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发帖数: 1828
const int nbins = 13;
double xbin[nbins+1];
for (int i=0;i xbin[i]= 10.0*i;
here's the message, but the line number is incorrect; it's far from the line
where this array is located.
Limitation: Statement too long FILE:drawRatios4.C LINE:96
cint: Security mode 0x7:0x2 *** Fatal error in interpreter... restarting
interpreter ***
*** Fatal error in interpreter... restarting interpreter ***
发帖数: 525
来自主题: Programming版 - 一个Hadoop Cluster升级的问题
你们用的Hadoop Cluster是怎么升级的?下面是我的问题
Rolling Upgrade Hadoop Cluster Question
In our company, one of main Hadoop clusters (HDP) has about 600 nodes. It
upgrades almost monthly plus some other maintenance. Every time doing so
takes hours to a couple of days and all apps running on it have to be shut
off. I just cannot imagine the clusters performing such important work in
other companies will get interrupted so often and so long. I asked why don't
we do rolling upgrade? Here is one of main architect's... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 63
来自主题: Security版 - [转载] re-enable Windows 2000 RPC
【 以下文字转载自 Windows 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: abba (对称的美), 信区: Windows
标 题: re-enable Windows 2000 RPC
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Sun Dec 15 12:57:25 2002) WWW-POST
Hello, good people:
I accidentally disabled RPC service, and forgot to re-enable it back
before I restarted Windows 2000. Now when I restart windows 2000, it takes
enormous amount of time. I tried to enter administrator tools, services tool,
and locate the Remote Procedure Call (RPC), click on the properties, but the
properties windows never shows
发帖数: 13
来自主题: Security版 - Help! Virus or Norton problem?
Did you scan right after the update and restart your PC till now?
For whatever reason, save your project first before doing anything.
then you may need to exam your processing list to see if there is abnormal
program runing. Stop those suspected program and restart to safe mode to see
if the pc works well. It is better to use a scanner from a bootable CD or scan
your machine using a network scan from other PC (Norton anti has the function).
And well if it is a torjan or some kind of worm, you ca
发帖数: 61
来自主题: Security版 - Toshiba 笔记本的重起问题
我刚买了一个TOSHIBA Sattlite Notebook.
回来后我先把里面几个AOL和ATT的东西给uninstal了, 然后
又装了几个软件如RealPlayer One, Microsoft office, etc.
But then I found that whenever I tried to restart after installing a new
software, the computer will be unresponsive, thus I have to turn it off by
myself and turn it on again.
But if I just want to restart, it will work.
Could anyone please give me some advice on what is going on? Thanks a lot.
发帖数: 123
其迅速,快得让人难以相信 。
发帖数: 3845
来自主题: Security版 - Help! Spyware -- Huntbar
My WindowsXp got infected by this damn Huntbar.
It automatically pop up IE window and create IE process even I don't have
any IE open.
I tried to use Ad-Aware, Microsoft AntiSpyware and Spybot, but all didn't
work. The Spybot looks like the best. It found that Huntbar but it couldn't
remove it because the program was in memory. It didn't work even I restarted
computer and scan right after restart.
There is a folder called C:\program files\ToolBar\Temp. But even I am using
administrator, I still
发帖数: 2300
来自主题: Security版 - A question regarding Messager Service
The message service always restarts after I start my PC even though I have
disabled it. How can I disable it without restarting it. Thanks a lot.

发帖数: 1363
you can write restart file every 10-15 min, so your program can restart from
there. for details go and ask in computation board
发帖数: 407
来自主题: Security版 - Help~~ what's wrong with my computer??
Once I'm connected to internet, the laptop automatically shuts down after a
quick blue screen with words full on it and then restarts. The error report
says it's related to some Microsoft ID software. But I cannot go online to
download from Microsoft because once I get online the computer keeps
shutting down and restarting. Anybody knows why? What should I do? Thanks!!!
发帖数: 904
How To Fix “BOOTMGR is missing” Error in Vista and Windows 7
Updated 19. September 2011 - 6:32 by rhiannon
Fixing the "BOOTMGR is missing" error isn't too hard; here's how.
The day before yesterday I was testing out a program with several system
utilities built in. One of its components left my computer in a bit of a
mess – no icons anywhere and other assorted woes. I had set a system
restore point before I ran the program, so I thought I’d do a system
restore. System restore gave me a message t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 904
How To Fix “BOOTMGR is missing” Error in Vista and Windows 7
Updated 19. September 2011 - 6:32 by rhiannon
Fixing the "BOOTMGR is missing" error isn't too hard; here's how.
The day before yesterday I was testing out a program with several system
utilities built in. One of its components left my computer in a bit of a
mess – no icons anywhere and other assorted woes. I had set a system
restore point before I ran the program, so I thought I’d do a system
restore. System restore gave me a message t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 241
来自主题: Software版 - Re: Help!!
1。如果你用的是win2K或win xp,你不需要,也千万不要乱撞南极星,richwin
什么的软件,你可以把windows的language setting中添加中文的support,如果
你经常要安装中文的程序的话,还可以把default language设成中文。
2。如果你不小心安装了richwin,你可以先试试add/remove program,如果不行的话
如果你以前已经添加了中文的语言包了,先uncheck simplified chinese->restart->
check simplified chinese->restart.
hope this is helpful.

发帖数: 124
点什么东西都是“windows cannot access the specified device, path or file,
you don't have the approriate permission to do the operation". Firefox, word
, notpad, 等等等等都出现这个提示。甚至关机shut down and restart都出现你没有
发帖数: 95
求救:电脑突然蓝屏死机,重起连Safe Mode也不让进,Error Message如下
A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage
to your computer.
If this is the first time you've seen this Stop error screen, restart your
computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps:
Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in
the Stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacturer for
driver updates. Try chaging video adapters.
Check with your hardware vendor f... 阅读全帖
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