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发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Gasoline and Dollars: Supply and Demand
By Steve McCann
Gasoline has exceeded or approached $5.00 per gallon in some parts of the
United States long before the normal peak travel season has begun. Already
the politicians, headline writers, and some cable and talk show pundits are
pointing to the usual suspects. But they have avoided or are unaware of
where the fault actually lies.
One of the foundational tenets of economics is what is known as the law of
supply and demand. Normally whenever a product or commodity is in short
supply... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 72% Say It's Unconstitutional
GALLUP: "Americans overwhelmingly believe the 'individual mandate,' as it is
often called, is unconstitutional, by a margin of 72% to 20%." (USA Today /
Gallup Poll, 2/20-21/12)
"Even a majority of Democrats… believe that provision is unconstitutional."
(USA Today / Gallup Poll, 2/20-21/12)
"As you may know, the Supreme Court will hear arguments next month
concerning a requirement in the healthcare law that every American must buy
health insurance or pay a fine. Regardless of whether you fav... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Rick aka Mr. Brutally Honest
Three days before the deadly assault on the United States consulate in
Libya, a local security official Us-consulate-attack-in-Libyasays he met
with American diplomats in the city and warned them about deteriorating
Jamal Mabrouk, a member of the February 17th Brigade, told CNN that he
and a battalion commander had a meeting about the economy and security.
He said they told the diplomats that the security situation wasn't good
for intern... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
October 26, 2012 by Doug Johnson
New details about the assassination of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and
three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya are still coming out daily. Just
the other day we learned about e-mails from the Embassy in Tripoli sent to
the State Department and the White House situation room detailing the attack
in progress and that terrorists claimed responsibility. Now we are finding
out that the attack lasted for seven hours and that our government was
watching a live feed... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - 小企业主对未来表示悲观
Small-Business Owners Express Epic Pessimism
A new survey indicates that small business is less optimistic about the
future today than it was in the depths of the recession.
David Rosenbaum
Small-business owners are more pessimistic about their businesses’ future
than they’ve been since the third quarter of 2010, according to the Wells
Fargo/Gallup Small Business Index released Friday.
The numbers are “jaw-dropping,” says Doug Case, small-business segment
manager for Wells Fargo, currently the n... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Obama Fiddled
by Andrew B. Wilson
The late Ted Kennedy became known as “the Hero of Chappaquiddick” for
leaving a young lady to die after accidentally driving his car off a bridge
on the night of July 18, 1969. Kennedy, who swam free, said nothing to
police until 10 a.m. the following day.
In the subsequent inquest, John Farrar, a professional diver and the captain
of the Edgartown Fire Rescue unit on Chappaquiddick Island in Massachusetts
, discovered the body of Mary Jo Kopechne in the well of the backseat ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
March 8, 2013
By Staff, Associated Press
LAS VEGAS (AP) — A state judge from Las Vegas who wrote in 2008 she didn't
believe there was a constitutional right to own guns is abandoning her bid
for a federal judgeship, after the comment led to a yearlong standoff
between Nevada's two U.S. senators over her nomination.
Clark County District Judge Elissa Cadish submitted a letter to the senators
, made public Friday, saying she asked President Barack Obama to withdraw
the nomination after it appeared... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11319
现在的反枪派和警察有两个绝招:顺水推舟 和 小题大做,造势一浪高过一浪。大家准
A typical Tuesday morning for 42-year-old Michael Di Marzo quickly
became a citywide multi-jurisdictional manhunt for him and what
witnesses thought was a assault rifle in his hand.
Three schools were locked down and delayed as police scoured the area by
ground and air, looking for a man described by a teenage tipster as
wearing black clothes and... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Andrew C. McCarthy
June 30th, 2013 - 10:13 am
The state of Florida’s politically driven decision to charge George
Zimmerman with murder has resulted, as some of us predicted it would, in a
pathetically weak case. It has taken only a few days of trial to collapse of
its own weightlessness – undone, in fact, by the direct testimony of a
prosecution witness, as Bryan Preston relates at the Tatler and Ed Morrissey
details at Hot Air.
Over a year ago, I explained why this would happen:
When Tr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5456
首先, 我说的poll tax是我提议, 不是现实, proposal to solve current illegal
我从来没有要收回去, 违反宪法和不违反宪法这是解释权的问题, Initially, the
United States Supreme Court, in the case of Breedlove v. Suttles, 302 U.S.
277 (1937), found the poll tax to be constitutional. The 24th Amendment,
ratified in 1964, reflecting a political compromise, abolished the use of
the poll tax (or any other tax) as a pre-condition for voting in federal
elections, but made no mention of poll taxes in state elections.
换句话说, 就是美国立国之初, 国父华盛顿就... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2896
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: NYKnicks (Knicks), 信区: Military
标 题: 我靠,原来这是摩托党的惯用伎俩来讹钱的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 2 12:03:43 2013, 美东)
Marc Roffman wrote: "Here is some additional information you all might want
to read. This is my personal experience with this situation. I made sure to
post this on the support site as well. As a trucker that would deliver in
north jersey and New York I am familiar with these gangs. I can hopefully
clarify a few things. First the initial "accide... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Judge: DHS Complicit in Human Trafficking that Helps Fund Drug Cartels
A United States federal judge has accused President Barack Obama’s
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of being complicit in helping Mexican
drug cartels and felons inside America smuggle illegal aliens into the
In a court order he signed on Dec. 13, 2013, U.S. District Judge Andrew S.
Hanen of the U.S. District Court of the Southern District of Texas wrote
that four times in the last four weeks he has heard troubl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Climate Science Defector Forced to Resign by Alarmist 'Fatwa'
via Breitbart Feed
Professor Lennart Bengtsson - the leading scientist who three weeks ago
signalled his defection to the climate sceptic camp by joining the board of
the Global Warming Policy Foundation - has now dramatically been forced to
resign from his position.
His views on the weakness of the "consensus" haven't changed. But as he
admits in his resignation letter, he has been so badly bullied by his
alarmist former colleagues t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - The Crisis on the Border
No one who wants to help has authority, and no one with authority is helping.
By Peggy Noonan
Updated July 10, 2014 7:19 p.m. ET
What is happening at the southern border is a true and actual crisis. News
accounts justly use words like chaos, collapse and breakdown. They feature
images of children—toddlers, 4- and 5-year-olds—being shuffled to
warehouse holding centers, sleeping crowded at night on what look like
pallets, covered only in Mylar blankets. "I never thought we'd have refugee
camps in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Staff Writer | Al Arabiya News
Saturday, 11 October 2014
Syrian Kurdish fighters engaged in fierce fighting with Islamic State of
Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants on Saturday in an effort to maintain the
Syrian border town of Kobane under their control, the Associated Press
Despite airstrikes by U.S.-led coalition forces targeting ISIS fighters,
Syrian Kurds continue to battle the militants in an effort to ward off an
ISIS-advance further into the town.
Ismet Sheikh Hasan, a Kurdish ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Police toting automatic weapons and lobbing flash grenades stormed a Sydney
cafe early Tuesday, bringing to a dramatic end a 16-hour standoff in which a
jihadist and murder suspect held an unknown number of hostages in a scene
much of the world watched on television.
A series of explosions, believed to be gunshots and flash grenades, came
just before 2:30 a.m. local time as several more hostages fled Lindt
Chocolat Cafe, where a man identified as Man Haron Monis, an Iranian also
known for sendin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
French Terror Suspects Dead at Both Locations, 4 Hostages Dead, Officials
Three French terror suspects are dead at two separate hostage standoff
locations, according to the City Hall of Dammartin and the French ambassador
to the U.S.
The hostage at Dammartin -- held by two Charlie Hebdo attack suspects -- is
alive, the City Hall of Dammartin said. Some hostages were seen fleeing the
Paris supermarket, but officials later said that four hostages were killed
The dramatic developments ca... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1200
A resident of the area posted this, get your facts straight
Michael Cory Quattrin
Facebook friends and family – PLEASE HELP! That (now viral) video of the
officer in McKinney subduing a girl in a bathing suit was in OUR
neighborhood. The situation was NOT what is being reported…
A DJ setup in a public space next to the private pool in our neighborhood on
Friday and played loud explicit (F-bomb) music for multiple hours (it is
unclear if he was invited by a resident as no one has claimed responsi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Imagine That: Supposedly Mythical 'No-Go Zones' Are Back in the News — But
Not at U.S. Media Outlets
By Tom Blumer | January 11, 2016 | 10:27 AM EST
Despite reports and statements containing the term coming out of Germany
during the past week, searches at the Associated Press on "no-go zones," and
even on "no-go," return nothing. The New York Times has no recent report
identifying European no-go zones, but has at least demonstrated that it
might be getting over its nearly allergic reaction to th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2239
来自主题: USANews版 - IOWA proves GOP does not
How this is possible?
"Hillary "Flips" Off Bernie; Won Six Straight Coin Tosses In Bizarre Caucus
Here's what happened in precinct 2-4 in Ames as recounted by David
Schweingruber, an associate professor of sociology at Iowa State University
who participated in the caucus (from The Des Moines Register):
A total of 484 eligible caucus attendees were initially recorded at the site
. But when each candidate’s preference group was counted, Clinton had 240
supporters, Sanders had 179 and M... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 38600
来自主题: USANews版 - Mark Sanford 这个烂货居然还在跳
E-mails, obtained by The State newspaper in December, between Gov. Mark
Sanford and Maria, a woman in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
At the time, efforts to authenticate the e-mails were unsuccessful. However,
Sanford’s office Wednesday did not dispute their authenticity.
The State has removed the woman’s full name and other personal details,
including her street address, e-mail address and children’s names.
McClatchy special correspondent Angeles Mase on Wednesday visited the 14-
story a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6799
A series of message within the September 2015 State Department dump of
Hillary Clinton e-mails show the Secretary of State of the United States
received direct orders over U.S. foreign policy from none other than
Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros.
Soros – who for years has been suspected of pulling the strings behind
Clinton as well as dozens of foreign policy and open borders groups –
appears to have sent a message through his “special advisor” Jonas Ro... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2467
Presidential Temperament
Posted October 3rd, 2016 @ 8:59am in #Trump Clinton
Do you remember the time someone insulted Donald Trump and then Trump
punched him in the nose?
Neither do I. Because nothing like that has ever happened.
Instead, people attack Donald Trump with words (often) and he attacks them
back with words. See if the following pattern looks familiar:
1. Person A insults Trump with words. Trump insults back with words.
2. Person B mentions some sort of scandal about Trump. Trump me... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15689
Did the United States Just Elect a Monster?
No. Clinton's team of cognitive scientists and professional persuaders did a
terrific job of framing Trump as scary. The illusion will wear off –
albeit slowly – as you observe Trump going about the job of President and
taking it seriously. You can expect him to adjust his tone and language
going forward. You can expect foreign leaders to say they can work with... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29576
Outrage Dilution
Posted January 26th, 2017 @ 8:24am in SCOTT ADAMS' BLOG
I’m having a fun time watching President Trump flood the news cycle with so
many stories and outrages that no one can keep up. Here’s how the math of
persuasion works in this situation:
1 outrage out of 3 headlines in a week: Bad Persuasion
25 outrages out of 25 headlines in a week: Excellent Persuasion
At the moment there are so many outrages, executive orders, protests, and
controversies that none of them can get enough o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1193
Americans have trouble understanding the situation since we have no parallel
. The Uighers are White Indo-Europeans, accepted as Turks and given asylum
by Turkey. They are the descendants of the great Muslim armies that
conquered Persia, Turkey and India, but stalled in Xinjiang while invading
China. Nobody disputes that they are the descendants of White colonialists
who invaded an Asian civilization that had already been in existe... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2042
来自主题: Automobile版 - 这个韩国视频很惨烈
"a couple inside the car with the dashboard camera both suffered minor
The footage, filmed on a dashboard camera in South Korea, shows how even
safe drivers can find themselves caught in a fatal crash.
This crash was apparently caused by a driver in a white Hyundai Azera, who
is believed to have blacked out after hitting a car in another accident
which happened off camera.
The unconscious driver's car then continued down a hill onto the highway
where it ploughed into the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 114
Kartoni Karton Marc Roffman wrote: "Here is some additional information you
all might want to read. This is my personal experience with this situation.
I made sure to post this on the support site as well. As a trucker that
would deliver in north jersey and New York I am familiar with these gangs. I
can hopefully clarify a few things. First the initial "accident" is part of
a game they play. They ride in a huge group and will operate together to
slow down traffic. Next they pick... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 52
David Rosensteel UrbanCyclist666
• 43 minutes ago
Marc Roffman wrote: "Here is some additional information you all might want
to read. This is my personal experience with this situation. I made sure to
post this on the support site as well. As a trucker that would deliver in
north jersey and New York I am familiar with these gangs. I can hopefully
clarify a few things. First the initial "accident" is part of a game they
play. They ride in a huge group and will operate together to ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 36252
来自主题: Automobile版 - 福特自动加速
Lawsuit: Older Fords can suddenly speed up
A multistate lawsuit filed Thursday says 2002-10 Ford Motor vehicles contain
a "design defect" in the electronic control of the gas pedals, making them
susceptible to sudden, unintended acceleration.
The lawsuit filed on behalf of Ford owners in 14 states is seeking class-
action status and goes into great detail about the alleged defect in the
models named in the lawsuit that don't have br... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3629
Acura SH-AWD: A Comprehensive Analysis
Written By Editor on 2015-03-31, Posted in Car Chat, Technical Talk | 2
The Acura SH-AWD system (short for: Super Handling-All Wheel Drive) is often
described ambiguously in most automobile literature. Some articles even
said it is an enhanced version of the Honda VTM-4, which is incorrect.
In this article, we will analyze the SH-AWD in detail, focusing on these
thre... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16625
来自主题: Automobile版 - 还是得乖乖认罪
According to VC 42005, the decision whether you go to traffic school is up
to the judge and only if the judge believes your particular circumstance
will allow you to benefit from traffic school.
What does that mean? It depends on your situation. If you're speeding 20 MPH
over the speed limit, say caught doing 60 MPH in a 40 MPH, the judge may
make you pay a fine because you're grossly going over the limit and most
likely on a local road. If y... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15629
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: NYKnicks (Knicks), 信区: Military
标 题: 我靠,原来这是摩托党的惯用伎俩来讹钱的
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 2 12:03:43 2013, 美东)
Marc Roffman wrote: "Here is some additional information you all might want
to read. This is my personal experience with this situation. I made sure to
post this on the support site as well. As a trucker that would deliver in
north jersey and New York I am familiar with these gangs. I can hopefully
clarify a few things. First the initial "accide... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2
Had the same situation! I sent a philips toothbrush on 7/29 and it is
delivered today. I also got an email from ebay:
We had to cancel bids for the buyer, tal_us_teddqxhpi, because they aren't
registered on eBay:
Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Electric Toothbrush
In these types of situations, we'll credit the final value fee for removed
listings won by this buyer, and also the insertion fee if it was a single-
quantity listing.
- We have credited any associated fees to your account.
We've also ma... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4978
An op-ed went viral Wednesday, in which the last days of Duquesne University
adjunct instructor Margaret Mary Vojtko were described as emblematic of the
plight of part-time contract faculty. But the college where she taught says
that depiction is far from the truth.
Daniel Kovalik, senior associate general counsel for the United Steelworkers
union, wrote in a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette column that he was likely the
last person to speak to Vojtko prior to her death. Although Vojtko had
taught ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2992
来自主题: Faculty版 - 考题专访2:关于BME学科的建设
Dr. T is special to me, because he founded the Biomedical Engineering
Department at X University (XU), without which I might have left academia by
now. He is also special, compared with other interviewees who mostly focus
on research, in that he has tremendous experience in building academic
programs, designing curricula, exploring novel teaching techniques, and
helping underdeveloped countries.
Fiona: You worked in industry before you became a faculty member at Case
Western Reserve, and again i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 48
来自主题: Faculty版 - 急问导师去世了申请怎么办
There are many ways to do this, but I think it may be useful to ask the
department chair or another very senior colleague to write one short
paragraph explaining the situation in his/her reference letter.
The reason is to eliminate any uncertainty or doubt about the situation. The
situation is unfortunate but there is nothing to hide, so I think it's good
to be explicit. This way your search committee / interviewers know what's
going on and do not have to guess.
And I think you should try as muc... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
1. What made you apply for this position?
Why do you want to work here?
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses as employees. What are your
strong points for this job?
What special aspects of your education or training have prepared you for
this job?
2. What can you contribute to the School?
3. Tell me about yourself.
4. Tell me what your research.
5. Why is your field impo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 247
Do you have visa problem? It seems not. Then you are not in very bad
Similarly, I have a friend. Her husband has no job for more than 3 years and
maybe he cannot find a job forever. Of course, she is not happy withe the
situation. However, just like many others already said, if you accept this
situation and he is willing to take care of the family thing, you still can
have a happy life.
发帖数: 8270
Japanese plants and infrastructure caused by Friday's devastating earthquake
and tsunami threatens to disrupt the global manufacturing chain longer than
many had expected.
Dozens of Japanese firms, from component makers to electronics firms and aut
omakers, are keeping their plants shuttered, as damage to infrastructure inc
luding power, roads, rails and ports will take months to repair.
The prospect of prolonged supply disruptions sent global companies scramblin
g for alternative sources of hig... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1980
来自主题: Investment版 - German Bond Auction Flopped
Of course there are only bad choices. Otherwise, I won't say it's about
making hard choices. But making no choice is the worst of all scenario. Just
like the US deficit situation, either cut spending/entitlement or raise tax
. Ignore the situation like it is not happening only worsens the situation.
Europe's issue may be solved much more cheaply last year than this year. And
it is going to cost more next year.
发帖数: 1204
Depending on your situation, this could be a very complicated question.
For example, are you a resident or non-resident of CA (and/or TX)?
Does your TX rental property have positive or negative net income?
This shows out of state real estate investment could be a challenge, at
least it could complicate your tax situation.
Hope you can describe more clearly about your situation and the final
correct answer, as many people on this board could learn from your research.
发帖数: 5245
来自主题: JobHunting版 - OPT加急的条件
Requests for expedited handling for all other applications and petitions
will be considered subject to the following seven criteria:
>>> Severe financial loss to company or individual.
>>> Extreme emergent situation.
>>> Humanitarian situation.
>>> Nonprofit status of requesting organization in furtherance of the
cultural and social interests of the United States.
>>> Department of Defense or National Interest Situation (Note: Request
must come from official United States Government entity and
发帖数: 105
I mentioned a few general points for you based on some assumptions of your
There are different actions you can take based on your situation.
If you think you need a consultation, you may email me or call me during the
evenings of weekend (Fri to Sun) for a free advice. I am not in business or
a pastor. Neither will I charge you. God says we need to help other people.
I saw such situations many times and have studied, consulted and discussed
with other professionals for years.
发帖数: 653
来自主题: JobHunting版 - help:opt expedite
Thanks a lot.I am in th hot water right now.
I tried.That's all I can find so far.I want to try to expedite my case again.
* Severe financial loss to company or individual
* Extreme emergent situation
* Humanitarian situation
* Nonprofit status of requesting organization in furtherance of the
cultural and social interests of the United States
* Department of Defense of National Interest Situation (Note: Request must
come from official United States Government entity and state that delay
will be
发帖数: 1415
来自主题: JobHunting版 - The reason for expediting OPT
Which criteria should I choose when I call to expedite OPT? Thanks!
1st or 2nd?
Severe financial loss to company or individual.
Extreme emergent situation.
Humanitarian situation.
Nonprofit status of requesting organization in furtherance of the
cultural and social interests of the United States.
Department of Defense or National Interest Situation (Note: Request
must come from official United States Government entity and state that
delay will be detrimental to our government.)
USCIS error.
发帖数: 141
plz send resume to g****[email protected]
【 以下文字转载自 JobMarket 讨论区 】
发信人: gstide (豆腐脑), 信区: JobMarket
标 题: hardware engineer in northern virginia
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jun 20 18:53:13 2011, 美东)
职位1:senior level
Key Job Responsibilities include:
•Active participant in high level architecture design
•Clear and concise documentation to support all facets of the design
•Design and develop digital hardware with a focus on microprocessor
and FPGA platforms
•Mentor other engine... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 731
来自主题: JobHunting版 - OPT加急该怎么办理
>>> Severe financial loss to company or individual.
>>> Extreme emergent situation.
>>> Humanitarian situation.
>>> Nonprofit status of requesting organization in furtherance of the
cultural and social interests of the United States.
>>> Department of Defense or National Interest Situation (Note: Request
must come from official United States Government entity and state that
delay will be detrimental to our government.)
>>> USCIS error.
>>> Compelling interest of the USCIS.
不知道你听到的... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 71
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 拿了offer,继续找工作,靠谱么?
Careercup 150题作者的文章:
Reneging on a Job Offer – Is It Ever Acceptable?
A candidate recently came to me seeking the advice for the following
situation: A few weeks after accepting a software development position with
Dell, he received an offer from Microsoft as a Program Manager. This was his
dream job, and his dream company, but he would have to turn it down. Or
would he?
I ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 85
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 请教如何提高C++编程?
我正在看effective C++.
看书的时候觉得,呀,这个技巧真是太好了,under the specific situation。
问题就是平时做的project不多,这些specific situations很少碰到。时间一久,就忘
C++ OO很多语法,看过现在都忘得差不多了。唯独基本的用于做算法的control语句还
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