c******n 发帖数: 100 | 1 本来已经接了Amazon的offer,但是还是想来FB看看。觉得campus 好大。
面的很一般,System Design 很差,一个Ninja也很一般。希望渺茫,求大家bless.
1, Jedi, behavioral + projects + one coding (phone number permutation)
2, Ninja, a) k closest points to a given point(quick select).
b) dot product of sparse matrices.
3, pirate, Design Messager. 必挂无疑了。
4, Ninja, a) longest increasing contiguous sequence in an array (
b)longest increasing sequence in an array(sequence does
not need to be contiguous). For instance, 1,... 阅读全帖 |
h****t 发帖数: 69 | 2 Dot product of sparse matrices 的面试官是做ML和feed ranking 的吗?我onsite时
接着才问如何efficiently compute dot product。 |
h****t 发帖数: 69 | 3 呃看样子是我理解错了,我当时的面试官是白人,也是ML,问的是efficient
computation of dot product between all rows of a sparse matrix. |
h*********o 发帖数: 230 | 4 dot product of sparse matrice 是啥? |
S********0 发帖数: 5749 | 5 从去年11月份开始,一直在本版向各位大牛取经学习。 最近刚刚接了M家的offer,job
hunting终于告一段落,虽然失败了很多,面试拿的也少,但对于一个非cs phd的背景
open source code,从professional programmer里学到了很多实践经验。 虽然有些经
, 所以非CS学生争取能多修几门cs的课,把keyword放上去。不然就像我一样,就是内
linkedin, twitter, oracle 等。 在这里也想对帮助过我的人说声谢谢,以后我也会
leetcode是从去年11月份yahoo是onsite失败后开始刷的... 阅读全帖 |
d****y 发帖数: 58 | 7 只能是呵呵了~
第一个电话面试其实是跟Hire manager,他聊完之后很快给我安排了第二轮电话面试。
Presentation是给他们全组人present. (三四个印度人,四五个美国人,我也记不清
的,问了不少问题。我具体做的是time series analysis, source separation. 用一
些machine learning 的model, 比如HMM, FHMM, sparse coding, 然后在这些model上
题,所以讲了一个research project.也是我花的时间最多的Project。
要是说我的project跟... 阅读全帖 |
a*****e 发帖数: 1700 | 8 这个题相当简单,是从 rectangle set 映射到 disjoint rectangle set 的操作。然
后可以继续分解为将单个 rectangle 插入到 disjoint rectangle set 的操作就好了
。效率取决于这个 disjoint set 的实现,用 sparse 矩阵方式可做。
我十几年前就写过这样一个程序,用来计算 2D GUI 每次更新渲染时对应到屏幕上的
dirty set,非常简单,效率也很好。 |
x****k 发帖数: 2932 | 9 这楼不是拿来bso。你觉得简单,恭喜你水平高。现在讨论的是这题适不适合电面。就
就好像说,请用O(N)的效率实现substring search,面试的要是不知道kmp就挂了。
lz不知道sweep line也挂了。
另外针对显示屏幕的sparse矩阵容易,要是scale是2M*2M你怎么办? |
k*****L 发帖数: 55 | 10 我也是onsite挂在一个国人手上,也是一个闲扯的问题,是不是同一人?
个问题,第一个问题很简单,不记得了。第二个问题是word search II,第三个问题是
sparse matrix 的加法和乘法。
这一轮的feedback是negative。 |
e****t 发帖数: 11 | 11
先是问 sparse matrix product 算法。然后就是要做成distributed,问怎么
partition, 怎么算。 大概思路是? |
d******e 发帖数: 2265 | 12 pagerank就是图的flooding迭代。
不认为sparse matrix是最佳算法。 |
r*****n 发帖数: 17 | 13 来自主题: JobHunting版 - U电面经历 也许我没看仔细,这个解法似乎没有解决sparse caller的情况:比如说20秒的window
time |
a*****h 发帖数: 36 | 14 本着国人互助以及传递正能量的真理,发一下我个人找工作过程中整理的machine
learning相关面经以及一些心得总结。楼主的背景是fresh CS PhD in computer
vision and machine learning, 非牛校。
已经有前辈总结过很多machine learning的面试题(传送门: http://www.mitbbs.com/article/JobHunting/32808273_0.html),此帖是对其的补充,有一小部分是重复的。面经分两大块:machine learning questions 和 coding questions.
Machine learning related questions:
- Discuss how to predict the price of a hotel given data from previous
- SVM formulation
- Logistic regression
- Regularization
- Cost function of neural networ... 阅读全帖 |
a*****h 发帖数: 36 | 15 本着国人互助以及传递正能量的真理,发一下我个人找工作过程中整理的machine
learning相关面经以及一些心得总结。楼主的背景是fresh CS PhD in computer
vision and machine learning, 非牛校。
已经有前辈总结过很多machine learning的面试题(传送门: http://www.mitbbs.com/article/JobHunting/32808273_0.html),此帖是对其的补充,有一小部分是重复的。面经分两大块:machine learning questions 和 coding questions.
Machine learning related questions:
- Discuss how to predict the price of a hotel given data from previous
- SVM formulation
- Logistic regression
- Regularization
- Cost function of neural networ... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 16 Uber:
1. Merge Two Sorted Lists
2. Sparse Matrix Multiplication
3. 给一个n列类似俄罗期方块的盘, 往下掉方块. 方块定义如下:
class Block {
int left;
int right;
int height;
其中 0<= left < right < n , 像俄罗斯方块一样会叠起来. 求最高高度
class FallingBlock {
public FallingBlock(int width);
public void fallBlock(Block block);
public int getMaxHeight();
4. design whatsapp |
发帖数: 1 | 17 两维数组,如果很大,1billion * 1billion,怎么存。答分块,然后存到不同的机器
的机器,则需要1billion的机器。1billion机器太多,问怎么办,答假如array 是
sparse 的话,可以压缩。面试官说所有的数都不重复。那怎么办,我说能不能给个提
问大家这个怎么答。 |
t********k 发帖数: 48 | 18 Google is recruiting statisticians, data scientists, and quantitative
analysts to join our engineering teams in search, advertising, and
infrastructure. If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding
environment to start your career or if you already have a successful career
and want a change then please take a look at the postings below. My own
group will grow by several people over the next several months. Our team's
day-to-day work is full of examples of truly big data problems you can
en... 阅读全帖 |
t********k 发帖数: 48 | 19 Google is recruiting statisticians, data scientists, and quantitative
analysts to join our engineering teams in search, advertising, and
infrastructure. If you are looking for a challenging and rewarding
environment to start your career or if you already have a successful career
and want a change then please take a look at the postings below. My own
group will grow by several people over the next several months. Our team's
day-to-day work is full of examples of truly big data problems you can
en... 阅读全帖 |
o*q 发帖数: 630 | 20 # Title Editorial Acceptance Difficulty Frequency
Two Sum 28.3% Easy
Nim Game 54.4% Easy
Reverse String 57.3% Easy
Single Number 52.2% Easy
Add Two Numbers 25.6% Medium
Sum of Two Integers 51.6% Easy
Median of Two Sorted Arrays
20.4% Hard
ZigZag Conversion 25.6% Easy
Roman to Integer 42.7% Easy
... 阅读全帖 |
h*********n 发帖数: 11319 | 21 1 behavior + 3sum
2 minimum window substr
3 sparse vector multiplication
validate BST
4 design: 和简历相关
5 serialize/deserialize binary tree
干软工五年,今天终于第一次在project里写了个递归,感慨一下刷题的意义。 |
发帖数: 1 | 22 下面是单线程,而且图是adjacency list
public class Solution {
//5763 ms, method: bfs, 时间O(N + E),空间O(N)。
public List> connectedSet(ArrayList
nodes) {
List> res = new ArrayList<>();
List path = new ArrayList<>();
Set visited = new HashSet<>();
for (UndirectedGraphNode node : nodes) {
if (!visited.contains(node)) {
Queue阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 24 534 Design TinyURL 0.0% Medium
283 Move Zeroes 50.7% Easy
301 Remove Invalid Parentheses 35.5% Hard
273 Integer to English Words 22.4% Hard
621 Task Scheduler 42.4% Medium
67 Add Binary 33.2% Easy
325 Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k 43.1% Medium
689 Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays 41.2% Hard
253 Meeting Rooms II 39.3% Medium
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 35... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 25 周五收到recruiter联系,positive feedback,需要team match, 求大佬收留。
背景:computer engineering硕士,4年多工作经验。工作内容比较偏lower level,熟
悉computer/system architecture, os, 工作主要也是在这一块儿。但想做web
infrastructure,比如distrubited system,web back-end 之类的,另外,任何偏底
distributed system没有实际工作经验,但自学了很多东西,写过一些小的project,
比如consensus protocol,consistent key-value store system 之类的。
1. 设计算法 让机器人覆盖整个map。给定map 二维数组和机器人的operation,turn()
和 move()
2. sparse vector,设计怎么represent,修改,以及vector 相乘的操作。不同算法实
3. 一个数组,两个 pl... 阅读全帖 |
发帖数: 1 | 26 数名博士职位,方向 Data Science/Machine Learning/AI,
实验室COSMOS和大公司AI业界前沿联系紧密, 学生在工业界或学术界发展机会很多。
COSMOS最近毕业PhD有去NVIDIA, IBM,AA, Samsung/Harman工作,也有去top school,
like Harvard, USC, Washington University 做教职或博后。
如果对申请博士项目感兴趣,可以尽快和Dr. Wang联系[email protected] 本人是UTA
COSMOS毕业生,非常推荐Dr. Wang!UT Arlington 位于美国人口第四大的DFW地区,是
PhD Openings in Data Mining & Machine Learning & AI for Fall 2018 &... 阅读全帖 |
b******b 发帖数: 21 | 27 Hi, all. We are looking for a summer intern, ideally a senior Ph.D student
specializing in Krylov solvers, to assist in an investigation of large
sparse unsymmetric linear systems. Candidates should be proficient in C or C
++. Knowledge of parallel computing and DAE will be a plus.
We are a small R&D group in a large semiconductor company in Dallas, Texas.
Forward your resume to b******[email protected] if interested. |
发帖数: 1 | 28 UTA招数名博士,方向 Data Science/Machine Learning/AI,
PI: Dr. Shouyi Wang, 实验室COSMOS和大公司AI业界前沿联系紧密, 学生在工业界
或学术界发展机会很多。COSMOS最近毕业PhD有去NVIDIA, IBM,AA, Samsung
/Harman工作,也有去top school, like Harvard, USC, Washington University
如果对申请博士项目感兴趣,可以尽快和Dr. Wang联系[email protected]
本人是UTA COSMOS毕业生,非常推荐Dr. Wang!
Apple/Foxconn International for Intelligent Manufacturing of iPhone
Samsung/Harman AI Group for Autonomous Cars
Facebook/Oculus, Brain Big Data Research / Brain-Computer Interfaces
NSF-... 阅读全帖 |
i****a 发帖数: 36252 | 29 let them sit in the family room ah
I personally don't like living room and family room to be separated. more
things to buy, more places to clean. and human gas is too sparse. one 客廳
is enough
吃? |
r*****5 发帖数: 512 | 30 rt
1. 买地,找builder盖房,yard会大,周围邻居会sparse一些,最后会贵一些,
2. local有那种已经买好一大块地并规划好的那种小区,也能customerize一些室内结
构,yard会小,房子群的密度大(邻居之间yard 挨着yard),总体相对便宜
谢过先 |
q******o 发帖数: 1107 | 31 How to Have a Winning Credit Score
It's that time of year again - when the discipline of maintaining our New
Year's Resolutions begins to fade. But your credit score doesn't have to.
Check out these helpful tips on how to turn your credit score into a winner.
CreditReport.com™ Members
Not all credit reports contain the same information! Upgrade to your 3-
Bureau Credit Report with 3 Scores and save!
Create a Winning Streak
If you have sparse credit history, one of the best ways to establis... 阅读全帖 |
l*****n 发帖数: 608 | 32 1. 通过shop discover买ip6 有5%的cashback; 一开始是没有的, 但是年底前后突然就
允许了. 这个其实是一个很大的deal 因为本身网上下单买ip 寄到免税州就已经有利润
2. shop discover平时用没事, 但是小护士是大批量的上nordstorm之类的化妆品网站
搞. 甚至用他们家portal, 然后刷gc下单. 这个也是利润的主要来源.
3. 在中国消费有1%的cashback 汇率非常划算 在国内使用秒杀所有外币信用卡(即使是
免境外使用费的). 据说有人专门办了附卡, 在国内银联pos机上刷. 然后billpay disc
这三件都是disc大受欢迎的原因. 摸着良心说, 高多了肯定被disc关卡, 但是粗略一看
, 少量用是没有问题的. 所以以前定一个trigger然后人工审核的时代很安全, 现在应
该是disc招了不靠谱的data scientist 随便搞个sparse regression 或者
categorical regression model 在sas上跑一跑, 找些feature 出来就砍人. 老中用卡
... 阅读全帖 |
l**********s 发帖数: 116 | 33 买卖提之前有篇文章讲计算机发展史的
比如机械计算机时期的马工都是满手油腻,扳子钳子的debug :)
图灵二战破德密码也很好玩:解sparse matrix,最后还是靠着“嗨,希特勒”的敌人不
蛮有意思的 |
a*****g 发帖数: 19398 | 34 State education agencies—often dismissed as poorly organized and thinly
staffed clearinghouses—are about to get a big infusion of responsibility
and authority with the recent passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act.
But it remains to be seen if those departments, most of which were hollowed
out by staff and budget cuts during the recession, are up to the job.
Under ESSA, the long-delayed revision of the Elementary and Secondary
Education Act, state departments will be charged with more of the ... 阅读全帖 |
a*****g 发帖数: 19398 | 35 摘要:
Like many parents of school-age children, Frances Frost tries to keep up
with the papers sent home in her daughter Natalie’s backpack. Sifting
through permission slips, picture day fliers, field-trip notices, and other
forms seems like a daily occurrence, and often somewhere lost in the pile is
a reminder to send money to her fifth-grader’s school cafeteria. As the
mother of four, refilling school lunch accounts is second nature by now, but
last ... 阅读全帖 |
e*******n 发帖数: 872 | 36 【 以下文字转载自 I140 讨论区 】
发信人: endaimien (endaimien), 信区: I140
标 题: 审稿机会:计算机领域
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Mar 14 14:02:05 2014, 美东)
我是会议的TPC member, 有很多审稿机会,有需要的请吧您的姓名,邮箱,工作单位发
Therefore, the theme for this conference is Advanced Intelligent Computing
Methodologies and Applications. Papers related to this theme are especially
solicited, including theories, methodologies, and applications in science
and technology.
Topics covering industrial issues/applications and academi... 阅读全帖 |
s*****u 发帖数: 407 | 37 Applications are invited for Postdoctoral Researchers to join Dr. Xiang Zhou
’s research group in the Department of Biostatistics at the University of
Michigan. Research in the Zhou lab focuses on the development of statistical
methods and computational tools for the analysis of large-scale and high-
dimensional biological data from genetic association studies and functional
genomic sequencing studies. Recent work includes: Bayesian hierarchical
models to quantify genome-wide inheritance, Bayesi... 阅读全帖 |
R********n 发帖数: 5904 | 38 In 上海北京, probably your both arguments are not really true. Lots of fresh undergraduates there earn more than $1000 pm.
USA, Canada & Aurtralia have very low house prices because of vast land and sparse population. But think about San Paulo, Tokyo, Taipei, Moscow, Mombay, Paris, you can immediately find a different viewpoint. |
t********h 发帖数: 456 | 39 算房价和平均收入比吧,看看中国排在哪里
fresh undergraduates there earn more than $1000 pm.
and sparse population. But think about San Paulo, Tokyo, Taipei, Moscow,
Mombay, Paris, you can immediately find a different viewpoint. |
o****y 发帖数: 790 | 40 【 以下文字转载自 Faculty 讨论区 】
发信人: outcry (outcry), 信区: Faculty
标 题: 学术界之风花雪月(5)食色,科研之性也!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Oct 24 02:24:48 2010, 美东)
为了不使我的讨论太突兀,first, allow me to formally introduce myself:)
而且舍得花时间去研究和鉴赏。In order not to digress, I'll save this
topic for another day.... 阅读全帖 |
T**********y 发帖数: 157 | 41 【 以下文字转载自 Faculty 讨论区 】
发信人: TenMilesADay (郭十迈), 信区: Faculty
标 题: 快来看牛逼的27岁教授
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 11 13:14:59 2012, 美东)
【1】 周涛,傅忠谦,周佩玲,张建荣,张德学,”基于遗传算法的大规模流量
【2】 杨春霞,周涛,周佩玲,刘隽,基于Multi_Agent的股市经济系统建模与
【3】 周佩玲,许民,赵亮,周涛,”混沌信号奇异性检测与外界冲击度量”,
【4】 周涛,徐俊明,刘隽,”图直径和平均距离极值问题研究”,... 阅读全帖 |
b******7 发帖数: 639 | 42 THE BEAR MARKET IN STOCKS ENDED a year ago, but a lot of online traders and
investors apparently didn't get the memo. They cut back on equity
transactions in 2009 -- despite the 23.5% surge in the Standard & Poor's 500
-- and instead demanded more products and services. They got them. More
bonds, options, foreign exchange, commodities and mutual and exchange-traded
fund offerings; more social networks to combine their talents; more
education to wean themselves further from full-service brokerage... 阅读全帖 |
c*****e 发帖数: 1106 | 43 In theory, YES, but CHK cannot cut on its own. CVX, SWN, ECA among other
big producers with solid balance sheet were all trying to grow productions
not long ago.
One particular issue about CHK is that it has accumulated a great deal of
acreage, much of it undeveloped. It managed to make a few deals, including
the recent $5B transaction with SWN, which actually only accounts for 7% of
the annual production. However, that window has passed, plus CHK has rebuilt
its balance sheet. Anyway, you can s... 阅读全帖 |
e*******n 发帖数: 872 | 44 我是会议的TPC member, 有很多审稿机会,有需要的请吧您的姓名,邮箱,工作单位发
Therefore, the theme for this conference is Advanced Intelligent Computing
Methodologies and Applications. Papers related to this theme are especially
solicited, including theories, methodologies, and applications in science
and technology.
Topics covering industrial issues/applications and academic research
into intelligent computing will be included, but not limited to:
A1 Evolutionary Co... 阅读全帖 |
g*****y 发帖数: 1120 | 45 paper keywords:
Local feature; sparse online learning; Large scale data
站内邮件send me link of your resume if interested in serving as reviewer.
Thanks! |
z******n 发帖数: 397 | 46 key word:
super-resolution, remote sensing images, sparse structural manifold
journal 有 IF. 有兴趣的朋友站内个人简介及联系方式
Thanks |
q*********3 发帖数: 470 | 47 key words: Super-resolution, Morphological component analysis (MCA),
Locality-constrained Linear
Coding (LLC), Sparse representation, Global and local optimization (GLO) |
e*******n 发帖数: 872 | 48 本人是一个计算机类的会议的 program committee member,可以推荐审稿人,提供审稿
Topics covering industrial issues/applications and academic research into
intelligent computing will be included, but not limited to:
A1 Evolutionary Computation and Learning
A2 Genetic Algorithms
A3 Artificial Bee Colony Algorithms
A4 Cultural Algorithms
A5 Differential Evolution
A6 Memetic Algorithms
A7 Granular Computing
A8 Particle S... 阅读全帖 |
p*****9 发帖数: 273 | 49 诚心求审稿机会。PhD期间做的方向是wireless networking, distributed computing,
sparse optimization 和 smart grid. 现在搞的是data center networks. 诚心求大
牛给审稿机会,站内联系,谢谢! |
e*******n 发帖数: 872 | 50 有一篇论文要投稿,要推荐审稿人,内容是machine leanring, sparse coding,
learning to rank方面的。有兴趣的请把你的信息发到站内邮箱,包括你的姓名,单位
,职称,邮箱,研究方向。邮箱要用你工作单位的邮箱 |