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发帖数: 529
来自主题: Stock版 - This Could Be The End For Big Oil???
This Could be the End for Big Oil
stunning breakthrough in chemical engineering has unleashed a massive supply
of fuel…
Enough fuel, in fact, to power the entire globe for over 36,000 years.
It’s poised to decimate Big Oil’s obscene profits, make OPEC obsolete, and
hand the United States 100% energy independence.
In fact, the U.S. Department of Defense just invested $7 billion in a single
Apple, Google, and Facebook are spending billion... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 386
Ken update at 4PM today:
Alliance market price has been reduced to 2.249, so our capped program
automatically get the lower 2.249 if you get a fill today.
The cap itself(2.499) can't be changed unless we reach 150 people. A
contract is a contract, we can't ask him to reduce the cap just because
market price dropped. What if they ask to raise our cap if market priced
increased instead? This applies to all group deals from Alliance Express,
not just us.
Plus individuals who waited this long even i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 386
Ken update at 4PM today:
Alliance market price has been reduced to 2.249, so our capped program
automatically get the lower 2.249 if you get a fill today.
The cap itself(2.499) can't be changed unless we reach 150 people. A
contract is a contract, we can't ask him to reduce the cap just because
market price dropped. What if they ask to raise our cap if market priced
increased instead? This applies to all group deals from Alliance Express,
not just us.
Plus individuals who waited this long even i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6325
来自主题: loseweight版 - 买了coconut oil以及和olive oil比较
在amazon 买了organic ultra virgin coconut oil. 用来 煎鸡蛋, 好好吃!还有可
比较了 coconut oil和olive oil发现2个是互补的。 都不能缺乏。 coconut oil适合
炒菜用,olive oil尤其是ultra virgin不适合高温处理,因为很多anti-oxidant会被
破坏掉。所以最好用来做dressing. 虽然coconut oil富含饱和脂肪酸,但是因为大部
分是短链脂肪酸(short chain), 很容易被身体降解吸收,所以其实coconut oil还有
减肥的benefit. 这是因脂肪堆积的一个原因是因为食物无法完全process掉。所以coconut oil 是绝佳的 butter替代品。 这
这个是我买的coconut oil:
http://www.amazon.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
5 quarts Pennzoil conventional oil + Fram oil filter for $16.99
5 quarts Valvoline conventional oil + Fram oil filter for $16.99
5 quarts Quaker State conventional oil + Microguard oil filter for $12.99
5 quarts O'Reilly synthetic oil + Wix oil filter for $19.99
Pennzoil Platinum synthetic oil for $3.99/quart
Valvoline Synpower synthetic oil for $3.99/quart
Gallon jug of Valvoline Premium Blue diesel oil for $9.99
Gallon jug Shell Rotella T Diesel oil for $11.99 ($51.99 for 5 gallons)
Get a $10
发帖数: 9831
来自主题: Military版 - The Age of Hard-to-Get Oil (zz) (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Military2 讨论区 】
发信人: jindj (山长水阔知何处), 信区: Military2
标 题: The Age of Hard-to-Get Oil (zz)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 12 19:31:39 2012, 美东)
The Age of Hard-to-Get Oil
The world’s “proven” oil reserves, those that are readily recoverable
with present-day technology, are estimated to be about 1.4 trillion barrels
of oil. With daily global consumption around 85 million barrels and edging
toward 100 million, we’re on schedule to r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Oil rises for 4th day, tops $93 a barrel
March 12, 2013
By The Associated Press
The price of oil rose for a fourth straight day Tuesday and topped $93 for
the first time this month.
At midday in New York, benchmark oil for April delivery was up 74 cents to $
92.80 per barrel after earlier rising to $93.47.
Oil has now risen nearly 3 percent in the last four trading sessions.
Whether it maintains that momentum could depend on this week's reports on U.
S. oil supplies.
Many traders believe the large supply of oil in the U.S. has kept a l... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
3 U.S. Oil Companies Paid Highest Corporate Income Taxes: $289.7B in 2007-12
April 15, 2014 - 4:03 PM
By Penny Starr
(CNSNews.com) – Three U.S. oil companies paid a total of $289.7 billion in
corporate income taxes between 2007 and 2012, the biggest portion of
corporate taxes in absolute terms, according to analysis by Standard & Poor
’s Capital IQ.
The data show, as reported in the New York Times on May 25, 2013, that when
it came to corporate income taxes -- federal, state, local, and foreign ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 641
我的同学为了练习自己oil change,结果非要用我的车做第一次的试验。
正确步骤的第一步是在车底倒光oil。结果他错误地把transmission oil倒光了。当时
然后他换了filter,有加了5 quart的oil。他检测车前盖里的那个长长的金属丝,发现
然后才发现他错误地把transmission oil倒光了。
2、买来transmission oil,把整整一大瓶transmission oil都加到车前盖里的
transmission oil的管道里面。把车启动,几分钟后检测车前盖里的那个长长的
transmission oil的金属丝,发现不论HOT还是COLD那里都没有任何油的痕迹。
然后他把车直接开回我家,大约10 mile。
发帖数: 16625
来自主题: Automobile版 - 0w-30 v.s. 5w-30 oil for Toyota
Prius, P3191=不启动,有上百个可能, EG050-04=错误机油粘度和深度,几乎没有过
Question: Don't I have to use a 5w20 oil to maintain my factory warranty if
my manual recommends a 5w20 oil?
Answer: Absolutely not. Vehicle manufacturers recommend using motor oils
meeting certain viscosity grades and American Petroleum Institute service
requirements. Whether the motor oil is a 5w20, 5w30, 10w30 or 0w30 or even a
synthetic vs. a petroleum-based oil will not affect warranty coverage. The
manufacturer is required... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2593
帖。到oil change工作3个多月,阅车无数,今天给大家汇报下,我们眼里车子的质量
看到这家Oil Change店在招人,大着胆子和老板吹牛,在国内上过一个星期汽修班,开
oil change的service包括,换engine oil, transmission flush, coolant flush.
front and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11530
来自主题: Stock版 - How some oil speculators r doing
Black box hedge funds lead winners from oil collapse
13 minutes ago
By Simon Jessop and Barani Krishnan
LONDON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - To make money from the sharp fall in oil prices
this year, it helped if you weren't human.
While a handful of big name traders have profited from some of oil's 35
percent plunge, it has been computer-based or "systematic" funds which have
captured much of the spoils.
These black box funds use programs to follow various asset classes and look
to latch on to m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1464
来自主题: _pennystock版 - Who Will Profit From The Oil Spill (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 bluechips 俱乐部 】
发信人: liliwater (lyrist), 信区: bluechips
标 题: Who Will Profit From The Oil Spill
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jun 3 19:25:23 2010, 美东)
The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico may be the best thing that’s ever
happened to green energy producers in the U.S – but the one that benefits
the most will probably surprise you.
As the damaged Deepwater Horizon well continues to pump out 5,000 barrels of
oil per day into ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9831
来自主题: Military2版 - The Age of Hard-to-Get Oil (zz)
The Age of Hard-to-Get Oil
The world’s “proven” oil reserves, those that are readily recoverable
with present-day technology, are estimated to be about 1.4 trillion barrels
of oil. With daily global consumption around 85 million barrels and edging
toward 100 million, we’re on schedule to run out of easily extracted oil in
a generation. 

So what will the world energy economy look like 30 to 40 years from now? &#
IEEE Spe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1463
when George W Bush became president.
It is roughly in inline with this report
It was only because George Bush and his oil accomplices jacked up the oil
from 35 to 150. During GWB's presidency, he argued oil trading funds holding
oil contracts for profits were of no impact to oil price. A 4+ time
increase of oil price was directly contributed by GWB's presidency. Given
the inflation, I think oil's price should be around $50-$60 per bbl at ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1219
Rapeseed oil can contain up to 45% erucic acid, a known toxin.[11] Food
grade rapeseed oil (also known as canola oil, rapeseed 00 oil, low erucic
acid rapeseed oil, LEAR oil, and rapeseed canola-equivalent oil) is limited
by government regulation to a maximum of 2% erucic acid by weight in the USA
[10] and 5% in the EU,[12] with special regulations for infant food. These
low levels of erucic acid are not believed to cause harm in humans.[10][12]
In 1981 there was a deadly outbreak of disease in ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9094
What is Canola?
Today, canola oil is pressed from the seeds of the canola plant. Back in
the early 70s, canola was derived from a plant called rapeseed. Rapeseed
contains a hefty amount of erucic acid, which can be toxic in large amounts
– this is where all those rumors came from! While canola and rapeseed
plants are related (botanically speaking), they are very different. Canola
oil contains virtually no erucic acid.
The Nutrition Facts
Canola is a good choice for cooking and baking because it’... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 157
I've used coconut oil (organic extra virgin, made by Nutiva) for 1+ year for
skin care and occasional cooking, and can attest for its great value on
both fronts.
I agree with people who suggest not overusing it - everything should be
taken in moderation. For skincare I mix coconut oil with (unrefined) Shea
butter as body butter, use it 1 to 2 times per week on average (can apply a
bit more frequently in winter as needed). I have dry skin (more severe in
winter time but cannot tolerate perfume in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6501
来自主题: _aily版 - olive oil的label
【 以下文字转载自 baby 俱乐部 】
发信人: moonpolar (处女+天秤=双子), 信区: baby
标 题: olive oil的label
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 27 22:58:26 2010, 美东)
上次去sam's买olive oil看晕了,回来查了一下,明白了点。像我这样缺乏生活
1. 100% Pure Olive Oil最差,好点的grades都会标"virgin"
2. Cold pressed是提炼全过程中温度都控制在80F以下,能减少营养成分流失、分解
3. First cold pressed指低温一次性提炼。 virgin oil都只能press一次,而且
4. Made from refined olive oils指味道和acidity都经过chemically处理。
5. Made from hand picked olives质量更好,机器摘会把过熟的olive也混进来。
6. Extra light olive... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16625
【 以下文字转载自 SanFrancisco 讨论区 】
发信人: altopalo (城市猎人), 信区: SanFrancisco
标 题: Goldman sees China becoming biggest oil importer
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 9 12:57:26 2012, 美东)
Goldman sees China becoming biggest oil importer
ReutersReuters – 1 hour 39 minutes ago
An engineer walks past piles of oil tanks at a PetroChina's oil refinery
in Lanzhou, Gansu province, April 21, 2008. REUTERS/Stringer
An engineer walks past piles of oil tanks at a PetroChina's oil refinery
in Lanzhou, Gansu province, ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26222
4 EU states have asked Iran to suspend plan to cut oil to Europe'
TEHRAN, Feb. 5 (MNA) – Ambassadors of a number of European Union countries
have asked the Iranian parliament to suspend the plan calling for a halt to
Iran’s oil exports to certain EU states, according to MP Nasser Soudani.
The EU formally imposed an oil embargo on Iran and agreed to a freeze on the
assets of the Central Bank of Iran on January 23 , but existing contracts
will be honored until July 1.
It was announced o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6104
来自主题: Military版 - Oil Exports Trim U.S. Trade Deficit
美国这些年油产量增长很快,对中国有好处。 供应多了,价格想拉也不那么容易了。
Record petroleum exports helped shrink the U.S. trade deficit in December to
the smallest in almost three years as America moved closer to energy self-
sufficiency, a goal the nation has been pursuing since the 1973 Arab oil
The gap narrowed 20.7 percent to $38.5 billion, the smallest since January
2010 and lower than any estimate in a Bloomberg survey of 73 economists,
Commerce Department figures showed today in Washington. Oil exports climbed
$11... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5214
来自主题: Automobile版 - Full Synthetic Oil - Myth or Scam
不是所有的synthetic oil都一样 差别蛮大的。
[在 HKTom (Tom) 的大作中提到:]
:Hi guys,
:This is my 1st time to notice Mobil 1 Full synthetic oil (with Mobil filter
) in car engine burning oil in about 4500 miles range (my car is about 110K
:miles). It may be due to hot summer, but it was about 1.5qt lost (out of 4.
5), very unacceptable to me. I am sure the the oil cannot last for 10K miles
per advertise or the engine will be cooked!
:Many reasons may cause the burning, but I started to doubt about the
:performance of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18523
Libya Oil Chief Says Crude Production ‘Could Reach a Halt’ Due to Conflict
By Ola Galal and Inal Ersan - Mar 20, 2011 7:33 AM GMT+0900
More Print Email
Libya’s oil production fell to less than 400,000 barrels a day after
foreign companies pulled out their staff, the chairman
of the country’s state-run National Oil Corp., Shokri Ghanem, said in a
televised media conference from Tripoli.
Ghanem said the North African country had no intention of breaking
commitments with foreign companies a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 567
U.S. shale's message for OPEC: above $40, we are coming back
By Devika Krishna Kumar
Related Stories
Saudi oil minister to face rival U.S. producers as price rout bites Reuters
U.S. oil production is declining, but how fast will it fall? MarketWatch
[$$] MoneyBeat: Oil Patch Is Getting Drier The Wall Street Journal
Whiting to suspend its North Dakota oil well completions Associated Press
Oil Patch Is Getting Drie... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 386
3/17/2014 Update:
The 2013 Burlington group winter heating oil deal ends on 4/1/2014. Compared
to season to date avg market price, members saved (3.96-3.39) X 825 = 470$
(or 552$ if you got in at 3.29$)
based on AVG 825 gallon usage.
Based on people's requests, there are 2 options as follows per negotiation:
For existing member(schedule your free tuneup cleaning before 4/1 if you
haven't done so):
1) You can sign up with Brad for 3.39/gallon from 4/1/2014-4/1/2015 (this is
a very competitive pr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 386
3/17/2014 Update:
The 2013 Burlington group winter heating oil deal ends on 4/1/2014. Compared
to season to date avg market price, members saved (3.96-3.39) X 825 = 470$
(or 552$ if you got in at 3.29$)
based on AVG 825 gallon usage.
Based on people's requests, there are 2 options as follows per negotiation:
For existing member(schedule your free tuneup cleaning before 4/1 if you
haven't done so):
1) You can sign up with Brad for 3.39/gallon from 4/1/2014-4/1/2015 (this is
a very competitive pr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 386
The 2013 Burlington group winter heating oil deal ends on 4/1/2014. Compared
to season to date avg market price, members saved (3.96-3.39) X 825 = 470$
(or 552$ if you got in at 3.29$) based on AVG 825 gallon usage.
Based on people's requests, there are 2 options as follows per negotiation:
For existing member(schedule your free tuneup cleaning before 4/1 if you
haven't done so):
1) You can sign up with Brad for 3.39/gallon from 4/1/2014-4/1/2015 (this is
a very competitive price comp... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 386
月初就跟KEN提过了, 有点失望的主要是ALLIANCE的市场价并不紧跟油价走低。 他坚
To keep them honest I encourage members to call Ken (617-466-3014) and log
your complaints and threaten to never use their CAPPED program in the future
IF their CAPPED plan turns out not as advertised. Also you can mention you
might consider leave negative review for their company online or use other
social media channels to get their attention.

I checke... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 386
听说有人居然愿意付3.19因为公司有免费上门维修计划。 找了个类似的, 像是高大上
公司, voted "#1 Heating Oil Dealer" in Eastern Massachusetts.:
如果把 229+249 free service 平均进油价, 1000加仑用量折合$2.321 per gallon.
当然了这229+249 free service可能也就200元价值, 折合 $2.599 per gallon.
Fawcett Oil has been around for over 120 years, we are family owned and
operated. We offer automatic delivery,15-day credit terms, budget plans and
have our own in-house service team with 24-hour protection, 365 days a year.
Our fully-trained and licensed t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9453
smthe (苹果) 于 (Mon Oct 8 23:58:44 2007) 提到:
10多天前看见大家讨论olive oil, canol oil的帖子,
昨天去买了一大大大桶pure olive oil
刚刚对比了一下lable: 1tbsp
olive oil: 125 carories
total fat 14g: saturated fat 1g, trans 0
canol oil: 130 carories
total fat 14g: saturate fat 1g, trans 0, polyunsaturated 9g,
monounsatuated 4g
olive oil 那剩下的13克fat没写明白是什么
我看了lable以后,没有办法确认olive oil
is better than canol oil.
发帖数: 66
【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
发信人: fbfb8 (), 信区: Automobile
标 题: transmission oil 彻底倒光之后,车跑了10 mile
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 12 23:49:42 2010, 美东)
我的同学为了练习自己oil change,结果非要用我的车做第一次的试验。
正确步骤的第一步是在车底倒光oil。结果他错误地把transmission oil倒光了。当时
然后他换了filter,有加了5 quart的oil。他检测车前盖里的那个长长的金属丝,发现
然后才发现他错误地把transmission oil倒光了。
2、买来transmission oil,把整整一大瓶tra
发帖数: 60932
5 quarts Valvoline conventional oil + Fram oil filter for $17.99
5 quarts Valvoline High Mileage oil + Fram oil filter for $19.99
5 quarts Valvoline Synpower synthetic oil + Mobil 1 oil filter for $27.99
O'Reilly conventional oil for $2.99/quart
Mobil 1 synthetic oil for $4.99/quart
Gallon jug of Mobil Delvac diesel oil for $9.99
发帖数: 60932
5 quarts O'Reilly conventional oil + MicroGuard oil filter for $12.99
5 quarts O'Reilly synthetic oil + Mobil 1 oil filter for $19.99
Pennzoil conventional oil for $2.99/quart
Pennzoil high mileage oil for $3.49/quart
Pennzoil Platinum synthetic oil for $4.29/quart
Castrol 4-stroke conventional motorcycle oil for $3.99/quart
Free NOS Octane booster with the purchase of 4 quarts Royal Purple synthetic
发帖数: 115
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Vietnamese air force planes on Saturday
spotted two large oil slicks close to where a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777
went missing earlier in the day, the first sign that the aircraft carrying
239 people had crashed.
Related Stories
Oil slicks found in hunt for missing Malaysia jet Associated Press
Vietnam spots oil slicks in hunt for missing jet Associated Press
China-bound Malaysian jet vanis... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 539
来自主题: Automobile版 - Regular Oil vs. Synthetic Oil?
I have a 2004 camry, It uses regular 5W30 oil.
Last time when I did oil change, I was persuaded to use synthetic oil
instead of regular oil, the technician told me that I should keep using
synthetic oil.
Today when I went to another place to do oil change, the technician told me
I should switch back to regular oil.
What should I do?
发帖数: 825
来自主题: Automobile版 - engine oil leaking
98老车,在车下面的地面上,只要over night就能看到漏下来的几滴engine oil.
修车铺A: 要换timing cover seal
speed 1 - sleeve
PCV valve $202 (including oil change)
修车铺B:要换 oil pan gasket set
oil pressure sending unit $278 (including oil change)
我自己大概在网上查了一下,timing cover 和 oil pan gasket好像不是一个东西,修
车铺B好像跟我说了timing chain cover之类的词(我当时也不熟悉这些词,只是有个
记忆),说也可以换,但不是big deal。如果换,再加$60(including labor and
oil pressure sending unit能查到很多,但是我... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 128
来自主题: Automobile版 - Full Synthetic Oil - Myth or Scam
Hi guys,
This is my 1st time to notice Mobil 1 Full synthetic oil (with Mobil filter)
in car engine burning oil in about 4500 miles range (my car is about 110K
miles). It may be due to hot summer, but it was about 1.5qt lost (out of 4.5
), very unacceptable to me. I am sure the the oil cannot last for 10K miles
per advertise or the engine will be cooked!
Many reasons may cause the burning, but I started to doubt about the
performance of synthetic oil. It cost about double than convention oil whi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 687
来自主题: NextGeneration版 - 蓖麻油(castro oil)催产 有人试过么?
The use of castor oil to induce labor is controversial. One study showed
that women who receive castor oil have an increased likelihood of initiation
of labor within 24 hours compared to women who receive no treatment(
Following administration of castor oil, 30 of 52 women (57.7%) began active
labor compared to 2 of 48 (4.2%) receiving no treatment).[31] However,
another study showed that castor oil had no effect on the time to birth in
women whose pregnancy exceeds 40 weeks.[32... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5600
oil (commodity) spot price reflects current supply and demand
energy stocks need to take into account of long term sustainability
Gradual increase of oil price reflecting increasing demand, generally
good for oil stocks
Rapid oil spikes from supply shocks increase near term earnings
but also increases risk for oil price to go down a lot afterwards
1) energy stocks have gone straight line up since August
2) fear of demand destruction. oil spike / supply shock -> big hit
on economy + governments s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 18523
SINGAPORE (AP) -- Oil prices rose to near $105 a barrel Thursday in Asia
after Libya said its crude production has fallen more than previously
estimated amid fresh battles near key oil installations.
Benchmark crude for April delivery was up 41 cents at $104.79 a barrel at
midday Singapore time in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile
Exchange. The contract lost 64 cents to settle at $104.38 on Wednesday.
In London, Brent crude was up 29 cents at $116.23 a barrel on the ICE
futures excha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33224
Reuters57 minutes ago
Companies mentioned
$11.17 USD+$0.14(1.27%)
Add to watchlist | Set alert | Trade
You currently hold Chesapeake Energy Corp
.WASHINGTON, June 30 (Reuters) - An Oklahoma woman who was injured when an
earthquake rocked her home in 2011 can sue oil companies for damages, the
state's highest court ruled on Tuesday, opening the door to other potential
lawsuits against the state's energy companies.
Oklahoma has experienced a dramatic spike in earthquakes in the last five
years... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 294
By Benoît Faucon
Jan. 17, 2016 7:27 a.m. ET
Iranian oil could take time to re-enter the global market after the lifting
of Western sanctions, one of the country’s top oil officials said Sunday,
signaling that persistent limitations on banking could spell delays.
Rokneddin Javadi, chief of the state-owned National Iranian Oil Co., said it
may take nine months before Iran signs its first oil-export d... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 589
Does it mean oil output freeze will fail?
Kuwait will commit to a potential global oil production freeze only if major
oil producers, including Iran, agreed to join the pact, the Gulf OPEC
member's acting oil minister said on Tuesday.
"If there is an agreement, Kuwait will commit to the freeze," Anas al-Saleh
told reporters in Kuwait city.
Asked what would happen if not all producers agreed to join in the freeze
deal, he said: "I'll go f... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 386
The deal is $3.399 fixed(10/9/2013 quote, 10 cents higher than original deal
$3.199 first delivery(10/9/2013 quote, 10 cents higher than original deal),
plus free tuneup cleaning ($99 value elsewhere) till 4/1/2014. Very
competitive considering crude oil price higher than last year this time:
Government forecast for the coming heating season is $3.63:
http://www.massenergy.org/heating-... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 386
Q: I wonder if you can help me to
clear some myths:
Is the fuel price the only important factor? For example, are there any
grade (e.g. regular, premium, etc.)? Which company is usually considered to
provide best quality fuel among all available on the market?
A: For years the “big” oil companies have been filling consumers with
grand ideas of the wonderful “full service company”. What does that mean?
Is their oil special? Does it burn better? The answer to those questions is
NO! In fact,... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9307
【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
发信人: mossad (康夫), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 问一下engine oil和transmission oil :)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 7 18:57:58 2009, 美东)
我的车engine oil已经有些黄斑,是不是表示应该换了?
transmission oil还是透明的,不过我看到过好多车的transmission oil都是红色的,请
问是不是红色的oil表示最好呢?我的车现在transmission oil是透明的,不需要换的,对
发帖数: 16625
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - Goldman sees China becoming biggest oil importer
Goldman sees China becoming biggest oil importer
ReutersReuters – 1 hour 39 minutes ago
An engineer walks past piles of oil tanks at a PetroChina's oil refinery
in Lanzhou, Gansu province, April 21, 2008. REUTERS/Stringer
An engineer walks past piles of oil tanks at a PetroChina's oil refinery
in Lanzhou, Gansu province, April 21, 2008. REUTERS/Stringer
LONDON (Reuters) - China is due to overtake the United States to become the
world's biggest oil importer within a year and a half, Goldm... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9307
【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区 】
发信人: mossad (康夫), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 问一下engine oil和transmission oil :)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 7 18:57:58 2009, 美东)
我的车engine oil已经有些黄斑,是不是表示应该换了?
transmission oil还是透明的,不过我看到过好多车的transmission oil都是红色的,请
问是不是红色的oil表示最好呢?我的车现在transmission oil是透明的,不需要换的,对
发帖数: 60932
Amsoil Oil is discontinuing their SSO 0W-30 Signature Series 100% Synthetic
Motor Oil. This oil per quart usually sells for $10.55 or gallon $41.40.
This is a class IV PAO oil.
Right now, they are selling for $23.55/gallon or case(4 gals) for $91.05.
This is 43% off normal pricing, and I have never seen Amsoil go on sale.
If you are lucky and have a warehouse near you, you can just go by and pick
up some. Those that don't warehouse near them will need to Order by Phone 1-
800-956-5695 or visi... 阅读全帖
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