

全部话题 - 话题: mimicing
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发帖数: 1065

materials having structures ordered down to the molecular level. This goal
can't be reached by conventional "top-down" approaches and remains as the "
holy grail" using synthetic materials such as block copolymers. In addition,
there have been limitations in the functionalization of these
nanostructured materials. On the other hand, nature has made a dizzying
array of materials using a few building blocks. Remarkable progre: ss has
been made in de novo protein design and vario... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 94
First: Nature Communication is not nature,
Second: Bio-fuel battery is limited by power density
Third: This is even not a new topic, if you still in research or science
area, bio-fuel fuel cell is 20 years old technique, the key is conductive
and bio-active electrode, i.e. conductive bio-enzyme mimic structure or
conductive-active protein structure.
Whatever, this is not a breakthrough discover.
发帖数: 773

==> Current power density is still lower than directed methanol fuel cell
but far higher than theoretical power output of microbial fuel cells. The
maximum power density of sugar battery could be increased by 100 folds by
integration of several things together. It is why we never work on microbial
fuel cells.
and bio-active electrode, i.e. conductive bio-enzyme mimic structure or
==> No one claim that sugar biobattery is new. In this paper, we have two
things new:
(1) the first complete oxidati... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2386
来自主题: SCU版 - 丫色和鼠哥看过来
Never played the wii fishing game before, I agree with yardsale it is hard
to mimic the surprises and fun real fishing can give you.
发帖数: 749
来自主题: Beijing版 - 我要不要
you have no talent to mimic zeng yike..sorry..
发帖数: 8077
来自主题: ChuanYu版 - 【万能川版求问贴】求店名
closes, they want to mimic BR, J.Crew, but of course in a much Shan Zai way
发帖数: 16403
【 以下文字转载自 Investment 讨论区 】
发信人: crazyman (嘉天之锡), 信区: Investment
标 题: 炒金子的税很高啊。。。。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 20 17:04:38 2010, 美东)
发信人: crazyman (嘉天之锡), 信区: Collectibles
标 题: 炒金子的税很高啊。。。。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 20 17:04:29 2010, 美东)
How The IRS Taxes Gold Investments
Published on:
Friday, October 15, 2010
Written by:
Keith Fitz-Gerald

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发帖数: 7091
the two ponds pools are 9/11 (Ground Zero) Memorial and the irregulal-triangle-
shaped biulding is the 9/11 (Ground Zero) Museum, which, I think, mimics the
part of the collapsed twin-towers
发帖数: 16209
there are people ported the ipad look and feel into the JB iphone/itouch,
one of the steps is to use the classicsapp to mimic the iBook.
I think ibook got at least influence from this design.
发帖数: 40

Yes. App Store is a battleground. Our main competitor is a Chinese
developer company. They do mimic our functions and gave bad ratings.
We also know our competitors posted promotion code online. :)
发帖数: 2283
It is good enough.
There are two iphone status possibilities from your description.
If your phone is in soft DFU or regular recovery status, you can exist
from it through some tools like iRecovery, tinyumbrella, ...
The worst case is you are in hard DFU and you have to do restore. If you
have the SHSH blob of the previous version iOS you want, you can restore
it use tinyumbrella and mimic an authentication server to cheat iTune.
Otherwise, you can only do update and restore.

发帖数: 10321
i think they mimic talking carl.
red laser is good 2
发帖数: 19743
If someone said they wanted to control their phone with voice, most
designers and developers would have come up with something like Android
Voice Actions, which basically mimic things you’d normally do with your
phone’s touchscreen. Voice Actions are definitely a ‘good enough’
solution to using voice commands to control the phone.
But what if you wanted to do better? After all, voice is a totally different
inter... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16371
android /ios is different story,
xerox don't know what they have and don't kno whow to really make it work or
to the market.
they have a blurred image about what the future is
but apple know it, they got inspired by xerox's work,
and did a way better implementation and make the GUI really into life.
google is an innovative company, but what Eric Schimitzdid on android is not
he sit on board of apple and see the iphone idea and prototype, apple treat
google as partner, and google rushed ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3492
来自主题: Apple版 - 英文新闻转帖专贴(2012-07-26)
Thu, 26 Jul 2012 10:15:31 PDT
Autodesk's official release of Inventor Fusion has arrived on the Mac App
Store, after several months as a technology preview. Inventor Fusion is
software that enables advanced 3D mechanical design. The software is free
and "makes it easy to open and edit 3D models from almost any source and
incorporate them into your design, enabling rapid design changes without
Imagine the new and exciting ideas you can create using Autodesk Inventor
Fusion technolog... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 23938
发帖数: 1879
来自主题: BuildingWeb版 - 怎样才能设计漂亮的网页

Wrong. Tableless layout actually has a lot of disadvantage of cross
brower support. There is no more standard than the customer satisfaction,
which is in general usability on IE, Firefox and Safari. In fact,
tables have so much advantages it will never be out of HTML standard.
Nope. Transparency is not well supported on IE. Many xhtml + css
effects can be mimic-ed using various approaches. The importance
is being creative.
I worked on a custom application and the boss said it looks just l
发帖数: 232
来自主题: CS版 - 日本人真他妈厉害
sorry, no detail. I just saw it on news.
jap robots are used to mimic jap traditional dances
so that they can learn it and repeat it as archives
those motions are really amazing.
发帖数: 49
来自主题: CS版 - A Question About Kernel
K(x,y) = transpose(phi(x))*phi(y)
If I have a kernel: K(x,y) = (transpose(x)*y + 1)^3, and x and y are both 2-
d vectors.
What is the explicit mapping phi that mimics the kernel value above?
发帖数: 3758
有一场像 stem cell一样的大讨论,不过要去联合国吵。
Using an artificial intelligence technique inspired by theories about how
the brain recognizes patterns, technology companies are reporting startling
gains in fields as diverse as computer vision, speech recognition and the
identification of promising new molecules for designing drugs.
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Keith Penner
A student team led by the compute... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 422
来自主题: Database版 - Merge table with one single query?
You can create a view to mimic the MERGE. I don't think Access has anything
to physically Merge (Update/Insert) like full Sql server. I'd suggest to
migrate to SQL Server 2008 Express if you want to do any advanced SQL. :)
select b.field_x, b.field_y
from TBL_2 b left join TBL_1 a
on b.field_x = a.field_x
select a.field_x, a.field_y
from TBL_1 a
where not exists (select 1 from TBL_2 b where a.field_x = b.field_x)

发帖数: 7933
来自主题: DotNet版 - template?
C# seems doesn't support template like STL in C++
now. (heard late version will have generic?)
Is there any way to mimic template like STL in c++?
发帖数: 1361
来自主题: Hardware版 - 现在的游戏真吃硬件啊
You made it sound like motion blur is a good thing to have.
The only major game category where I see motion blur as an optional feature
are high speed racing games. Because objects move so fast you are traveling
large distances even within a single frame so there is huge discretization
of scenes. Motion blur can give you the feeling of traces for surrounding
objects and taillights, which is indeed mimicing how human eyes process
those so called lightspeed scenarios.
However it's basically cheati... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 144
来自主题: Java版 - Re: question:linked list?
Linked list is a list linked by pointer.
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
| 1 |-->| 2 |-->| 3 |-->| 4 |-->
+-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+
In simple, pointer is the address of something in memory.
for example, the pointer that point to 2 is the address
of 2.
In java, however there is no pointer and it doesn't
permit access something's address directly. While in
some situation, programmers need to use stuff like above
to do something. So there are at least two classes to
发帖数: 63
Copy constructor is the constructor for objects of class T which takes as
its single argument a reference to another object of class T. This
constructor builds a copy of the object passed by reference--hence the
name copy constructor.
you can define constructor method in Java class to mimic C++ copy constructor.
发帖数: 2416

It's actually a good 'optimization' of java - the language spec says that
a constant should always be inlined if its value can be determined at
compile-time. It's intended to mimic the macro in C/C++ and encourage
programmers to use constants rather than literal values.
It's a little counter-intuitive, I agree, nonetheless a reasonable price
to pay for the performance gain.
发帖数: 1879
来自主题: Java版 - 问个问题
OODB is not technologically superior to RDBMS at all.
1. OODB performance is only suitable for certain types of queries.
Even for the queries OODB actually do better, the gain is relatively
2. Behaviors of OODB can be mimiced using ORM tools, and some features
can be added to RDBMS with a bit effort without dramatic changes.
Examples: OID, composite type, type/table inheritance etc.
3. OODB still does not solve the more critical problems of RDBMS,
like schema issues, types
发帖数: 493
来自主题: Java版 - j2ee web 方向的职业规划
ejb 1.0 was pain in ass to use. That was part of reason rod johnson wrote
his famous book "... development without ejb" sorry forgot the exact book
name. it was also part of reason Gavin king started the hibernate and Rod
john start spring. To provide a lightweight entity mapping DB entity, and a
lightweight business container to practice "code to interface and
dependency injection" which actually originally eyed on session bean and
message bean. Spring eventually evolve to sth like a god frame... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 493
来自主题: Java版 - j2ee web 方向的职业规划
ejb 1.0 was pain in ass to use. That was part of reason rod johnson wrote
his famous book "... development without ejb" sorry forgot the exact book
name. it was also part of reason Gavin king started the hibernate and Rod
john start spring. To provide a lightweight entity mapping DB entity, and a
lightweight business container to practice "code to interface and
dependency injection" which actually originally eyed on session bean and
message bean. Spring eventually evolve to sth like a god frame... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 493
来自主题: Java版 - 请教关于使用map和fields
Your problem has nothing to do with java colletcions framework. ALso I do
not think java collections framework is 高深. But that is off the topic.
Java is a strong type and object oriented language. you should be able to
find tons of articles and books talking about why an object oriented
language is better than procedural languages for enterprise applications.
Using map to save the heterogeneous class states not only defeats the
purpose of the strong type language, but also fails to mimic the dom... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 21367
来自主题: Linux版 - 这个真有意思
apple is a design company. its software features are not
difficult to mimic. it's the creativity of their design team
pioneering the market and driving the software group forward
for a design company in high-end market, quality assurance
is the key to success. its SQE is probably one of the closest
comparable to MS.
if apple can grow as big as MS and keep the same level of SQE,
then it would eventually produce great software as Office suites.
no need to worry about that.

发帖数: 14511
why do ppl always try to mimic windows decortation? it's nothing
pretty about it. Linux should have its own way
发帖数: 1802

don't know yet.
My point is, it is not a mimic of Mac OS GUI. Be more informed.
发帖数: 19743
maybe Gnome doesn't mimic Mac at all.
发帖数: 127
But do you have the experience or just think it will work that way?
I thought Wine tried to mimic Windows ENV including the registry. Without
reinstall the program, how do you create the registry entry for the program
a newly installed system?
发帖数: 141
来自主题: Linux版 - 尼玛,11.04 unity太扯淡了
The first thing I did after installation was to get rid of unity. This thing
is really sucks. It tries to mimic OSX... However, everything is hiding
发帖数: 6519
来自主题: Linux版 - 发现elementary OS做的不错啊
no comments here, hehe.
Elementar OS just has the elegance look compared to many other Linux distros
. It is not intended to mimic OSX - IMHO.
I use Mac at work, and Windows and Linux at home; I would say each has its
own advantage for doing something.
发帖数: 1119
来自主题: Programming版 - 重提AJAX和RIA坑
if you live in Linux, you should keep an eye on Mono. It has a sub-project
called Moonlight which mimics Sliverlight.
发帖数: 685
来自主题: Programming版 - expert level C++
These are good books.
Some add-ons:
1. Read assembly code.
2. Treat compiler'as a human and try to understand him.
3. Keep reading STL/boost code, everyday. (once you have basics, this is the
key for growing your coding skills - just mimic good code)
4. Most important, try to make your code durable - if after one year your
code doesn't change much, it is good code.
发帖数: 685
来自主题: Programming版 - operator overloading (C++)
1. Standard explicitly specifies this.(clause 13.5.6)
2. The purpose of overloaded operator is to mimic built-in operator syntax.
If you define your operator as class static member function (supposing
standard allows), you got to invoke it as ::operator operator identifier>(argument list), which looks so esoteric compared with
the way invoking native operator.
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