

全部话题 - 话题: tense
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发帖数: 15913
来自主题: GunsAndGears版 - Why the police shouldn't use Glocks
Timothy Stansbury died in a New York housing project stairwell in 2004
because he startled a police officer. The officer's surprise at encountering
Stansbury caused the officer's hand to clench and his weapon to fire. The
death was ruled accidental by a grand jury, though the officer was later
stripped of his gun for the remainder of his career.
Akai Gurley died in another New York housing project stairwell last fall. A
rookie officer with his finger on the trigger of his pistol tensed as he
pus... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27294
来自主题: loseweight版 - jms,怎么减腰侧啊
WARM-UP: Always warm-up before exercise. Do 5-10 minutes of brisk walking or
jogging on the spot.
STRETCH: Perform stretches for the full-body.
Standing Oblique Twists
Muscles targeted: internal and external obliques
Start in a standing position with your legs hip width apart.
Tense your abdominal muscles.
Raise your right knee up towards your chest while you twist your torso to
the right.
Lower your right leg back down, lightly touch the floor with your foot and
发帖数: 27294
来自主题: loseweight版 - 减腰侧运动(可以在家里进行)
(2) Standing Oblique Twists
Muscles targeted: internal and external obliques
Start in a standing position with your legs hip width apart.
Tense your abdominal muscles.
Raise your right knee up towards your chest while you twist your torso to
the right.
Lower your right leg back down, lightly touch the floor with your foot and
then repeat the movement with the same side. Do this for 15-20 reps.
Switch and work the left side.
发帖数: 27294
来自主题: loseweight版 - 减腰侧运动(可以在家里进行)
Reverse Crunch
Muscles targeted: rectus abdominis
Lie with your back on the floor. Place your hands by your sides with palms
down on the floor.
Bring your knees in towards your chest until they're bent to 90 degrees,
with feet together.
Tense up your abs and curl your hips off the floor.
Lower and repeat for 15-20 reps.
Use your abs to lift your hips rather than swinging your legs and creating
发帖数: 2679
来自主题: loseweight版 - 刚才上网看说。。。。
Well, it is your LD who should be scared, not you.
Think about the challenge for the man, he has to tense his muscles to carry
the whole weight of his lady while still maintaining blood supply to the
vital part. Only both physically and sexually strong men can do it.
With that said, ladies, don't ask your men to perform such a duty without
proper training. :-)
发帖数: 2325
来自主题: MartialArts版 - 交流一下热身训练的方法吧
a simple routine i use for strength training, not a long list, very simple
to remember
1)push (any of the push type moves: bench press, push up, military press,
handstand push)
3)hip and knee dominant moves
cover both max strength and explosive strength:
use 3-5RM slow tense move, then do explosive version:
punch, jab for 1)push
swing for 2) pull
jump for 3)
rotation jump , sweeping kick, hook, cross, or golf swing/baseball swing for 4)
发帖数: 1519
来自主题: MartialArts版 - 内外家功夫
What do you consider to be the distinguishing characteristics of Tai Ji,
Xing Yi and Ba Gua, beyond the obvious physical differences?
In answer to this question, let me first state that after twenty-five years
of martial arts study and practice I think the labels Internal and External,
although convenient, are really misnomers. In fact, if you ask a hundred
different practitioners of the Chinese arts for a def... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2546
来自主题: MartialArts版 - 太極拳怎麼開始?
General Disclaimer:
1. The beginner videos are video captures of my own progress of Taiji
push hands learning. Since I have started pretty late in my life, and I am
pretty busy, I am exploring the fastest way to make progress even if they
may not be conventional.
2. Since I started late, as any other adults, we have already built all
the bad habits in our life, i.e. when someone pushes me, my body would
natually be tense etc. As I began in the worst state, any crazy techniques
conventio... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2546
General Disclaimer:
1. The beginner videos are video captures of my own progress of Taiji
push hands learning. Taiji requires time-consuming fundamental work to
condition the body, in order to accommodate this to my busy life schedule, I
have tried different things. I will try to present various options, some
of them may suit your current state while others may be too simple or you
may not be ready to comprehend at your current level.
2. Since I started late, as any... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2546
怎样尽快,鼓励,扶植. 学成的人可能认为自己的路是对的,别人的路是死路。如果有
记笔记的,有视频的应拿出来和大家分享, 武林风度。
不分享的原因是不好意思? 怕别人说是死路?怕别人说是路太弯, 太长?我的这视频
我自认为是短的, 别人反馈说我有进步。视频里还建议更好更短的(但我不可能再试
General Disclaimer:
1. The beginner videos are video captures of my own progress of Taiji
push hands learning. Taiji requires time-consuming fundamental work to
condition the body, in order to accom... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2546
来自主题: MartialArts版 - 太极推手准备, 先练大脑
太极推手准备, 先练大脑
General Disclaimer:
1. The beginner videos are video captures of my own progress of Taiji
push hands learning. Taiji requires time-consuming fundamental work to
condition the body, in order to accommodate this to my busy life schedule, I
have tried different things. I will try to present various options, some
of them may suit your current state while others may be too simple or you
may not be ready to comprehend at your ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2546
来自主题: MartialArts版 - 太极推手准备, 先练大脑
太极推手准备, 先练大脑
General Disclaimer:
1. The beginner videos are video captures of my own progress of Taiji
push hands learning. Taiji requires time-consuming fundamental work to
condition the body, in order to accommodate this to my busy life schedule, I
have tried different things. I will try to present various options, some
of them may suit your current state while others may be too simple or you
may not be ready to comprehend at your ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17520
佛陀说了, 世间万事万物都具有缘起性空的特性, 缘起的法则和规律
甚深极甚深, 业力的纠葛也是非常复杂的, 这就是所谓的因缘果报。
不过修行的目的应该不是要去找标准答案, 有标准答案是指附加产物。。。
说偏了, 回到正题
你说的对, 起诉量刑都是以所具有的证据来说话的, 穷凶极恶的体现只能作为
至于伤, 人在紧张的时候, 身体都会比较tense, 不能放松
自然打不出力道, 就像老是觉得自己的拳头握不紧一样
发帖数: 11198
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: GoBlue (Wolverines), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 前NBA球星巴克利如此说......
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 4 14:08:16 2014, 美东)
Watch: Charles Barkley Just Dropped A Ferguson Truth Bomb, And Many Will
Hate Him For It
“The notion that white cops are out there just killing black people..."
Avatar of Tom Hinchey TOM HINCHEY — DECEMBER 3, 2014
CNN’s Brooke Baldwin spoke with former NBA star and sports commentator
Charles Barkley about the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, after the gran... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 93
来自主题: NCAA版 - 最新Bama招生信息更新
Twas the night before signing day, when all through the house. Not a
commitment was stirring, not even down south.
The visits were complete and the calls were all made, but would anyone
change or would they all be unswayed?
The recruits were all wide eyed and restless in bed, while visions of
national championships played in their heads.
Media rooms were dark and reporters all gone, but they'd be back the next
day well before dawn.
When a post on a message board started to stir, it spoke of a fl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11198
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: GoBlue (Wolverines), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 前NBA球星巴克利如此说......
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 4 14:08:16 2014, 美东)
Watch: Charles Barkley Just Dropped A Ferguson Truth Bomb, And Many Will
Hate Him For It
“The notion that white cops are out there just killing black people..."
Avatar of Tom Hinchey TOM HINCHEY — DECEMBER 3, 2014
CNN’s Brooke Baldwin spoke with former NBA star and sports commentator
Charles Barkley about the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, after the gran... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 824
Mentally, going up on cable line is much easier. Going down with crowd is
also easier. Going down and can clearly see where you will land if call is
another story, I guess. Too much friction climb also made the nerve tense, I
发帖数: 5654
even though the level was not that high, but the tense of the competition
was as good as the Olympic men's final in 2008:-)
发帖数: 722
果不其然和U conn打的时候对方10:7领先被他给硬反回来了. 轮到我们之间的比赛了,
这场比赛其实就是最后整个新英格兰赛区的冠亚军争斗赛,谁赢谁就是冠军! 第一场比
比赛开始了, 第一局好惨,全部是失误,很快就4:11败下来,没有一个进攻是成功的,这种
对方. 第二局开始了,我没有再尝试spin起一个球,全是smash,尽管有失误,但是我也不
想进入对方的节奏,我努力着让打乱他的节奏,哪怕自己也很难受,我成功了! 第三局场
面很僵持,最后打到9:9, 他最后一轮的发球局,第一个球我辟了一个长的,拿到局点,这
个时候场面很tense! 我们都再想对方可能的线路,拼了,这局是最关键的一局,我有局点
发帖数: 1753
来自主题: Pingpong版 - forehand for penholders
Based on my somewhat-dated impressions (I will write in present tense), he
has an extremely supportive family. What that means is that he does not
have to be a bread-winner for his family. I hope that says a lot, if not
发帖数: 5654
来自主题: Pingpong版 - 最近湾区附近有啥比赛?
mentally and psychologically, usatt sanctioned tournaments are a lot
more tense than league competitions...
发帖数: 4737
来自主题: Pingpong版 - 思维u1850战况如何
7:7 ava timeout
very tense
zss milestone arrive
发帖数: 2651
来自主题: Running版 - 我也来跑步版报个到
It's never too late to change to current tense.
发帖数: 4651
来自主题: Running版 - 貌似成功转型了。
do your calf feel sore afterward or do your heel tensed up after sitting for
long time? it happens to me when i intentionally try ball landing. for me,
it's the only way to put more mileage on those bad knees.
发帖数: 4651
i finally got around to see a specialist about my knee, especially the right side that seems bother me after a long run - i had a hard time to walk down stairs. he spend just a few minutes with me, and pressed my knee caps with his thumb then ask me the tensed up my legs and touch my knee cap again. he told me i have patellofemoral misalignement, basically my keen cap is not aligned correctly to its right spot, and i need some physical therapy.
anyone heard anything or experienced anything like ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2912
来自主题: Running版 - good weather today
You recover so fast...
I had my first recovery run after the marathon today, 3.7 miles, 7:30 pace.
My left foot is okay. But I still feel tense on the thigh muscle where I got
a cramp in the marathon

发帖数: 4859
bushiathena (athena) 于 (Sun Jul 11 14:37:11 2010, 美东) 提到:
是不是说,路面的确有软硬之分,但是如果running form可以做相应调整,可以使得对
whxhm1 (whxhm) 于 (Sun Jul 11 14:38:28 2010, 美东) 提到:
Yes, I make adjustments when I run on concrete these day... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5141
For Mark, Carlsberg and those who embrace a cold winter yet still run
outdoor! Enjoy your running. =)
Top tips for enduring the coldest, darkest days.
It requires dogged determination to leave a warm bed and head out into a
dark, cold morning for a run that often involves more slipping and sliding
than running. I remember the pain and joy of the winter of 1999, when I
trained in the ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12977
来自主题: Running版 - two big races to watch tonight
too late for Californians to watch, 10pm PCT to start, elite men probably
from 10:30pm; Geb is already past tense, no disrespect though
发帖数: 658
来自主题: Running版 - 膝部后面疼是什么回事?
Popliteal pain or pressure — Popliteal pain or pressure can accompany any
of the above pain patterns (anterior, medial, lateral knee pain). It is most
commonly caused by the buildup of pressure from a large, acute effusion.
When the patient flexes the knee in the presence of an effusion, the
quadriceps mechanism forces the fluid posteriorly. Pressure is exerted on
the gastrocnemius muscle, vascular structures, and the branches of the
sciatic nerve, leading to local pain, lower extremity edema, a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2115
Inside Job
Survive winter treadmill running by doing interval, hill, and tempo workouts.
By Laurel Leicht (December 30, 2011; Runner's World)
When it comes to icy roads, even the toughest runners head for the 'mills.
But running inside doesn't have to compromise your workout—you can still
accomplish the purpose of your run with a few tweaks. First o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17993
来自主题: Ski版 - 职业摩托车超级越野赛
It was in August. Passed tense. Motorcycle Supercross

发帖数: 6358
来自主题: Soccer版 - Zanetti stands up for Gattuso
Inter’s Javier Zanetti defended Gennaro Gattuso after the Milan man’s
clash with Joe Jordan. “These things can happen.”
Gattuso has been charged with gross unsporting conduct and risks at least a
one-match ban after going head-to-head with Tottenham assistant manager
Jordan following the final whistle of Tuesday’s Champions League game.
“I saw that he was rather irritable, but these things can happen in a very
tense match,” said Inter captain Zanetti.
“Besides, Rino immediately apologised, so we... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27852
来自主题: Soccer版 - 看看荷兰是怎么培养球星的
How a Soccer Star Is Made
The youth academy of the famed dutch soccer club Ajax is grandiosely called
De Toekomst — The Future. Set down beside a highway in an unprepossessing
district of Amsterdam, it consists of eight well-kept playing fields and a
two-story building that houses locker rooms, classrooms, workout facilities
and offices for coaches and sports scientists. In an airy cafe and bar,
players are served meals and visitors can have a... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1106
来自主题: Swimming版 - 冬天你们都不游泳了,对吧?
oh.. wrong grammatical tense..
Are you having leh??
发帖数: 13580
来自主题: Swimming版 - 冬天你们都不游泳了,对吧?
"了"至少是past tense吧?
发帖数: 978
来自主题: Swimming版 - 【拔苗】新手来拜码头来拜师
嗯,同意。我特懒。一直在调整动作,watch youtube, read books,每次练也就是
30mins. 没有video,就来口述。
When I went to our local library for kids books, I grabbed couple swimming
books. I forgot most of their titles, but Easy Freestyle by TI swimming
really did “sink in”. I started learning freestyle from scratch, mainly
focus on streamline and rotation. I fall in love with swimming again.
Everything felt so nice and relaxed.
Then I read Swim Speed Secrets by Taormina, Sheila, who mainly or only talks
about arm stroke in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 978
来自主题: Swimming版 - 【拔苗】新手来拜码头来拜师
嗯,同意。我特懒。一直在调整动作,watch youtube, read books,每次练也就是
30mins. 没有video,就来口述。
When I went to our local library for kids books, I grabbed couple swimming
books. I forgot most of their titles, but Easy Freestyle by TI swimming
really did “sink in”. I started learning freestyle from scratch, mainly
focus on streamline and rotation. I fall in love with swimming again.
Everything felt so nice and relaxed.
Then I read Swim Speed Secrets by Taormina, Sheila, who mainly or only talks
about arm stroke in... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7668
A paper out recently in the Journal of Applied Biomechanics
found that fingers in a 'normal' position, like that at rest with
slight gaps between them, increases drag compared to tensed
fingers pressed against each other. Normally you want to avoid
drag, but for the hands in the catch you want as much as
possible - it is effectively the same as increasing the area of the
hand, like using paddles.
发帖数: 341
来自主题: Tennis版 - Federer Saves 2 M.P. to Defeat Agassi
Wimbledon champion Roger Federer maintained a slender grip on possible world
No. 1 status with a tight and tense 6-7 (3-7), 6-3, 7-6 (9-7) victory over
Andre Agassi Monday night at the Tennis Masters Cup.
It's still a long shot for the 22-year-old Swiss to surpass Andy Roddick and
Juan Carlos Ferrero in the ATP Champions Race. But the stylish Swiss at least
gave himself the option of fighting to the finish in the Blue group.
Federer needs to go undefeated in two more round-robin clashes at the W
发帖数: 1632
Yea it's very much open to personal taste and interpretation. I mean, from
a classical Wimby match perspective - neither 08, 09 showed fantastic S&V
skillset. But this is more of an indication of the evolving game rather
than a lack of skills. For the definition of classical Wimby "epic" match -
look no further than McEnroe/Borg final in 1980.
Back to the future. 08 was a much more "tense" game imo. Can Federer come
back after getting destroyed in FO? Can Nadal prove that he can succeed on
发帖数: 886
Yes, Match is totally different from practice because of the tense.
The more matches, the more possible you could show your 100% skill.
发帖数: 1354
来自主题: Tennis版 - How do the top players do it?
Right, I understand that they have the capability to do it. But I would love
to know how they can "在这些关键时刻能够挺住" or "受到外界强刺激下,top
player往往能展现自己最好的一面". So it is purely mental strength?
Because most players tend to tense up and can not show their best sides
under pressure. Any thoughts? Anyway to practice?

发帖数: 1131
来自主题: Tennis版 - 打球打得背疼
It is also very important to stretch after playing tennis. I don't sore as
much and my muscles are not as tense if I stretch for 20 minutes.
发帖数: 6788
Freakin' NO! You should cut the mains right away to avoid the racket head
being under stress for too long.
And the tense of the mains would be too lower if you just string the crosses.
发帖数: 1650
来自主题: Tennis版 - 太紧张了
同意评论说的 too tense,too tight, too much pressure.
放手吧 别想那么多了
发帖数: 930
tense throughout the entire match, and heart still racing even now.
even darren cahill said he was nervous whenever li na was about to play a
forehand swing volley, hehe
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: Tennis版 - The Diet That Shook Up Tennis?
How did Novak Djokovic conquer the tennis world?
Maybe the answer is as simple as this: Since last year, he's swearing off
pasta, pizza, beer, French bread, Corn Flakes, pretzels, empanadas,
Mallomars and Twizzlers—anything with gluten.
It's no secret that Djokovic has had a breakout season, or that he has been,
by any reasonable standard, the world's best athlete of 2011. On Sunday, he
beat Rafael Nadal in the Rome Masters, his fourth-straight win over the
Spaniard. It was his s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9616
来自主题: Tennis版 - 新打印机, 你有点过了
I did not ah. neither did atm. It was biok who 红脸 first. she's so tense .
maybe there's some secret brotherhood or something?
发帖数: 1096
来自主题: Tennis版 - [转贴] Roger's interview
Roger gave a really nice interview at the Rome tournament in French.It was
translated to English by some fan. I saw this at tennis.com. Roger was as
classy as ever.
While we wait for Roger [...], the photographer Gianni Caccia who attends
the tour since thirty years tells me about that time in Miami "I was doubled
over in pain . Crossing Federer, he stops and asks me: what happened ? I
explain: a damn vertebra. I'll se... 阅读全帖
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