

全部话题 - 话题: motorcade
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29576
来自主题: USANews版 - 这女的给川普竖中指被开除了
A Virginia cyclist who was photographed extending her middle finger at
President Trump’s motorcade as it drove past her last month has lost her
job because of the gesture, she said on Monday.
Juli Briskman, 50, was riding her bicycle on Lowes Island Boulevard after 3
p.m. on Oct. 28 when she found herself sharing a lane with President Trump’
s motorcade, which was leaving the Trump National Golf Course in Sterling,
Va. As the fleet of about a half-dozen vehicles started to roll slowly past
her, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 224
我觉得好像motorcad只能算generator里面axial方向的flow. 同时针对3D,要找到哪里
motorcard对一些大概的heat transfer coefficient和pressure resistance,算得比较
好,也比较快,比numerical method 强多了。
发帖数: 29846
A mix-up is bound to occur when you get two presidential candidates and the
trappings of their entourages in the same spot. And that’s precisely what
happened when the White House press pool rushed to their vehicle in
President Barack Obama’s motorcade after the conclusion of his debate with
Republican Mitt Romney.
“In an amusing moment, poolers were sitting in the Press One van outside
the debate hall and the driver said ‘I think that Romney did real good,’”
the AFP’s Stephen Collinson wrote in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 34403
来自主题: Military版 - 这个评论很不错
Alpa Patel If the media or Meezee family were to ask President Obama of what
his Secret Service would do if the Presidential Motorcade was targeted
surrounded by the bikers like the way the SUV did. Mr. Obama would say his
Secret Service driver would have drive the motorcade out even if means
running over people while other Secret Service would gun down each and every
biker so the President is safe. The Secret Service has a rule never stop
the Presidential car and keep it moving because they try... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
October 9, 2012 by Warner Todd Huston
Before we get any further into this story, I have to warn you that this is
not satire. That having been said, Buzzfeed’s Zeke Miller perpetrated one
of the worst attempts at guilt by association ever made. Miller attempted to
intimate that Mitt Romney is a racist because his motorcade drove past
private property that had a Confederate flag flying on it as he campaigned
in Virginia.
You read that right. All Romney did was sit in a car that drove past a
Confe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
发帖数: 61690
来自主题: USANews版 - 有人向trump车扔石头
The Secret Service is reportedly investigating after a vehicle in President
Trump's motorcade was hit by an object in south Florida, where the president
is spending his weekend.
According to ABC News, law enforcement said the object was a rock. It didn't
hit the presidential limo, but another vehicle in the motorcade.
发帖数: 793
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - West LA 下午有重大政治活动 :)
Obama 又来了。。。
The president is scheduled to arrive at LAX at 4:50 p.m. As was the case
when he was here last month, Obama is expected to be flown by helicopter
from the airport to the UCLA area, from where he will travel by motorcade to
Hancock Park for a couple of fundraisers.
The use of the chopper will preclude closures on the San Diego (405) Freeway
, but the motorcade to Hancock Park along a route that has not been
announced is expected to cause traffic delays.
http://www.contracostatimes.co... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 945
来自主题: Virginia版 - 大Richmond都会区 华人俱乐部 QQ群
Richmond 道路交通法律严苛,一不小心就挨罚,注意这不是你交钱就行了,reckless
driving is a criminal offense,你将来找工作,换工作,办绿卡,续绿卡都受影响。
转弯不打灯 is a crime in VA
70限速开80 is a crime in VA
见警车救护车来不避让 is a crime in VA
Reckless Driving (Felony or Misdemeanor)
· Reckless driving - speeding in excess of 80 mph (11 years)
· Reckless driving - speeding 20 mph or more above the posted speed
limit (11 years)
· Reckless driving - racing (11 years)
· Reckless driving - passing or overtaking an emergency ve... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 945
来自主题: Virginia版 - 大Richmond都会区 华人俱乐部 QQ群
Richmond 道路交通法律严苛,一不小心就挨罚,注意这不是你交钱就行了,reckless
driving is a criminal offense,你将来找工作,换工作,办绿卡,续绿卡都受影响。
转弯不打灯 is a crime in VA
70限速开80 is a crime in VA
见警车救护车来不避让 is a crime in VA
Reckless Driving (Felony or Misdemeanor)
· Reckless driving - speeding in excess of 80 mph (11 years)
· Reckless driving - speeding 20 mph or more above the posted speed
limit (11 years)
· Reckless driving - racing (11 years)
· Reckless driving - passing or overtaking an emergency ve... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12375
来自主题: Military版 - 查韦斯开高速被滴,怒斥超速者
CARACAS, Venezuela – CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Hugo Chavez has a new pet
peeve: speeding drivers who he says are creating mayhem on Venezuela's
Chavez says he recently was tailgated in the slow lane by a young man in a
truck who unknowingly honked at the president and then passed him on the
But Chavez didn't let it go at that. He says he chased down the vehicle —
probably with the presidential motorcade in tow —... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4653
The funeral procession for Kim Jong-Il was carried out with military
precision and when a handful of dawdlers messed up those regimented lines,
they were eliminated. From the photo, that is.
A photo released by the North Korea's state news agency and transmitted by
the Germany-based European Pressphoto Agency is slightly different from a
photo taken at nearly the identical moment and ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 40861
Presidential vacations are typically a working retreat and often draw
a lot of attention from the press. The location, length and cost of
traveling American presidents commonly garner even more headlines
during an election year. This week, President Barack Obama spent the
afternoon with his family on the beach in Hawaii released green sea
turtles into the ocean with Sea Life Park staffers, according to ABC
News. Before returning to Washington next week the president is
expected to request C... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10330
来自主题: Military版 - 路透社的新料
On its website, Harvard estimates that expenses for the upcoming academic
year for international students at the Kennedy School would come to about $
70,000, "based upon conservative estimates of living expenses."
Bo's lifestyle has seemed far removed from the austerity experienced by many
graduate students.
A Harvard source said he believed Bo lived in "The Residences at Charles
Square," an upscale condominium building near the sch... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 187
来自主题: Military版 - 希拉里被打脸
Cairo (CNN) -- Egyptian protesters threw tomatoes and shoes at U.S.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's motorcade Sunday and shouted, "Monica,
Monica, Monica" as she left the newly reopened U.S. Consulate in Alexandria.
Clinton said she was in the city to answer critics who believe Washington
has taken sides in Egyptian politics. There were already vocal protesters at
the start of her visit to the consulate, forcing the ceremony to be moved
"I want to be clear that the United States is ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
来自主题: Military版 - Al Sharpton出面谴责knockout game
原来Crown Heights是个老黑老犹的聚居地,还打过种族内战。老犹开车把小黑撞死了
The Crown Heights Riot was a three-day riot that occurred from August 19 to
August 21, 1991 in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York. At the
time of the riot, Crown Heights was and remains predominantly an African-
American and Orthodox Jewish neighborhood. It is the home of the Lubavitch
sect of Orthodox Jewish Hasidim. The riots began on August 19, 1991, after a
child of Guyanese immigrants was accidentally struck and killed... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10330
'I was treated like a criminal': Nurse returning from West Africa to New
Jersey who was rushed into compulsory hospital quarantine despite testing
NEGATIVE for Ebola demands 'dignity and humanity'
Kaci Kickox, a Doctors Without Borders nurse, flew to U.S. Friday
Had just returned from fighting Ebola in Sierra Leone, but had no symptoms
Says she was met by 'frenzy of disorganization' at Newark Liberty Airport
Was treated with suspicion and wrongly diagnosed with a fever
Bundled into an ambulance ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7349
来自主题: Military版 - 奥巴马一下飞机就吵架了
Shortly after Obama's plane landed in the eastern city of Hangzhou, a
Chinese official attempted to prevent his national security adviser Susan
Rice from walking to the motorcade as she crossed a media rope line,
speaking angrily to her before a Secret Service agent stepped between the
Rice responded but her comments were inaudible to reporters standing
underneath the wing of Air Force One. It was unclear if the official, whose
name was not immediately clear, knew that Rice was a senior off... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6361
来自主题: Military版 - 奥巴马一下飞机就吵架了
[在 mocc (无可) 的大作中提到:]
:Shortly after Obama's plane landed in the eastern city of Hangzhou, a
:Chinese official attempted to prevent his national security adviser Susan
:Rice from walking to the motorcade as she crossed a media rope line,
:speaking angrily to her before a Secret Service agent stepped between the
:Rice responded but her comments were inaudible to reporters standing
:underneath the wing of Air Force One. It was unclear if the official, whose
name was not... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4718
来自主题: Military版 - 路透社在DRONE上也帮TG说话
China to return seized U.S. drone, says Washington 'hyping up' incident
China will return an underwater U.S. drone seized by a naval vessel this
week in the South China Sea, both countries said on Saturday, but Beijing
complained that Washington had been "hyping up" the incident.
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, who has vowed to take an aggressive
approach in dealing with China over its econom... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 285
来自主题: Military版 - 这是cia准备把自己暴露了吗
https://r.com.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 632
But in February 2016, Su Bin himself foiled China’s bargaining position. He
waived extradition, deciding he would go freely to the US to face charges.
His lawyer later told a US court that Su Bin knew that his extradition
proceedings might last longer than the time he’d serve in a US prison.
FBI agents flew to Vancouver and prepared to take custody of Su; Vallese and
several colleagues waited next to the FBI’s Gulfstream jet as a Canadian
police motorcade pulled onto the tarmac. “Su was in the b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4637
来自主题: Military版 - 北韩和川巨说法不一样
Mr. Trump said Mr. Kim was prepared to dismantle the North’s Yongbyon
nuclear complex, the site of a reactor and plutonium-reprocessing plant, if
the U.S. would agree to ease sanctions. But Washington wanted any deal to
include other parts of the North’s nuclear program, Mr. Trump said,
including undeclared sites for producing highly enriched uranium.
Trump Ret... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2469
来自主题: Military版 - 这show做的
US, China trade meeting ends with sharp response to Trump
GP: mnuchin and lighthizer n shanghai trade talks 190731
Chinese Vice Premier Liu He (R) with United States Trade Representative
Robert Lighthizer (2nd L) and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin (L) before
the start of talks at the Xijiao Conference Center in Shanghai on July 31,
Ng Han Guan | AFP | Getty Images
Talks between U.S. and Chinese trade officials seeking wa... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9531
来自主题: USANews版 - 最近发生的一系列暴力事件
自从伟大的奥总分布了"Argue and Get in Their Face"作战命令后,不少革命小将纷
Republican HQ Manager's Home Shot Up Over McCain Signs - Politics News Story
- WKMG Orlando
Group asks IRS to investigate Catholic bishop against Obama - USATODAY.com
Atlas Shrugs: Obama Supporters Attack Sarah Palin's Motorcade
发帖数: 29846
"This 2012 Obama is strident and mean, even deceitful, divisive"
Andrew Malcolm is wondering what happened to the 2008 Obama:
Has anyone seen Barack Obama recently?
You know, the optimistic hopeful fellow with the charming smile who
promised so many positive things four and five years ago, how he was going
to change the harsh, partisan tone of our nation's capital and bring the
country together as its first African American president.
Even allowing for political hyperbole, his empty resu... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Mitt Romney's week-long international trip resulted in unrelentingly
negative coverage from the big three broadcast networks, a stark change from
the glowing press awarded to then-candidate Barack Obama's world tour in
2008. While Obama was treated like a rock star (from the Associated Press: "
It's not only Obama's youth, eloquence and energy that have stolen hearts
across the Atlantic...."), Romney endured a focus on gaffes and the trivial.
MRC analysts examined all 21 ABC, CBS and NBC evening... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Matthew Boyle 25 Mar 2013, 8:00 AM PDT
Sasha and Malia Obama are quietly vacationing at the Atlantis resort on
Paradise Island in the Bahamas, Breitbart News has learned.
A source tipped Breitbart News off to the First Daughters’ spring vacation,
which was not publicly announced or reported.
Breitbart subsequently confirmed President Barack Obama’s daughters’ trip
with other sources. Both the White House and the Atlantis resort declined to
confirm the report or comment, but another guest prov... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3803
The difference of gay receptionity is:
Africa has no Affirmative Action, At All!
Culture clash: Obama, Senegalese host at odds on gay rights as US president
opens Africa trip
Article by: JULIE PACE , AP White House Correspondent Updated: June 27, 2013
- 2:35 PM
44 commentsdecrease font size resize text increase font sizeprintbuy
DAKAR, Senegal — Laying bare a clash of cultures, President Barack Obama on
Thursday urged African leaders to extend equal rights to gays and lesbians
but... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5579
来自主题: USANews版 - 选美国总统最重要的原则
IJO (Islamic Jihad Organization) 应该是早期的恐怖集团之一。
你看看他们共击的对象主要是美国法国人, 对以色列的攻击不多(对以色列驻外大使
Bombings and assassinations[edit]
24 May 1982. Car bomb attack on French Embassy in Beirut killing 12 and
wounding 27. Islam Jihad is one of several groups taking responsibility.
Anger over France's providing of arms to Iran's enemy Iraq is thought to be
the motivating factor.[24]
18 April 1983. Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut. Detonate... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
First Lady Michelle Obama’s one night stay in Morocco cost taxpayers over $
600,000 in hotel and car rental costs alone.
Mrs. Obama traveled to the North African country with her daughters Sasha
and Malia and mother Marian Robinson to promote her education initiative “
Let Girls Learn.” She arrived in Morocco wearing a $1,750 designer dress
and ended the night with a “lavish dinner” with Princess Lalla Salma and
actress Meryl Streep.
Rooms were booked at three five-star hotels for the 24-hour vi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
DALLAS (AP) -- After each fatal shooting of a black man by an officer,
President Barack Obama has swiftly spoken out against bad policing, giving
voice to the generations of African-Americans who have found themselves at
the wrong end of a baton, a snarling dog or a gun.
As much as those words have comforted blacks, they have rankled many of the
nation's men and women in blue. Some have described the remarks as an insult
, an all-too-quick condemnation before all the facts are in and a failure t... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: USANews版 - 老床的车出事故了
NEW YORK —The motorcade of Donald Trump was involved in an accident in New
York Monday, CNN reports.
The Trump campaign told CNN there was a motor vehicle accident involving a
staff car as he was on his way to the airport to travel to Cleveland.
Trump was not injured in the accident.
暗杀已经准备好了 先试水看看
发帖数: 6571
by Lee Stranahan24 Aug 2016
Breitbart News is in contact with a self-described “lifelong resident of
Zachary, a Baton Rouge suburb, and a black man” who’s laid out the truth
about economic conditions that Louisiana residents are facing.
President Barack Obama visited Zachary, after delaying a trip to Louisiana.
This brave and insightful citizen journalist reached out again with
perspective that the drive-by media won’t be bringing you about Obama’s
visit. It’s a perfect bookend to a piece by Lou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3803
发帖数: 6929
来自主题: USANews版 - BBC:希拉里耻辱的白宫之路
Her journey in these final days has taken her across this vast continent,
and travelling with Hillary Clinton, on her plane and in her motorcade, I
have got to see the view from her window.
Of the snarling faces of pro-Trump protesters, some dressed in prison
fatigues, some waving the Confederate flag, as she arrived for a rally in
the Florida countryside.
Of a golden skyscraper emblazoned with the name of her rival, TRUMP, as we
drove past The Strip in Las Vegas.
Of the floodlit faces of suppor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1193
来自主题: USANews版 - 副总统拜登交通肇事逃逸
Vice President Joe Biden’s motorcade sped through an intersection on
Halloween and hit a single mother of five, who was on her way to work and is
now incapacitated and unable to work, with a possible brain injury — with
no help from ObamaCare or Joe Biden!
发帖数: 6571
Donald Trump’s New York Times Interview: Full Transcript
President-elect Donald J. Trump during a meeting at The New York Times’s
offices in Manhattan on Tuesday.
Following is a transcript of President-elect Donald J. Trump’s interview on
Tuesday with reporters, editors and opinion columnists from The New York
Times. The transcription was prepared by Liam Stack, Jonah Engel Bromwich,
Karen Workman and Tim Herrera of The Times.
ARTHUR SULZBERGER Jr., publisher o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20761
Ivanka Trump's D.C. neighbors irked by security, parking, garbage
Published March 25, 2017 Associated Press
March 24, 2017: A sign outside the Washington, D.C., home of Ivanka Trump
and husband Jared Kushner, a senior White House adviser. (AP)
March 24, 2017: A sign outside the Washington, D.C., home of Ivanka Trump
and husband Jared Kushner, a senior White House adviser. (AP)
WASHINGTON – Residents of a posh Washington neighborhood say Ivanka Trump
and her family don't make for very good neig... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
During dinner, Trump informed Xi personally that he had ordered the strike,
the person familiar with the situation said. The Tomahawk missiles were
minutes away from their targets as the Chinese motorcade prepared to depart
the club. The first missiles struck at about 8:40 p.m.
发帖数: 2018
来自主题: USANews版 - Show How You Feel, Kavanaugh Was Told
Show How You Feel, Kavanaugh Was Told, and a Nomination Was Saved
WASHINGTON — Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh sat in the anteroom of Room 216 in
the Hart Senate Office Building, a sterile, living-room-like space with a
couch and a couple of armchairs and a large television on the wall. His
chances of joining the Supreme Court seemed to be vanishing. “Disaster... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1932
MOSCOW — Vladimir V. Putin reclaimed the Russian presidency under the
vaulted gold ceiling of a Kremlin palace on Monday, as the police tried to
stamp out a second day of protests in the city, passing on orders to detain
anyone wearing a white ribbon, the opposition’s symbol.
In a ceremony anchored less in words than the physical attributes of power,
Mr. Putin’s motorcade glided soundlessly through a city that seemed emptied
of people. Inside the Kremlin’s battlement, he then walked over a long ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12623
来自主题: Automobile版 - 布鲁塞尔随笔
发帖数: 586
来自主题: Iowa版 - 有人去迎接习主席么?
有人去。News from QC Times.
Chinese leader’s visit a teaching moment
Security will be tight, and she doesn't have an invitation.
But Xiaowen Zhang is prepared to wait outside the Quad-City International
Airport in Moline, or maybe even follow the motorcade to Muscatine -
whatever it takes to catch a glimpse of China's vice president, Xi Jinping,
during his visit next week.
A native of Beijing and assistant professor of political science... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 94654
【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: zhanglaosan (张老三), 信区: Joke
标 题: 左X蜂拥到洛杉矶来左X大本营ATM提款了,包括大统领和喜莱蕊
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 17 20:17:48 2015, 美东)
明天不来了,work from home
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — Commuters, plan accordingly – President Barack
Obama and presidential hopeful and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
will be in town this week for several fundraisers.
The president is scheduled to arrive at Los Angeles Internationalhttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png Airport at 2:20 p.m. Thur... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15479
来自主题: Missouri版 - 路透社的新料 (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: gc01 (gc01), 信区: Military
标 题: 路透社的新料
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 13 23:47:03 2012, 美东)
On its website, Harvard estimates that expenses for the upcoming academic
year for international students at the Kennedy School would come to about $
70,000, "based upon conservative estimates of living expenses."
Bo's lifestyle has seemed far removed from the austerity experienced by many
graduate students.
A Harvard s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9698
October 21, 2016, 6:00 am
快來為萬聖節熱身啦!第26屆湯普金斯廣場公園(Tompkins Square Park) 「萬聖節狗
狗大遊行」(Halloween Dog Parade)將在22日舉行,打響萬聖節狂歡頭砲。活動以寵物
「世界規模最大的寵物狗化裝遊行活動」。當天也將評選「最佳化裝造型」(Best In
500 號。詳情請登錄網站:www.tompkinssquaredogrun.com/halloween。
位於曼哈坦中城的紐約公共圖書館從即日起舉辦展覽「Protests in Print」,展出館
藏的多份珍貴地下刊物(alternative publication)藏本,不但有可追溯至19世紀末、
歷史最悠久的藏品,還有1960年代,獨立印刷產業黃金年代的... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1773
来自主题: Seattle版 - 今天的反JK/ABC游行
嗯, 西雅图警察局Motorcade 开道, 碰到红灯都畅行无阻, 牛逼大发了!
结果走回来的时候觉得还挺远的, 走过去的时候都没觉得。。。
中间有一个插曲, 一个白人老头在路旁边对游行队伍大声嚷嚷, 这边组织人MM上去说
明情况, 估计是 解释不通以后, 更大声的反驳回去, 给力!
话说那个白老头子是在嚷嚷啥呐? 有知道的吗?
发帖数: 10867
来自主题: Seattle版 - Obama traffic impact
SEATTLE -- Puget Sound drivers need to be prepared for an extended commute
home Tuesday as President Barack Obama arrives in town during the evening
rush hour for a quick visit to raise funds for the Democratic National
After touching down around 3:15 p.m. at Boeing Field, Obama's first stop
will be to a mansion in Seattle's Madrona neighborhood where 250 people will
attend a fundraiser. From there, he'll head to Costco CEO Jim Sinegal's
Eastside home at Hunt's Point for a fundraiser ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 113
来自主题: Basketball版 - 密尔沃基专门为阿联立欢迎广告牌
If everything goes according to plan, Yi Jianlian will arrive in Milwaukee
some time today. And as he settles back in his limo as it races around the
Milwaukee freeway system, he will be greeted by Clear Channel digital
billboards welcoming him to town.
Clear Channel officials say the company's entire digital billboard network (
there are 6 of them in the area) will be programmed to flash an image of Yi
as his motorcade motors on by.
Folks, they don't even do this for presidents
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