

全部话题 - 话题: tradings
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发帖数: 6388
Don’t expect the Steelers to trade up from the 15th overall pick in the NFL
Steelers General Manager Kevin Colbert said today at the league meeting that
with the available talent in this draft, trading down makes a lot more
sense than trading up. Unfortunately for Colbert, he thinks the rest of the
league feels the same way, which means that teams looking to pick up extra
picks by trading down won’t find many takers.
“It make... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 141
I am new to stock trading. So, I have a basic question about how to charge
commission for trades of stocks.
This is an example question abstracted from an interview, which has been
done .
Commission is charged for customers when they trade .
An order can be broken up into several trades.
The commission is based on the number of shares executed for the order.
How to compute the commission for the trades below:
Commission Schedule
<= 500 shares .013/share
> 500 shares .008/share
Order Number... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
Drugstore.com has a 25% off sale in their Vitamin Dept. - wendykroy307
They also have a sale with Free Shipping on all Culturelle Products
In addition you can get a free copy of this DVD Microwarriors: The Power of
- that has a current trade in value of $9.75 on Amazon. (at time of
posting - Note this will probably change - don't wait - lock in your trade
in value)
Click through this link first - 25% off Vitamins:
htt... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2241
【 以下文字转载自 PraticalTrading 俱乐部 】
发信人: googer (cutie), 信区: PraticalTrading
标 题: 10 Bank Stocks Trading Below Book Value
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jun 18 16:41:23 2010, 美东)
这篇文章对几个小银行做了一个比较好的介绍,包括 fbp, crbc, pcbc, bbx, prwt,
snv, bpop, cse, mi & c. 每个包括目前状态,资本充足与否,可能风险,资产品质以及可
能前景。 可做参考。
10 Bank Stocks Trading Below Book Value
First Bancorp (FBP) of San Juan, Puerto Rico was trading for just 0.2 times
tangible book value on Thursday, when shares closed at $1.06, down 54% year-
TARP Status: ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 901
NEW YORK – An insider trading case last year that federal authorities said
was the biggest ever is providing a recipe for another case that may be even
The current case is largely an extension of work that led to the arrest of
Galleon Group founder Raj Rajaratnam in October 2009. The Galleon
investigation marked the first time that federal authorities used wiretaps
in an insider trading probe.
Similarly, wiretaps led to the first arrest in the latest case. Don Ching
Trang Chu, a consulti... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2054
来自主题: USANews版 - Wilbur Ross关于trade的说法
Corporate America’s biggest worry about incoming President Donald Trump is
that he’ll ignite trade wars with China, Mexico and other big exporters.
His pick for Commerce Secretary, private-equity billionaire Wilbur Ross,
says that’s not going to happen.
“There aren’t going to be trade wars,” Ross told Yahoo Finance the day
after the election. “There are plenty of things that could be done that
would not be the end of the Earth but would help our trade balance.”
On the campaign trail, Trump talke... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2965
求做amazon trade in, 千年毒药换GC。 you will get amazon gc $151 X 2, you pay
me later $260
每人只限max 2 sets. amazon free trade in shipping label, 无风险无成本
发email to: d********[email protected], 你会收到我的回复,按指导请马上完成,并发
给我shipping label.
愿意做的加临时qq群 AMZ Trade 131424089
只需要20人, 申请验证用mitbbs ID
1。会做amazon trade in(very easy), 接到我的反馈email要马上就做,马上提交
trade in, 并发给我shipping label. 以防trade in value 变化
2。 每人只可一个账号,只可做2个。东西由我来提供并打包。
3。 要求trade in gc到帐后1-3天 支付我, BOA 或者paypal
4。前20名 re者请不要插科打诨, serious only。排名稍后者不保证有毒药供应, 不... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1912
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 问个trade-support之类的工作 (转载)
firstly, you need to know what buy side is.
There are mainly three areas in traditional buy side (not quant or hft shop)
Investment research is the most prestige (and best paid) area, includes PM,
Investment Analyst and Quantitative Analyst. All those people are making
decision or pitching ideas of investment strategies. Basically they are the
people who make money.
After investment managers decide a strategy, let's say long AAPL 100M and
hedged using SPX, execution team will try to find the bes... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1912
来自主题: JobHunting版 - 问个trade-support之类的工作 (转载)
firstly, you need to know what buy side is.
There are mainly three areas in traditional buy side (not quant or hft shop)
Investment research is the most prestige (and best paid) area, includes PM,
Investment Analyst and Quantitative Analyst. All those people are making
decision or pitching ideas of investment strategies. Basically they are the
people who make money.
After investment managers decide a strategy, let's say long AAPL 100M and
hedged using SPX, execution team will try to find the bes... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2080
来自主题: Stock版 - 为什么要trade FB? (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Chinook 俱乐部 】
发信人: chinook (Base Loaded), 信区: Chinook
标 题: 为什么要trade FB?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue May 22 18:31:14 2012, 美东)
二呆刚才问了一个发人深省的问题,就是为什么要trade FB呢?
的。如果想winning chance高点的话,trade点别的,自己熟悉的,把握的住的,岂不
我知道有些人的rule是不trade IPO,如同不trade医药股,不赌ER。
我最近也是看到了很多类似的情况,比如Z,比如P, 比如LNKD,比如ZNGA,hot的股票
告,没股价的脉搏给你摸,没控盘MM的习惯给你体会,... 凭什么trade,纯押宝?
都不敢动。几年前我写青蛙守则的时候,有一条... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 15479
【 以下文字转载自 Quant 讨论区 】
发信人: mitchell1984 (呜呜呜), 信区: Quant
标 题: offer 选择请教:著名trading firm的library quant v.s.非著名trading firm的trading role
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 2 14:10:01 2012, 美东)
今年3月申请了两个hedge fund/prop trading firms,居然都拿到了offer,两个各有
一个是我一直很想去的著名trading shop,刚刚拿到,但所有人进去必须从非trading
role做起,今后是否能挤到trading role还未知。 据面试的人说,做的事情大概相当
于投行里的library quant的位置。这个公司福利什么的非常好,据说工作环境也比较
另一个是一个不那么出名的不大的prop trading firm, 但给的职位直接做quant
trading。公司我不了解,也有10年左右历史了,看样子做的还可以。但是要签... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 20742
来自主题: Football版 - MFL Trade Poll - foo/monster
trade rules不是早就establish过了吗?现在不能来改rule了吧。不过似乎现在rtspor
ts上的没更新过?因为我记得是$2 per player traded. not $5
Trade rules:
1. Each team involved in a trade will be charged $5 Trade Initial Fee.
2. Each player involved in a trade will be charged 200 coins, originated fro
m the player's new owner. If this trade is
before draft, this charge remains 200 coins regardless of how many players i
3. Each proposed trade will be put up in a 3-day poll so other team managers
can evaluate
发帖数: 6301
来自主题: TexasHoldem版 - About trading
只不过trading的门榄更高.leaning curve更长.对绝大多数人来说,trading不光是
发帖数: 50
来自主题: Business版 - Prop Trading 和Flow Trading?
There are wall street big cows/thrimps on this board but I am going to give
it a try:
In terms of career, the ranking is:
1. Prop Trading in IB
2. Flow Trading
3. Prop Trading in brokerage firms
Prop trading in IB uses the bank's own money to do block trading to make
Flow trading executes on clients' orders to make commission.
Prop trading in brokerage firms ask you to put down your own deposit,
provide you the basic support to do your own trading. Normally there is no
salary. If you l
发帖数: 60932
Just got an email from Gamestop for $50 Extra Credit Trade-in for those
systems, $25 Trade-in Credit for portable systems.
Extra $50 in-store credit
Between now and Sunday, March 6, swipe your
PowerUp Rewards card to get an extra $50 in-store credit on any Xbox 360
PS3 or
Wii system traded!
Or score an extra $25 in-store credit on any DS, PSP or PS2 system traded -
a PowerUp Rewards exclusive!
*Offer not good on cash trades. Trades must be in full working condition to
receive full value. Hardw... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 60932
来自主题: _DealGroup版 - 【$】Best Buy Trade In Credit Arbitrage
Through Amazon's warehouse you can get Bulletstorm (Xbox) used like new for
15.99 with prime shipping, this has a trade in value of $16 at Best Buy:
There is a limit of 3 trade-ins of the same game at best buy.
Also, you can buy SAW II (Xbox) used good from gohastings through Amazon for
$11.47 each with prime shipping, this has a trade in value of $12 at Best
http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B002I0HCBK/ref=sr_... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 1511
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: mitbbs2020 (bbc), 信区: Stock
标 题: 【Stragety论坛】Trading with correlations.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 25 16:27:03 2010, 美东)
trader1688上也有人提过pair trading,并有人表示怀疑。
基本的想法是,high correlated的two stocks,spread比较稳定,假如某个时刻出现
后long那个underprice的,short overprice的symbol,以期spread恢复至正常。
个涨的比short的那个幅度更大,spread还是可以按照... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 6973
来自主题: ChinaNews版 - China's Trade Numbers
(1) Floyd Norris, China Trade Numbers Bear Watching, Up or Down. New York
Times, Sept 19, 2011.
My comment:
(a) Please see the graphic first--even ONLY.
(b) Please take notice that for "each nation," the starting point (Jan 1,
2007) is zero, whether at the point of time China's trade with that
particular one was surplus or deficit.
(c) According to China, its trade numbers in 2010 with... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 143
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: inspironee (inspiron), 信区: Stock
标 题: 新手问关于 online trading课程以及self trading作为职业
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 16 12:51:28 2016, 美东)
以前很少上这个版面。最近一位朋友介绍了一个trading course。我花了300刀去
strategy program)要两万刀。在此基础上学习每一种vehicle(options,Futures,
Forex等)再要两万刀。还有更高层次的课程(Specialty 等)每一种大概
他们还请了一些以前的学员现身说法,他们现在以online trading为full time job,
说每年收入可到半个到一个million。也有人是以trading为part-time job,一天平均
不知道版上大家意见如何:这个课程是否值得,还有就是online... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 691
Washington --
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is the subject of a report on the stock
investments of members of Congress that is to air Sunday on CBS' "60 Minutes
The San Francisco Democrat and House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, were
questioned separately at their weekly news conferences Nov. 3 by reporter
Steve Kroft. Neither had granted Kroft's previous requests for interviews.
Kroft asked both leaders about stock transacti... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19562
来自主题: USANews版 - Carl Icahn对trade war的看法
[在 zzphzz (zzphzz) 的大作中提到:]
:Billionaire Carl Icahn shared his views in a wide-ranging interview
Thursday with CNBC's Scott Wapner on topics such as government
regulation, the economy, ETFs and his new Donald Trump administration
advisory role on regulation
:But the most important thing may not be what the investor said explicitly,
but what he implied about the market risk of a trade war with China under
:"If you have a trade war with China, by definition, I remember the da... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 9999
focus之外也就prius和insight了(如果golf tdi有倒车摄像头的话肯定毫不犹豫的就
买了)。在这两者之间更倾向于prius,insight是个half-ass job,除了比prius便宜
没啥优点。prius有普通hatchback, C, 和V。C太小,后座基本没法用,V太大,LD觉得
prius HB流畅,所以就决定买prius HB了。test drive了一辆感觉还行,自然谈不上什
么驾驶乐趣,但至少中规中矩没有什么unexpected behavior(后面会详细对比focus和
位是trade-in + 4k换2012 prius III with solar sunroof (MSRP 28.... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 831
来自主题: ebiz版 - 开贴讨论HP trade in
正如HP网站所提,HP对每款打印机 instant saving + Trade in 都有最高限制。Trade
但前段时间但本人几个trade in都高出最大额度,并已经拿回了$75/each的refund。所
1,能否拿回trade in的check是不是完全靠运气?因人而异?还是HP在执行政策时很宽
2,在使用rewards,coupon或店里trade in code时,都算作instant saving吗?如果
trade in code和coupon code?
3,今天OM的8500a,plus,premium是否都能double trade in?有小白鼠没?
附件是,各款打印机instant saving + trade in的最高额度。
LaserJet P2035 CE461A $175
LaserJet P2035n CE... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2295
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Level-1 Trading Systems Support at New York
We have your information in our database as someone who has, or has had,
some experience with Trading Systems Support. I have an opportunity for a
Trading Systems Support professional, and I am reaching out to individuals
in our network to see if they might know of someone who may have an interest
. I am including the following job specification that you will be able to
forward to any of your friends and/or associates who might have an interest.
Trading Syst... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: lemonie0910 (Lemonie), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Optiver Shanghai Positions - Software developer/trading system engineer
关键字: Optiver Developer
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 4 00:31:36 2015, 美东)
We are recruiting some engineers for Shanghai office. If you plan to go back
to China, welcome to send CV to [email protected]
/* */ Thank you.
Optiver is a global, leading market-maker with offices in Amsterdam, Chicago
, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sydney and Taiwan. We take immens... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
招聘:Junior Quantitative Developer – Pro Trading firm-芝加哥
Akuna Capital is a fast-growing trading house that specializes in derivative
market-making and arbitrage. We pair up experienced and talented traders
with industry-leading low latency IT, giving the company a huge advantage in
the dynamic screen-based trading sphere. Founded in 2011, the company
trades on major derivative markets across the US, our offices are in Chicago
, Shanghai, Champaign and Boston.
Our traders and developers work coll... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
招聘:Junior Quantitative Developer-Trading firm-芝加哥
Akuna Capital is a fast-growing trading house that specializes in derivative
market-making and arbitrage. We pair up experienced and talented traders
with industry-leading low latency IT, giving the company a huge advantage in
the dynamic screen-based trading sphere. Founded in 2011, the company
trades on major derivative markets across the US, our offices are in Chicago
, Shanghai, Champaign and Boston.
Our traders and developers work collaborat... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Hiring: Quantitative Developer- Akuna Capital –芝加哥
Akuna Capital is a fast-growing trading house that specializes in derivative
market-making and arbitrage. We pair up experienced and talented traders
with industry-leading low latency IT, giving the company a huge advantage in
the dynamic screen-based trading sphere. Founded in 2011, the company
trades on major derivative markets across the US, our offices are in Chicago
, Shanghai, Champaign and Boston.
Our traders and developers work collabor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 695
All right, part 2, Technical Analysis.
I threw out a little hint at the end of part 1 by saying TA doesn't
work, and it got some defensive words back already. It will be
interesting to see what happens after I finish this part, because
if you accept what I am going to say, you probably will have to start
over in your trading adventure (which I think you should).
It is worth a few words to talk about what TA is trying to solve
first. Market price, no matter what the underlying product is, all
com... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 135
来自主题: Stock版 - Swing Trade -Non experts only
For non-experts only.
JasonBondPicks is an excellent site for day trading and swing trading ideas,
plus tons of educational videos, an unbeatable chat room, daily watch lists,
real time entry and exit points of his own trades, and constant and
transparent analysis of his trades, both winning AND losing trades. Jason
truly puts his money where his mouth is, and has a proven track record of
I subscribed because
---I have been trading on "fundamentals" for years and believed in holds.
Whil... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 5449
来自主题: Stock版 - A basic algorithmic trading framework
This is an abstract toy system. A lot work to do for a real algorithmic
trading system.
This is not for high frequency trading. It is for swing trading.
two threads:
the first is data manager or retreiver.
the second is trading thread.
the first one is related to broker and API. please check your broker's
the following is trading thread. suppose all data, positions and order
status are up to
like a game, a trading thread is mainly an infinite loop.
update timer;
ch... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 4650
来自主题: Stock版 - 请教 被 day trade call 了
This email is to inform you that your account XXXX-XXXX has a day trade call
for $xxx.xx; the cash is due 1/26/15. This was issued due to opening
transactions exceeding your day trading buying power at a specific moment on
1/16/15 by the above mentioned amount.
While the account is in a day trade call, for 90 days from the cash due date
, day trading is not permitted. Also, your account will be limited to stock
buying power for online trades.
You can cover the day trade call by dep... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2123
来自主题: Stock版 - 10 Pathways to Trading Success
There are many paths to trading profitability, but all the paths have
similar steps. Here are some important steps you must follow on your path to
The amount of success you have in trading is primarily based on the amount
of homework you do.
You must develop a winning trading system that is based on previous price
history, trend capturing in your time frame, and great risk/reward setups.
You must have a quantified trading plan for executing your system with real
time entries, exit... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Nearly 95% of all reported trading in bitcoin is artificially created by
unregulated exchanges, a new study concludes, raising fresh doubts about the
nascent market following a steep decline in prices over the past year.
Fraudulent trading volume has dogged cryptocurrency trading for years, but
the extent of the market manipulation has been difficult to determine.
Bitwise A... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
招聘:Junior Quantitative Developer-Trading firm-芝加哥
Akuna Capital is a fast-growing trading house that specializes in derivative
market-making and arbitrage. We pair up experienced and talented traders
with industry-leading low latency IT, giving the company a huge advantage in
the dynamic screen-based trading sphere. Founded in 2011, the company
trades on major derivative markets across the US, our offices are in Chicago
, Shanghai, Champaign and Boston.
Our traders and developers work collaborat... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Hiring: Quantitative Developer- Akuna Capital –芝加哥
Akuna Capital is a fast-growing trading house that specializes in derivative
market-making and arbitrage. We pair up experienced and talented traders
with industry-leading low latency IT, giving the company a huge advantage in
the dynamic screen-based trading sphere. Founded in 2011, the company
trades on major derivative markets across the US, our offices are in Chicago
, Shanghai, Champaign and Boston.
Our traders and developers work collabor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 13455
来自主题: Football版 - Official MFL trade rule
1. Each team involved in a trade will be charged $5 Trade Initial Fee.
2. Each player involved in a trade will be charged 200 coins, originated from
the player's new owner. If this trade is before draft, this charge remains 200
coins regardless of how many players involved.
3. Each proposed trade will be put up in a 3-day poll so other team managers
can evaluate the trade. If there are 6 "no" votes, or 51% of voters cast "no"
votes, the proposed trade will be denied.
4. If trade proposers want
发帖数: 1200
1. 任意 Target 都可以 trade-in, Trade-in 在 Target Mobile 进行,
2. Trade-in 时电脑提示依次检查 iPad 是否可以power on, 按钮是否
工作,屏幕是否碎裂,是否为美国销售的型号,是否reset 到了
factory setting 等. 后背是否有划痕等不在检查范围。
3. 包装盒,数据线,充电器等不用 trade-in, 我的iPad 这些配件都齐全,
但 Target 管 trade-in 的人都还给了我,说配件不增加 trade-in价值。
4. Trade-in 收到 $200 target gift card, 可以任意使用,不强制购买新iPad.
5. 据工作人员说,这几天他一共收到了 8 台 iPad trade-in.
总结: 这台 iPad 1st Gen 是2010年首发时买的,基本上算是近3年来最满意的电子产
品。平均每天使用时间超过两小时,直到今天电池依然强劲。 一家大人小孩都能从
曾经短期尝试过竞争对手... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 66
来自主题: Apple版 - 3GS 在BB也能trade in $100
Valid 11/27/14–11/29/14. In store only. iPhone 6 16GB: $699.99 - $500
Instant Savings = $199.99 + Tax - $100 Trade-In Gift Card = $99.99 with 2-
year agreement and use of trade-in gift card. iPhone 5 16GB: $599.99 - $500
Instant Savings = $99.99 + Tax - $100 Trade-In Gift Card = $1 with 2-year
agreement and use of trade-in gift card. Carriers, coverage and products may
vary by store. Available in New Jersey. Same price new and upgrade unless
otherwise noted. Carrier requirements may include sele... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12
Hiring: Trading Core Developer (C++ Developer) - Akuna Capital – Chicago

If you are interested in it, feel free contact Lucy by lucy.luo@akunacapital
About Akuna:
Akuna Capital is a fast-growing derivatives trading firm located in downtown
Chicago that specializes in market-making and arbitrage. Founded in 2011,
Akuna has quickly expanded from a start-up to a successful leader on US
options exchanges and has already begun international expansion. We’ve
grown significantly from humble ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Hiring: Quantitative Developer- Akuna Capital –芝加哥
Akuna Capital is a fast-growing trading house that specializes in derivative
market-making and arbitrage. We pair up experienced and talented traders
with industry-leading low latency IT, giving the company a huge advantage in
the dynamic screen-based trading sphere. Founded in 2011, the company
trades on major derivative markets across the US, our offices are in Chicago
, Shanghai, Champaign and Boston.
Our traders and developers work collabor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12
Hiring: Trading Core Developer (C++ Developer) - Akuna Capital – Chicago

If you are interested in it, feel free contact Lucy by lucy.luo@akunacapital
About Akuna:
Akuna Capital is a fast-growing derivatives trading firm located in downtown
Chicago that specializes in market-making and arbitrage. Founded in 2011,
Akuna has quickly expanded from a start-up to a successful leader on US
options exchanges and has already begun international expansion. We’ve
grown significantly from humble ... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
招聘:Junior Quantitative Developer-Trading firm-芝加哥
Akuna Capital is a fast-growing trading house that specializes in derivative
market-making and arbitrage. We pair up experienced and talented traders
with industry-leading low latency IT, giving the company a huge advantage in
the dynamic screen-based trading sphere. Founded in 2011, the company
trades on major derivative markets across the US, our offices are in Chicago
, Shanghai, Champaign and Boston.
Our traders and developers work collaborat... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Hiring: Quantitative Developer- Akuna Capital –芝加哥
Akuna Capital is a fast-growing trading house that specializes in derivative
market-making and arbitrage. We pair up experienced and talented traders
with industry-leading low latency IT, giving the company a huge advantage in
the dynamic screen-based trading sphere. Founded in 2011, the company
trades on major derivative markets across the US, our offices are in Chicago
, Shanghai, Champaign and Boston.
Our traders and developers work collabor... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
招聘:Junior Quantitative Developer-Trading firm-芝加哥
Akuna Capital is a fast-growing trading house that specializes in derivative
market-making and arbitrage. We pair up experienced and talented traders
with industry-leading low latency IT, giving the company a huge advantage in
the dynamic screen-based trading sphere. Founded in 2011, the company
trades on major derivative markets across the US, our offices are in Chicago
, Shanghai, Champaign and Boston.
Our traders and developers work collaborat... 阅读全帖

发帖数: 1
Hiring: Quantitative Developer- Akuna Capital –芝加哥
Akuna Capital is a fast-growing trading house that specializes in derivative
market-making and arbitrage. We pair up experienced and talented traders
with industry-leading low latency IT, giving the company a huge advantage in
the dynamic screen-based trading sphere. Founded in 2011, the company
trades on major derivative markets across the US, our offices are in Chicago
, Shanghai, Champaign and Boston.
Our traders and developers work collabor... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 12
Hiring: Trading Core Developer (C++ Developer) - Akuna Capital

Location: Chicago
Email: [email protected]
/* */
About Akuna:
Akuna Capital is a fast-growing derivatives trading firm located in downtown
Chicago that specializes in market-making and arbitrage. Founded in 2011,
Akuna has quickly expanded from a start-up to a successful leader on US
options exchanges and has already begun international expansion. We’ve
grown significantly from humble but determined beginnings and still pr... 阅读全帖
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