s******5 发帖数: 549 | 1 有人在indy wellpoint 吗?indy 的wellpoint 是哪个business line?谢谢 |
y*******5 发帖数: 5023 | 2 indy是wellpoint总部,应该是做啥的都有吧。 |
y*******5 发帖数: 5023 | 3 那里都是director级别的吧,wellpoint招人对地域要求不是很严格,很多都是老板跟
手下身处异地,一年见个一两次面。 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 4 Main Reason Behind These Limited Plans: Cost.
This fall, Indiana's new online health-insurance marketplace will present
some tough choices for consumers like John Nowak, who will be able to pick a
plan from his current insurer—or go for one that includes his primary-care
That is because Mr. Nowak's current insurer won't include Indiana's biggest
health-care provider, 19-hospital Indiana University Health, in the plans it
sells on the consumer exchange. If Mr. Nowak ... 阅读全帖 |
n******1 发帖数: 66 | 5 想法不错。但是GPT is funded by 美国保险业巨头wellpoint公司的。
Wellpoint一直想打开中国商业医保市场,你们在政策上有没有做有关调查研究? 现在
调查研究以判断市场开发可能性? |
s******e 发帖数: 364 | 6 前几天看了marionette MM写的买药需知,以为自己什么都知道了,结果今天才发现什
今天去诊所,才知道可能周四就要开始lupron, 比我想的要早好几天。一下子买
块,还挺得意的。今天从诊所离开后就立马开去cvs, 要拿lupron。结果药房的说,保
险不包,我说不会, 我在网上查了的。后来药房的人吞吞吐吐地说,可能要pre-
,把我电话transfer去wellpoint pharmacy,wellpoint 的人说今天会传真去我医生那
的都没有问题吧? |
m********e 发帖数: 158 | 7 wellpoint pharmacy 其实是保险公司,专门handle药的保险。他们不会给你寄药的。
wellpoint pharmacy批准了你的药,你就可以到药房去fill了。
你得叫你的护士赶快handle这个事。叫他给wellpoint pharmacy提交lupron的pre-
authorization |
T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 8 Top hospitals opt out of Obamacare
The Obama administration has been claiming that insurance companies will be
competing for your dollars under the Affordable Care Act, but apparently
they haven’t surveyed the nation’s top hospitals.
Americans who sign up for Obamacare will be getting a big surprise if they
expect to access premium health care that may have been previously covered
under their personal policies. Most of the top hospitals will accept
insurance from just one or two companies operat... 阅读全帖 |
x*****u 发帖数: 6559 | 9 很多大医院欢迎obamacare的保险
The Obama administration has been claiming that insurance companies will be
competing for your dollars under the Affordable Care Act, but apparently
they haven’t surveyed the nation’s top hospitals.
Americans who sign up for Obamacare will be getting a big surprise if they
expect to access premium health care that may have been previously covered
under their personal policies. Most of the top hospitals will accept
insurance from just one or two companies operating under Obama... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 10 by: Alex Nussbaum
February 12, 2014
(Bloomberg) — Health insurers told to pay $150 billion in taxes over a
decade to help fund Obamacare are now shifting at least part of that cost
back to taxpayers.
Congress passed the insurer tax four years ago to help cover the uninsured
under the Affordable Care Act. Now, the industry is pushing to include some
of the cost in contracts with Medicaid programs for the poor that are
jointly funded by state and federal governments.
The strategy may add $36 billi... 阅读全帖 |
t*****z 发帖数: 812 | 11 我一个在国内的亲戚,在外资企业上班,发生不幸事。想问问有没有人愿意帮帮忙。以
我以前做财产险,知道有风险代理公司,美国也有,就是他们接我的案子,... 阅读全帖 |
l**********y 发帖数: 2050 | 12 Source: www.earnings.com (S&P 500 Company only)
Earnings Releases - Confirmed:
HAL Halliburton Co
Q4 2011 Halliburton Co Earnings Release
$ 0.99 n/a $ 0.68 23-Jan
ZION Zions Bancorporation
Q4 2011 Zions Bancorporation Earnings Release
$ 0.33 n/a -$ 0.62 23-Jan AMC
APD Ai... 阅读全帖 |
M****8 发帖数: 28 | 13 去WellPoint要谨慎。我几年以前拿到一个offer,几天之后被收回。因为legal讲办工
作签证会有问题。急与hiring manager沟通,她坚持录用。但在WellPoint工作近四年
,拿到FSA,也不能开始办绿卡,最后辞职走人。 |
a********t 发帖数: 1810 | 14 短期看应该不会.特别是MEDICARE,MEDICAID. 前一阵,AETNA 和WELLPOINT 买COVENTRY
HEALTH 和AMERIGROUP就是为了expanding 他们的government-based health plans(
关于HEALTH INDUSTRY OUTLOOK AFTER Obama's re-election 评论.2014 是关键年.最
Nov 7 - Fitch Ratings' expectations regarding the credit outlook for U.S.
health insurers have not changed as a result of President Obama's re-
election and the continuation of Democratic majority control in the Senate.
We be... 阅读全帖 |
a*******u 发帖数: 619 | 15 AMERIGROUP 好像掌管了WELLPOINT 的整个 MEDICAID 部门,势力越来越大,倒是原先
WELLPOINT 的那帮人状况不太稳定。 |
t*****z 发帖数: 812 | 16 我一个在国内的亲戚,在外资企业上班,发生不幸事。想问问有没有人愿意帮帮忙。以
我以前做财产险,知道有风险代理公司,美国也有,就是他们接我的案子,... 阅读全帖 |
s******e 发帖数: 364 | 17 我太天真了,在蓝十字网上price drug,它让选附近的药房,我随便选了,cvs, target
, 都显示药的COPAYMENT多少。我以为这就可以了。今天去cvs, 他们说可以现order,
Bluecross 今天叫我打去 wellpoint pharmacy 1-800-700-2541, 我想wellpoint应该
PrecisionRx |
X*****s 发帖数: 2767 | 18 http://online.barrons.com/article/SB500014240531119043319045773
Although the stock market seems to be running into a major roadblock
Wednesday, health-insurance stocks are holding up nicely. And now with the
very strong possibility that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,
popularly dubbed Obamacare, may be struck down by the Supreme Court, many
of these stocks quickly scooted up to fresh 52-week highs.
The final court decision is not expected until June but that is good news
for inve... 阅读全帖 |
T**********e 发帖数: 29576 | 19 现在为止年轻人很少加入obamacare,上的大多老弱病残,如果这个趋势不扭转,没多
少人能负担得起market place的保险了。
Obamacare: Not Enough Young, Healthy Enrollees to Offset Costs
Younger, healthier Americans needed to make Obamacare financially viable are
not signing up in sufficient numbers. Most enrollees have been people over
50, many with preexisting medical conditions.
The skew toward the older crowd raises concerns that there will not be
enough payments from young people to offset the cost of provid... 阅读全帖 |
m*****u 发帖数: 15526 | 20 沃森:全美第一肿瘤医院“电脑医生”开始坐诊
“沃森医生”已经在美国安德森癌症中心(M.D. Anderson Cancer Center)上岗。该
Oncology Expert Ad-visor,OEA)。OEA的核心正是IBM沃森电脑,通过沃森的认知计
从而帮助医护人员... 阅读全帖 |
b********n 发帖数: 38600 | 21 Thank you, NYT for covering this. To really make an impact may I suggest a
follow up?
The list below barely scratches the surface of companies that have done this
same thing. If you were able to procure the client lists of HCL, Tata,
Infosys, Cognizant, etc. I would virtually guarantee no less than half their
major clients did not begin or expand their engagement coinciding with
laying off domestic workers.
Lucent (1996)
Siemens (2001)
Nielsen Media Research (2008)
WellPoint (2009)
GM (2009)
Mar... 阅读全帖 |
m*****u 发帖数: 15526 | 22 电脑医生已经来了。这是打破医生这个行业垄断的终级手段
QQYY全球医院网 2015-01-06 www.qqyy.com
“沃森医生”已经在美国安德森癌症中心(M.D. Anderson Cancer Center)上岗。该
中心和IBM经过一年... 阅读全帖 |
d*********3 发帖数: 29 | 23 原文地址:
【財經日報 10月8日 華盛頓電】眾議院議員正考慮在09年秋天眾議院對醫療保險改革議案舉行投
規模最大的健康保險公司WellPoint的公司領跌。 |
m*********a 发帖数: 3299 | 24 so wellpoint (underwriter blueshield and bluecross) total revnue 65 billions
in 2009, profit 4.7 billions. Lockheed Martin (f22 and F35 maker) total
revenue $45 billions, profit 3 billions. so in your logic, defense is cheap
because Defense companies profit margin is so thin as insurer.
I would ask you do you include all salary and bonus and administrative cost
into the expense? Do those cost are way higher than 3% profit. Why do you
have to mislead people by citing 3% profit margin? We are disc |
m*********a 发帖数: 3299 | 25 I am just looking through wellpoint 10Q.
In 2009, revenue 56 billions, sales and admintrative cost 9.7 billions and
profit 4.7 billions. So cost is total 14.4 billions, more than 20% of the
total revenue, 6x of the 3% in your post. 6x understatement is big thing to
mention because you will not live a good life if your salary is decrease 16.
7% of current level. |
a*******u 发帖数: 619 | 26 From Forbes.com
ObamaCare Fatigue: Whether The Vote Is Up Or Down Certainty Is Welcome
Why did managed care stocks like UnitedHealth, Aetna and Wellpoint rally
today? The answer is simple--the often-tedious year-long health overhaul
journey is coming to an end. And the market likes certainty, no matter what
the outcome. Just like investors get jittery during a Presidential election
year, and then stage a rally no matter who wins--health stocks have been in
limbo for many months waiting for an an |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 27 从揽权到滥权,奥巴马对某些保险公司和大雇主免除奥巴马的医疗法案中提出的保险要
Waivers Aim at Talk of Dropping Health Coverage
Published: October 6, 2010
As Obama administration officials put into place the first major wave of
changes under the health care legislation, they have tried to defuse
stiffening resistance — from companies like McDonald’s and some insurers
— by granting dozens of waivers to maintain even minimal coverage far below
the new law’s st... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 28 After David Hubbard underwent a routine echocardiogram at his cardiologist's
office last year, he was surprised to learn that the heart scan cost his
insurer $1,605. That was more than four times the $373 it paid when the 61-
year-old optometrist from Reno, Nev., had the same procedure at the same
office just six months earlier.
"Nothing had changed, it was the same equipment, the same room," said Dr.
Hubbard, who has a high-deductible health plan and had to pay about $1,000
of the larger bill o... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 29 As Calif. Drowns in Debt, Group Advocates For Free Healthcare for Illegals
March 20, 2013 Posted by Warner Todd Huston
Even as the state of California is drowning in debt and already suffering
under an avalanche of unfunded mandates, a powerful healthcare advocacy
group in the Golden State is pushing for free healthcare for all illegal
The group, The California Endowment, has launched a new program called “
Health Happens Here” to push expanded healthcare. To highlight the issue,
Cal. E... 阅读全帖 |
z****0 发帖数: 3942 | 30 (Reuters) - Americans will pay an average premium of $328 monthly for a mid-
tier health insurance plan when the Obamacare health exchanges open for
enrollment next week, and most will qualify for government subsidies to
lower that price, the Obama administration said on Wednesday.
The figure, based on data for approved insurance plans in 48 states,
represents the broadest national estimate for how much Americans will pay
for health coverage under President Barack Obama's healthcare reform law
n... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 31 UPDATE 1: After I published this article, Angie Holan of PolitiFact claimed
on Twitter that her 2008 “True” rating of Obama’s promise was justified,
because Senator Obama’s 2008 plan was “a campaign proposal with no [
individual] mandate” requiring the purchase of health insurance, and
therefore represented a “very different set of facts than [her] later
@avik The ’08 rating was for a campaign proposal with NO mandate. Very
different set of facts than later ruling.
— Angie Drobn... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 32 Exchanges See Little Progress on Uninsured
Early Estimates Suggest That Majority of Sign-Ups Already Had Health Plans
By Christopher Weaver and
Anna Wilde Mathews
Updated Jan. 17, 2014 8:07 p.m. ET
Early signals suggest the majority of the 2.2 million people who sought to
enroll in private insurance through new marketplaces through Dec. 28 were
previously covered elsewhere, raising questions about how swiftly this part
of the health overhaul will be able to make a significant dent in the number
... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 33 http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2014/05/10/new-mckins
Avik Roy , Forbes Staff
One of the principal flaws in the coverage of Obamacare’s exchange
enrollment numbers to date has been that the press has not made distinctions
between those who have “signed up” for Obamacare-based plans, and those
who have actually paid for those plans and thereby achieved enrollment in
health insurance. A new survey from McKinsey indicates that a large majority
of people signing up are now paying for their... 阅读全帖 |
l****z 发帖数: 29846 | 34 High Rates of Serious Medical Conditions in New Plans Put Pressure on
June 24, 2014 8:34 p.m. ET
People enrolled in new plans under the health law are showing higher rates
of serious health conditions than other insurance customers, putting
pressure on insurers around the country as they prepare to propose rates for
next year. WSJ's Christopher Weaver joins Simon Constable on The News Hub
to discuss. Photo: Getty
People enrolled in new plans under the health law are showing higher rat... 阅读全帖 |
R********0 发帖数: 4134 | 35 Rank ▾ Company Revenues
($ millions) Profits
($ millions)
1 Exxon Mobil 452,926.0 41,060.0
2 Wal-Mart Stores 446,950.0 15,699.0
3 Chevron 245,621.0 26,895.0
4 ConocoPhillips 237,272.0 12,436.0
5 General Motors 150,276.0 9,190.0
6 General Electric 147,616.0 14,151.0
7 Berkshire Hathaway 143,688.0 10,254.0
8 Fannie Mae 137,451.0 -16,855.0
9 Ford Motor 136,264.0 20,213.0
10 Hewlett-Packard ... 阅读全帖 |
c****e 发帖数: 2097 | 36 Thanks!
I read the (very limited) info more carefully, and got even more confused. I
may have to ask HR to explain to
me in more detail.
It appears NYS' blue-cross is now Wellpoint. Also, probably any NY state
employee would know, the options
are probably the same across the board.
Still hope someone knows about this here:
My options:
1. Empire State Plan- Blue Cross and United HealthCare
2. Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York
3. Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield HMO
4. Aetna HMO
And Dental e |
u*w 发帖数: 190 | 37 google:
Ten worst insurance companies:
1. Allstate
2. Unum
3. AIG
4. State Farm
5 Conseco
6. WellPoint
7. Farmers
8. UnitedHealth
9. Torchmark
10. Liberty mutual |
o**********e 发帖数: 18403 | 39 【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jun 6 11:38:38 2015, 美东)
Thank you, NYT for covering this. To really make an impact may I suggest a
follow up?
The list below barely scratches the surface of companies that have done this
same thing. If you were able to procure the client lists of HCL, Tata,
Infosys, Cognizant, Accenture, etc. I would virtually guarantee no less than
half their
major cl... 阅读全帖 |
s********r 发帖数: 2308 | 40 好吧,ER医生应该仍然保持高薪。所有动手术的,比如各种外壳手术/牙医/美容医生也
但是那些什么family medicine, 什么内分泌专科这类纯靠着知识积累和更新的医生早
“Watson's ingestion of more than 600,000 pieces of medical evidence, more
than two million pages from medical journals and the further ability to
search through up to 1.5 million patient records for further information
gives it a breadth of knowledge no human doctor can match.
According to Sloan-Kettering, only around 20 percent of the knowledge that
human docto... 阅读全帖 |
u*w 发帖数: 190 | 41 谢谢,去查了下:
Ten worst insurance companies:
1. Allstate
2. Unum
3. AIG
4. State Farm
5 Conseco
6. WellPoint
7. Farmers
8. UnitedHealth
9. Torchmark
10. Liberty mutual |
y********g 发帖数: 598 | 42 Rank ▾ Company Revenues
($ millions) Profits
($ millions)
1 Exxon Mobil 452,926.0 41,060.0
2 Wal-Mart Stores 446,950.0 15,699.0
3 Chevron 245,621.0 26,895.0
4 ConocoPhillips 237,272.0 12,436.0
5 General Motors 150,276.0 9,190.0
6 General Electric 147,616.0 14,151.0
7 Berkshire Hathaway 143,688.0 10,254.0
8 Fannie Mae 137,451.0 -16,855.0
9 Ford Motor 136,264.0 20,213.0
10 ... 阅读全帖 |
a****b 发帖数: 3588 | 43 Earnings Calendar:
Mon: FMC Technologies (NYSE:FTI), Legg Mason (NYSEM), Fluor Corp. (NYSE:FLR)
Tues: Lockheed Martin (NYSEMT), DuPont (NYSE:DD), AK Steel (NYSE:AKS),
Fiserv (NASDAQ:FISV), Norfolk Southern Corp. (NYSE:NSC), Broadcom (NASDAQ:
RadioShack (NYSE:RSH), Occidental Petroleum (NYSE:OXY), US Steel (NYSE:X),
Office Depot (NYSE:ODP)
Wed: International Paper (NYSE:IP), Corning (NYSE:GLW), WellPoint Inc. (NYSE
ConocoPhi |
I****m 发帖数: 771 | 44 WellPoint Health Networks (WLP): Q3 EPS of $1.74 beats by $0.17. Revenue of
$14.3B (-5.7%) vs. $14.2B. (PR)
Earnings: Tuesday After Close
American Capital (ACAS): Q3 EPS of $0.17 beats by $0.01. Revenue of $109.5M
(-8.3%) in-line. Shares +1.5% AH.
Argo Group (AGII): Q3 EPS of $0.69 beats by $0.07. Revenue of $333M (-12.4%)
vs. $308M. (PR)
Bio-Rad Laboratories (BIO): Q3 EPS of $1.59 beats by $0.38. Revenue of $471M
(+2.2%) vs. $477M. (PR)
Blackbaud (BLKB): Q3 EPS of $0.25 in-line. Revenue of... 阅读全帖 |
y**y 发帖数: 1261 | 45 以前股版会列出来造福青蛙,建议版主定期列个报表时间置顶吧
Earnings schedule for week of 1/24/11
o Abbott Laboratories Common Stoc
o Amgen Inc.
o Amazon.com, Inc.
The Associated Press, On Friday January 21, 2011, 4:57 pm EST
Major companies tentatively scheduled to report quarterly earnings next week:
Monday (Jan 24)
American Express Co.
Amgen Inc.
CSX Corp.
Halliburton Co.
The McClatchy Co.
McDonald's Corp.
Texas Instruments Inc.
Tuesday (Jan 25)
3M Co.
Coach Inc.
Corning Inc.
E.I. DuPont de Nemours & C... 阅读全帖 |
w****r 发帖数: 245 | 46 大侠,分类都分好了,求神签
# Basic Materials, Agricultural Chemicals
AGU Agrium Inc.
AVD American Vanguard Corp.
CAGC China Agritech Inc.
CF CF Industries Holdings, Inc.
CGA China Green Agriculture, Inc.
CMP Compass Minerals International
COIN Converted Organics Inc.
IPI Intrepid Potash, Inc.
MON Monsanto Co.
MOS Mosaic Co.
NOEC New Oriental Energy & Chemical
POT Potas... 阅读全帖 |
u********e 发帖数: 4950 | 47 发信人: p838 (挣钱快乐!), 信区: Stock
标 题: Earnings schedule for week of 7/25/11
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jul 23 14:25:18 2011, 美东)
Earnings schedule for week of 7/25/11
MONDAY, July 25
Kimberly-Clark Corp. reports quarterly financial results.
Lorillard Inc. reports quarterly financial results.
Netflix Inc. reports quarterly financial results after the market close.
TUESDAY, July 26
3M Co. reports quarterly financial results.
Amazon.com Inc. reports quarterly financial results after the market close.
Chrysle... 阅读全帖 |
p**8 发帖数: 3883 | 48 Earnings schedule for week of 7/25/11
MONDAY, July 25
Kimberly-Clark Corp. reports quarterly financial results.
Lorillard Inc. reports quarterly financial results.
Netflix Inc. reports quarterly financial results after the market close.
TUESDAY, July 26
3M Co. reports quarterly financial results.
Amazon.com Inc. reports quarterly financial results after the market close.
Chrysler reports quarterly financial results.
Eastman Kodak Co. reports quarterly financial results.
Electronic Arts Inc. repo... 阅读全帖 |
u********e 发帖数: 4950 | 49 ☆─────────────────────────────────────☆
updownlife (渔夫) 于 (Mon Jul 11 23:35:21 2011, 美东) 提到:
2011-7-11 AA
AA reported a EPS of 32 cents a share, meeting the guided down 32-cent
It is projected that "aluminium demand will grow 12 per cent this year and
will double by 2020.”
updownlife (渔夫) 于 (Mon Jul 11 23:38:36 2011, 美东) 提到:
2011-7-11 NVLS
Novellus Systems reported an EPS of 79 cents a share which beated the 76
cents per share estimate... 阅读全帖 |
I***5 发帖数: 272 | 50 1.23
美国电力股份公司(American Electric Power Co Inc)
西部数据(Western Digital Corp)
台湾宏基集团(Acer Incorporated)
三星公司(Samsung C&T Corp,Samsung Engineering Co Ltd,Samsung Fine
Chemicals Co Ltd,Samsung Heavy I
ndustries Co Ltd,Samsung SDI Co Ltd)
中国比克电池公司(China BAK Battery)
哈尔滨仁皇药业有限公司(China Botanic Pharmaceutical Inc)
洛阳栾川钼业集团股份有限公司 (China Molybdenum Co., Ltd)
国泰万通金控 (Cathay General Bancorp)
美国CSX运输公司(CSX Corp)
东阳机电有限公司(Dongyang Mechatronics Corp)
斗山重工(Doosan Heavy Industries)
F.N.B. Corp
第一资本公司(First... 阅读全帖 |