

全部话题 - 话题: steeper
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发帖数: 10208
来自主题: Missouri版 - zz Household income around the U.S.
The Census Bureau reported that 2012 U.S. median household income has
remained essentially flat at $51,324, only a $47 step up from last year.
For Virginia, 2012 brought a steeper decline. Income fell by $1,400, or 2.2
percent. Economists said the state was particularly vulnerable to federal
budget cuts and faces the specter of more this year. Income also fell by at
least $400 in another eight states.
The District and 13 states saw income rise last year by at least $400,
suggesting that they cou... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 25274
来自主题: NewJersey版 - 读书无用论
Financial News: Investment Banking Staff Fall By 10,000 in a YearLast update
By Richard Partington
The number of investment banking jobs at the world's largest banks has
fallen by around 5.6% over the past 12 months, according to Financial News
analysis, as financial institutions look to stave off the impact of
increased costs and declining fee revenues.
According to FN analysis of eight investment banks to have published staff
numbers in their second quarter results, glo... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 922
来自主题: PHILADELPHIA版 - Camelback ski on Saturday Jan 8
I am planning on going to blue mt Saturday night (4pm to close, 37 bucks
lift ticket).
Anyone interested in going together, let me know. We could maybe even
arrange some lunch get-together before that. First-timers could probably
just learn from the regulars, but you will still largely on your own. Have
to admit that weather at night will be colder, and ski condition are usually
less optimized. So dress appropriately.
It will be my ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 266
Middle east:
middle east riots -> higher oil price -> higher transportation price ->
higher imported rice/wheat price -> more middle east riots
higher world wide oil price -> US inflation -> higher living cost -> more
difficult for businesses -> higher unemployment rate -> more QEs, QE2, QE3,
QEn... -> more $$ flows out world wide -> even higher world wide oil price
(high oil price ->) higher living cost -> steeper manufacture businesses'
profits drop -> higher unemployment rate -> pr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17722
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - Is It 1937 All Over Again? (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: MB80528 (肥猫(Contrarian)[食MM而肥]), 信区: Stock
标 题: Is It 1937 All Over Again?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Aug 16 03:34:03 2011, 美东)
Is It 1937 All Over Again?
Have global events begun to look and sound too familiar in 2011 to a
previous era in the 1930s? In 1937, economic conditions were surprisingly
similar to those at present. Commodity prices were rising, people worried
about inflation and deficits, and so they acted -- and paid the price. Many
who remember histor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 486
I think you are right that certain stretches of the trail can be slippery. I
dont know about "extremely dangerous" though. Also, lots of the shortcuts
are steeper than the official trail, and I saw more often people took the
shortcuts to go up.
发帖数: 1656
来自主题: SanFrancisco版 - AMT杀人不见血啊
right on
both AMT and normal tax are step functions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Step_function
Normal Tax=f(normal income- normal deduction-normal exemption)
AMT=g(alternative income-alternative deduction -alternative exemption)
the two step functions, f and g, are similar. and g is actually simpler than f because g has only 3 steps/rates (0, 26%, 28%), while f has 7 (0, 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%).
another important factor is
alternative deduction + alternative exemption > normal deduction +n... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 379
来自主题: Seattle版 - 也发Pilchuck的照片
Ascending: East gully
Descending: Glissading north face direct
Ascending via trail, Rainier in distance:
Open area below summit ridge, backer and shuksan in distance:
North face below ridge:
First view of steep east gully:
Looking back from middle of east gully:
Climbing on east gully:
Finally to the ridge, Glacier peak in distance:
First view of the hut:
Whitehorse and 3 fingers in distance:
Down from the hut:
Huh, look down the hole to ... China :-)
Balanced rock:
Sta... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 43471
United’s improved finances have allowed for a major turnaround in its
fortunes. In 2008, it was Continental that was close to buying United. But
as that deal was being negotiated, United reported steeper-than-expected
losses, leading to doubts about the company’s health even as soaring oil
prices were crippling the entire industry. Just hours before a deal was to
be announced, Continental executives walked away.
But in the last two years, United has improved its cash position,
aggressiv... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3311
来自主题: Utah版 - Mt Timpanogos
Dude, the Timponeke trail head/parking is under repairing. You have to be
there earlier to find a spot closer to the trail head. The trail is longer
and easier ~7miles to the top.
Aspen grove is shorter but steeper.
发帖数: 3311
来自主题: Utah版 - Timp
Two trails: Aspan Grove and Timponeke(?), about 14miles and 15 miles each.
Aspan is shorter and steeper, w water falls, Emerald lake. Timp. has wild
flowers just as posted. It's still a little too early for that. A gal of
water is needed. Start early to get a parking spot.
发帖数: 1994
来自主题: Cycling版 - 今天group ride的事故
Different geometry: tri/TT bike has a steeper (78-80) seat tube, typical
roadies are like 72-73 degrees
Different steering: tri bike uses pursuit bar + aero
Different riding position: on tri bike you lean much forward, effectively
giving up some level of control for speed. in a packed group ride you are
only inches away from the next dude. Also, triathletes love riding in aero
position whenever possible, making it even worse.
发帖数: 1992
来自主题: Cycling版 - 我的骑行日记
lol, my power would look good if I were 120 lb. But I'm in fact 50 lbs
Speaking of climbing ability, there is 'VAM' listed on Strava. Obviously VAM
can be affected by the length and
steepness of a climb --- longer climb, lower VAM, steeper climb, higher VAM,
or simply effort level --- but
you get an idea...
发帖数: 5141
来自主题: Cycling版 - The Rules
Someone asked what the rules of bike jersey, and someone else point him to
this link. It is hilarious. Totally loved it! =D
by The Keepers / Jun 1 2009 / 6,291 posts
We are the Keepers of the Cog. In so being, we also maintain the sacred
text wherein lie the simple truths of cycling etiquette known as The Rules.
It is in our trust to maintain and endorse this list.
For those struggling to under... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3290
**** From "Boy Racer" Stage 10 (2008):
... I'll talk later about how the mountains I'd encountered and overcome at
the Grio d'Italia in May were steeper and harder than their equivalents at
the Tour, but everyone in cycling knows it's the riders and not the route
that make the race. The Tour was faster, more intense, more frightening than
the Giro. The flat stages of the first week were much faster, much more
intense, much more frightening. At the Tour, you were more tired when you
reached the m... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2507
来自主题: Fishing版 - 转贴: Cold Water Bass Fishing
转贴 from http://fishing.about.com/library/weekly/aa121001a.htm
I like bass fishing in cold water. Here in middle Georgia lakes never
freeze more than some skim ice, and that is unusual. Usually the coldest
water I fish is around 45 degrees, and most winters it will range from there
to about 52. These tactics have worked for me in that range of water temps
over the years.
• Fish slowly. Bass slow down as the water cools. They are less
likely to hit a fast moving bait, so slow your prese... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 36306
来自主题: Fitness版 - 问一个跑坡的问题
These repeats are designed to help build muscle strength. There are 2 ways
to run hill repeats and it all depends on the type of hill. Short reps can
be done on a steeper hill and these will build strength and power. The
longer reps with a moderately sloped hill build speed and power.
发帖数: 9013
来自主题: Fitness版 - 请问个barbell press的问题
“ When doing the exercise, select an angle of between 30 and 45
degrees from vertical.
Flatter angles are too similar to the bench press, and steeper angles are
too similar to the press,
with the disadvantage of having the angle held immobile in a position that
is very hard on the
shoulders. One reason the press might be a better choice is that the stress
of a tough rep can be
accommodated with some adjustment of the beck position, whereas the incline
bench nails you
into a fixed position t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 87
来自主题: Golf版 - 后旋球
1. Stand with your feet closer together than when you normally swing.
2. Position yourself so that the ball is closer to your back foot.
3. Use a flop wedge, also known as a 60-degree wedge. A sand wedge can be
used in an emergency.
4. Swing the club on a steeper plan (more upright).
5. Hit directly underneath the ball before taking a divot. Take a divot
that is long and shallow.
6. Follow through normally.
Make sure that the grooves on the face of your clubs are
发帖数: 977
来自主题: Golf版 - 我也上个视频,请指教
Thanks for the advice. I found if I keep my right arm close to my body, I
can still avoid slice with steeper take away. I read some articles on the
internet which says on plane take off may reduce risk of hook which is my
current problem. So I'll try to follow your suggestion to change my take
away plane.

发帖数: 2325
来自主题: Golf版 - 看tiger 打球
看pro 打球盘点一下自己的full swing error tendancy:
set up stance: 有时候头过于偏右边(想get behind ball), 肩膀已经close and
off target line; 上身有时候过于upright ( 想swing steeper to avoid hook);
dynamic stance: 下杆过程中抬头过早, 导致转肩过快
takeaway: 胳膊和上身 不够connected, 导致胳膊的动作和转身脱节, 感觉 club 上
where to stop backswing: overturn (下意识想more power), backswing到头时身
体过于紧张, 甚至lose posture. 有时候wrist break at top.
downswing:抬头有时候太快, 有时候转身过猛
finish: 有时候不能hold finish, 左脚脚尖上
差不大这些了, 模仿pro的pre-shot routine 可以预防一些。
基本靠 vibes 分析, 对照pro动作, 加上自己感觉,找... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 385
来自主题: Outdoors版 - Routefinding tips
* When looking up at a slope, it appears steeper than is truly is
* When looking down a slope, it appears less steep than it is
* Always choose your descent route before you start the scrambles. Then
reassess it before you start down
* Beware of hidden cliff bands on new descent routes.
(Don't be tempted into a quick descent via an unknown gully, exit gullies
can often hide dangerous cliff bands)
* Try to avoid long traverses. A direct ascent is more efficient
* Don't expect to ascend a new rout
发帖数: 35
来自主题: Outdoors版 - Day climb Mt Rainier (5)
After the traverse, the terrain became much easier. It was steeper than
before, but there were no crevasses to contend with, and no more overhanging
ice blocks or loose rocks overhead. Now it was just a simple matter to
putting one foot in front of the other and we would be on summit sooner or
At this moment, the weather was still good, but the altitude hit me fully on
. I felt so nauseous that I was sure moving just a tiny bit faster than my
crawling pace, I would throw up. I also had sl
发帖数: 7034
来自主题: Outdoors版 - sac got a B-rated camp usa neve axe
"At 50cm, it is suited for steeper terrain "....

发帖数: 13580
来自主题: Outdoors版 - sac got a B-rated camp usa neve axe
a more agressive axe would be more suited for steeper terrain, I would say.
发帖数: 39815
来自主题: Outdoors版 - Mt.Hood又死人了
这次是backcountry skier,cascadeclimbers上有总结:
“Hi Folks, just a quick update. The subject was skiing up Snowdome in a gro
up of five. As they got near the top of Snowdome, weather clouds came in and
reduced visibility. Snowdome looks like a triangular moraine in that it is
wide at the base and narrow at the top. The top of the dome also gets a litt
le steeper on the climbers right. In the low vis, the subject traversed, (ou
t of sight of the others) a little more to the right than normal, unaware of
发帖数: 654
来自主题: Outdoors版 - Mt. Hood, South side August 5, 2010
I spoke to the Portland locals and was told this year the season was later
than normal. In order to minimizing hazard, I started early and picked a
gulley with minimal rock fall hazard, albeit a steeper one.
发帖数: 13580
来自主题: Outdoors版 - 问一下backcountry ski的装备问题

that's precisely what AT bindings do. it's very hard to climb in downhill
boots though. I can't imagine myself climbing anything steeper than 15
degrees. also, DO NOT use AT bindings in resorts more than occasionally .
they are not designed for that kind of heavy use.
To me, it's a must. that's the whole point of ski mountaineering. there are
occassionally deals on SAC. budget at least $1K
some people board with their climbing boots. if your bindings accept them,
it'll work, less comfortabl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13580
来自主题: Outdoors版 - 滑雪归来
40-55 degree is far far from a sustaining 50 degree slope. they probably
have a very long 40-45 degree slope with short sections of 55 degrees.
hitting 50 degrees is very rare in ski resorts. It's inevitable that slopes
that steep will have thin snow cover in places. Corbet's Couloir is less
than 50. Some lines at Palisades are steeper, but not for too long.
发帖数: 47
My friend and I got the permit for a day hike on Mt. Whitney on July 1st,
2011. We drove from LA to lone pine in the morning of June 30th. Arrived at
around 12:30pm, checked in at Dow Villa Motel, had lunch at a Mexican
restaurant, walked around town, and went to sleep around 6pm.
We got up at 1:30am, had breakfast, packed our stuff and drove to Mt.Whitney
Portal. Arrived at 3:10am. Another group of people (2 men 1 woman) arrived
around the same time. Before the trip I was afraid of walking in t... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5654
来自主题: Pingpong版 - 明天一大早去爬mission peak
MP is steeper, but a lot easier to climb since it is a wide road w/o
much trees.. you can't climb mt Diablo at night.
I climbed a Belmont hill tonite, met a deer on the road, it scared me
a second..(at first i thought it is a kid)
Good moon night. Saw some families camped in a park at Foster City.
Love that camp fire.. miss the nights camping at beach of Pacific
with fire.
发帖数: 2457
来自主题: Pingpong版 - 打而优则教??
A steeper "coaching curve", that's what I am talking about here.
发帖数: 819
来自主题: Running版 - LT100 (3) - Dig deep and deeper
Gun Time: 26:00:45
Chip Time: 25:56:09
Checkpoint Name | Time of Day | Interval Time | Total Time
1 May Queen Outbound | 2011-08-20 | 06:38:22.652 | 02:38:22.982 | 02:38:22.
2 Fish Hatchery Outbound | 2011-08-20 | 08:40:43.126 | 02:02:20.474 | 04:40:
3 Half Pipe Outbound | 2011-08-20 | 10:14:52.813 | 01:34:09.687 | 06:14:53.
4 Twin Lakes Outbound | 2011-08-20 | 12:28:43.161 | 02:13:50.348 | 08:28:43.
5 Winfield | 2011-08-20 | 16:50:48.940 | 04:22:05.779 | 12:50:49.270
6 Twin... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1283
The mythical Hope Pass was about to get real. But before that we had to
cross meadows, swamps, and even a river. We had to walk through water 5,6
times, before the climb toward Hope Pass starts. When I hit the trail, it
became immediately obvious that this will be hiking, not running (unless you
are Kilian Jornet or Anton Krupicka, perhaps). I had hiked up 14ers in each
of the previous three weekends, and was full of confidence when it comes to
hiking. I was going up faster than everyone around ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13580
Leg 29: empty the tank
My 3rd leg is my hardest leg. It starts with a continous 3.5 mile climb,
which gets gradually steeper. It then follows a 3 mile downhill almost as
steep. The course started out in the shade. "Nice", I said to myself. First
mile was pretty steep, I decided not to look at the GPS except at mile
splits and run by feel. Split 1 was 8:10, which was surprisingly fast. The
hill levels out a little after mile 1, just enough to relax my quads a
little before picking up the pace. Mi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13580
most likely you are looking at a bigger risk of injruries. if you need a
harder workout just run faster or steeper.
发帖数: 2993
来自主题: Ski版 - 问个雪道等级的问题
it's relatively how hard to ski down those slopes.
steepness certainly is one major factor, but some
green (wide, smooth) could be steeper than black,
if it's rocky and icy.
发帖数: 2254
来自主题: Ski版 - 从早到晚的滑雪
Aspen is very beautiful, I am thinking to climb Maroon Bell next Aug.
As for skiing, it is said Aspen highlands have the steepest bowl in US (48
degree). But a few days ago, we know that Corbet Couloir at Jackson Hole is
much steeper than that. Do not konw how they rank
发帖数: 1632
来自主题: Ski版 - 原来还有这个版啊~~~~
OMG it's FREE!!!
so it's kinda small, you can still practice techniques, but more importantly
-- it's FREE! :)
My friend at Dartmouth enjoys her school's ski slope as well, it's got a bit more elevation and is much steeper (like the East style -- small but steep), but not free.
发帖数: 59
来自主题: Ski版 - 原来还有这个版啊~~~~
dartmouth skiway实在太small了,而且有点steep的一面到现在都不开,

bit more elevation and is much steeper (like the East style -- small but
steep), but not free.
发帖数: 5333
来自主题: Ski版 - 原来还有这个版啊~~~~

bit more elevation and is much steeper (like the East style -- small but
steep), but not free.
发帖数: 13580
来自主题: Ski版 - 原来还有这个版啊~~~~
Yeah, that's awsome, you can't beat free.

bit more elevation and is much steeper (like the East style -- small but
steep), but not free.
发帖数: 4394
一点不同的看法:初学者身体前倾是不正确的姿势,upper boday should be pretty
much over your edge but not inside of your turn. It is a "bad habit" though
in that it will get you into trouble at higher speeds and on steeper terrain
. The reason is due to centrifugal force; that force that tends to pull you
to the outside of the turn at speed. How this negatively affects you is this
leaning adds a ton of centrifugal force to your board`s edge in a tun. This
tends to want to push your board out away from you in a turn, caus
发帖数: 2135
I guess there are 4 ways if you feel too fast:
1, as you said, change S to wider S
2, change S to § , this is more difficult than wide S , but a must-learn when
you eventually go to steeper places,
3, get used to speed. This is actually difficult and essential. I am also in
this process.
4, skid the board at every turn by kicking the rear leg. IMO also an
important technique on steep slopes, just that be careful not to rely on it
- especially before mastering 2 - or otherwise it becomes a bad ha
发帖数: 3522
来自主题: Ski版 - crosscountry ski
I like backcountry ski more, since you can get to steeper slope.
发帖数: 13580
I'm exactly 174cm and I am using 120cm poles. I am needing shorter poles now
though since I am skiing steeper terrains and more moguls
发帖数: 3522

That's pretty much what I am doing now...
The problem here is I can't find a good rhythm/speed, if the slope get
And if the moguls are icy and deep, I often find myself skid into the gully
between moguls, which knock me off balance.
发帖数: 629
来自主题: Ski版 - Snowjam Skiboard/Snowblade?
I skied on a Salomon snowblades, it was the best experience I've ever had!
The day was very very powder on the slopes with fresh snow all day (it was
actually snowing). The body position is a lot more backward when compared
to traditional skis. And your quad muscles are consistently engaged. It's
a lot easier to control on steeper slope due to the shorter lengths. And
the lighter weight as makes is that much better on a powder day. Personally
, I like to do short turns in traditional skis,
发帖数: 3042
I once met a black kid who barely stood on his snowboard asking me 'which
one is cooler' at the intersection of a blue and a DD trail. I was like what
'd you mean cooler? He said 'better'. I pointed him to the blue. He was like
'so it's steeper?'. I was like no it's easier. He looked at me in disbelief
and went down the double diamond...
发帖数: 3522
来自主题: Ski版 - Snowboarding in Salt Lake City??
Snowbirds run are steeper on average, IMO.
I heard from my friend that the Canyons is pretty good, especially to
beginner, a lot of blue runs, although I never been to park city's resorts,

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