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Apple版 - Airplay from Mac to TV.
AirPlay到你的MacRe: 有适用与Mac的糍粑吗?
有ps3了还值得买apple TV 嘛? 才80刀2.0破解已经出来了,针对2G的
不知道Safari还有这种功能。。。[合集] firefox用的真难受
APPLE TV的几个问题IPhone上听在线中文歌曲?
MAC上youtube的播放可否通过AIR PLAY到APPLE TV上?给大家推荐一款好的上bbs的软件
Apple telegraphing palm plans?Re: win7是不是被接受最快的OS
Re: ox terminal 有什么好的?铬比游猎好用啊
CTerminal 0.2.7iPod Touch wifi接收音频 怎么弄??
话题: mac话题: tv话题: airplay话题: airflick话题: apple
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 978
As followup to the reverse engineering of AirPlay, Erica Sadun has released
an alpha version of a new tool called AirFlick. The previous tool allowed
iOS 4.2 users to stream video to their Mac.
This new tool called AirFlick now allows Mac users to stream video content
to their Apple TVs. This includes both locally saved files as well as
streaming from files hosted on the internet.
It also allows you to open videos located on the Internet by pasting a URL
and clicking the play button. I was able to watch a number of Internet
Archive (archive.org) mp4 videos on a big screen TV by browsing that website
, selecting URLs, and opening them with AirFlick.
The software is still in an early alpha state. Still, it's an interesting
proof of concept and hopefully someone will pick it up and run with it, or
maybe Apple will provide this functionality themselves in the future.
发帖数: 26819
jailbreak appleTV再装plex,不就齐活了嘛


【在 x**l 的大作中提到】
: http://www.macrumors.com/2010/12/20/airflick-offers-video-streaming-from-mac-to-apple-tv-over-airplay/
: As followup to the reverse engineering of AirPlay, Erica Sadun has released
: an alpha version of a new tool called AirFlick. The previous tool allowed
: iOS 4.2 users to stream video to their Mac.
: This new tool called AirFlick now allows Mac users to stream video content
: to their Apple TVs. This includes both locally saved files as well as
: streaming from files hosted on the internet.
: It also allows you to open videos located on the Internet by pasting a URL
: and clicking the play button. I was able to watch a number of Internet
: Archive (archive.org) mp4 videos on a big screen TV by browsing that website

1 (共1页)
iPod Touch wifi接收音频 怎么弄??MAC上youtube的播放可否通过AIR PLAY到APPLE TV上?
iphone上看棋圣道场棋战的网址Apple telegraphing palm plans?
anybody is using TDAmeritrade on iPadRe: ox terminal 有什么好的?
请教两个Mac问题CTerminal 0.2.7
AirPlay到你的MacRe: 有适用与Mac的糍粑吗?
有ps3了还值得买apple TV 嘛? 才80刀2.0破解已经出来了,针对2G的
不知道Safari还有这种功能。。。[合集] firefox用的真难受
APPLE TV的几个问题IPhone上听在线中文歌曲?
话题: mac话题: tv话题: airplay话题: airflick话题: apple