

全部话题 - 话题: yearly
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发帖数: 13519
春节时说Happy Chinese new year, 还是 Happy Lunar new year, 还是Happy Asian
New year, 还是Happy Eastern Asian New Year, 还是Happy Holiday ?
发帖数: 12113
[在 alexsung (Keep your feet on the ground.) 的大作中提到:]
:春节时说Happy Chinese new year, 还是 Happy Lunar new year, 还是Happy Asian
:New year, 还是Happy Eastern Asian New Year, 还是Happy Holiday ?
发帖数: 5281
[在 alexsung (Keep your feet on the ground.) 的大作中提到:]
:春节时说Happy Chinese new year, 还是 Happy Lunar new year, 还是Happy Asian
:New year, 还是Happy Eastern Asian New Year, 还是Happy Holiday ?
发帖数: 32
NYPD: 5 teens arrested in Crown Heights gang assault of 15-year-old girl
Play Video
Police say they have now arrested five teens in connection with Thursday’s
gang assault and robbery in Crown Heights that left a 15-year-old girl
The attack caught on surveillance video happened at the intersection of
Utica Avenue and Sterling Place.
The NYPD has arrested two 14-year-olds, plus three others, ages 15, 16 and
17. They are each facing two charges for robbery and gang assault.
发帖数: 24887
Ventura, California (CNN) -- A Southern California teen who pleaded guilty
to killing a gay classmate was sentenced Monday to 21 years in prison.
Brandon McInerney, 17, will serve time in a juvenile detention center until
he turns 18, at which point he will be transferred to the custody of the
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. He will get no
credit for time already served, and was ordered to pay $10,000 in
res... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 43
Why brings up an old matter again, died ten year carpenter to become the
focal point character
He is Xu Huaxin, 60 years old,
Lives in Yingcheng City Hubei Province China.
11 years ago, his son- Xu Siwen
was misled by the theory of “Immortality”of Li Hongzhi.
On the eve of chinese luna new year,
he poisoned himself to death
for proving whether Falun Gong can protect the practicers
He was only 25 years old at that time.
His wife remarried after Xu Siwen’s death,
and Xu Siwen’s poor son had been b
发帖数: 897
For nearly two decades, Lillian McEwen has been silent -- a part of history,
yet absent from it.
When Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment during his
explosive 1991 Supreme Court confirmation hearing, Thomas vehemently denied
the allegations and his handlers cited his steady relationship with another
woman in an effort to deflect Hill's allegations.
Lillian McEwen was that woman.
At the time, she was on good terms with Thomas. The former assistant U.S.
attorney and Senate Judi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
来自主题: USANews版 - Unhappy New Year
December 30, 2011
By Jeffrey Folks
Most economists predict that, under current policies, the nation's
unemployment rate will be close to 9% through the end of 2012, with the
broader measure of unemployment (U-6) running above 16%. GDP growth is
predicted to be sluggish, in the range of 2%. Government will continue to
lay off workers as growth stagnates and tax receipts remain flat. In short,
the economy will remain lousy.
It doesn't have to be this way.
The President, whose fiscal restraint was ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Top doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients
every year
By Steve Doughty
PUBLISHED: 18:08 EST, 19 June 2012 | UPDATED: 08:20 EST, 21 June 2012
Worrying claim: Professor Patrick Pullicino said doctors had turned the use
of a controversial ¿death pathway¿ into the equivalent of
euthanasia of the elderly
Worrying claim: Professor Patrick Pullicino said doctors had turned the use
of a controversial 'death pathway' into the equivalent of euthanasia of the
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 29846
Democrat Wanted Staffer to ‘Dress in a Sexy Way Like This 14-Year-Old’
by Jammie
How many times must these lowlife Democrats be charged with sexual
harassment before they get the boot from office? We hear nonstop about this
so-called War on Women by Republicans, but where do we see comparable
behavior from them?
We don’t, so why must we live with such double standards?
There’s a creepy new accusation in the sexual-harassment probe of
Assemblyman Vito Lopez — that he even leered at a 14-year-... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3396
来自主题: Automobile版 - Good Year的轮胎Deal
Buy 4 Good Year Tires, Get Rebate $20 - $160
* Goodyear has promotion if you buy 4 good year tires
o Valid from 08/15 -09/11
o Must buy 4 Good Year Tires
o Get $20 - $80 rebate if you buy with normal credit card
o Get $40 - $160 rebate if you buy with Good Year credit card (
Link to apply for a Good Year CC)
* Click here to see qualified tiers
发帖数: 20965
The average age of vehicles on America's roads has reached an all-time high
of 11.4 years, according to the market research firm Polk. And that average
age is sure to keep climbing, the firm said.
The decline in new vehicle sales during the recession pushed the average
vehicle age higher, as people kept their old cars running longer, according
to Polk. The number of vehicles over a dozen years old is growing espec... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2993
来自主题: Investment版 - 30-year performance
SP500 vs 85% SP500+15% 5-year T-notes
with data from 1927 to 2005, check 30-year periods.
each year $10k. after 30 years,
SP500: 1358k - 5765k, average 2804k
85/15 no rebalance: 1161k - 4448k, 2233k
85/15 annually rebalance: 1101k - 3900k, 1987k.
no occurance that 85/15 ended with more than 100% stock.
rebalanced portfolio ranged 53.5% - 92.8% of 100% stock,
average 73.8%.
replace 5-year T-note with long term bond gave better result,
average 85/15 is 84.8% of 100% stock.
发帖数: 212
来自主题: Investment版 - Roth IRA five-year rule question
You have until April 15 of the following calendar year to make a Roth IRA
contribution for any tax year. For example, a Roth IRA contribution made in
March 2010 for the tax year 2009 starts the five-year clock on January 1,
我的问题是,我先在一个broker那开了roth ira account,make a contribution,几年
后在另一家broker开了roth ira account,再contribute,那么这个contribution的5 -
year clock 是从哪里算起?是以我人生中第一笔contribution为依据,还是以这个帐
发帖数: 3940
USCIS Proposes to Change TN Period From One-Year to Three-Year
USCIS intends to change the Canadian TN period from the current one-year
period to three-year period. This plan will take time as it will have to
amend the current TN regulation. The USCIS has just initiated the process by
submitting the proposed rule to the OMB yesterday for its review and
approval. Since the clearance will take from 30 days to 90 days, the
proposed rule may not be published for the comment by the public for a while
发帖数: 16971
来自主题: JobHunting版 - Bragging making 40K year(ZT) (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: lovefreedom (freedom), 信区: Stock
标 题: Bragging making 40K year(ZT)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 29 12:07:33 2011, 美东)
I can post over 700 times a week here, do 3 times as much as the people who
have "experience" AKA short cuts and bad habits, at my job and still make
over 40K a year, I just got offered another job that pays 54K a year this
week but this job pay full benefits and give a yearly bonus and is 5 mi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 79
如题。网上查了下说J-1 two year rule要求是:
J-1 Exchange Visitors are subject to the "Two-Year Rule." Those that are
subject to the rule must either be physically present in their home country
for an aggregate of two years, or obtain a waiver of the "Two-Year Rule"
before becoming eligible for:
H (Temporary Worker or dependent) and L (Intracompany Transferee or
dependent) visas.
Change of Status applications (except to visa classifications A & G)
Adjustment to U.S. Permanent Resident ("green card") status.
I... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 100
After granting work permits to certain H-4 visa holders, Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) plans to further expand Optional Practical Training(
OPT) program, so foreign students with F1 visa might work in the United
States for up to 6 years. The new proposal will
(1) allow foreign students with degrees in STEM fields to receive up to two
24-month extensions beyond the original 12-month period provided under OPT
regulations, for a total of up to six years of post-graduation employment in
stud... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 3394
and i think paying $28000 more in 7 years just for that insurance is not
Think about this economy. If the interest rate can go back to 8%, how
can the housing market be!!! I don't see that coming anytime soon. And
remember, you can always pay back when you want. I don't have the number
just for people around me, 90% of the mortgage that Chinese do won't stay
than 10 years. Then why even bother fix for 30 years.

发帖数: 580
来自主题: Living版 - refinace 4.375 30 years no cost
Let us assume principle 300k @ 4.875. Monthly payment 1587.62
After two years, principle is 290721.
If you refinance 290721 @4.375. Monthly payment is 1451.53. However, if
you make a little more payment, to 1502.18 (still smaller than 1587.62), you
can pay it off in 28 years. You will save $85.44 per month for the next 28
Another way. If you still pay 1587.62 as you did originally, but now at 4.
375, you will pay off in 25.25 years, a saving of (28-25.25) = 2.75 years of
发帖数: 608
BOND 下, YIELD 上, 房贷利率与 Benchmark YIELD 的正比关系在大部分时候
Obama's Tax Cut Compromise Spurs Treasury Sell-Off
Bond traders fear proposal to extend tax cuts and unemployment benefits will
deepen deficit
The Associated Press
President Barack Obama's tax-cut proposal is taking a toll on Treasurys.
Bond traders expect the plan to create deeper budget deficits. That spurred
a spike in yields Tuesday. The 10-year yield jumped from 2.93 percent to 3.
11 percent, its highest level since July 1... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 155
来自主题: Living版 - 15year vs 30 year mortgage(转贴)
The wiggle-room option
But what about the option of taking a 30-year term and paying it off in 15
years? A 30-year term paid in 15 years would yield a monthly payment of $
1265. The borrower would pay $67,749 in interest, and $227,749 over the life
of the loan. She’ll own her home at age 45, assuming she makes the extra
payment each month. But if she fell on hard times, she wouldn’t be locked
into the higher payment.
Here’s a comparison of each option:
It’s easy to see that the borrower will pay... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 8667
Rising interest rates have hit mortgages big time.
Rates on 30-year, fixed-rate home loans spiked 0.53 percentage points to an
average of 4.46% this week -- the largest weekly increase in more than 26
years, mortgage giant Freddie Mac said Thursday.
The 30-year loan, which stood at 3.35% as recently as early May, is at its
highest level since July 2011.
Rates for 15-year loans, popular with homeowners refinancing their mortgages
, j... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 176
【 以下文字转载自 PhotoGear 讨论区 】
发信人: PSUbso (RT), 信区: PhotoGear
标 题: 转: 1 day only, amazon prime $72 / year (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 24 02:53:19 2015, 美东)
发信人: PSUbso (RT), 信区: Money
标 题: 转: 1 day only, amazon prime $72 / year (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 24 02:50:54 2015, 美东)
标 题: 1 day only, amazon prime $72 / year
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 24 02:40:49 2015, 美东)
full membership $99 one day sale for $72
you can also gift it to others (yourself) later
just pick a date and gift it (email code)
发信人... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 102
来自主题: Living版 - 选 ARM 还是 Fixed 30 Years
选 ARM 还是 Fixed 30 Years
Bank #1:
7/1 ARM, $540,000 at 3.125% with no points/fee (or 3.0% with half a point or
2.875% with one point)
30 year fix, $540,000 at 4.5% with no points/fee
Bank #2:
30 year fixed, $540,000 at 3.375% rate with 1.25% origination fee
30 year fixed, $540,000 at 3.5% rate with 0.875% fee
30 year fixed, $540,000 at 3.75% rate with no fee
7/1 ARM, $540,000 at 2.875% rate with 1.25% fee
7/1 ARM, $540,000 at 3.0% rate with 0.875% fee
7/1 ARM, $540,000 at 3.125% rate with no fee
... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 575
6%的cb是按calendar year算的,你现在拿到卡,2013年有6k额度
(1)6K额度是calendar year
(2)年费不是calendar year,而是开卡的实际1年时间
以前那个old blue cash的6.5K 就不是calendar year,而是从开卡时间算
这个BCP额度是不是calendar year?而年费是实际持有时间?
发帖数: 3640
With the Citi Dividend Card you may accumulate a maximum of $300 Dividend
Dollars in any calendar year (purchases recorded on your January-December
billing statements). Dividend Dollars earned, but not paid, in a given year
will be paid in the next year without counting towards the next year's cap.
The Dividend Dollars earned on your statement dated 11/06/2013 caused your
total Dividend Dollars for 2013 to surpass the $300.00 maximum. Therefore,
the amount of awarded Di... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 19398
老师不干了~Two teachers, two cities, second year.
Monday, July 27, 2015
A fond farewell
Having just sent my resignation to the nyc dept of ed, I breathe a huge sigh
of relief and allow the past few years of memories to flood my current mind
. I've heard before that after a break-up, your brain allows you to keep the
happy memories, but the negative ones are stored away somewhere else. You
want to remember the good times, so much so that those negative memories
seem to fade in comparison and you start... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 2091
来自主题: PennySaver版 - Deal:Parenting [2 Year Subscription] $4.99
【 以下文字转载自 NextGeneration 讨论区 】
发信人: pdd (胖嘟嘟), 信区: NextGeneration
标 题: Deal:Parenting [2 Year Subscription] $4.99
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 17 22:59:27 2010, 美东)
Parenting (Early Years) Magazine Subscription [2 Year Subscription] $4.99
$29.99 - $25 code PARENTS
= $4.99 with free shipping
发帖数: 466
来自主题: Postdoc版 - 请教12-month “bar 和Two-Year Bar
这两个到底什么意思呢,现在在美国transfer J1,对这两个要求不是很明白,请教大
Prospective Exchange Visitors who wish to come to the US in the “Research
Scholar” or "Professor" category
will be subject to a 12-month “bar” to participation in those categories
if they were present in the US in any J
status (including J-2 dependent) for all or part of the twelve-month period
immediately preceding the date of
the new program's commencement. The three exceptions to this bar are: 1)
those transferring to another
Exchange Visito... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 16971
来自主题: Returnee版 - Bragging making 40K year(ZT) (转载)
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: lovefreedom (freedom), 信区: Stock
标 题: Bragging making 40K year(ZT)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jun 29 12:07:33 2011, 美东)
I can post over 700 times a week here, do 3 times as much as the people who
have "experience" AKA short cuts and bad habits, at my job and still make
over 40K a year, I just got offered another job that pays 54K a year this
week but this job pay full benefits and give a yearly bonus and is 5 mi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 43
来自主题: Returnee版 - Another Bumper Year for Chinese Science
BEIJING—Another year, another chance for scientists here to pop the
champagne corks. In a draft budget released today at the opening session of
the annual National People's Congress, China has earmarked 32.45 billion
yuan ($5.14 billion) for basic research in 2012—up 26% from last year's
Overall, central government spending on science and technology is slated to
rise 12.4%, to 228.54 billion yuan ($36.23 bi... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 11530
来自主题: Stock版 - Ferrari: Hot cars, wild year
Ferrari: Hot cars, wild year
By Ben Rooney @ben_rooney October 29, 2014: 3:24 PM ET
Ferrari has been making some of the hottest cars in the world since Enzo
Ferrari founded the company in 1929.
That's not likely to change now that Ferrari has announced its intention to
become a stand-alone business.
The company announced Tuesday it was breaking off from its Italian-American
parent Fiat Chrysler (FCAU).
It's been a tumultuous year for Ferrari. Long-time president, Luca Corder... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 468
Rogers Holdings Chairman Jim Rogers is certain that the U.S. economy will be
in recession in the next 12 months.
During an interview on BloombergTV, the famous investor said that there was
a 100 percent probability that the U.S. economy would be in a downturn
within one year.
"It's been seven years, eight years since we had the last recession in the U
.S. and normally, historically we have them every four to seven years for
whatever reason—at least we always have," he said. "It doesn't have to
h... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 394
来自主题: TAX版 - First year choice?
What is "first year choice"?. I have been F-1 and changed to H-1 last year.
I would like to go dual status and what does " first year choice" mean? changed to H/B visa between 2008/7/2 and 2008/12/1(inclusive):
non-resident for whole year 2008. or, dual status if you use first year
发帖数: 28
2.5 one can use first year choice: file extension first, then use first
year choice and file married jointly as residents.
用first year choice只是part of the year 是resident,为什么file married
jointly就自动全年都是resident了呢?是不是除了first year choice的statement之
发帖数: 232
请问我是A州的full-year resident还是part-year resident呢?
发帖数: 3417
多谢回复,我在page 10找到了那段note
If, at the end of your tax year, you are married and one spouse is a U.S.
citizen or a resident alien and the other spouse is a nonresident alien, you
can choose to treat the nonresident spouse as a U.S. resident. This
includes situations in which one spouse is a nonresident alien at the
beginning of the tax year, but a resident alien at the end of the year, and
the other spouse is a nonresident alien at the end of the year.
但问题是,我是在10月1号开始的h1b,所以在end of tax year, 我应该还不是
发帖数: 91
来自主题: TAX版 - 是否使用first year choice?
一个f1未满5年,在10月1日转h1b,符合first year choice
有一个孩子,<13岁的US citizen
收入全部来自US的工资,也不符合购房等tax credit
按照first year choice的话,可以算是10月1日为分隔点的dual status,
但由于另一个在end of year仍然是f1, 所以不能选择reisdent for entire year,必
须按照dual status,这样就有Restrictions:
包括不能file jointly和不能使用Standard deduction。
这样算来,first year choice好处是可以申请小孩的tax credit
但由于不能使用standard deduction,最后似乎直接按照nonresident报税差不多。
发帖数: 91
来自主题: TAX版 - 是否使用first year choice?
好像我对first year choice的理解和版面置顶的不一样。
2.5 one can use first year choice: file extension first, then use first
year choice and file married jointly as residents.
可我理解的pub519, 并不是所有的married用first year choice都能选entire year
发帖数: 91
来自主题: TAX版 - 是否使用first year choice?
看疯了,又发现Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident Choice,
如果以first year choice走dual status的话,不符合全年resident的要求,必须分开
可现在发觉可以直接按照Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident Choice:
If, at the end of your tax year, you are married and one spouse is a U.S.
citizen or a resident alien and the other spouse is a nonresident alien, you
can choose to treat the nonresident spouse as a U.S. resident. This
includes situations in which one spouse is a nonresident alien at the
beginning of the tax year, b... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 161
已婚的话一个人dual status可以两人联合resident报啊。如果F1的话即可享受5800
standard deducttion,也可享受tax treaty.学费也可抵税的。
具体做法,file extension到12年6月后开始报。选择first year choice,11年dual
Nonresident Spouse Treated as a Resident
If, at the end of your tax year, you are married and one spouse is a U.S.
citizen or a resident alien and the other spouse is a nonresident alien, you
can choose to treat the nonresident spouse as a U.S. resident. This
includes situations in which one spouse is a nonresident alien at ... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 944
专家解答2州或多州报税:各州均为PART-YEAR RESIDNET就可以避免多重收税。
Dear TaxACT® Customer,
If you lived in Utah for part of 2011 and you lived in Iowa for part of 2011
, then you need to file a Part-year resident return for each state.
Currently you have prepared a resident IA return and a nonresident UT return
, which appears to be incorrect based on the information you have provided
here and in your tax returns.
When you file a part-year return with either state, you will indicate the
portion of your income tha... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 27
1)dual-status报税,也就是part-year resident-alien + part-year non-resident-
2)first-year-choice,好像只能算成full-year resident,于是要报全年收入,才能
发帖数: 696
不知道算part year 还是 full year resident
看了part year 多退600刀,但是想搞清楚到底是不是可以file part year
发帖数: 115
With the arrival of Chinese New Year, our Law Office extends our best wishes
to you and your family members.
As we work with clients throughout the year, we are honored to know that our
clients are among the most extraordinary immigrations, outstanding
researchers, exceptional scientists, and professionals with specialized
knowledge. We are a team of attorneys with advanced scientific backgrounds,
being able to understand your research work in-depth and present your
significant research contr... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 99
来自主题: Immigration版 - 7th year H1-b extension question
I self-petitioned NIW in April this year and got approved in June based on
the on-line information posted by USCIS. However, more than 30 days passed
since then, I still have not received the approval notice.
My H1-B will be expired in about a week, and I have used it for six years.
Since I don't have the approval notice yet, my employer can not apply for an
extension for three more years. What they will do is to apply for an
extension of H1-b trying to recapture about one month of time. I calle... 阅读全帖
发帖数: 359
来自主题: Immigration版 - Question on H1B extension beyond 6 years
Some general guidelines:
If your approved 140 does NOT give you a current PD, as in the case of your
NIW, you may extend your H-1B for 3 more years after the 6-year limit.
If your approved 140 DOES give you a current PD, as in the case of your
upcoming EB1A approval, you may extend your H-1B for only 1 year after the 6
-year limit. USCIS assumes that one would file his 485 petition fairly soon
and 1-year extension of his H-1B would be enough.

发帖数: 690
My friend moved from Canada to the US and justed started to apply for EB2
PERM this year.
I told him based on current Priority date schedule, he probably needs to
wait for another 4-5 years if his PD date is in Nov 2010. He asked if his
son can apply I-485 with him as dependent a few years' later. His concern is
that his son is already 18 year's old this year...
Do you all know his son has to be younger than 21 to be qualified as
Thank you so much in advance for your help!
发帖数: 154
This is my 6th year using H1B. I just renewed the H1B with a 3 year
I have I140 approved and stayed for more than 1 year since I140 approved
with current employer.
Can I change my job now?
My impression is that all this should happen before total use of 6 years H1B
visa. Am I right?
Has anyone done it?
Any documentaion?
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