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发帖数: 20182
【 以下文字转载自 Hardware 讨论区 】
发信人: age2 (age 2 warrior), 信区: Hardware
标 题: HTML5 新时代游戏--浏览器上玩Quake(多人对战online)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 2 20:52:00 2010, 美东)
知道有些人还在怀疑html5, 能否胜任哪怕最简单的游戏. 其实完全不必要担心, 有这
么多的HTML5饭, 有W3C标准组织的撑腰, 更有苹果, 微软和Google这些大佬的支持, 可
以预见, HTML5不会是孤孤单单登上舞台的, 马上就会有另外相配的标准和开发工具出
来, 一起掌声迎接HTML5时代的到来.
你首先想到的是图形函数库, 这已有了, 名字叫做webGL. 这是基于JavaScript API,
并能应用硬件加速三维图形进行渲染的图形库, no plugin, 无兼容性问题, 所有的浏
览器通吃! 其他的一些问题, 譬如websocket和很多refactoring等等, Google都已经做
了试验, 并彻底解决了(有钱确实好).
发帖数: 8268
quake live是什么环境下的?
发帖数: 791
发帖数: 16666
发帖数: 9485
They were discussing the power of God with two local Japanese when the
shaking began. They ignored it at first says Hiltbrand — there are so many
small quakes in this region — but not for long.
The growing fury of the rumbling drove them to take shelter under a table.
Then they decided to run outside.
“There was a loud bang and everything was moving in every direction,”
Hiltbrand says. “Cars were rocking on the street.”
When it stopped, the two missionaries jumped on their bikes and rode to
chec... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9485
Any illusion that the disaster was over quickly passed as traffic built—
with cars heading inland toward Sendai. Then police and fire vehicle sirens
began blaring tsunami warnings.
Hiltbrand and Aiura climbed to the second story of the church, a building
that is raised 4 to 5 feet off the ground.
The watched out the window as the water level rose rapidly, aided by the
river that wraps around the town—and sucked their bicycles into a torrent,
along with cars and debris.
Water began pouring throug... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2131
来自主题: Anhui版 - Earth quake~~~~
yeah, any quake comfort Bao Zi for me?...
发帖数: 26819
【 以下文字转载自 Hardware 讨论区 】
发信人: age2 (age 2 warrior), 信区: Hardware
标 题: HTML5 新时代游戏--浏览器上玩Quake(多人对战online)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun May 2 20:52:00 2010, 美东)
我承认这两天不太对头, 刚一坐下就开始挖坑. 不过大家似乎蛮有兴趣的, 趁星期日,
知道有些人还在怀疑html5, 能否胜任哪怕最简单的游戏. 其实完全不必要担心, 有这
么多的HTML5饭, 有W3C标准组织的撑腰, 更有苹果, 微软和Google这些大佬的支持, 可
以预见, HTML5不会是孤孤单单登上舞台的, 马上就会有另外相配的标准和开发工具出
来, 一起掌声迎接HTML5时代的到来.
你首先想到的是图形函数库, 这已有了, 名字叫做webGL. 这是基于JavaScript API,
并能应用硬件加速三维图形进行渲染的图形库, no plugin, 无兼容性问题, 所有的浏
览器通吃! 其他的一些问题, 譬如websocket和很多refactoring等
发帖数: 123
知道有些人还在怀疑html5, 能否胜任哪怕最简单的游戏. 其实完全不必要担心, 有这
么多的HTML5饭, 有W3C标准组织的撑腰, 更有苹果, 微软和Google这些大佬的支持, 可
以预见, HTML5不会是孤孤单单登上舞台的, 马上就会有另外相配的标准和开发工具出
来, 一起掌声迎接HTML5时代的到来.
你首先想到的是图形函数库, 这已有了, 名字叫做webGL. 这是基于JavaScript API,
并能应用硬件加速三维图形进行渲染的图形库, no plugin, 无兼容性问题, 所有的浏
览器通吃! 其他的一些问题, 譬如websocket和很多refactoring等等, Google都已经做
了试验, 并彻底解决了(有钱确实好).
为了炫耀和测试html5的潜在的能力, Google的一些软件工程师用他们自己的Web
Toolkit开发了第一人称枪战游戏QuakeII, 它的引擎是基于开源Java的Quake引擎Jake2
http://bytonic.de/html/jake2.html, 以此为蓝本, 应用他们的Web Toolkit和webGL, webs
发帖数: 17544
来自主题: Linux版 - Quake live now supports linux
发帖数: 2945
来自主题: Linux版 - Quake live now supports linux
quake live is awesome, hehe
now only if epic can make unreal tournament browser game...
发帖数: 60932
There's a few reduced titles,:
but these games are just really cheap - prices include shipping which make
it well worth it.
* Enemy Territory: Quake Wars:
* High School Musical 3: Senior year Dance w/Dance Mat:
- $4.99
发帖数: 1464
发帖数: 4412
Tales of Two Earthquakes Offer Lessons for the Future
Emergency Management By: Eric Holdeman on February 28, 2011
Photo courtesy of Liz Roll/ FEMA
Seattle's historic Pioneer Square was one of the hardest hit areas during
the Feb. 28, 2001, Nisqually earthquake. Photo courtesy of Liz Roll/ FEMA
Ideally we learn from experiences and build on successes while trying not to
repeat our mistakes. Many times in our after-action reviews and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
Tales of Two Earthquakes Offer Lessons for the Future
Emergency Management By: Eric Holdeman on February 28, 2011
Photo courtesy of Liz Roll/ FEMA
Seattle's historic Pioneer Square was one of the hardest hit areas during
the Feb. 28, 2001, Nisqually earthquake. Photo courtesy of Liz Roll/ FEMA
Ideally we learn from experiences and build on successes while trying not to
repeat our mistakes. Many times in our after-action reviews and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
Tales of Two Earthquakes Offer Lessons for the Future
Emergency Management By: Eric Holdeman on February 28, 2011
Photo courtesy of Liz Roll/ FEMA
Seattle's historic Pioneer Square was one of the hardest hit areas during
the Feb. 28, 2001, Nisqually earthquake. Photo courtesy of Liz Roll/ FEMA
Ideally we learn from experiences and build on successes while trying not to
repeat our mistakes. Many times in our after-action reviews and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
Tales of Two Earthquakes Offer Lessons for the Future
Emergency Management By: Eric Holdeman on February 28, 2011
Photo courtesy of Liz Roll/ FEMA
Seattle's historic Pioneer Square was one of the hardest hit areas during
the Feb. 28, 2001, Nisqually earthquake. Photo courtesy of Liz Roll/ FEMA
Ideally we learn from experiences and build on successes while trying not to
repeat our mistakes. Many times in our after-action reviews and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
New Zealand Building Code Gave All-Clear Before Quake
Wall Street Journal - Geoffrey Rogow * MARCH 1, 2011
CHRISTCHURCH—Experts are questioning why so many of the buildings damaged
in last year's earthquake in New Zealand were given the all-clear, an
alleged oversight that some say added to the calamity brought by last week's
quake in Christchurch.
"Everything had been weakened by that first quake, that's for sure," said
Steve Calanog, a federal "on scene" coordinator for the U.S. Environm... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6791
By Taiga Uranaka and Ki Joon Kwon
FUKUSHIMA, Japan | Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:01am EDT
(Reuters) - Japan faced potential catastrophe on Tuesday after a quake-
crippled nuclear power plant exploded and sent low levels of radiation
floating toward Tokyo, prompting some people to flee the capital and others
to stock up on essential supplies.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan urged people within 30 km (18 miles) of the
facility north of Tokyo to remai... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 237
来自主题: Military版 - CNN报道中国给日本捐款的事了
Why China's help to Japan carries weigh
Beijing, China (CNN) -- Disasters usually bring out the best and the worst
At Beijing Language and Culture University this week, it's the best.
Japanese and Chinese students gathered on campus during lunch break to raise
donations for Japan's quake and tsunami survivors.
"We know the situation in Japan is terrible right now, so we hope that our
activities can help the Japanese victims," said Chinese organizer Jing Yao,
junior aspiring to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
New Zealand Building Code Gave All-Clear Before Quake
Wall Street Journal - Geoffrey Rogow * MARCH 1, 2011
CHRISTCHURCH—Experts are questioning why so many of the buildings damaged
in last year's earthquake in New Zealand were given the all-clear, an
alleged oversight that some say added to the calamity brought by last week's
quake in Christchurch.
"Everything had been weakened by that first quake, that's for sure," said
Steve Calanog, a federal "on scene" coordinator for the U.S. Environm... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
New Zealand Building Code Gave All-Clear Before Quake
Wall Street Journal - Geoffrey Rogow * MARCH 1, 2011
CHRISTCHURCH—Experts are questioning why so many of the buildings damaged
in last year's earthquake in New Zealand were given the all-clear, an
alleged oversight that some say added to the calamity brought by last week's
quake in Christchurch.
"Everything had been weakened by that first quake, that's for sure," said
Steve Calanog, a federal "on scene" coordinator for the U.S. Environm... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
New Zealand Building Code Gave All-Clear Before Quake
Wall Street Journal - Geoffrey Rogow * MARCH 1, 2011
CHRISTCHURCH—Experts are questioning why so many of the buildings damaged
in last year's earthquake in New Zealand were given the all-clear, an
alleged oversight that some say added to the calamity brought by last week's
quake in Christchurch.
"Everything had been weakened by that first quake, that's for sure," said
Steve Calanog, a federal "on scene" coordinator for the U.S. Environm... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25262
来自主题: NewYork版 - 曼哈顿高楼防震
以前就听说过纽约的地震迟到了。纽约平均每一百年一大震,上一次 5 级震是 1884
年。震中在 Rockaways. 几个月前的报道又露面了:
3/17/11 By Rolando Pujol
New York seen as overdue for significant earthquake
It’s seen as something of a New York City bragging right: We don’t have to
worry about earthquakes.
While we shouldn’t be shaking in our boots, we also must avoid sticking our
heads in the sand when it comes to seismic risks, experts advise. In the
aftermath of the Japan earthquake, scientists caution that New ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
(Wed Jul 30 22:34:23 2008)
最后,预测一下the Big One的epicenter, 想必是去年(10/30/07)的Magnitude 5.4
event near Alum Rock处无疑,因为this event (/30/07 Magnitude 5.4 event near
Alum Rock),将弯曲最危险的Hayward fault (现在处于150年的窗口期)与另一条大
致沿I-680走向的Calaveras fault连在一起。不过,南湾鬼谷的同学大可放心,大部分
鬼谷的office buildings都不太高,且不少是1995年后建造的。再加上大部分鬼谷的
single family houses也是1995年后建造的,均符合1995年发布的新抗震规范的要求。
只是在最危险的是三藩及Oakland的Downtown的high-rise office buildings上班的各
位,小心驶得万年船,take care.
Eart... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8308
3rd Earthquake in Ellis County Since Mid-June
Updated: Monday, 18 Jul 2011, 8:57 AM CDT
Published : Monday, 18 Jul 2011, 8:57 AM CDT
WAXAHACHIE, Texas (AP) — A small earthquake rattled the crockery in a
mostly rural area just south of Dallas, but cause no reported damage.
The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake had a magnitude of 3.0. The
epicenter of the 2 a.m. Sunday quake was plotted about 13 miles west of
Waxahachie near the Ellis County farming community of Venus.
Geophysicist Paul Caruso... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9607
来自主题: TVGame版 - 这次咱们来挖fps的坑吧
顶一个,FPS是我最喜欢玩的一个类型了。不过入门比较晚,从quake 2局域网战开始玩
的。quake 2在网上玩了很长时间,那时还特地练过平移跳,圆弧跳什么的,还是觉得
像也是觉得非常牛。后来网上没有什么人玩quake 2了,就好长时间没玩了。开始的时
候不习惯quake 3的花哨。不过最近quake live免费了,终于又可以每天上网玩了(技
术发展的真是快啊,当初的quake 3现在变成网站游戏了)。一直还在玩的还有美国陆
的Free for All了。
发帖数: 7928
来自主题: NewJersey版 - colorado今天早些时候也震了
USGS: Colorado experiences largest quake in more than 40 years
(CNN) -- A moderate 5.3-magnitude earthquake that rattled southern Colorado
early Tuesday morning was the largest to hit the state in more than 40 years
, the U.S. Geological Survey said.
The quake's epicenter was seven miles southwest of Cokedale, and 180 miles
south of Denver. There were no immediate reports of casualties.
A dispatcher at the sheriff's office in Las Animas County, which includes
Cokedale, said the quake last... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1116
惊天大揭秘,东部大地震后的惨象 (有图慎入)
3.6 magnitude earthquake shakes D.C. area
WASHINGTON - A 3.6 magnitude earthquake woke the Washington metro region
Friday, rattling homes and startling people.
The U.S. Geological Survey says it happened at exactly 5:04:49 a.m. about 3
miles under the earth's surface.
Officials warn there could be aftershocks in the coming days.
There were no reports of injuries or damage, but transportation crews are
inspecting bridges in Maryland and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
Earthquake detection systems can sound the alarm in the moments before a
big tremor strikes—time enough to save lives
Japan’s system, which went live in 2007, makes heavy use of personal
technology. Alerts go out not only on television and radio but through
special receivers in homes, offices and schools. Pop-up windows on
computers show a real-time map with the epicenter’s location and the
radiating seismic waves. A timer counts down to the shaking at your
location and highlights predicted inte... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4936
来自主题: Military版 - 新泻发生6.6级地震
Powerful Quake Hits Japan's Nagano Prefecture
TOKYO (Kyodo)--A powerful earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6.6 hit
an inland area northwest of Tokyo early Saturday, measuring upper 6 on the
Japanese seismic intensity scale of 7 in Nagano Prefecture, the Japan
Meteorological Agency said.
The agency did not issue a tsunami warning. The 3:59 a.m. quake hit areas
including Niigata Prefecture on the Sea of Japan coast, which is far from
th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
Earthquake detection systems can sound the alarm in the moments before a
big tremor strikes—time enough to save lives
Japan’s system, which went live in 2007, makes heavy use of personal
technology. Alerts go out not only on television and radio but through
special receivers in homes, offices and schools. Pop-up windows on
computers show a real-time map with the epicenter’s location and the
radiating seismic waves. A timer counts down to the shaking at your
location and highlights predicted inte... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
Earthquake detection systems can sound the alarm in the moments before a
big tremor strikes—time enough to save lives
Japan’s system, which went live in 2007, makes heavy use of personal
technology. Alerts go out not only on television and radio but through
special receivers in homes, offices and schools. Pop-up windows on
computers show a real-time map with the epicenter’s location and the
radiating seismic waves. A timer counts down to the shaking at your
location and highlights predicted inte... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3729
来自主题: PhotoGear版 - 刚才居然连续地震了两次
DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM/AP) – Nine earthquakes, three of them with a 3-point
magnitude or greater, rocked North Texas Tuesday into early Wednesday,
knocking items off walls, causing cracks to appear in ceilings and generally
shattering nerves across the region.
The latest quake, reported just before 1 a.m. Wednesday, measured in at a 3.
1 magnitude, and was centered near the convergence of State Highway 114,
Loop 12, and the Airport Free... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38403
来自主题: TrustInJesus版 - 日本又震了,7.4
Tokyo (CNN) -- A 7.4-magnitude earthquake struck Japan on Thursday,
triggering a tsunami warning for one prefecture.
Workers evacuated the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant following the quake,
the Tokyo Electric Power Co. said. Tokyo Electric said it has communication
with the plant and the power is still on. There were no immediate reports of
damage, it said.
The quake's epicenter was off the coast of Miyagi in northeastern Japan, the
Japan Meteorological Agency said.
Public broadcaster NHK repo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
Earthquake detection systems can sound the alarm in the moments before a
big tremor strikes—time enough to save lives
Japan’s system, which went live in 2007, makes heavy use of personal
technology. Alerts go out not only on television and radio but through
special receivers in homes, offices and schools. Pop-up windows on
computers show a real-time map with the epicenter’s location and the
radiating seismic waves. A timer counts down to the shaking at your
location and highlights predicted inte... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
Executive officer of the New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering, Win
Clark, said the problem started with the first clause of the New Zealand
Building Code, which worked on the basis that modern one-storey houses
needed to be built on good ground. But there was nothing about liquefaction
in the code, Clark said. He described those omissions as "oversights".
Christchurch earthquake: Homes failed by 'standards oversight'
New Zealand Herald By Lydia Jarman
5:30 AM Sunday Feb 27, 2011
The Sou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4936
来自主题: Military版 - 日本特大地震
7.9 Magnitude Quake Hits Japan; Tsunami Warning
Magnitude 7.9 earthquake strikes northern Japan; Tokyo buildings sway,
tsunami warning issued
The Associated Press
TOKYO March 11, 2011 (AP)
Japan was struck by a magnitude 7.9 earthquake off its northeastern coast
Friday, shaking buildings in Tokyo for several minutes and prompting a
tsunami warning.
Japan's meteorological agency warned that a tsunami as high as 20 feet (6
meters) could strike the coast near Miyagi prefecture, clo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2812
Japan’s Strict Building Codes Saved Lives
Hidden inside the skeletons of high-rise towers, extra steel bracing, giant
rubber pads and embedded hydraulic shock absorbers make modern Japanese
buildings among the sturdiest in the world during a major earthquake. And
all along the Japanese coast, tsunami warning signs, towering seawalls and
well-marked escape routes offer some protection from walls of water.
These precautions, along with earthquake and tsunami dri... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 503
TOKYO (Reuters) – While images of brutal destruction wreaked by a
devastating earthquake and tsunami have stunned the nation and the world,
Japanese are finding both inspiration and reasons to vent in the aftermath
of the disaster.
One sentiment that is emerging is that such a calamitous event could occur
again at any time, in any place.
"We don't know when it will happen to us," said Masatoshi Masuda, 52, a seal
carver in the southwest city of Kagoshima, far from the deadly, three-meter
-high w... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 231
发帖数: 1980
来自主题: Military版 - 美国这么冷。 北美国如何》
Even before the polar vortex put large swathes of the US into a deep freeze,
subzero temperatures in Canada were causing frost quakes. A few nights ago,
residents around Ontario woke up to mysterious booms—like an explosion or
falling tree. Turns it was just the cold.
Like a glass jar of water in the freezer, the ground can crack as liquid
water expands while freezing into ice. Frost quakes, or cryoseisms, require
a sharp temperature drop: It must be warm enough for water to first saturate
the g... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
Executive officer of the New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering, Win
Clark, said the problem started with the first clause of the New Zealand
Building Code, which worked on the basis that modern one-storey houses
needed to be built on good ground. But there was nothing about liquefaction
in the code, Clark said. He described those omissions as "oversights".
Christchurch earthquake: Homes failed by 'standards oversight'
New Zealand Herald By Lydia Jarman
5:30 AM Sunday Feb 27, 2011
The Sou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5776
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - 到底7.9还是7.2?差不老少倍那
7.9 magnitude quake hits Japan; tsunami warning
TOKYO – Japan was struck by a magnitude 7.9 earthquake off its northeastern
coast Friday, shaking buildings in Tokyo for several minutes and prompting
a tsunami warning.
Japan's meteorological agency warned that a tsunami as high as 20 feet (6
meters) could strike the coast near Miyagi prefecture, closest to the
epicenter. Smaller tsunamis of up to 50 centimeters reached some coastal
c... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 521
来自主题: LosAngeles版 - 快地震了?

Deep 7.1 quake rattles Colombia
The Associated Press
Published: Sunday, Sep. 30, 2012 - 10:15 am
Last Modified: Sunday, Sep. 30, 2012 - 1:27 pm
BOGOTA, Colombia -- A powerful 7.1-magnitude earthquake centered nearly 100
miles underground rattled southwestern Colombia on Sunday but no damage or
injuries were reported.
The quake struck at 11:31 a.m. local time 30 miles (48 kilometers) from the
regional capital of Popayan and was felt in Bogota as well as 10 of Colombia
's 32 states. The U.S. Geol... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4412
Executive officer of the New Zealand Society of Earthquake Engineering, Win
Clark, said the problem started with the first clause of the New Zealand
Building Code, which worked on the basis that modern one-storey houses
needed to be built on good ground. But there was nothing about liquefaction
in the code, Clark said. He described those omissions as "oversights".
Christchurch earthquake: Homes failed by 'standards oversight'
New Zealand Herald By Lydia Jarman
5:30 AM Sunday Feb 27, 2011
The Sou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 75
OK, guys, this sounds serious.
Here is an email from geologists in my company. Please be preparing for a
mega earthquake in WA.
Hello everyone. I’m sorry about the mass email, and the late notice - but
I just got word that because of the Japan quake, the date has been moved up.
Sunday March 13th on the National Geographic Channel at 8pm is showing a
show that was filmed here in Portland and also in several other places in
Oregon and Washington about the expect... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25
来自主题: Seattle版 - 西雅图地震真的那么可怕?
Please read this:
"Scientists believe this tectonic fault is capable of creating extremely
large earthquakes, topping 9.0 on the Richter scale, and that there is about
a 40% chance of such a mega-quake happening in the next 50 years. At the
moment there is no way to predict the timing of such a quake, just that one
is extremely likely. And because the fault is off-shore, a Cascadia mega-
quake stands a strong chance of generating a ... 阅读全帖
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