b******n 发帖数: 23 | 1 If anyone had experience in having this or dentists specialized in this area
, could you please share your experience(such as if it’s good for a kid,
will it have side effects? etc.)?
My niece(8 Years old) is considering having this and asking me for opinions
. Thanks. |
w********9 发帖数: 8613 | 2 对不很politically correct的biting back approach,我除了为说明问题用,还没
take a stand。出于那种很显然的考虑,一般的“专家”/专家也不会鼓励这种方法。
在态度和看法上,这和让大很多的小孩参加boot camp只有一定的类似性。
I have never personally experienced the biting problem until now, and my son
is only one year barely, so I am not planning on biting him but I do agree
that biting them back works as my good friend was a biter as a ... 阅读全帖 |
w********9 发帖数: 8613 | 3 在上面的那些例子里,也有一两个父母以外的人进行反咬教育。这种比例应该很小,而
Hi mom my niece was a bitter and my son was her victim it was times we would
visit and she would leave a bad mark on him that I could not take him back
home his father would have been so upset. My sister her mother would tell my
son to bit her back but he wouldn't so one day I was so upset I bit her for
him and this is when she stop my si... 阅读全帖 |
y**n 发帖数: 141 | 4 Agreed, but I doubt she really learned, because someone else always covers
her when she's in trouble.
事件过于复杂冗长,就不说了. 但重点是她是当事人,却一副事不关己的样子, 躲在一边
,看起来很软弱的样子...其他人为了她的事忙得团团转,替她擦屁股.... 她也不懂得
至于原因, 各位说的都有理. 想了一想, 原因多元, 但主要责任还是在父母. 我也看过
父母将全部的爱灌注在一个孩子身上,心理上的, 物质上的, 全方位到失去教育的原则.
孩子享受着宠爱的同时,学到的是依赖,独自享有, 自以为是,冲动, 遇到问题没有勇
气面对承担,稍有不如意就退缩抱怨.... 已经是大人的形态了, 但心理上却是十足的
很久没接触国内的年轻人了, 但每年回家,看到青少年的 niece 舒舒服服的坐着看电视
, 奶奶爸爸在厨房做饭,洗碗, 打扫,我就不舒服.她长这么大, 我还没看她做过家务.
我真想和她妈说说... 阅读全帖 |
p*i 发帖数: 1328 | 5 My niece had allergic purpura gastrointestinal syndrome with consistent
abdominal pain and vomiting. Her mom took her to Johns Hopkins for the
diagnosis. You might want to inquire the ped for a possibility of that
disease. |
w********e 发帖数: 4186 | 6 国内就是应试,多说多用来不及。
而应试的书国内擅长,但lz的nephew/niece认美国出的书:) |
x**m 发帖数: 1825 | 7 the public high schools only sponsor one year F1 status. If you are a
citizen, you can change the legal guardian of your niece to you so that she
can attend the public high schools free. Not sure whether it also works for
green card holders but you can ask the school. |
g********t 发帖数: 107 | 8 "People are more important than things."
— Randy Pausch (The Last Lecture)
Importance of people instead of things. Told story of buying new
convertible that he was so proud of and taking niece and nephew for a ride.
Randy’s sister, the kid’s mother was telling them how important it was to
keep car pristine and kids were laughing because at the same time he was
pouring a can of orange soda on the back seats. His s... 阅读全帖 |
B******1 发帖数: 9094 | 9 Yes.
My sister used the following company:
which is one of many authorized organizations:
The total cost is under 10k RMB in 2007 and their service was excellent.
My niece came to the US without taking the TOEFL and enrolled in American
Language Institute. She studied one semester of English before enrolling in
a state university in California, again, without taking the TOEFL, since ALI
has its own evaluation exams. She ... 阅读全帖 |
l*****o 发帖数: 835 | 10 "顺便说一下,劳工弟弟两口子在国内都算是体制内的人,收入不错,但还远远不是富
summer camp,玩的挺高兴的。我是希望她能去公立学校看看,就提议让妈妈先回去(
候,别人就是嘴上说说,真金白银... 阅读全帖 |
x*******g 发帖数: 1363 | 11 The problem is Not we want, is what her father want. it is quite common in
China to give watches as a present. We have been asked twice, one is for lg'
s parents birthday, one is for lg's niece's wedding.
Is that worthy? no, but they want it. |
m**c 发帖数: 7299 | 12 【 以下文字转载自 Joke 讨论区 】
发信人: Nehalem (Nehalem), 信区: Joke
标 题: LGBT要求小学允许异装癖男子用女厕所 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 28 13:37:08 2013, 美东)
发信人: gjq (不好啦,咕咚掉到井里啦), 信区: Military
标 题: LGBT要求小学允许异装癖男子用女厕所 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 28 13:34:41 2013, 美东)
发信人: gjq (不好啦,咕咚掉到井里啦), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: LGBT要求小学允许异装癖男子用女厕所
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 28 13:34:29 2013, 美东)
(CNN) -- A Colorado school's ruling over a transgender child has sparked
questions that could affect schools all over the country.
Which bathr... 阅读全帖 |
k*****u 发帖数: 27 | 13 NIECE 2岁多,在DAYCARE里被别的小朋友用积木砸的脚都肿了。我说这是必须和对方家
不知道版上的有经验的家长是如何处理这种事情的? 多谢了。 |
Z**********1 发帖数: 1447 | 14 先投诉老师啊!小孩儿懂什么,下手都没轻没重的
[在 kilchou (gone with the wind) 的大作中提到:]
:NIECE 2岁多,在DAYCARE里被别的小朋友用积木砸的脚都肿了。我说这是必须和对方
:不知道版上的有经验的家长是如何处理这种事情的? 多谢了。
:........... |
r*****6 发帖数: 5063 | 15 I am going to carry 6 large luggages to China. Two of them will be for
Diapers for my niece and my baby. My baby will come back with me to U.S.
after 1 and half months in China. |
a**********d 发帖数: 130 | 16 bought $400, just because have too many nephew,, niece.. |
s*******1 发帖数: 11216 | 17 买后是不是把egift打印出来就可以当GC送人?It's a christmas gift for my niece.
so she has to open something.Thanks. |
a**********n 发帖数: 720 | 18 是的。 如果你有实卡, 也可以实卡, egc一起register到一个acct, 然后就可以把
钱实卡虚卡之间换来换去, 或全合并到实卡那
niece. |
s****e 发帖数: 745 | 19 当初hallmark贺卡有活动的时候,
:( |
d**w 发帖数: 14889 | 20 just bought one (TI 83) last week at Staples for my niece. $89.99 after $10
rebate and used a 20% off coupon, so paid $70+tax. |
d**w 发帖数: 14889 | 21 yes, my niece is in 9th grade. it's funny she signed up for Algebra 3 and
the textbook is for Algebra 2? |
f****e 发帖数: 523 | 22 Is this true? My dad is going home and has 10 cans of formula for my baby
niece. |
b*****9 发帖数: 8922 | 23 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
jumbo (Big) 于 (Mon Jul 26 10:29:11 2010, 美东) 提到:
如果你厌烦了被忽略,厌烦了当技术员,厌烦了自己在北美终身无望改变的命运,... 阅读全帖 |
k***y 发帖数: 72 | 24 Sorry I can't input chinese from work. My aunt got her visa yesterday. The
interview took only 1-2 mins.
1) Why do you want to go to US?
Visit my niece.
2) How long has she been in US? What does she do?
xx years. she works for xx company.
3) Is she married? Any kids? Who takes care the kids?
Yes, she's married with a kid. Her daughter goes to day care.
4) How long do you plan to stay in US?
2-3 months
5) Going by yourself?
My father in law needs care so my husband can't come with me this time (b |
t******n 发帖数: 31 | 25 my parents and niece same time, bless, bless! |
t*****u 发帖数: 8966 | 26 my niece is 2 and half, also got the visa! |
s*********r 发帖数: 204 | 27 comfort mm,下次多强调一下和国内亲戚朋友的联系?如果父母还在工作,找一个工作
My parents have 10 siblings and extended family connections, which is an
important part of their lives. They live closely to their many brothers and
sisters, nieces and nephews, and life-long friends. They visit each other
all the time; celebrate most of the traditional Chinese festivals together (
We have prepared pictures).
They don’t plan to stay long in the US. To them, the United States is only
good for a s |
s*********g 发帖数: 55 | 28 I have one niece who is 14 years old, is in US with B-2 visa. We want her to
stay with us to go to school (9th grade). How can we switch her visa to
extend her stay with legal status.if she stay up six month, then she will be
illegal status,so after four years I can apply 485 for her or not if she
has illegal
By the way, we can not afford the private school or boarding school, and I
have Green card. Please help me and give me a response as soon as possible.
Thank you very much . |
S**I 发帖数: 15689 | 29 1. I don't think she has any chance to change from B-2 to another
nonimmigrant status.
2. She is your niece, not your parent/child/sibling, there is no way
you can apply green card for her unless you adopt her.
3. If she attends public school on F-1 visa, she may still need to pay a
lot; holding F-2, J-2 or H-4 visa does not need to pay, but I guess these
are not possible for her, either.
be |
Y****r 发帖数: 3473 | 30 your niece? lot of korean people are here for middle high school (free)
education with no GC |
b*********i 发帖数: 31 | 31 My feeling is that the letter to VO is very important. You probably need a
very good reason to show the VO why you invite your 1 year old niece. |
J******t 发帖数: 1945 | 32 姑妈约的下午两点的签证,但是人特别多,都有人坐在地下等。等待过程中,注意到一
List of Documents / 材料清单
1. Documents from Inviter (Niece) / 邀请人的材料清单:
1.1. Letter to Visa Officer from Inviter / 写给签证官的信;
1.2. Invitation Letter to Aunt from Inviter / 邀请信(中英文);
1.3. Employment Confirmation Letter from Motorola / 工作及工资证明;
1.4. Copies of Social Security |
h****m 发帖数: 2642 | 33 I have same situation. I want to know what documents are needed for my niece?
Here is a list:
1. 父母双方的身份证复印件
2. 小朋友的出生证复印件
3. 亲属关系的公证书(主要是证明我和小朋友的亲属关系,中英文都要)
4. 户口本
5. 姐姐姐夫单位的在职证明
6. 姐姐姐夫的房产证和存款证明
7. 家庭照片和小朋友在校活动的照片
8. 成绩单和在校证明
Do we need all of the above?
Please share your experience. Thanks a lot. |
r******r 发帖数: 700 | 35 这段时间在这里问了很多问题,现在结果出来了,奉献签经。
么回答? 我就告诉妈妈说,“有,但是在家里没带,不知道需要这些文件”。这样的
回答肯定会让签证官起疑。好了,怎么办? 那我就只好在 VO 信里下下功夫,最好一
封信就足够,阻止 VO 继续问下去。认真写了一封信,并告诉妈妈,在一边回答第一个
1) 去美国做什么
2) 女儿在哪里。
下面是信的内容 (注意,信中我特别提到了我在美国的学校,因为很多美国外交官都很
Dear US Consular Officer, Beijing:
My name is xxx. I am currently a H1B holder, working as a full-time ... 阅读全帖 |
r****e 发帖数: 17 | 36 写的很诚恳,也是事实,签证官就认这个
么回答? 我就告诉妈妈说,“有,但是在家里没带,不知道需要这些文件”。这样的
回答肯定会让签证官起疑。好了,怎么办? 那我就只好在 VO 信里下下功夫,最好一
封信就足够,阻止 VO 继续问下去。认真写了一封信,并告诉妈妈,在一边回答第一个
1) 去美国做什么
2) 女儿在哪里。
下面是信的内容 (注意,信中我特别提到了我在美国的学校,因为很多美国外交官都很
Dear US Consular Officer, Beijing:
My name is xxx. I am currently a H1B holder, wor... 阅读全帖 |
x*******g 发帖数: 1363 | 37 wow, didn't realize there are so many loopholes in it. I started to use this
letter back in 1999, when I had no kid. Of course, I updated the letter
each time i used it, but main thing remained the same. I guess I am really
lucky then.
Well even it is not a good example, but still a good 'negative example' for
things that should be avoided :-)
BTW, my parents have their real estate proof and bank statement provided
too. I never came to this forum before (other than a few days ago, I was
trying... 阅读全帖 |
p*******b 发帖数: 163 | 38 先把对话讲讲,然后签证过程,再叙述我的背景还有我的邀请信。
在国内,爸爸还在上班。据我妈说,签证官认真读完... 阅读全帖 |
m********1 发帖数: 28 | 39 我想邀请我的父母还有哥哥全家来这边过春节, 现在还没有决定要一起签还是分开签
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is xxx. I would like to invite my parents and my older brother’s
family to the United States for tourism purpose and visit me. I am writing
to explain the reason to invite them and the travel plan.
I came to the United States... 阅读全帖 |
l****n 发帖数: 272 | 40 Sorry, can't type Chiese at work.
It is your choice to choose to be interviewed or not. You can still make an
appointment for both of them. My parents took my niece with them for the
interview when she was only 8 years old and they all passed. |
r****x 发帖数: 1250 | 41 考虑了大家的意见,我写了一封给签证官的信,除了想说妹妹她们会回国外,我需要解
释一下我们的姓- 我的姓有点特殊,跟我父母和妹妹的都不一样。以前办ssn的时候还
Dear Visa Officer,
My younger sister, Mrs. Y, and her daughter, Ms. S, are applying for B2
visas to visit me and my family. We have invited them to come over during
this summer for a vacation for about 4 weeks, during which we will travel to
Orlando as well as other places like NYC and Philadelphia.
I hope to help you understand why my last name is different not only from my
... 阅读全帖 |
n********r 发帖数: 4558 | 43 What happened during the 1000 interview?
Have you considered the option of enrolling her in a summer program
in a nearby college?
50 |
n********r 发帖数: 4558 | 44 Then we have no information of why she was rejected. Since your
niece's situation in China is not likely to change, it might be
worthwhile to explore alternatives.
There are boys/girls coming every year for short programs. A
cousin of one of my friends, a high-schooler, came earlier this
year with some of her classmates for a short program in an IVY
school. So I guess it works for them. It helps US economy. 8-)
But I do not have personal experience on this. I hope some other
ppl can help.
... 阅读全帖 |
j********d 发帖数: 157 | 45 My niece said the VO complained her English . Which could be the real
reason, although the VO can't officially document that as the reason. On
paper, it was the 214(b). |
s*********r 发帖数: 508 | 46 bless, my niece got the visa two weeks ago, very smooth |
p******1 发帖数: 30 | 47 最近在准备邀请妈妈和姐姐来美国的材料,各位大侠帮忙看看以下写给VO的信是否合适,
Dear Visa Officer,
This is xxx, it is with great pleasure I am writing to you in support of the
B-2 visa applications for my mom xxx, and my sister xxx. They plan to visit
me from xxx to xxx, 2012.
I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in xxx University, and I will be joining
xxx Inc. in xxx as a xxx engineer from xxx. I have gone back to China to
visit my family 4 times from 2009 to 2011, but they never had a chance to
visit me. Since my mom has one month... 阅读全帖 |
G****Y 发帖数: 223 | 48 Only five questions
why willyou go to usa?
when will you go?
when will you come back?
How long will itbe?
when will the school start?
In chinese at Guangzhou
Hope it will help others! |
s********n 发帖数: 944 | 49 What documents did you prepared for her B2 application?
Thanks. |
l*******n 发帖数: 312 | 50 没啥理由。是妹夫跟单位出国旅游。妹妹也可以自费跟去,想了想还不如来我这里。妹
Working as an engineer for xx, I currently reside in xx, CA with my wife and
two lovely daughters. I’d like to invite following family members to visit
us this summer:
• Dad: aaa(中文名). His visiting visa to USA was approved in 2007... 阅读全帖 |