G****y 发帖数: 305 | 1 没有shovel过雪,如果不pave会怎样呢?是有不少家pave了,但是没有pave的也不少。 |
b******r 发帖数: 12 | 3 打算开车欣赏Denali Highway 一路的风景。但此路是 gravel road 多数租车公司的合
同只让在paved road 开。请教哪个Alaska 租车公司有车/合同供 driving off paved
road. 多謝 |
M****J 发帖数: 2908 | 4 反韩 萨德THAAD, 不反乐山 铺路爪 PAVE PAWS , 逻辑是甚么? |
m***y 发帖数: 14763 | 5 No kidding, there is a reason why most driveways are paved by asphalt in New
Have you ever shoveled snow? |
G****y 发帖数: 305 | 6 自己顶一下,大家都pave driveway吗? |
b***b 发帖数: 13249 | 7 pave 最好.
我大概估一下, 两个车位大概$2000-3000. 多请几家来估价,你就有个大概数目了. |
G****y 发帖数: 305 | 8 啊,那么贵啊,我家的driveway很长,而且车库外面还有一大块儿地方,用来挑头的。
难怪前任房主没有pave呢。谢谢你的回复。 |
k**o 发帖数: 3006 | 10 湾区,只是简单的把老的水泥地面挖掉重新pave,收到的报价差不多都是$12-$14 per
请问大家有没有更便宜的推荐啊?PS工作实在忙不打算自己做 |
F***Q 发帖数: 6599 | 11
well, I tried it last year, about half ft snow, tried to drive my ariens 24
across a rough gravel paved ground to clean my back yard, but after
wrestling for 20 min, it only moved 10 ft, the wheels slid badly and could
not push forward. I also did not raise the skid shoe, so I saw rocks shot
from the chute. I gave up after that.
If the pavement is fairly fat and has only fine gravel, it might work for
you. |
t******e 发帖数: 810 | 12 各位汗滴怎么搞? 铺pave一般是用小石子和沙子来level地面,用paver base不便宜而
用水泥的好处是一了百了,不怕长草不怕地陷。用沙子做base我老心理总有疙瘩 |
k********8 发帖数: 7948 | 13 Stephen King: Euro meltdown would pave the way for another Great Depression
Outlook: Imagine that Europe is unable to agree on a convincing solution.
What sort of system would we be left with?
Monday, 17 October 2011
The euro's future is all our futures. Whether or not you like the single
currency, the world economy's health depends on its survival. Should the
euro collapse, we will find ourselves heading into another Great Depression.
Its establishment removed the currency risk which had inhibi... 阅读全帖 |
m******c 发帖数: 1202 | 14 【 以下文字转载自 Living 讨论区 】
发信人: majiaabc ( happy), 信区: Living
标 题: 请教湾区 做过asphalt paving的,有包子感谢
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Apr 22 19:59:36 2013, 美东)
需要把drive way重新铺一下,还可能新铺一些地方,请问单价能有多少,什么公司比
较好。 |
t****l 发帖数: 110 | 15 没哪家同意吧
paved |
c*******y 发帖数: 161 | 16 I am just learning how to use PAVE(program for assembling and viewing EST)
now, I do not know how to use it. Is someone know how to use it? also GO
Slim and KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes. Please give me some
suggestions how to find more informatics. thanks. |
g******y 发帖数: 2517 | 17 14k Yellow Gold Oval Pave Diamond Hoop Earrings (1/4 cttw, H-I Color, I1-I2
Clarity), 半价
http://amzn.to/yzkrj1 |
i*****s 发帖数: 15215 | 18 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
ellieo (改,改,改,改你个猫!) 于 (Sat Mar 23 22:09:53 2013, 美东) 提到:
第三大的冰川Hiela Sur,有着贯穿南美洲且孕育着西半球最高峰的Andes山脉,还有着在
荒原上悠然吃草的Guanaco,以及翱翔在高空俯瞰着荒原的Andean Condor.于是,对我来
说,这里似乎有着一种特别的魔力,吸引着我一次又一... 阅读全帖 |
s*****i 发帖数: 5548 | 19 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
hello10 (hello10) 于 (Sat Dec 8 00:44:34 2012, 美东) 提到:
圣诞时候想去big bend national park转转,大概看了一下,有几个问题:
Carlsbad, NM 过去,晚上到公园外面;之后走的那天早上开去el paso, TX。)
drive,似乎basin也值得去,还有其他paved road值得开吗?(只是普通的车)short
trail有什么推荐吗?似乎window view可以看日落?这样小转一下的话,一整天够吗?
还是要两天?路线怎么计划好呢 (怎样从外面开进去,然后转出去)?
ppANDpp (月日月光... 阅读全帖 |
r******h 发帖数: 809 | 20 今天去Semuc Champey的团只有11个人,9点多领了午饭出发,交通工具是一辆敞篷大卡
过我们的第一个目的地是河这侧的水溶洞Kan’Ba Caves。下车,沿着河又往前走了一
水下的石头看不见,每次踢腿都小心翼翼的,免得一脚踹到石头上疼死… 游到尽头爬
上一个小石头包,基本所有人手里的蜡烛都“牺牲”了,好点的... 阅读全帖 |
g********d 发帖数: 19244 | 21 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
oloolo (似人非兽) 于 (Sun Jan 12 17:05:48 2014, 美东) 提到:
碟,一路无恙到达4W336,见图三。这是一条从NF111直接转NF113的小径,必须挂4L... 阅读全帖 |
f*****w 发帖数: 1451 | 22 Paving is better than concrete due to its durability and better looking.
Furthermore, if one paver is broken, you can just change that bad one. For
concrete, if it's cracked, it will extend to the whole area.
The price is around $7/Sqf. I had several free estimates and finally nailed
down to "paving stone" which cost less than $7. Never ever call "Sky is not
the limit" company for paving stone. The guy to do the estimate is a jerk.
He will be pissed off if you don't sign the contract after the f... 阅读全帖 |
s******p 发帖数: 819 | 23 Gun Time: 26:00:45
Chip Time: 25:56:09
Checkpoint Name | Time of Day | Interval Time | Total Time
1 May Queen Outbound | 2011-08-20 | 06:38:22.652 | 02:38:22.982 | 02:38:22.
2 Fish Hatchery Outbound | 2011-08-20 | 08:40:43.126 | 02:02:20.474 | 04:40:
3 Half Pipe Outbound | 2011-08-20 | 10:14:52.813 | 01:34:09.687 | 06:14:53.
4 Twin Lakes Outbound | 2011-08-20 | 12:28:43.161 | 02:13:50.348 | 08:28:43.
5 Winfield | 2011-08-20 | 16:50:48.940 | 04:22:05.779 | 12:50:49.270
6 Twin... 阅读全帖 |
d****y 发帖数: 1671 | 25 First, the dimensions between basketball and tennis courts are different.
Second the paving material are quite different too.
Basketball court could be half court and full court, it also has junior,
high school and NCAA sizes. But the biggest one (NCAA) normally is 96'x62'
with normal concrete paving and subgrade. Tennis court normally is 120'x60'
with special surface material, paving, coating and paint. |
C*I 发帖数: 4736 | 26 denali hwy 从东边算起的20miles, 从西边算起10miles 是paved的, 只有中间差不
多100miles是unpaved的。从某种程度上你可以说,你开进去时的是一条paved road,
出来时也是paved road, 中间是有一段不是,但路上又没有牌子说中间有unpaved
road,而说的是 Highway, 所以你可以说你从头到尾开的是一条Highway,lol, 其实
, 退一步讲,即就是点儿背到不行,沦落到和租车公司或者保险公司打官司的地步,
我估计他们十有八九也赢不了。 |
y****i 发帖数: 2194 | 27 Day6 (7/10) 在Savage river过夜,一大早醒来看天气不错,往回开的路上我们去走了
一下1个mile的Savage Vista trail,虽然风景很美,我们还是没有运气看到McKinley
我们原本打算夜宿温泉Resort自带的RV park,结果开去的途中发现路上两边风景很好
,Chena River沿岸有很多很漂亮的State Recreational Area可以钓鱼,我们就打算泡
完温泉折返到Hotspring road上找个湖边的野地过夜,这样一来可以钓鱼,二来第二天
一下的孩子不让去户外的大池子,但是可以在室外的小池和室内活动。我们两个... 阅读全帖 |
s********s 发帖数: 911 | 28 太无聊了,实验run着,我闲着,看paper也看不进去。写点关于mw3的事吧。。。。
strike package 如下:
4, Care package
5, sentry gun
5, Predator Missile
5, IMS
6, Precision Airstrike
7, Attack Helicopter
9, AH-6 Overwatch
9, Reaper
9, Strafe Run
10, Assault Drone
12, AC-130
12, Pave Low
15, Juggernaut
17, Osprey Gunner
UAV(或者cuav或者advanced UVA),算一个killstreak point(我记得之前mw2和
black ops都不是这样的)。我就再也不装备uav了,而且除了用狙时,副武器都是
stinger。因为sting... 阅读全帖 |
S*****s 发帖数: 242 | 29 最早发现Ctla-4的是James Allison?这是谁告诉你的?Pierre Goldstein!连ctla-4
对免疫的抑制功能都是Jeffery Bluestone发现的,这才是关键的发现。这个Jim
Allison是开发抗体的,这个credit要给他。不过这离Lasker也太远了吧? James
Allison现在是拉上他在MD Anderson的情妇拼命的抢credit,故意误导舆论。这不就有
像你这样被误导成了义务宣传员的? 建议好好阅读这篇新的Science Letter, 搞清楚
Science 11 April 2014:
Vol. 344 no. 6180 p. 149
DOI: 10.1126/science.344.6180.149-a
Immunotherapy: It Takes a Village
We in the cancer immunology and immunotherapy community are th... 阅读全帖 |
e****o 发帖数: 3844 | 30 4. 修车的故事
出了大约7万mi(当然没出过事故,只在家门口收过一张stop sign没停死的罚单……)
们还收那么贵的汽油……同样是Tierra del Fuego(火地岛,在南美的最最南端,一半
大个儿的棱角分明的石头,而且整个Tierra del Fuego Chile side,几乎没一点paved
我一直开的战战兢兢的,想着开慢点总会... 阅读全帖 |
K**S 发帖数: 318 | 31 The Southern Ridges Walk is a nine-kilometer stroll across the hills of
southern Singapore.
[edit] Understand
Singapore is one of the world's most densely populated countries, but after
a slow start the country has recently put much effort into preserving the
bits of greenery that remain, and the Southern Ridges [1] are perhaps the
most impressive result.
The trail consists of four parks stretching across the western half of
Singapore, with impressive bridges allowing pedestrians to cross busy
h... 阅读全帖 |
c****s 发帖数: 5892 | 32 多市公车局(TTC)聘用的1名前计划经理﹐涉嫌与1间铺路公司东主串谋诈骗公车局10多万元。 两人已被控多项罪名。
多市警方表示﹐TTC于2009年7月开始内部调查﹐至2010年夏季报警。 公车局指控曾被该局聘用做铺路工作的IPAC Paving Limited公司51岁东主Sebastian Corbo﹐他于2009年6月至2010年7月期间﹐实际工作的费用应是5.4万元﹐但向TTC申报19.8万元。
当时负责主管该项工程的Bruno Colave??cchia 则涉嫌通过其妻子及儿子﹐以假公司名义开户口﹐接收IPAC Paving Limited的款项。
两名被告已被控包括诈骗﹑藏有赃款﹑洗黑钱及串谋犯罪等罪名。 |
h*h 发帖数: 27852 | 33 Moscow or Kiev-- How Germany could have won WW2
Pt. #1
The Russian Front was the decisive theatre of WW2. If Germany won everywhere
else, but lost on the Russian Front, then they lost the war. But 80% of the
Wehrmacht was employed fighting the Soviets, so if they lost everywhere
else, but they won on the Russian Front, then depending on when these events
took place the Wehrmacht should have been able to shift force... 阅读全帖 |
h*h 发帖数: 27852 | 34 Moscow or Kiev-- How Germany could have won WW2
Pt. #1
The Russian Front was the decisive theatre of WW2. If Germany won everywhere
else, but lost on the Russian Front, then they lost the war. But 80% of the
Wehrmacht was employed fighting the Soviets, so if they lost everywhere
else, but they won on the Russian Front, then depending on when these events
took place the Wehrmacht should have been able to shift force... 阅读全帖 |
h*h 发帖数: 27852 | 35 Moscow or Kiev-- How Germany could have won WW2
Pt. #1
The Russian Front was the decisive theatre of WW2. If Germany won everywhere
else, but lost on the Russian Front, then they lost the war. But 80% of the
Wehrmacht was employed fighting the Soviets, so if they lost everywhere
else, but they won on the Russian Front, then depending on when these events
took place the Wehrmacht should have been able to shift force... 阅读全帖 |
b****r 发帖数: 2555 | 36 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
stoppingtime (李将军又打鸡血了) 于 (Wed Nov 16 12:44:27 2011, 美东) 提到:
不是攻克莫斯科 (D. Glantz, The Battle for Leningrad, Kansas Univ. Press, pp.
所以,当战争进行到8月底,中央集团军群在西方面军的顽强抵抗下裹足不... 阅读全帖 |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 38 (1) Jens Kastner, Taiwan’s surveillance role for US in doubt. Asia Times,
Jan. 4, 2011.
("Ma, who heralds the concept of "honest diplomacy" when dealing with China,
is not only suspected of having stopped recruiting agents to operate on the
other side of the Taiwan Strait but also of planning to put the brakes on
the sharing of intelligence with the US and Japan, its longtime allies")
(PAV... 阅读全帖 |
C*******d 发帖数: 15836 | 39 没调查,total paved road还差不多,除此之外还应该有大量的没有paved road。 |
h*h 发帖数: 27852 | 40 有可能,不过德军机会很大,我觉着有至少80%把握。越早打莫斯科,苏军战斗力越差。时间在苏联一边。
Moscow or Kiev-- How Germany could have won WW2
Pt. #1
The Russian Front was the decisive theatre of WW2. If Germany won everywhere
else, but lost on the Russian Front, then they lost the war. But 80% of the
Wehrmacht was employed fighting the Soviets, so if they lost everywhere
else, but they won on the Russian Front, then depending on when these events
took place t... 阅读全帖 |
k*****r 发帖数: 21039 | 41 燃料箱结冰,和外界温度关系不大。
United KingdomUK 17 January 2008 British Airways Flight 38
152 47 0 Following an uneventful flight from Beijing, China, the
aircraft was established on an ILS approach to runway 27L at London
Heathrow. Initially the approach progressed normally, with the Autopilot and
Autothrottle engaged, until the aircraft was at a height of approximately
600 ft and 2 miles from touch down. The aircraft then descended rapidly and
struck the ground, some 1,000 ft sho... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 42 铺路爪长程预警雷达(AN/FPS-115 PAVE PAWS)是美国研制的一种探测潜射对地攻击弹
Array Warning System(相位阵列预警系统)的缩写,雷神公司为雷达主承包商,IBM
两者皆回报至美国科罗拉多州夏延山通讯站 |
W*****B 发帖数: 4796 | 43 How the Supreme Court just paved the way for legal sports betting, explained
in 4 minutes
Now that the Supreme Court has given a thumbs-up, states can start
legalizing sports betting. Many will.
On Monday, the Supreme Court issued a decision in Murphy v. NCAA that could
lead to legal sports betting in states across the country. Here’s what’s
going on.
The Supreme Court didn’t just legalize sports betting, but it paved the way
for states to legalize it on their own.
In 1992, President George H.W.... 阅读全帖 |
t**********3 发帖数: 12623 | 44 My village was to pave some damaged roads last year, the local government
would only give the contract to union for $250,000, meanwhile a non-union
contractor offered a bid of $110,000, and he even offered to pave the park
if he's paid $250,000. people loved the idea of repaving the park, but
eventually union got the deal.
this is just a very small example at a very small scale.
with the money paid to the unions, it could generate so much more economic
activities which create new jobs and benefi... 阅读全帖 |
m********g 发帖数: 10469 | 45 估计希拉里不尿这帮子落水狗
National Review to Endorse Hillary?
By Mike Stopa
- Satire -
Word is out that the National Review, known as the soul of intellectual
conservatism since its founding 60 years ago by conservative icon William F.
Buckley Jr., is planning to endorse Hillary Clinton for President.
According to a possibly informed source claiming to be close to the magazine
’s editorial board and demanding anonymity, assuming that businessman
Donald Trump is crowned the Republican nominee at the upcoming... 阅读全帖 |
d***a 发帖数: 13752 | 46 That's right, but it is not the locking feature that makes 4Runner an off-road 4WD. It's a truck-based SUV, so it can go off road all day. The powertrain is strong and is built for off-road.
You said AWD+locking center diff equals 4WD. Actually, center diff was added to 4WD to make it AWD capable, so the vehicle can run on paved road with four wheels driving. A part-time 4WD vehicle has to switch to 2WD mode on paved roads because it doesn't have a center diff. |
y*****6 发帖数: 1107 | 47 包子 please.
private access road design
The grade of the roadbed should be less than
10% for best results (10 ft. vertical in 100 ft. horizontal).
Maximum sustained grades should never exceed:
· 6 percent for natural soil and grass surface
· 10 percent for gravel or crushed stone surface
· 16 percent if paved
These grades may be increased up to 15 percent on gravel roads (if crushed
stone is used) and 20 percent on paved roads for short reaches (200 feet or
less) where no other alternative exists. |
n********e 发帖数: 41 | 48 楼主 看到 你 isDiffByOne 函数就知道你必然要超时
Leetcode免费给你用 就别挑剔了。凡事要先从自身找问题
start = "nanny";
end = "aloud";
String[] d = {"ricky","grind","cubic","panic","lover","farce","gofer
wares","wom... 阅读全帖 |
z*********h 发帖数: 133 | 49 Once again I leave my grave
And dirt and daisies hit the pave
...there are lots of rolling hills before you hit the pave |
m***y 发帖数: 14763 | 50 Not really, if you know how to do it right, it's pretty easy to get a permit
. They are just unwilling to give out permits, like free candy, to green
If you can't get a permit, hire a paving contractor.
If you are in New England, you mighta already knew why Asphalt is more
popular here than concrete when it comes to paving.
Again, this should a summer project if you choose Asphalt. I know people
intentionally choose to do it in fall for better price, but don't put it off
too long. Give it |