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发帖数: 1139
from: XXXX Zhong <[email protected]/* */>
to: [email protected]/* */,
[email protected]/* */,
[email protected]/* */
date: Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 10:36 AM
subject: Protest against Ms. Radil and Ms. Duchamp for spinning data and
biased report...
mailed-by: gmail.com
Dear Ms. Amy Radil and Ms. Cathy Duchamp,
This email is a serious protest against your recent report titled “Trumps
has fans among Chinese in US and abroad”, and what the report is tryi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
There has been massive and quite effective mind control going on for some
What you will see (and I saw it Friday night, when I was out with a bunch
of pink-pussy-hatted-protesting women friends) is
... and then "Well, it's not as bad as pedophilia. Roy Moore is
obviously a pedophile."
... and then "When are they going to go after Trump? He's the biggest
predator," but that story is losing a little steam in the group...
...and then it shifts a bit int... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
美国参谋首长联席会议主管麦肯锡(Kenneth McKenzie)中将用〝精准(precise)〞
美国军方官员反驳了俄罗斯的说法... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
"Our intellectual property"?
"American innovative technology sector"?
Have you been to San Jose or San Francisco lately?
Americans (read: white Americans) who work in engineering in Silicon Valley
are a small minority. Walk on the grounds of any business park there and you
'll see Asians, overwhelmingly. Men and women.
Not only that, Chinese and Indian engineers work the 9-9-6 schedule and
generate the overwhelming innovative value of the technology companies in
Silicon Valley, compared with nat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
"Our intellectual property"?
"American innovative technology sector"?
Have you been to San Jose or San Francisco lately?
Americans (read: white Americans) who work in engineering in Silicon Valley
are a small minority. Walk on the grounds of any business park there and you
'll see Asians, overwhelmingly. Men and women.
Not only that, Chinese and Indian engineers work the 9-9-6 schedule and
generate the overwhelming innovative value of the technology companies in
Silicon Valley, compared with nat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
"Our intellectual property"?
"American innovative technology sector"?
Have you been to San Jose or San Francisco lately?
Americans (read: white Americans) who work in engineering in Silicon Valley
are a small minority. Walk on the grounds of any business park there and you
'll see Asians, overwhelmingly. Men and women.
Not only that, Chinese and Indian engineers work the 9-9-6 schedule and
generate the overwhelming innovative value of the technology companies in
Silicon Valley, compared with nat... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: USANews
标 题: 乔姆斯基承认“以色列对美国选举的干预压倒了俄罗斯”
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Aug 3 18:40:00 2018, 美东)
Liberal Hero Chomsky Admits "Israeli Intervention In US Elections Overwhelms
Anything Russia Has Done"
发帖数: 4796
Here's how much the $1.537 billion Mega Millions winner will get to save
and spend
The $1.537 billion Mega Millions jackpot win marks the largest in the game&#
39;s history and the second-largest lottery prize ever.
The lump-sum option is $877.8 million. Even after federal taxation of 37
percent and South Carolina's 7 percent tax, the total take would be
roughly $491.7 million.
Applying the so-called 4 percent rule — considered a safe yearly withdrawal
rate — would mean about $19.6 million could... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Is there any way America can save Hong Kong from Chinese communism?
Looking at your profile, I believe this is a sincere question. So I’ll
answer it sincerely. In the way I think you mean the term “Chinese
communism,” the strong, clear answer is “NO.”
The population of Hong Kong is just under 8 million. That puts it in the
same rank as New York city, the large... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Is there any way America can save Hong Kong from Chinese communism?
Looking at your profile, I believe this is a sincere question. So I’ll
answer it sincerely. In the way I think you mean the term “Chinese
communism,” the strong, clear answer is “NO.”
The population of Hong Kong is just under 8 million. That puts it in the
same rank as New York city, the large... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17190
China Sacrifices a Province to Save the World From Coronavirus
Bloomberg News
2020年2月6日 上午12:01 [GMT+8]
Hubei province has seen 97% of all deaths from the virus
Quarantine lockdown delayed key supplies from getting in
Current Time 0:36
Duration 3:52
China Coronavirus Death Toll Rises to 636, With 31,161 Confirmed Cases
China C... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4174
A new Public Policy Poll shows that 57% of Maryland voters would vote to
uphold the state’s new marriage equality law in a likely referendum this
fall, with 55% of African-Americans expressing support.
Marylanders for Marriage Equality, the coalition working to pass the
referendum, released the poll results Thursday morning. The poll shows a 12-
point increase from March in the number of voters who would vote yes, where
an affirmative vote would uphold the new marriage equality law. In the
lates... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 438
来自主题: USANews版 - Why BHO can't be JFK in 2008
I will give you 10 reasons why:
1. Liberalism is the mainstream in 60s, not any more today.
2. Roman Catholic constitutes about 25% population in 60s, compared to 13%
AA now, and 90%+ Roman Catholic votes went to JFK. BTW, AA also rallied
behind JFK to push him over the finish line, did you see the overwhelming
support from Catholics to BHO? In 1960, all the minorities went
overwhelmingly for JFK, Catholics, Jews and Blacks, you only see one of
these groups supporting BHO now.
3. JFK served 12 y
发帖数: 29846
American Narcissus
The vanity of Barack Obama
Nov 13, 2010, Vol. 16, No. 10 • By JONATHAN V. LAST
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Fred Barn... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Warmist's Dilemma
By Adam Yoshida
I have longed argued that one of the primary problems with the thinking of
our well-meaning liberal friends is that they tend to live in the world of "
wouldn't it be nice" and then attempt to argue that people who dissent from
this view are just plain bad. Nowhere is that tendency better exemplified
than in the battle over Climate Change.
Most of us are familiar with the concept of the "prisoner's dilemma." It's
an exercise in game theory where two men are arrested for a crime... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Belgium has taken a major step towards banning burka-type Islamic dress in
public after its lower house of parliament overwhelmingly backed the measure.
After Thursday's approval, the senate still has several weeks to decide
whether to put the bill up for further discussion and another vote.
The Belgian legislature came close to approving such law last year, but the
process was held up at the last moment when the governing coalition
The bill was approved by an overwhelming majority of... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Friday, May 06, 2011
What did Pakistan know and when did it know it? Americans overwhelmingly
believe top Pakistani officials knew Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts and
strongly oppose further U.S. aid to the country where the top terrorist was
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 84% of American
Adults think it’s at least somewhat likely that high-level officials in
the Pakistani government knew where bin Laden was hiding. That includes 57%
who say it is Very Likely t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Why Demographic Shifts on Religion and Marriage Could Doom the Democratic
Nov 22, 2011 4:45 AM EST
The party of Obama is increasingly unmarried and irreligious, a shift that
could help the GOP build a new majority.
If demography is destiny, the Democratic Party could be facing big trouble.
A growing contrast between the two major parties centers more and more on
stark differences in marital status and religious involvement—distinctions
that should give substantial advantages to Republicans... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2273
来自主题: USANews版 - Payroll tax cut hits roadblock in House
Washington (CNN) -- House Republicans and Senate Democrats stepped up their
game of legislative chicken over the expiring payroll tax cut Monday, with
Democrats flatly rejecting House Speaker John Boehner's demand to ditch a
two-month extension in favor of an immediate one-year continuation.
"It's time to stop the nonsense," Boehner, R-Ohio, told reporters on Capitol
Hill. "Americans are tired of Washington's short-term fixes and gimmicks."
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, responded ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5366
Romney reveals he pays about 15% in taxes
By the CNN Wire Staff
updated 7:04 AM EST, Wed January 18, 2012
(CNN) -- Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney revealed Tuesday
that he pays about a 15% income tax rate but continued to resist calls by
his rivals to release his tax returns.
Romney said his annual income is "overwhelmingly from investments" rather
than ordinary income, which is taxed at a higher rate. Former House ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
posted at 7:31 pm on January 18, 2012 by Tina Korbe
The Fox News Channel is simultaneously America’s most trusted news source
and its least, according to a new poll from Public Policy Polling. Now, if
the very same Americans said they both trusted and distrusted Fox, that
might have suggested the channel is as perfectly fair and balanced as its
executives claim. That is, if conservatives and liberals alike trusted half
the information Fox provided and distrusted the other half, a plausible
expla... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
An election night that began with Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker
winning his recall election grew progressively worse for public-sector
unions as California voters approved steep pension-cutting measures in two
major cities.
Voters in San Diego and San Jose overwhelmingly passed ballot initiatives
Tuesday to reduce retirement benefits for city workers by switching from
traditional plans to 401(k)-style contribution plans. San Diego voters also
approved a second proposition allowing the c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The Left engages in as much deception regarding the Islamic world as it does
about conservatives.
By Dennis Prager
Have you noticed that the Left regularly condemns alleged conservative “
hate speech” but is almost completely silent on the most pervasive hate
speech in the world?
Take New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, for example.
On January 8, 2011, in Tucson, Ariz., Jared Loughner murdered six people and
gravely wounded Representative Gabrielle Giffords. That very day (in a
column publish... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Morning Jay: Why Romney Is Likely to Win
Jay Cost
November 2, 2012 6:00 AM
When I started making election predictions eight years ago, I had a very
different perspective than I do today. I knew relatively little about the
history of presidential elections or the geography of American politics. I
had a good background in political science and statistics. So,
unsurprisingly in retrospect, I focused on drawing confidence intervals from
poll averages.
Since then, I have learned substantially more history, soured somewhat on
political scien... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4002
On May 30th, I made a prediction that shocked the readers of TownHall. I
predicted a Romney landslide- with Obama leading in every poll.
I did not make that prediction as a political columnist, or as the former
Libertarian Presidential contender, or the 2008 Libertarian Vice
Presidential nominee. I relied on my career as a Las Vegas oddsmaker. Long
before I got into politics, I started out as the Network Oddsmaker and NFL
Analyst for CNBC (then known as Financial News Network). I've made my livi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4002
On May 30th, I made a prediction that shocked the readers of TownHall. I
predicted a Romney landslide- with Obama leading in every poll.
I did not make that prediction as a political columnist, or as the former
Libertarian Presidential contender, or the 2008 Libertarian Vice
Presidential nominee. I relied on my career as a Las Vegas oddsmaker. Long
before I got into politics, I started out as the Network Oddsmaker and NFL
Analyst for CNBC (then known as Financial News Network). I've made my livi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - If Logic Lacks, Liberty Is Threatened
Thursday, 15 November 2012

by Quin Hillyer
The old professor mused aloud, half to himself: “Why don’t they teach
logic at these schools?”
That line came from the great children’s classic and Christian allegory
, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. The fictional professor’s lament (
about two siblings’ confusion about which of two stories to believe),
written some 60 years ago, still applies today. Along with logic, basic
arithmetic and linguistic skills sometimes seem horribly ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Polls are showing that more Americans blame Republicans for the shutdown
than Democrats, but when Caleb Bonham of Campus Reform asked random students
at the University of Colorado who they thought was most to blame for the
government shutdown, their answers were surprising. Overwhelmingly, they
thought Obama was most to blame, then Democrats, then Republicans.
Bonham kept a running tally on a poster board as he surveyed the students -
indicating that he didn't cherry-pick their answers for the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
加州作为模范的蓝州,70%的医生(州总共104,000 个医生)选择opt out of obamacare。
doctors cannot be expected to work at a loss.
LOS ANGELES, CA (Catholic Online) - The California Medical Association,
which represents 104,000 doctors in California says that doctors cannot be
expected to work at a loss. Association president, Dr. Richard Thorp said, "
We need some recognition that we're doing a service to the community. But we
can't do it for free. And we can't do it at a loss. No oth... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9926
Dear XXX,
I am writing to urge you to reject the defective SCA-5. In recent years,
scholars have started to do careful empirical research on whether racial
preferences actually help their intended recipients. When the dispute shifts
from "is it fair?" to "does it work?" — thus changing the focus from
ideology to evidence — open-minded people can make progress toward
Much of this new research is on the idea of "mismatch" — on what happens
after a student is admitted to a school fo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 10729
Crimea overwhelmingly votes to secede from Ukraine and join Russia
PRO-RUSSIAN DEMONSTRATORS celebrate in Ukraine as Crimean voters, with more
than half of the ballots counted, overwhelmingly back referendum to join
Russia in an election denounced by the United States, Europe and the
Ukrainian government as illegal and destabilizing.
发帖数: 29846
Subpoenas issued to five Houston pastors demanding all sermons and
correspondence dealing with homosexuality, gender identity and the city's
Equal Rights ordinance have been withdrawn, the city’s first openly lesbian
mayor announced at a Wednesday press conference.
"After much contemplation and discussion, I am directing the city legal
department to withdraw the subpoenas issued to the five Houston pastors who
delivered the petitions, the anti-HERO petitions, to the city of Houston and
who indic... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
The odds of life existing on another planet grow ever longer. Intelligent
design, anyone?
Eric Metaxas
Dec. 25, 2014 4:56 p.m. ET
In 1966 Time magazine ran a cover story asking: Is God Dead? Many have
accepted the cultural narrative that he’s obsolete—that as science
progresses, there is less need for a “God” to explain the universe. Yet it
turns out that the rumors of God’s death were premature. More amazing is
that the relatively recent case for his existence comes from a surprising
place—s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Chris Kyle’s Widow Overwhelmed By ‘American Sniper’ Success, Elites
8:01 AM 01/19/2015
Derek Hunter
In spite of the vitriol spewed toward the movie “American Sniper,”
Americans flocked to see the Clint Eastwood biopic of the late Navy SEAL
Chris Kyle in record numbers.
The previous record for a movie opening on Martin Luther King Jr. weekend
was set last year by “Ride Along,” which opened with $41 million. “
American Sniper” is estimated to have more than doubled that, bringing in
an ast... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6348
different people responded differently,
some of his employees left, thinking that they deserve more; maybe they are
right, and they made the right decision; to Mr. Price, he could have
addressed this, or maybe he chose not to; in business you gain some lose
some, in terms of clients as well as employees, as more job seekers now know
and like about gravity
you can't please all the people, and you just need to keep the people who
are aligned with you
some of his clients left, thinking that there m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9531
来自主题: USANews版 - 有关Trump支持者的报道
CHARLESTON, S.C. — The people kept coming, and the line kept growing and
The line of people to see Donald Trump snaked from the entrance to the USS
Yorktown aircraft carrier down the parking lot, back up toward the entrance
again and then back around alongside another lane of cars. By the time the
fire marshal stopped letting people in, with almost 2,000 people onboard the
ship, there were still around 1,000 people waiting outside.
For three hours, I walked among the Trump supporters st... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1633
Annals of the American Academy of Political Science:
"[In New York] ex-felons who are registered overwhelmingly register as
Democrats. Of those discharge records that match to at least one voter file
record, 61.5 percent match only to Democratic voter records. In contrast, 25
.5 percent match only to voter records with no affiliation or an affiliation
with a minor party, while 9 percent match only to Republican voter records.
...[R]egistered ex-felons in New Mexico tend to be overwhelmingly D... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1874
来自主题: USANews版 - 老川对TU发正式声明了
It is unfortunate that my comments have been misconstrued as a categorical
attack against people of Mexican heritage. I am friends with and employ
thousands of people of Mexican and Hispanic descent. The American justice
system relies on fair and impartial judges. All judges should be held to
that standard. I do not feel that one’s heritage makes them incapable of
being impartial, but, based on the rulings that I have received in the Trump
University civil ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Last night the subject of the Clinton Foundation came up in an interview
between Hillary Clinton and CNN's Anderson Cooper. This is a very touchy
By even the most charitable view, the activities of the Clinton Foundation
are corrupt and hopelessly compromised.
Its operations were characterized by a leading charity monitoring groups as
a slush fund. It also, on occasion, provides a very nice life style to Bill
Clinton's mistresses.
ANDERSON COOPER, CNN: Trump has said he's clearly going ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Cleveland, OHIO– If there’s one demographic that Republicans should win in
national elections, it’s Asian Americans. They’re hard working, church
going, family-oriented, and one of the most entrepreneurial people living in
the country. Yet, the last time the GOP won this bloc of voters was back in
1992. Since then, it’s been a precipitous decline in voter support for the
GOP to the point where it’s just as bad, if not worse, than the party’s
performance with Hispanics. Yet, there were some signs... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Why Voting for Donald Trump Is a Morally Good Choice
Wayne Grudem
Some of my Christian friends tell me they can’t in good conscience vote for
Donald Trump because, when faced with a choice between “the lesser of two
evils,” the morally right thing is to choose neither one. They recommend
voting for a third-party or write-in candidate.
As a professor who has taught Christian ethics for 39 years, I think their
analysis is incorrect. Now that Trump has won the GOP nomination, I think
voting for Tru... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
September 9, 2016
The Battleground Poll and Trump's Path to Victory
By Bruce Walker
The GWU Battleground Poll published on September 9 shows Donald Trump a
clear path to victory: win the conservative vote. The data in this poll has
been consistent over the last two decades, and the data in the latest poll
is no different. The overwhelming majority of Americans are self-identified
The September 2016 Battleground Poll shows that 54% of all Americans are
self-identified conservativ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
发帖数: 2054
An Establishment Conservative’s Guide To The Alt-Right
by Allum Bokhari & Milo Yiannopoulos29 Mar 20164584
A specter is haunting the dinner parties, fundraisers and think-tanks of the
Establishment: the specter of the “alternative right.” Young, creative
and eager to commit secular heresies, they have become public enemy number
one to beltway conservatives — more hated, even, than Democrats or loopy
The alternative right, more commonly known as the alt-right, is ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 61690
Poll: Americans overwhelmingly oppose sanctuary cities
An overwhelming majority of Americans believe that cities that arrest
illegal immigrants for crimes should be required to turn them over to
federal authorities.
The poll shows that President Trump has broad public support in his effort
to crack down on sanctuary cities.
A survey from Harvard–Harris Poll provided exclusively to The Hill found
that 80 percent of voters say local authorities should have to comply with
the law by reporting to fe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
There has been massive and quite effective mind control going on for some
What you will see (and I saw it Friday night, when I was out with a bunch
of pink-pussy-hatted-protesting women friends) is
... and then "Well, it's not as bad as pedophilia. Roy Moore is
obviously a pedophile."
... and then "When are they going to go after Trump? He's the biggest
predator," but that story is losing a little steam in the group...
...and then it shifts a bit int... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2018
A lot of people are in a funk over President Trump’s decision to recognize
Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The liberal media, most former government
officials who’ve dealt with the Israeli–Palestinian imbroglio, and just
about everyone at the United Nations appear certain that the decision had a
lot to do with Mr. Trump’s disruptive nature, the president’s son-in-law
Jared Kushner, Evangelical Christians and pro-Is... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
Liberal Hero Chomsky Admits "Israeli Intervention In US Elections Overwhelms
Anything Russia Has Done"

发帖数: 1
Trump poised to tax an extra $200 billion in Chinese imports
CBS/AP September 6, 2018, 8:03 AM
The Trump administration may poised to slap tariffs of up to 25 percent on
an additional $200 billion in Chinese goods, heating up a trade
confrontation with China.
The trade war between the world's two biggest economies would likely squeeze
U.S. companies that import everything... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1305
来自主题: ebiz版 - 买nook了
Redemption Details: Only Nook e-Readers available online qualify for this
Overwhelming Offer. Remember, the Overwhelming Offer savings apply to
purchase subtotals (before taxes or service charges) equal to or greater
than $149.00. The OO rebate will be automatically credited within 1 to 2
billing cycles after a valid purchase (in accordance with the terms of
this offer) has been verified. Minimum spend to qualify for savings is
$149.00. Discount does not include tax or service charges. Selection... 阅读全帖
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