发帖数: 1 | 1 杀人都一个接一个过线
: 杀人强奸贩毒无恶不作,简直就是一个流氓犯罪人士的大集合啊
: :A doctor was convicted of sexually assaulting a sedated woman in her
: :hospital room. His sentence? Probation
: :By Joe Sterling and Keith Allen, CNN
: :Posted at 4:35 PM ET, Mon August 20, 2018
c***i 发帖数: 220 | 2 那个趁女病人之危,将其奸污的德州医生都不用坐牢
A doctor who raped a "heavily sedated" patient will not serve any jail time
for the crime.
就是肉饼入狱了,就你们这群键盘,奶茶一口都喝不到 |
l*****r 发帖数: 687 | 3 A comparison of fentanyl with pethidine for pain relief during childbirth: a
randomised controlled trial.
Fentanyl administered by s.c. and i.n. routes is as efficacious in relieving
labour pain as i.m. pethidine, but resulted in greater satisfaction, less
sedation, shorter labour, fewer nursery admissions, and fewer difficulties
in establishing breastfeeding. Fentanyl appears to be a suitable alternative
to pethidine when providing parenteral pain relief to labouring women. |
发帖数: 1 | 4 还要加大dosage吗?
我早上都起不来,精神病药物基本上都是sedate的。。 |
C**A 发帖数: 535 | 5 不用切开,直接从嘴插管,病人需要sedation,要不拼命反抗。
: 那是给氧机吧?呼吸机好像要气管切开的。
u****d 发帖数: 23938 | 6 【 以下文字转载自 PDA 讨论区 】
发信人: daye520 (哈哈), 信区: PDA
标 题: Steve Jobs真是奇葩啊生命不息搞事不已 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 17 17:17:44 2013, 美东)
发信人: cxw360 (cxw360), 信区: Joke
标 题: Steve Jobs真是奇葩啊生命不息搞事不已 (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 17 14:23:47 2013, 美东)
发信人: TravisBickle (Travis), 信区: Military
标 题: Steve Jobs真是奇葩啊生命不息搞事不已
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Aug 17 12:51:55 2013, 美东)
In the hospital at the end of his life, he runs through sixty-seven nurses
before he finds three he likes. “At one point, the pulmonologist tri... 阅读全帖 |
s*********r 发帖数: 8929 | 7 可是一般来说,在ICU家属 不能陪护啊
例如ucsd icu policy
Visiting ICU Patients
Our hospitals have several ICU units, depending on the patient's medical
needs. When you visit, please check with the front desk to find out the
patient's room number.
Guidelines for Families and Visitors
The doors to our hospitals' ICU units are locked. Please use the phone
outside the doors each time you visit to see if visiting is allowed.
Sometimes people are asked to wait due to tests,... 阅读全帖 |
s*********r 发帖数: 8929 | 8 我只到这个, 不能全程陪护
Visiting ICU Patients
Our hospitals have several ICU units, depending on the patient's medical
needs. When you visit, please check with the front desk to find out the
patient's room number.
Guidelines for Families and Visitors
The doors to our hospitals' ICU units are locked. Please use the phone
outside the doors each time you visit to see if visiting is allowed.
Sometimes... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 9 Lies, Damned Lies & The BLS Inflation Statistics
by Jim Quinn • July 20, 2015
Tweet about this on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on LinkedInPrint this
pageEmail this to someone
The government released their monthly CPI report this week. Even though it
came in at an annualized rate of 3.6%, they and their mouthpieces in the
corporate mainstream media dutifully downplayed the uptrend. They can’t let
the plebs know the truth. That might upend their economic recovery
storyline and put a crim... 阅读全帖 |
C**A 发帖数: 535 | 10 代谢障碍引起Neuromuscular blocking agents在体内停留的比较久,这时候
病人醒过来的话有意识但不能动,这叫ANESTHESIA AWARENESS,属于事故(有个
blocking agents代谢干净.所以是正常的.
全身麻醉(general anesthesia)就是要呼吸停止,不可能不用呼吸机,这叫什么麻醉反应
来在 |
b*****d 发帖数: 61690 | 11 President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday sent a tweet wishing former
President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara, a speedy recovery after
they were both hospitalized in the last few days.
“Looking forward to a speedy recovery for George and Barbara Bush, both
hospitalized. Thank you for your wonderful letter!” Trump wrote on Twitter.
Trump was referencing a letter Bush sent to the president-elect in which he
apologized for not being able to make his inauguration on Friday.
Bush wrote in th... 阅读全帖 |
T*R 发帖数: 36302 | 12 In Texas, a Hospital Ethics Panel - Not the Patient or Family - Decides
Whether to End Care
She closes her eyes for only a second, but when Evelyn Kelly wakes up,
doctors surround her son’s hospital bed at Houston Methodist, and J.
Richard Cheney, the Houston Methodist Bioethics Committee chairman, looms
over her, holding out an envelope.
Kelly had been sitting alongside her son, David Chris Dunn, for hours every
day since he entered Houston Methodist o... 阅读全帖 |
i****x 发帖数: 17565 | 13 尼玛吹牛不上税啊,烤肉超过200mph。。。恭喜你已经进入了顶级超跑俱乐部
Faster Than 200 MPH
Six of the flat-out fastest automobiles available in North America right now.
Buzz Up!
By Nick Kurczewski
Whether you're behind the wheel of an outrageous sports car this holiday
season or, like most of us, find yourself sprinting to find the shortest
check-out aisle, chances are good you'll come to appreciate the importance
of having the quickest top speed. Like little kids drawn to a toy store's
display window, car enthusiasts... 阅读全帖 |
c*********0 发帖数: 1676 | 14 一直觉得自己的保险费很高,但从没有研究过为什么这么高,终于今天再和朋友同一间
Personal Factors That Affect Insurance Rates
Your Age, Car and Credit Rating Matter
Published: 07/05/2011 - by Carroll Lachnit, Features Editor
Email Print Save
Teen Driver
Teen Driver
Outside Sales Person
Angry Driver
Age is a factor in setting insurance rates. Teens pay more b... 阅读全帖 |
r*****j 发帖数: 7481 | 15 http://www.fordescape.org/forum/new-2013-2014-escape-general-di
2014 SE 2.0 FWD 6-sp auto; 75% highway (65mph+, infrequent stops), 25% urban
Driving style: sane but spirited (not sedate, not driving to maximize mpg)
Location: Primarily temperate (including winter) Texas; elevation range from
+10' to +2000' MSL, generally hilly but not mountains
Fuel: 98% Chevron/Texaco w/Techron "Regular" (87 octane (R+M)/2; maximum 10%
ethanol); 2% other brand "Regular"
Period: 11/15/13 - 4/28/14
Total Distance... 阅读全帖 |
y*****7 发帖数: 2869 | 16 首先进去就HOOK上VISTAL SIGN机器
然后一个帅哥给我START IV。 左手臂刚开始很痛,
24102;... 阅读全帖 |
d********0 发帖数: 309 | 17 我刚拔,不过是一侧的2颗,一般的麻醉,没有睡觉的那种。
医生用布把我眼睛遮了,看不到钳子和血。 |
d********0 发帖数: 309 | 19 如果你之前牙疼过的话,拔牙后的不适根本就算不上疼。我止疼片都没有吃,觉得实在
LZ不用害怕。老外好像每个人都把智齿全拔了。 |
M******8 发帖数: 10589 | 20 亚硝酸盐有降血压的功能,而且可以使心跳减缓,sedate你。 |
F****g 发帖数: 81 | 21 医生说这个冬冬是为了保证宝宝到时候keep still,妈妈要签字,因为有allergic的奉献
请问,除了用这个冬冬有什么别的办法吗?打flu shot的时候医生也说安全,可是宝宝
在线急问,一小时后要签字。 |
F****g 发帖数: 81 | 22 医生说这个冬冬是为了保证宝宝到时候keep still,妈妈要签字,因为有allergic的风险
请问,除了用这个冬冬有什么别的办法吗?打flu shot的时候医生也说安全,可是宝宝
在线急问,一小时后要签字。 |
u**********n 发帖数: 83 | 23 昨天中午到牙医诊所(oral surgeon)拔了4颗智齿. 两颗全长出来了,另外两颗没露出
麻醉用了sedation。 麻药从静脉注射, 几秒钟之后我就什么都不知道了。 醒来的时
候感觉医生在缝伤口。 手术总共大概持续30分钟左右。
手术总体感觉不错,比我想象中的好多了。 医生给开了消炎药和止痛药。 从手术到现
在将近24小时,只吃了两颗止痛药 (没什么痛感。 后来就觉得没有必要吃了
)。 咬了4-5个小时的纱布(每半个小时换一次)。 血基本上止住了。 从拔完智齿
到现在, 吃了一杯slim fast, 3碗鸡汤, 两杯牛奶,两杯smoothie。 准备今天晚上
不知道总共花了多少钱。 自己out of pocket的部分是200多。 准备在家里休息到星期
希望以上经历对各位有所帮助。 good luck |
u*****d 发帖数: 1009 | 24 在美国做胃镜一点不痛苦,整个过程你都是sedated,做完后需要有人开车送你回去。
谢谢。那个抗生素吃的时间很长, 不是2星期。。 但是记不住名字了。
deductable 500 刀。 回国好象300 人民币。。。 |
m**********g 发帖数: 2661 | 25 最近要做个小手术,医生说可以麻醉方式可以选择一下。
不知道哪一种对神经系统或者记忆力的损害小一些,恳请指点!谢谢! |
l*****k 发帖数: 41 | 26 嘴巴左右两边下面两个智齿折磨了好多年。这两颗智齿如同地雷一样,一直“威慑”着
先在牙医保险网站上找到in-network的oral and facial surgeon.有一个联合诊所,打
护士小姐推荐用IV sedation,保险后自己要付$385,也管不了那么多了。手术时就睡
回家后不断用纱布咬着,几个小时后止血了。老婆不断给我用 |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 28 你确定医生说需要上氧气管的全麻(general anesthesia)
而不是deep sedation或者local anesthesia? |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 29 准备慢慢写,欢迎补充 :-)
1. 看牙保险给报销么?
2. 看牙咋省钱?
自费买dental insurance:一般premium几百/年,一年最多报销两千,外加
waiting period,所以不一定合算。临时报佛脚的情况就不要考虑了。
dental discount plan:在参加计划的诊所可以立刻打折。比如Aetna Advantage Dental。
收入确实低的,在本地找免费或low cost诊所。这些地方可能有eligibility要求,很多只提供有限服务。
去附近的dental school clinic,给学生做小白鼠。
多问问题:有无非完善但廉价的其他治疗方案、哪步不一定做、是否去征求second opinion...
上述都不行,又... 阅读全帖 |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 30 全麻(sedation):几百刀。严格地说,impacted teeth那叫挖而不是拔。soft tissue
impact要200-300刀,bony impact可以到五六百。
啥的... |
g***r 发帖数: 285 | 31
if mri is negative, then it probably is not an acute stroke, most likely a
benign positional vertigo, it takes time to resolve, if they gave her
antivert, it's quite sedating; you can try epley manuever, but i'm not sure
how effective it will be since everytime i did it it never worked, |
g***r 发帖数: 285 | 32
assume by bubble you mean a bleb,
first of all, many patients on the vent are under sedation, it's not a good
feeling to have something stuck in your throat, so for most of ventilated
patients they are put on diprivan drip(the meds that was found in michael
jackson's home), which is short acting and can turn off and effects go away
and patient wakes up right away; if not diprivan, they can use ativan drip,
fentanyl drip,
if she is not undersedation and still unresponsive, you need |
d****r 发帖数: 5 | 33 Thank you very much. I don't have details at this point either. I'll call
home tonight to find out. They found the bleb by doing a CT, and I did not
hear things such as brain injury. The doctors just told my brother that my
mother was anoxic due to the asthma attack, she needs "a cycle" to recover.
I have no idea what the doctors meant by "a cycle."
I hope my mom is unresponsive due to sedation!
, |
g***r 发帖数: 285 | 34
don't think you'd need general anesthesia, i think conscious sedation will
do, |
g*****j 发帖数: 1211 | 35 Mirtazepine is an antidepressant. It's major side effect is mild weight
increase and sedation, which I believe is the effect that your doctor is
looking for. It is not addictive. 15 mg is the lowest dose. |
x****x 发帖数: 262 | 36 【 以下文字转载自 Parenting 讨论区 】
发信人: xxxxxx (6x), 信区: Parenting
标 题: 小孩看牙用麻药
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 8 16:12:13 2009, 美东)
儿子五岁了, 不知不觉地竟然长了蛀牙, 四五个的样子, 最里面的一个可能需要做baby
root canal. 牙医给开了治疗清单, 说要用Oral Sedation, 还有laughing gas, 这样一把就把所有的都治了. 这是什么麻药啊? 这么小用了有问题吗? 看了医生给的pamphlet觉得好象没问题. 但还是想问问这里的妈妈们有人用过吗? 有啥效果啥副作用吗? |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 37 Should not be 全麻(general anesthesia), unless they tell you not to eat or
drink for hours before. Other options include sedation, local or regional
anesthesia (which includes epidural). If you are concerned, ask the doctor/
nurse before starting.
There may be some temporary side effects, but haven't heard of 使人变笨... |
g*****j 发帖数: 1211 | 39 You will be sedated and won't feel any pain. |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 40 Insist they give you the detailed bill, before paying anything.
Check your insurance benefit explanation sheet, for each entry (I guess
there would be at least 1 office visit and 1 surgery, maybe sedation as well
Original amt - provider discount - benefit paid = patient responsibility
* Is the benefit paid consistent with that the policy says? You need to read
the policy book to know the latter.
* Does the last column add up to what the clinic billed you? |
a***d 发帖数: 96 | 41 汇报一下,刚从医院回来,胃镜刚做好,bottom line top: 胃没有任何问题,没有发
原来就是我看病的医生过去做的procedure, 是个门诊手术。因为要sedation, 前期准
血压是105, 75, 她说很好然后就把连在我身上的东西都拔了。
and |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 42 You need to check with the provider. The local anesthesia (novocaine ) is
usually included (only about $20 anyway). Sedation, nitrous oxide or
general anesthesia cost more and will be billed separately. |
g*****j 发帖数: 1211 | 43 The sleep aid you can get from CVS are mostly diphenhydramine based, which
is basically an antihistamine that has a sedation side effect.
There is also melatonin, which is can correct circadian rhythm disturbance,
but may not work for people with normal circadian rhythm.
More effective sleeping pills are mostly benzodiazepines or derivatives.
They all require a prescription. |
c**i 发帖数: 6973 | 46 Avery Johnson, Woman Finds Her Voice After Rare Transplant. Wall Street
Journal, Jan 21, 2011.
"The voice is her [recipeint's] own and not that of the organ donor. Her
doctors say that is because its unique timbre resides in the palate, tongue,
lips and sinuses, and the voice box simply vibrates to facilitate sound,
akin to the reed on a clarinet.
"The vast majority of patients with compromised or removed lary... 阅读全帖 |
t*******n 发帖数: 4445 | 47 * Make sure it's a licensed dentist.
* The prices sound reasonable, except if the tooth is partially embedded in
the bone it may cost more than $120.
* Sedation (全麻) usually cost a bit extra. Compared to local anesthesia it
spares you some uncomfortable sensations (pulling, grinding) during the
procedure. But it doesn't do for the pain afterwards - you need oral
painkillers for that.
* Given the condition of your teeth, more pricey stuff may be required (e.g.
the loose teeth could be periodon... 阅读全帖 |
g**f 发帖数: 99 | 48 被麻药放倒后醒来,感觉没有完全清醒,医生就过来分析我的情况,感觉现在想不起来
了。。只记得他说什么什么inflamtion。。。然后说会call 我回去复查。。
Amoxicap 一周
Klerimed 一周
Esomeprazole 7 周
sedation太神奇了。。感觉丢了memory一样。。 |
y*****g 发帖数: 193 | 49 Your MD means bronchoscopy which is invasive. Pt is sedated and intubated
prior to bronchoscopy. By that way, MD can visualize the bronchial trees.
Your baby doesn't need that.
Stethocopes can catch air flow through bronchi. If airway is narrow,
stethocope can catch wheezing sound. If airway is almost closed,there will
be no air flow sound.
It's just miscommunication between you and the provider. Even you suspect
asthma or bronchitis for your baby, sometimes it is a clinical diagnosis,
depending... 阅读全帖 |
W***M 发帖数: 50 | 50 Agree. Almost no side effect. Just to make sure she had no cold/cough/nause
prior to sedation. |