 | 20 加州左叉中的战斗叉-旧金山,在大家还笑骂中国的时候就觉醒了,宣布全市进入紧急
加州左叉州政府存了两千万个N95,一下子拿出来闪亮无比,秒杀全国。 |
h*********n 发帖数: 11319 | 21 随着lockdown 生效,死亡人数会大大超过15天前的确诊人数
只能说明lockdown太晚 |
h*********n 发帖数: 11319 | 22 因为lockdown只能阻止新感染,无法改变之前15天感染者的病程发展。
15天前的确诊患者已经是water under the bridge, 既成事实。之后的确诊人数可能因
: 为什么lockdown 生效,死亡人数会大大超过15天前的确诊人数? 不太懂。
O**********g 发帖数: 3962 | 23 全世界其他国家都已经他妈的病毒传播的哭爹喊娘了。
英国Boris刚来个群体免疫的行为艺术,转身就要lockdown全国到六月。 |
t*****r 发帖数: 543 | 24 Wuhan residents say coronavirus figures released by China don't add up
Get all the latest news on coronavirus and more delivered daily to your
inbox. Sign up here.
Chinese officials, desperate to recast the country as a global leader that
has conquered the coronavirus, have been saying that its death rates are
decreasing in the city of Wuhan. The problem, residents say, is that the
numbers don't add up.
Wuhan, the first epicenter of the global outbreak, began lifting its two-
month lockdown over... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 25 无论中美。就是一种低等SB的感觉。
罚。 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 26 左逼们都是自己有枪,但不允许别人有枪
New York Anti-Gun Zealot Arrested for Taking Gun to School, Wants Absolution
February 10, 2014 Posted by Warner Todd Huston
Dwayne Ferguson an African American community activist and vehement anti-gun
campaigner who worked tirelessly for New York’s gun grabbing SAFE Act was
arrested last week for carrying a concealed weapon into a grade school. He
said he “forgot” he had the gun on him and wants to be given a pass on the
Last week, Ferguson, the leader of the ext... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 27 7 shot at Seattle Pacific University; suspect in custody
Seattle Storm players, coaching staff and male practice players were part of
a campus lockdown at Seattle Pacific University on Thursday. The team’s
practice court is in the basement of Royal Brougham Pavilion, which is
across the street from the site of shooting.
Storm coach Brian Agler wrapped practice later than normal; at about 2:45 p.
m. Guard Sue Bird left to join a live chat with The Seattle Times at the
team’s headquarters in Magno... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 31 【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: lczlcz (lcz), 信区: USANews
标 题: NY反枪积极分子因带枪去学校而被捕
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 11 13:53:16 2014, 美东)
New York Anti-Gun Zealot Arrested for Taking Gun to School, Wants Absolution
February 10, 2014 Posted by Warner Todd Huston
Dwayne Ferguson an African American community activist and vehement anti-gun
campaigner who worked tirelessly for New York’s gun grabbing SAFE Act was
arrested last week for carrying a concealed weapon into a grade school. He
sai... 阅读全帖 |
g******4 发帖数: 6339 | 32 White powder sprinkled in front of @GovRauner door
The House of Representatives is on lockdown after a women was removed in
BREAKING: Capitol security says : the statehouse is on lockdown . People can
move within building but no one can leave or come in.
https://embed.scribblelive.com/Embed/v7.aspx?Id=1550322&ThemeId=28790 |
M***e 发帖数: 5360 | 33 张小泉~
(CNN) -- After a campus lockdown at Indiana University, police said Sunday
that they'd arrested two students involved in an early-morning fight.
Zesen Shen, 18, and Kaiyu Lao, 21, are accused of involvement in an
altercation outside a campus apartment building that resulted in a 20-year-
old student suffering a knife wound, Indiana University Police spokesman
William Munroe said.
Witnesses told police that both suspects chased the 20-year-old student, and
Shen cut him with a knife in the ap... 阅读全帖 |
s*****8 发帖数: 1891 | 34 The East Los Angeles College has been placed on lockdown after reports of a
man possibly carrying an assault rifle on its Monterey Park Campus, MyFoxLa.
com reports.
Police told Fox News they are in pursuit of a suspect.
Earlier in the morning, police said they received a phone call from a person
who said he had a gun and was headed to a campus in Monterey Park. The
caller did not specifically name East Los Angeles College.
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2013/05/16/east-los-angeles-college... 阅读全帖 |
p*********r 发帖数: 1440 | 36 Dear DMUSD Families,
For your information, Torrey Pines High School in the San Dieguito Union
High School District is currently in a lockdown situation. At this time we
have been informed by San Diego Police Department that there is no reason to
take action at any of our DMUSD schools.
Due to an anonymous threat against Torrey Pines High School, they have
secured the Torrey Pines High School students and staff in classrooms and
they are working with San Diego Police Department to resolve the s... 阅读全帖 |
c*******6 发帖数: 143 | 37 Fremont High Alert - 1:45 pm
This is Polly Bove, Superintendent of the Fremont Union High School District
. It is January 31 at 1:45 pm. The Sunnyvale police Department has
received a bomb threat for Fremont High School. Although the police believe
this threat is unlikely to be real, we are working with them to take all
precautions to ensure student and staff safety.
Students are currently being kept int heir classrooms and are safe. Shortly
they will be evacuated to the fields so that the pol... 阅读全帖 |
g****r 发帖数: 672 | 38 The Daily News
Published January 17, 2012
LEAGUE CITY — A search for three burglary suspects resulted in police
detaining two men and a brief lockdown of a school, authorities said.
Police were still searching for one suspect, but no injuries were reported.
League City police received calls from the Victory Lakes subdivision near
Interstate 45 and FM 646 about 9 a.m. reporting a gun was possibly among the
items stolen in home burglaries, police Lt. Bruce Whitten said.
One witness reported seeing... 阅读全帖 |
l*****8 发帖数: 16949 | 39 LOL. 不过从数据上看,好像Sherman比Revis强一点。
Darrelle Revis ✔ @Revis24
I never seen a man before run his mouth so much like girl. This dude just
steady putting my name in his mouth to get notoriety @rsherman_25
Richard Sherman ✔ @RSherman_25
@Revis24 don't need ya name... Ur name will be irrelevant once u step back
on the field bruh. Get ya picks up!
Richard Sherman ✔ @RSherman_25
Got off my flight to this hilarious convo. So I have 8 picks 3 ff and a sack
. My season stats looking like... 阅读全帖 |
b******d 发帖数: 9694 | 40 除了教练猪以外, 当然狮子目前最大一个问题就是没有一个Lockdown Corner, 把
Houston当作Lockdown Corner就跟蜀中无大将廖化为先锋一样蛋疼, 这傻逼昨天就跟
梦游一样, 不要说球找不到, 连人都找不到。。。 |
M******k 发帖数: 27573 | 42 开始这些我都忍了,最后工程师大战lockdown,lockdown一刀(还是一拳?)下来,工
那剑结实我能理解,可是那几根人骨头???? |
l****r 发帖数: 14809 | 43 这个lockdown drill 是什么?
Dear Parents,
The purpose of this message is to inform you that we had a building lockdown
drill today at 10:00 AM. This was a scheduled drill and part of our ongoing
efforts to maintain safety and security at our Elementary School. The main
goal of this drill is to have all staff, students, parents, and volunteers
in a secure location in case there is an intruder in or around the building. |
s*******y 发帖数: 46535 | 44 drill就是演习,lockdown估计是不是就是整个building封锁了
building. |
S**b 发帖数: 1883 | 46 Massive Uprising Continues As British Government Begins Crackdown
Protests in London spread to more cities as students, government workers,
businessmen, and people from all walks of life took the to the streets of
major British cities and demanded accountability and transparency in the
wake of recent brutal killing of a 29 year old man in Tottenham a week ago.
Today, London is in complete lockdown as state security forces, equipped
with batons, tasers, and pistols, flooded the streets in prevent... 阅读全帖 |
w*******s 发帖数: 559 | 47 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: wangjames (齐天大圣--牛大发), 信区: Military
标 题: 警察叔叔开枪就不留活口啊:美警察击毙持气枪中学生
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 5 11:30:18 2012, 美东)
击倒中学生后, 再抵近补射,成功击毙中学生
定开枪了, 一定要反复补射打死再说, 因为和死人打官司,永远比和活人打官司容易
太容易,因为死人不能再开口, 你说啥就是啥,
国内过来的, 千万不要和警察叔叔比横啊, 呵呵
Police: Student killed by officers had pellet gun
BROWNSVILLE, Texas (AP) — An armed eighth-grader gunned down by police
officers in the hallway of his Texas m... 阅读全帖 |
c***s 发帖数: 70028 | 48 据ABC NEWS最新消息:三名在佛吉尼亚理工参加夏令营的小孩举报称看见一名白人男子用衣物包裹枪支进入了校园,在餐室(dining hall)附近活动。警方已在校园布控,并要求学生待在室内,不要外出。目前尚无其他目击者报告关于持枪男子的情况。(来源:RUCJLR)
Virginia Tech, the site of the worst campus shooting in U.S. history, is on lockdown with reports of a gunman on the campus.
The university relations office confirmed that there is an alert but would offer no further detail. Students received text messages and emails that a gunman is on the campus.
"Person with a gun reported near Dietrick. Stay inside. Secure door... 阅读全帖 |
o***s 发帖数: 42149 | 49 好莱坞大片《变形金刚4:绝迹重生》在中国大陆上映11天来,票房已超14亿元,狂甩《阿凡达》,预期将破20亿元。正当老外“火火火火火”猛赚人民币的时候,却意外引发了海峡两岸网友的“战火”。
而网络上也流传一篇《台湾同胞,再说自己翻译好我要报警了!》,并指出台湾曾把擎天柱翻译成“无敌铁牛”;同时搜罗一些经典影片的两岸译名做详细对照,也引... 阅读全帖 |