

全部话题 - 话题: tentacle
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 180
来自主题: Animals版 - Sundew Snags Prey With Fast Tentacles
Many carnivorous plants snag prey by luring them onto sticky surfaces from
which there is no escape. But a common sundew (Drosera glanduligera) from
southern Australia packs a one-two punch. The edges of its spoon-shaped
leaves are ringed with up to 18 6-millimeter-long "tentacles" that can move
four times faster than the blink of an eye; when an ant or other small
insect touches a tentacle, it flicks the unsuspecting insect into th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 778
this one is funny too.
Since so many other people have come out about their traumatizing situations
I feel I finally have the strength to come out about mine.
20 years ago I was outside of a Wal-Mart in a small, rural town. I was
putting a quarter into a vending machine to obtain a can of Mountain
Suddenly someone walked up behind me and started cupping my balls. She said
"Come here you sexy little deplorable boy." Her hands were all over me like
an Octopus. Literally. Tentacles spra... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
来自主题: Joke版 - 这是美国选举的新篇章阿
Since so many other people have come out about their traumatizing situations
I feel I finally have the strength to come out about mine.
20 years ago I was outside of a Wal-Mart in a small, rural town. I was
putting a quarter into a vending machine to obtain a can of Mountain
Suddenly someone walked up behind me and started cupping my balls. She said
"Come here you sexy little deplorable boy." Her hands were all over me like
an Octopus. Literally. Tentacles sprang out. I was covered i... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 14557
来自主题: Animals版 - Image Gallery: Jellyfish Rule!
Jellyfish Swarms
Credit: K.Katija/J.Dabiri.
Jellyfish are simple, successful and, occasionally, deadly creatures. The
Australian box jellyfish has enough toxin in each of its tentacles to kill
60 people. Some jellyfish create spectacular blooms when fields of polyps,
their stationary life stage, simultaneously bud off into free-floating
medusae. These blooms are blamed for the deaths of swimmers, clogged fishing
nets and power pl... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8227
Pyongyang, December 13 (KCNA) -- Upon hearing the report on the enlarged
meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers'
Party of Korea, the service personnel and people throughout the country
broke into angry shouts that a stern judgment of the revolution should be
meted out to the anti-party, counter-revolutionary factional elements.
Against the backdrop of these shouts rocking the country, a special military
tribunal of the DPRK Ministry of State Security was held o... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4796
来自主题: Military版 - 无标题
I Weird & Wild I
Octopus Chokes Dolphin to Death in First-Ever Discovery
The young male, Gilligan, was in otherwise perfect condition, a new study
Nobody ever told Gilligan the dolphin not to bite off more than he could
The male Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin is the first known cetacean to die
from asphyxiation by octopus, a new study says.
He "seems to have been extremely greedy and thought, 'You know what,
I’m going to swallow it whole,'" says study leader Nahiid Stephen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2039
来自主题: LeisureTime版 - scaruffi top 250 rock albums circa 1998
TM, ®, Copyright © 1998 Piero Scaruffi
(This list is currently being revised: the lists for each decade ---> are
much more accurate)
Captain Beefheart: Trout Mask Replica (Straight, 1969)
Doors (Elektra, 1967)
Velvet Underground & Nico (Verve, 1966)
Robert Wyatt: Rock Bottom (Virgin, 1974)
Popol Vuh: Hosianna Mantra (Basf, 1973)
Bob Dylan: Blonde On Blonde (CBS, 1966)
John Fahey: Fare Forward Voyegers (Takoma, 1969)
Frank Zappa: Uncle Meat (Bizarre, 1969)
Pink Floyd: Ummagumma (Harvest... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15215
来自主题: Pics版 - 八爪鱼的故事! (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Animals 讨论区 】
发信人: iForpus (coelestis), 信区: Animals
标 题: 八爪鱼的故事!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 23 16:15:24 2012, 美东)
Octopi are awesome creatures and this guy wanted his profession to be
connected with them. In Russia it was hard to realize but he found the way
out and started to photograph them in the Japanese Sea being in Vladivostok.
Their eyes are amazing and very clever. They look at objects around
attentively and when they die you can’t help crying.
Cephalopods are reasonable, they ha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
These games will not replace Left4Dead or any non-tentacle-oriented poker
app, but they're still cool.
Features : Provide three game mode.
Support iOS4.[requires at least 3.12]
Support GameCenter.
Many kinds of cute zombies.
Poker Invaders:
You are a supercool farmer, loved by your herd. The skies are filled with
UFOs from a cruel and distant pok... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26222
来自主题: ChinaNews版 - Facebook, In-Q-Tel and CIA (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: smokinggun (硝烟), 信区: Military
标 题: Facebook, In-Q-Tel and CIA
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 26 11:04:09 2011, 美东)
Facebook, the CIA, and You.
+ expand info // view thread // 5 responses // print article
Meta Information
Author: thirtyseven
Date Created: July 06, 2007
Last Modified: June 30, 2008
Category: The Abyss
Article Highlights
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I Facebooked Your MomAfter over a decade of being immersed in the conspirac... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3978
来自主题: ChinaNews版 - 国中之国
作者: James Wardner
in his book, "Unholy Alliances", 1996
The pioneer on the subject of Masonic control is James Wardner in a 1996
book entitled Unholy Alliances. Here are 10 facts about their control of
Congress and the Judiciary in the recent past. You can be sure that things
have only gotten worse.
1. Wardner lists names of 75 congressmen who were Freemasons in the 1980's
but there were probably many more. These included both liberals and rednecks
Specter. Presidents who were Freemasons: George... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2882
来自主题: Military版 - 忽然觉得印度和意大利很相似
China tops, India last, in list of 12 nations important to US: Poll
P. Elangovan (Chennai) replies to Bastich
10 Feb, 2011 09:40 PM
There is no comparison between india and china. China is a middle income
country rapidly advancing towards a high income one in some decades. india
is a low income country with ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26222
来自主题: Military版 - Facebook, In-Q-Tel and CIA
Facebook, the CIA, and You.
+ expand info // view thread // 5 responses // print article
Meta Information
Author: thirtyseven
Date Created: July 06, 2007
Last Modified: June 30, 2008
Category: The Abyss
Article Highlights
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I Facebooked Your MomAfter over a decade of being immersed in the conspiracy
theory culture—and I’m still there wether I like it or not—my core beef
remains the same. It’s not something unique to conspiracy resear... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 662
来自主题: Military版 - 警察因口头威胁被迫辞职
Cop Quits After Saying He Would Volunteer To Assassinate Obama
11/22/12 07:21 AM ET EST
Get Crime Alerts:
Sign Up
Video, Obama Assassination, Cop Obama Assassination, Cop Quits Assassinate
Obama, Obama Assassination Cop, Obama Assassination Police Officer, Police
Officer Obama Assassination, Crime News
Navy Yeoman ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26222
Facebook, In-Q-Tel and CIA
Facebook, the CIA, and You.
+ expand info // view thread // 5 responses // print article
Meta Information
Author: thirtyseven
Date Created: July 06, 2007
Last Modified: June 30, 2008
Category: The Abyss
Article Highlights
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I Facebooked Your MomAfter over a decade of being immersed in the conspiracy
theory culture—and I’m still there wether I like it or not—my core beef... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 26222
来自主题: Military版 - Facebook, the CIA, and You.
Facebook, In-Q-Tel and CIA
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 26 11:04:09 2011, 美东)
Facebook, the CIA, and You.
+ expand info // view thread // 5 responses // print article
Meta Information
Author: thirtyseven
Date Created: July 06, 2007
Last Modified: June 30, 2008
Category: The Abyss
Article Highlights
Not interested? Skip to a random article.
I Facebooked Your MomAfter over a decade of being immersed in the conspiracy
theory culture—and I’m st... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 7039
来自主题: Military版 - 国中之国
作者: James Wardner
in his book, "Unholy Alliances", 1996
The pioneer on the subject of Masonic control is James Wardner in a 1996
book entitled Unholy Alliances. Here are 10 facts about their control of
Congress and the Judiciary in the recent past. You can be sure that things
have only gotten worse.
1. Wardner lists names of 75 congressmen who were Freemasons in the 1980's
but there were probably many more. These included both liberals and rednecks
Specter. Presidents who were Freemasons: Georg... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 451
7)why did China sink over the past few centuries if you think you guys know
so much?
Admirals Yin Ching's and Zheng He's diplomatic voyages of goodwill
frightened the alien inter dimensional masters of the western world rulers.
They were worried that an early awakening of global goodwill, compassion and
diplomacy would lead to the end of their domination and control.( Now this
is going to be quite challenging ). For these alien multi inter dimensional
slave masters, timeline control is their for... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 687
来自主题: Military版 - 2021 解放台湾 (附sample chapter)
贴不了图。有兴趣的用Tentacle erotica搜吧。
发帖数: 29846
Exposing Affirmative Action's Demoralizing, and Racist, Results
by Jerome Hudson
ExposingLeftists.com arrived on the campus of the University of California,
Merced, last May to gather signatures on a petition calling for a
redistribution of grade-point averages. Not surprisingly, few star students
wanted to share the fruits of their academic labors.
But the logic was liberally sound. Students who worked hard and studied
longer than their peers—in the spirit of fairness—should be wi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - A Union 'Off-Target'
By Brendon S. Peck
Confronted with an unwelcome intrusion, employees at a Target store in New
York rejected unionization and dealt a blow to the grand plans of the UFCW.
That average Americans continue to stand against these job-killing, profit-
leaching forces is most encouraging. But make no mistake, the fight is far
from over.
Labor unions are in decline and desperate. Today, union membership is under
12% of the U.S. workforce -- it was over 20% in the 1980's. Among retail
unions, like the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
by Jerome Hudson
ExposingLeftists.com arrived on the campus of the University of California,
Merced, last May to gather signatures on a petition calling for a
redistribution of grade-point averages. Not surprisingly, few star students
wanted to share the fruits of their academic labors.
But the logic was liberally sound. Students who worked hard and studied
longer than their peers—in the spirit of fairness—should be willing to
sacrifice their higher GPAs to benefit those whose grades weren’t s... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
By Neil Snyder
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is a cruel dictator. He believes that
killing his own citizens is collateral damage associated with governing, and
he's not alone. Arab countries have been ruled by people like Assad for
millennia. Yet the Arab Spring is changing the status quo in the Middle
East, and today's shocked Westerners may, in due course, wind up longing for
the days when the Assads of the Middle East were in charge.
A few days ago, President Assad said, "Syria is the h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6571
Florida governor Rick Scott says the Orlando shooting was an attack on our
nation, calling for assistance from the White House as he declares an
emergency declaration for Florida. (June 14)
moe 1 hour ago
Funny that Muslims are the biggest racist in the world. They are bigoted
against everyone who is not Islamic. 28 Muslim countries do not honor
Israeli visa's. Saudi's have built 7,000 mosques in non-Muslim countries,
but ha... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
I think Hollywood could have saved itself some turmoil this year, and made a
few bucks in the process, if it had held off on the new Ghostbusters movie
and gone for something a little more current. There’s a great story sitting
on the scriptwriting tarmac, just waiting for the proper writers to put a
little creative wind under its wings. I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 355
索罗斯是NED(National Endowment for Democracy)的最大个人金主.
As Gilles d'Aymery noted two years ago, Soros is not just the power behind
the Open Society Institute, the U.S. Institute of Peace, the National
Endowment for Democracy, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the
International Crisis Group:
"[L]ike an immense Jules Verne octopus, [he] extends his tentacles all
over Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe, the Caucasu
发帖数: 20761
来自主题: Automobile版 - 去死吧偷油獭
Lexus software update gives new meaning to 'car crash'
Now that cars are as buggy as computers, we're in trouble.
Violet Blue , @violetblue
19h ago in Transportation

Illustration by D. Thomas Magee
Last year, headlines made everyone fearful of hackers taking over cars on
the freeway. Turns out the real menace to owners of connected cars are the
loopy manufacturers themselves.
Toyota had to suck it up this week and admit to Lexus owners, who were going
nuts on Facebook and Tw... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33714

4/5 cup (100g) prepackaged takoyaki mix. If unavailable, substitute a scant
4/5 cup (90g) flour, 1 tsp (5g) instant hondashi granules (bonito stock), 3/
4 tsp (3g) grated “nagaimo” mountain yam (optional, but fabulous for
tender texture), and 1/4 tsp (1g) baking powder
340cc cold water (a scant 1 & 1/2 cups)
1 large egg
For the filling:
1/4 lb (120g) cooked octopus (Japanese prefer the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 33714
4/5 cup (100g) prepackaged takoyaki mix. If unavailable, substitute a scant
4/5 cup (90g) flour, 1 tsp (5g) instant hondashi granules (bonito stock), 3/
4 tsp (3g) grated “nagaimo” mountain yam (optional, but fabulous for
tender texture), and 1/4 tsp (1g) baking powder
340cc cold water (a scant 1 & 1/2 cups)
1 large egg
For the filling:
1/4 lb (120g) cooked octopus (Japanese prefer the tentacles), cut into 1/2″
or bite-sized dice (NOTE: If you like, you can substitute other things for
th... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1230
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Php job at bay area
Post for a friend:
PHP/HTML5/JS/CSS engineers needed
Gaia Online is the South Bay's largest social/mobile gaming company and THE
world's largest online forum (27M+ users).
We're looking to bring some A-list players onboard for a very exciting new
initiative and I think you could bring a lot to the team. Main skills would
be Full stack/end-to-end development in web technologies: PHP, LAMP,
Javascript, etc.
Please forward your email to j****[email protected]
发帖数: 26222
来自主题: Returnee版 - Facebook, In-Q-Tel and CIA (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: smokinggun (硝烟), 信区: Military
标 题: Facebook, In-Q-Tel and CIA
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Oct 26 11:04:09 2011, 美东)
Facebook, the CIA, and You.
+ expand info // view thread // 5 responses // print article
Meta Information
Author: thirtyseven
Date Created: July 06, 2007
Last Modified: June 30, 2008
Category: The Abyss
Article Highlights
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I Facebooked Your MomAfter over a decade of being immersed in the conspirac... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 320
For the second time in recent months, a giant sea creature has washed ashore
in California. First it was a rare oarfish that had grown to a freakish 100
-foot length. This time it was a giant squid measuring a whopping 160 feet
from head to tentacle tip.
These giants look different but experts believe they share one important
commonality: they both come from the waters near the Fukushima Dai-ichi
Nuclear Power Plant in the Futaba District of Japan.
Scientists believe that following ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1327
来自主题: Fishing版 - 20091011 abalone diving moat creek
I was stung by jellyfish on one training diving as well. Everybody got stung
at face that day since there were hundreds of them around us. They were
small/red but with long tentacles. It was very painful but acceptable.
发帖数: 113
NFL bears plenty of blame for #DeflateGate
Posted by Mike Florio on January 25, 2015, 3:03 PM EST
At this point, it’s unclear whether the NFL will find any evidence to
support the suspicion that someone from the Patriots deliberately caused
footballs to lose air pressure. If the NFL fails to find a proverbial
smoking gun, that alone could become a different kind of smoking gun.
Even if (and at this point it could be a big if) the league finds proof of
foul play, was it really worth it? The NFL... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 626
来自主题: Football版 - 瘪气事件呼之欲出了。
Jim Irsay刚出来讨饶了。看来他也意识到被当枪使了。
反拍阵营出现分裂。急先锋Mike Florio掉转枪头把幕后黑手茄子供出来了,我正纳闷
Complicating matters for the NFL is that the bat initially was swung by Mike
Kensil, a former employee of the Jets with a reputation among the Patriots
for being an agitator. (Kensil’s father, Jim, served as president of the
Jets for 10 years from the late 1970s to the late 1980s.) And so on the same
day that the tampering charges filed by the... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4896
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - 考,还有这么打牌的
I like this quote
"Everyone says they run worse than everyone else. Very few people are
objective enough + intelligent enough to truly understand variance and all
its tentacles- and there are tons of them. Poker is tough now, everyone
wants to win and nobody is giving their money away any more."

发帖数: 82482
The 'Caesarean' scene is central to the film's themes of creation, sacrifice
, and giving life. Shaw has discovered she's pregnant with something non-
human and sets the autodoc to slice it out of her. She lies there screaming,
a gaping wound in her stomach, while her tentacled alien child thrashes and
squeals in the clamp above her and OH HEY IT'S THE LIFEGIVER WITH HER
ABDOMEN TORN OPEN. How many times has that image come up now? Four, I make
it. (We'r... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 17667
吞噬鲸鱼甚至船只的是一只传奇 性的触须海怪。一位美国科学家最近宣称,他发现这
种 神话中的怪物确曾存在。
英国「每日邮报」(Daily Mail)报导,麻州霍利 奥克山学院(Mount Holyoke
College)古生物学教授 麦曼纳米(Mark McMenamin)说,从海中动物遗骸上的 痕迹
,他发现可以证明一个古代、像公交车大小的章鱼种 (像神话中Kraken海怪)跟这些
The find hints that a prehistoric octopus was large enough to kill and eat
huge ichtyosaurs - was the Kraken more than a mere tall tale?
Discovery: Researcher Mark McMenamin says this arrangement of lizard bones,
which were brought to this area in a pattern of a tentacle, could prove the
existen... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4448
呵呵,阴谋论 is still alive and kicking.
For my own good, I know I should stop or I will be seized by the tentacles
of conspiracy theory too.
How sad that I keep observing the unglamorous side of the human condition.
发帖数: 311
来自主题: EnglishChat版 - Re: how to distinguish cuttlefish and squid?

any of various 10-armed marine cephalopod mollusks (order Sepioidea,
especially genus Sepia) differing from the related
squid in having a calcified internal shell

any of an order (Teuthoidea) of cephalopods having eight short arms and two
usually longer tentacles, a long tapered body, a caudal fin on each side,
and usually a slender internal chitinous support
1 (共1页)