x*****i 发帖数: 5035 | 3 如果后院有水源(湖或者河),可以装个PUMP,抽水浇地,否则的话,大概都是和自来
水一个系统的吧 |
G******d 发帖数: 731 | 5 无雨,气温白天30左右。sprinkle设置每天早上5分钟,是太多还是太少? |
d**********0 发帖数: 13081 | 6 俺和邻居家这边靠得比较近。 大概 5米? 中间的土壤随时间慢慢下沉, 导致这一
块比前院要低。 雨季来的时候, 这里就是一滩积水。 邻居家开sprinkle 后, 也是
今天往下挖, 才一寸的土壤下面, 就是粘土。
你这离墙几米, 你试着找几个点, 往下挖看看。 检查下土壤。 |
b*****x 发帖数: 3786 | 7 我们这里修 sprinkler system 是需要 licensed 的, 因为弄得不好,
sprinkle system 可以把脏水 backup to water system。 听说
没 license 去修会被罚得很重。
看你修来修去都没修好,去上一些课和考个 license 或许不是一个坏主意。 |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 8 mow my lawn once a month.
sprinkle twice every week. |
c*********7 发帖数: 19373 | 9 每次拿着龙头喷,还是用插到地里覆盖一片的喷头?感觉这个每次只能浇一部分,过一
会还要换地方。 |
w*****m 发帖数: 20421 | 16 拿着喷水头转啊,自己慢慢地转,我经常干这个,LOL |
d*********s 发帖数: 306 | 17 大家都在拿你开心吧。 Google "rain train",自己研究。我觉得比自动的便宜加省事
。当然如果自动的请人装请人维护请人修就当我没说。 |
n*******w 发帖数: 6708 | 21 一直比较忙,没时间照照片
虽然漏水, 但是还能用,真的是懒得邮回去换
customer review 里关于leak 说了一大堆
但到现在我都不知道怎么弄出他们说的那个 loud snap
If your new machine LEAKS, see note #2 below. I am just amazed at how many
people write that their machine leaked from day one, and they returned it.
It will leak if you skip a crucial one-time set-up step.
Paid $170 at Best Buy. This is my first carpet cleaner so I have nothing to
compare it to except my own expectations. Even though the ... 阅读全帖 |
x**********n 发帖数: 1262 | 22 由于前房东的sprinkle system坏了,后院有一些地方稀疏了, 好像也长不出来了
问了割草的老莫,他说不熟悉,可能需要新铺草皮。 前房东用的lawn service在
cancel之前来过一次,给补了一点草籽, 好像没啥效果(可能是没有及时浇水)
我看了一下,这个草应该是St. Augustine Grass, 网上说挺好蔓延的。
我想问问,一般需要买草皮来修补吗?或者自己撒种, home depot啥的有草籽卖吗?
第一次买房,第一次维护草坪,请老鸟指导,谢谢! |
b*******7 发帖数: 907 | 23 看了一下youtube,貌似不是很麻烦。所需工具一个air compressor和适当的转接头,
。 |
l*****e 发帖数: 123 | 24 It is very easy to do. But you have to buy a good air compressor. CFM is the
most important thing, not PSI. Just like you can not jump start your car
with 8 AA batteries. |
R**R 发帖数: 3318 | 25 you need a large compressor. |
b*******7 发帖数: 907 | 26
good to know, thanks
Tool Type Req. CFM's Tool Type Req. CFM's Tool Type Req. CFM'
Angle Disc Grinder 6 CFM Dual Action Sander 6 CFM Ratchet 1/4
" 3 CFM
Air Drill 1/2 4 CFM Grease/caulking Gun 4 CFM Ratchet 3/8"
Air Drill 3/8 4 CFM High Speed Grinder 5" 4 CFM Sand Blaster
(3 gallon) 4 CFM
Butterfly Impact 3 CFM Impact Wrench 1/2" 5 CFM Spray Gun (
com... 阅读全帖 |
M******e 发帖数: 4179 | 28 我买了一个10Gal的压缩机,打算自己做。40psi时是6.2CFM.在HFT买的便宜货。另外买
了空气转接头和水管转接头,等过几天实际使用后看看情况怎么样。 |
y***a 发帖数: 733 | 30 美国西北地区, 现在白天最高70,晚上40 左右。现在的后院中间种了一些玫瑰,周围
草皮的价格:1200尺sod+运费 大约460块 另外还有土2yard(是不是太少)价格60。 估
计labor差不多500. 还有将现有的dripping变成sprinkling还需要钱,价格要周末才能
雨也比较多,铺完草坪,靠天浇水。 |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 32 how many hours per run do you run your sprinkle now?
how many runs per week?
thank you. |
b*******7 发帖数: 907 | 33 住在哪里?是哪里水管冻裂了吧,sprinkle? |
t*******r 发帖数: 238 | 34 You have to regrade your house surrounding in the long term. Both rain and
lawn sprinkle push water there, eventually, it will damage your house
foundation if you do not do anything.
Your neighbor has no responsibility here if he or she waters their lawn
every day. |
j****i 发帖数: 68152 | 35 谁英语好,能帮我看看这是什么意思吗?
Removing Stains from Granite Countertops
If you have a stain on your granite countertop that you cannot remove you
can try some of these ideas:
Marker stains can often be wiped away using acetone or lacquer thinner,
especially on dark granite colors. If you have a light color granite
installed you can also try hydrogen peroxide instead.
A good way to remove stubborn granite stains is to use a poultice, which
will draw out the stain or oil from the granite into the poul... 阅读全帖 |
Q******o 发帖数: 718 | 36 PAINTED MANTELS: Often, much of the soot on painted mantels can be removed
by using a dry cleaning sponge, such as Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Just rub in
small circles until soot disappears. For stubborn soot, mix a solution of
warm water and ammonia in a bucket---about 1 cup ammonia to gallon water is
the right proportion. Soak a clean rag in the solution, wring out excess,
and wipe mantel. Let dry, then repeat if necessary.
UNPAINTED BRICK: First, lay down a drop cloth, plastic sheeting or old
t... 阅读全帖 |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 37 try set two time there.
for example, 8:00PM
and 6:00am.
In this way, it will sprinkle at 8:00PM in the evening and then 6:00am in
the morning on the day you set. |
b*x 发帖数: 5456 | 38 要种草了, 下个礼拜final grading. top soil.
sprinkle system. 要撒那种啊? 左边好像是seed only. 右边混了东西.
是不是草籽就撒左边的, 然后补草就是右边的? |
G***G 发帖数: 16778 | 39 My city is dry and hot too. fire is top priority for me.
I only bought one fire extinguisher. It is expensive.
I use sprinkle system for lawn,
garden sprayer for vegetable I planted this spring,
and garden hose for prevention of small fire in case.
I still don't have good idea of how to protect the attic efficiently.
Maybe another extinguisher installed there?
or a long garden hose?
I need to install hose adpater in the kitchenroom and then conduct
the water there to the attic via the 100 ft gar... 阅读全帖 |
b*x 发帖数: 5456 | 40 要装sprinkler system了. 有推荐的吗. 有包子
在芝加哥西郊. |
c*********7 发帖数: 19373 | 43 这东西维护还挺麻烦,尤其是北方。一但冻了,够你忙活的。 |
J***7 发帖数: 175 | 44 就sprinkle浇了个水 散个步回来就发现车库地上都漏的水 现在还在滴答 。
请问关了总闸 是不是得把water heater也关了啊?
估计是管道老化了 请问这个该找plumber还是装软水器的公司修呢?
多谢! |
q***s 发帖数: 172 | 45 爆的如果是软管,是去下水道的。其它的都是PVC管,不大可能爆。找local的plumber。
water softener有bypass,试一试。
water softener的水进sprinkle?既浪费又不好。 |
a*****z 发帖数: 51 | 46 如果是sprinkle head坏了呢?我们也是第一次买房,没有经验。多谢啦 |
n*****a 发帖数: 2802 | 47 发现后院sprinkle并不能浇到所有地方,所以只能手动再浇,
请问大家,这个是坏了吗? |
D******r 发帖数: 5237 | 48 俺们这里下雨多,居民都不知道sprinkle system为何物 |
a*******r 发帖数: 360 | 49 院子里已经装有sprinkler system,如果要挖French Drain的话,是不是很容易damage
如何能避免sprinkler的damage吗? |
L******w 发帖数: 5407 | 50 看来九月那次施肥已经是为过冬准备的。
霜冻过后的3-5周sprinkle system早关了, 所以还得找下雨前做? |