

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Apple版 - My joyous 4S pre order experience
我想买IPHONE 求助iphone到底能不能设置自己的mp3当铃声阿?
Iphone sold 700,000IPHONE回国怎么用?
[合集] Iphone sold 700,000紧急求救: 如何在大陆使用在美国买的IPHONE ??
有关购买iphone 3gs 然后到中国去用iPhone 3GS 16Gb $49 AT&T
明天就要买iphone了iphone help~~
新换了破解的iphone,会被AT&T 强加dataplan么?Iphone 3G 破解问题
告别iPhone了...AT&T stops selling iPhones to NYers (on line)
话题: call话题: my话题: me话题: apple话题: at&t
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 81
Was going to stay up until 3AM EST, slightly before 2AM, couldn't hold
eyelids any longer,
fine, will take a little nap, set alarm to 3AM...
3:20AM Finally got up,tried Apple and ATT, none worked! Still sleepy, f this
, gone back to bed,
dreamed about it the whole time................
then woke myself up a little before 7AM to (without an alarm clock!) tackle
it again.
YES! ATT site works! Apple site works!!! Let me see which one I'd prefer to
oder through.
Apple: Max 2 iPhones per account.
Shit, I have 5 lines for the family, needed at least 3.
AT&T, yikes, i really dislike you, but you are my last hope and i do have to
put up with you for another 2 years....
Had unlimited data with an existing 3GS, when upgrading and checking out,
unlimited data is nowhere to be found, instead.....it's 200mb for $30/month!
Call AT&T, 30 mins, finally got through, but 2 sentences into the
conversation, call's dropped! Shit, u can't even call me back at my number?
u've got all my info there!!
Tried online again, mybe that was an error............Nope, same old thing.
Get back to calling AT&T, 40 mins wait...finally got through........
the chick doesn't have a clue what she's doing. "umm,,,,ughh.....hmmm......,
let me ask my supervisor"
me: "can you please call me back at this number if the call gets dropped?"
chick:"ya, sure" Puts me on hold, still waiting for the response from the
FInally, ya, so just go throught with whatever it is now, when u receive the
device/bill, call us back, and we'll fix that.
Fine. now help me order the 2 other iPhones.....
Call dropped again!!!
it's 8:20AM I'm running shit late for work....will have to call them again
at work.
Another 2 hours to get the other 2 lines set up. Received a voicemail from
teh chick about the first order being through.
Problem, received 2 confirmation emails for the 2 orders placed later, but
not he first one. Voice charge on the confirmed 2 lines gets quoted twice at
orginal rate.
Need to call again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shittttttt ATT, nothing gets done.
发帖数: 19743
calm down
it will end up alright. if not, then call, don't stress out yourself like


【在 o*****8 的大作中提到】
: Was going to stay up until 3AM EST, slightly before 2AM, couldn't hold
: eyelids any longer,
: fine, will take a little nap, set alarm to 3AM...
: 3:20AM Finally got up,tried Apple and ATT, none worked! Still sleepy, f this
: , gone back to bed,
: dreamed about it the whole time................
: then woke myself up a little before 7AM to (without an alarm clock!) tackle
: it again.
: YES! ATT site works! Apple site works!!! Let me see which one I'd prefer to
: oder through.

1 (共1页)
AT&T stops selling iPhones to NYers (on line)有关购买iphone 3gs 然后到中国去用
How to buy iphone 3gs without contract明天就要买iphone了
给老爸买生日礼物,请问一下有关IPHONE的问题新换了破解的iphone,会被AT&T 强加dataplan么?
我想买IPHONE 求助iphone到底能不能设置自己的mp3当铃声阿?
Iphone sold 700,000IPHONE回国怎么用?
[合集] Iphone sold 700,000紧急求救: 如何在大陆使用在美国买的IPHONE ??
话题: call话题: my话题: me话题: apple话题: at&t