

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Apple版 - 我喜欢苹果的原因
MBA的mirroring声音怎么回事?Apple tv 上,新的youtube app 功能太弱了
Airplay和生态系统怎么airplay iphone 和MBA啊
Apple 在 Apple TV 上太迟钝了请推荐一个强大一点的AirPlay app
我是需要买apple tv么?能够通过Ipad 2加上airplay和国内的家人用电视机打视频电话吗?
apple TV 3rd generation 1080pQvod快播 出来了
how about using ipad 2 with the new apple TV现在atv 2代 能升级用air mirroring了么?
Apple TV 3那位总结一下升级到ios 6 除了地图还有哪些问题?
apple tv卡的问题求助imac airplay到电视不清晰
话题: apple话题: dlna话题: tv话题: android话题: don
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1802
不象pc 产品,随便装个什么新东西,乱七八糟的线就要一堆。
而且什么和什么,cant work together! 总需要个hack... Very frustrating! The
reason I bought the product is to enjoy the content, not spending time
hacking. I plug it in and it should work. No if , but and howevers!
Two of the killer features are, AirPlay and airprint. Don't understand that
how come after so many years, there isn't any remotely competing products on
pc! Zero, none!!!
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
发帖数: 19309


【在 S***d 的大作中提到】
: 很简单,简洁,simple.
: 不象pc 产品,随便装个什么新东西,乱七八糟的线就要一堆。
: 而且什么和什么,cant work together! 总需要个hack... Very frustrating! The
: reason I bought the product is to enjoy the content, not spending time
: hacking. I plug it in and it should work. No if , but and howevers!
: Two of the killer features are, AirPlay and airprint. Don't understand that
: how come after so many years, there isn't any remotely competing products on
: pc! Zero, none!!!
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器

发帖数: 9999
airplay不就是wireless streaming嘛,airprint不就是wireless print嘛,这东西n年
前就有了,我家里的brother printer就可以让家里所有的pc wireless print,家里的
ps3和xbox可以wireless stream media server上的music and video。这些普通的不能


【在 S***d 的大作中提到】
: 很简单,简洁,simple.
: 不象pc 产品,随便装个什么新东西,乱七八糟的线就要一堆。
: 而且什么和什么,cant work together! 总需要个hack... Very frustrating! The
: reason I bought the product is to enjoy the content, not spending time
: hacking. I plug it in and it should work. No if , but and howevers!
: Two of the killer features are, AirPlay and airprint. Don't understand that
: how come after so many years, there isn't any remotely competing products on
: pc! Zero, none!!!
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器

发帖数: 1802
Can you , just one button click, forward the streaming that you were
watching on your android pad, to your big screen tv? Dlna has no concept of

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器

【在 r*****g 的大作中提到】
: airplay不就是wireless streaming嘛,airprint不就是wireless print嘛,这东西n年
: 前就有了,我家里的brother printer就可以让家里所有的pc wireless print,家里的
: ps3和xbox可以wireless stream media server上的music and video。这些普通的不能
: 再普通的功能在你这咋弄的这么惊天地泣鬼神。
: that
: on

发帖数: 34805
iPad doesn't even have the resolution to play 720p, talking about basic
stuff. And DLNA is a standard for a reason, of course stream can be push to
DLNA-compatible device. Now can iPad push to xbox/ps3 as well? Or how about
an HDMI cable, an USB game controller without breaking the bank?
Apple reinvents the wheel and locks users in for premium. At the same time,
better experience is really a suspect. Don't we all know about the right key
for mouse story?
ASUS' MyNet app is a DLNA controller that lets you push content from the Eee
Pad to DLNA compliant devices on the same network. MyNet easily streams
digital media wirelessly within home network devices so HD videos or music
can be played on devices such as an HDTV or desktop PCs for an even better
experience from the Transformer. Of course, with the Asus MyNet app, you can
also stream media form other DLNA devices to the Transformer.


【在 S***d 的大作中提到】
: Can you , just one button click, forward the streaming that you were
: watching on your android pad, to your big screen tv? Dlna has no concept of
: push.
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器

发帖数: 19743
I do not know why you need to come here daily and "educate" people why they
should not use Apple products.
Maybe Google paid you to do so?
I am considering a 1 month ban.


【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: iPad doesn't even have the resolution to play 720p, talking about basic
: stuff. And DLNA is a standard for a reason, of course stream can be push to
: DLNA-compatible device. Now can iPad push to xbox/ps3 as well? Or how about
: an HDMI cable, an USB game controller without breaking the bank?
: Apple reinvents the wheel and locks users in for premium. At the same time,
: better experience is really a suspect. Don't we all know about the right key
: for mouse story?
: [quote]
: ASUS' MyNet app is a DLNA controller that lets you push content from the Eee
: Pad to DLNA compliant devices on the same network. MyNet easily streams

发帖数: 34805
LOL, I am no non-sense guy, I back up my points well.
Certainly you can ban me, because I am telling the truth
and you don't know what to counter. And no, I didn't say
nobody cannot use Apple product, I just mentioned the merits
of alternative so people can be better educated.
There's no rule that I can't bash Apple on Apple board,
on the contrary, you need to be careful yourself.


【在 a***y 的大作中提到】
: I do not know why you need to come here daily and "educate" people why they
: should not use Apple products.
: Maybe Google paid you to do so?
: I am considering a 1 month ban.
: to
: about
: ,

发帖数: 19309

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: LOL, I am no non-sense guy, I back up my points well.
: Certainly you can ban me, because I am telling the truth
: and you don't know what to counter. And no, I didn't say
: nobody cannot use Apple product, I just mentioned the merits
: of alternative so people can be better educated.
: There's no rule that I can't bash Apple on Apple board,
: on the contrary, you need to be careful yourself.
: [本版特殊问题]
: 本版不欢迎没有事实、证据支持的恶意踢版行为(B1)。但是有理有据的讨论苹果产
: 品和

发帖数: 19743
Using Apple is a choice; people chose to use Apple products, not forced to.
Please keep using google and Microsoft and Samsung instead of constantly
pointing out apple doesn't offer everything and every possible tweak.
I see this trend and believe it should not be encouraged here.

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: LOL, I am no non-sense guy, I back up my points well.
: Certainly you can ban me, because I am telling the truth
: and you don't know what to counter. And no, I didn't say
: nobody cannot use Apple product, I just mentioned the merits
: of alternative so people can be better educated.
: There's no rule that I can't bash Apple on Apple board,
: on the contrary, you need to be careful yourself.
: [本版特殊问题]
: 本版不欢迎没有事实、证据支持的恶意踢版行为(B1)。但是有理有据的讨论苹果产
: 品和

发帖数: 342
或许你不喜欢他回复文章的语气? 如果你有理由ban他,你同样的要把发这个post的楼


【在 a***y 的大作中提到】
: I do not know why you need to come here daily and "educate" people why they
: should not use Apple products.
: Maybe Google paid you to do so?
: I am considering a 1 month ban.
: to
: about
: ,

how about using ipad 2 with the new apple TVApple tv 上,新的youtube app 功能太弱了
Apple TV 3怎么airplay iphone 和MBA啊
apple tv卡的问题请推荐一个强大一点的AirPlay app
发帖数: 16371
why you ask if ipad to push to xbox or ps3? if you like to ask this kinda
question, does eepad push to apple TV?
ipad doesn't need the hdmi connection anymore with the mirroring though the
if I didn't understand incorrectly, the eee pad need another media server to
do the streaming play, right?
then apple's airplay is sure better user experience.
For USB game controller? Apple introduced the new way of playign game with
multi touch, so they dont need to care too much about the usb game
controller for now.
I didn't see apple making big mistakes here or Asus is leading anything here
, instead, I think apple is still leading the wave and defining the
direction of where the industry is heading to.
There is an issue of the itune video resoltuion, it is not good enough for
apple tv right now and I think that is a big issue they need to address in
either apple TV3 or itv. I believe it is coming.


【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: iPad doesn't even have the resolution to play 720p, talking about basic
: stuff. And DLNA is a standard for a reason, of course stream can be push to
: DLNA-compatible device. Now can iPad push to xbox/ps3 as well? Or how about
: an HDMI cable, an USB game controller without breaking the bank?
: Apple reinvents the wheel and locks users in for premium. At the same time,
: better experience is really a suspect. Don't we all know about the right key
: for mouse story?
: [quote]
: ASUS' MyNet app is a DLNA controller that lets you push content from the Eee
: Pad to DLNA compliant devices on the same network. MyNet easily streams

发帖数: 19743
the issue with iTunes store video is that 1080p videos are simply too big
i think they will try to support 1080p output because 4S record video in
that resolution. but i doube iTunes store will offer 1080p movie in the
imminent future. maybe in 3 years.
option to choose tondownload 720 or 1080 is possible


【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: why you ask if ipad to push to xbox or ps3? if you like to ask this kinda
: question, does eepad push to apple TV?
: ipad doesn't need the hdmi connection anymore with the mirroring though the
: airplay.
: if I didn't understand incorrectly, the eee pad need another media server to
: do the streaming play, right?
: then apple's airplay is sure better user experience.
: For USB game controller? Apple introduced the new way of playign game with
: multi touch, so they dont need to care too much about the usb game
: controller for now.

发帖数: 16371
itune support 1080p videos, but the apple TV doesn't support it right now.
the old apple TV actually support, (first generation), but apple TV 2G doesn
't support.
which is a big drawback..

【在 a***y 的大作中提到】
: the issue with iTunes store video is that 1080p videos are simply too big
: i think they will try to support 1080p output because 4S record video in
: that resolution. but i doube iTunes store will offer 1080p movie in the
: imminent future. maybe in 3 years.
: option to choose tondownload 720 or 1080 is possible
: the
: to

发帖数: 34805

First of all, xbox/ps3 is not an Android device. Second of all, you can
from Android device to applet TV, not mirroring, but streaming most content
is fine.
Right, but Android pad doesn't need a $100 ATV, HDMI cable is $2. Or nothing
at all on a DLNA compatible device. Plus, gaming
and 1080p air mirroring is always a suspect with current 802.11x protocols.
No, it can play from/and to another media server, which means it can be DLNA
client or server.
Like Android doesn't have that? It's all about features.
Big mistake, no, but when was the last time Apple products is not perfect
here? If you call a bug feature, a missing feature a useless niche. We
don't have a debate ever. I am always honest on how Android has stutter
and battery drain on various phones, but I don't call them non-issues.
If you can't see the difference, I can't help.

【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: why you ask if ipad to push to xbox or ps3? if you like to ask this kinda
: question, does eepad push to apple TV?
: ipad doesn't need the hdmi connection anymore with the mirroring though the
: airplay.
: if I didn't understand incorrectly, the eee pad need another media server to
: do the streaming play, right?
: then apple's airplay is sure better user experience.
: For USB game controller? Apple introduced the new way of playign game with
: multi touch, so they dont need to care too much about the usb game
: controller for now.

发帖数: 16371
without making big mistake is far from perfection. apple TV is so far still
the hobby project of apple and they are tweaking it better and better.
if you really feel dlna is something really important to your life, then you
could spend time to compare what is the advantage of it over airplay and
then compare maybe dozens' of the supported device and find out how to
configure them to work together. In apple's world, it is easy, almost just
one or two click away to enjoy the video, or the game through air play or
mirroring. It is far from perfection, but I believe the experience will keep
improving along the way in apple's world.
And again, is DLNA really that important now? it has been there for a few
years and how many people really using it?
When you list android app supporting the apple TV, there are app to support
some part of DLNA on ios as well if you do a simple search.
I think you prefer to find away to make your life a bit more complicated.
Time should spent in how to use those gadget to enjoy life or create value.
A good brand means high standard of quality control and their commitment is
constant and long time. Their pricetag is not that ridiculous if you pay
attention to their bargain power to the supply chain providers. When ipad is
out, almost no one could compete with their price for over 6 months.
Back to DLNA, I really didn't pay much attention to it, maybe I saw the tags
on some TV before but never know its fancy functions.
I do feel disappointed that apple TV supported resolution is not high enough
, but its price tag is very good and it is a bargain for an A4 chip device.
发帖数: 23938
What r u talking about?


【在 S***d 的大作中提到】
: 很简单,简洁,simple.
: 不象pc 产品,随便装个什么新东西,乱七八糟的线就要一堆。
: 而且什么和什么,cant work together! 总需要个hack... Very frustrating! The
: reason I bought the product is to enjoy the content, not spending time
: hacking. I plug it in and it should work. No if , but and howevers!
: Two of the killer features are, AirPlay and airprint. Don't understand that
: how come after so many years, there isn't any remotely competing products on
: pc! Zero, none!!!
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器

发帖数: 1802
Don't get me wrong. I am a cheap bastard who hates apple's luxury tax as
much as anyone. I am just frustrated that why pc product makers can't be as
far sighted as apple? All these are not complicated, AirPrint is even open

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器

【在 S***d 的大作中提到】
: 很简单,简洁,simple.
: 不象pc 产品,随便装个什么新东西,乱七八糟的线就要一堆。
: 而且什么和什么,cant work together! 总需要个hack... Very frustrating! The
: reason I bought the product is to enjoy the content, not spending time
: hacking. I plug it in and it should work. No if , but and howevers!
: Two of the killer features are, AirPlay and airprint. Don't understand that
: how come after so many years, there isn't any remotely competing products on
: pc! Zero, none!!!
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器

发帖数: 1802
Hehe, talking about lack of imagination.... It is all cables again...
Bluetooth dpad? :)

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: iPad doesn't even have the resolution to play 720p, talking about basic
: stuff. And DLNA is a standard for a reason, of course stream can be push to
: DLNA-compatible device. Now can iPad push to xbox/ps3 as well? Or how about
: an HDMI cable, an USB game controller without breaking the bank?
: Apple reinvents the wheel and locks users in for premium. At the same time,
: better experience is really a suspect. Don't we all know about the right key
: for mouse story?
: [quote]
: ASUS' MyNet app is a DLNA controller that lets you push content from the Eee
: Pad to DLNA compliant devices on the same network. MyNet easily streams

发帖数: 560
talk about imagianation, 这些公司都在copy ipad而已,LOL, ipad没出来之前这帮

【在 S***d 的大作中提到】
: Hehe, talking about lack of imagination.... It is all cables again...
: Bluetooth dpad? :)
: to
: about
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器

发帖数: 19743

【在 c***y 的大作中提到】
: talk about imagianation, 这些公司都在copy ipad而已,LOL, ipad没出来之前这帮
: loser连pad应该长成什么样都不知道
: ipad流行了,他们一夜之间知道了原来pad要这么设计

能够通过Ipad 2加上airplay和国内的家人用电视机打视频电话吗?那位总结一下升级到ios 6 除了地图还有哪些问题?
Qvod快播 出来了求助imac airplay到电视不清晰
现在atv 2代 能升级用air mirroring了么?apple tv到底能干些啥啊??
发帖数: 6971

【在 c***y 的大作中提到】
: talk about imagianation, 这些公司都在copy ipad而已,LOL, ipad没出来之前这帮
: loser连pad应该长成什么样都不知道
: ipad流行了,他们一夜之间知道了原来pad要这么设计

发帖数: 19743

【在 l**t 的大作中提到】

发帖数: 560

【在 a***y 的大作中提到】
: 有人说这个图是biased
: 我们不管是不是biased
: iPad出来的时候可是一堆人骂难看,遗像框。
: 结果别人都抄,他们又叫好,还说这不是抄,pad就只能长这样。就连白色版都要苹果
: 带路。

发帖数: 19908


【在 S***d 的大作中提到】
: 很简单,简洁,simple.
: 不象pc 产品,随便装个什么新东西,乱七八糟的线就要一堆。
: 而且什么和什么,cant work together! 总需要个hack... Very frustrating! The
: reason I bought the product is to enjoy the content, not spending time
: hacking. I plug it in and it should work. No if , but and howevers!
: Two of the killer features are, AirPlay and airprint. Don't understand that
: how come after so many years, there isn't any remotely competing products on
: pc! Zero, none!!!
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器

发帖数: 19743

【在 j****c 的大作中提到】
: apple连投影仪不是需要多一根线吗?
: that
: on

1 (共1页)
求助imac airplay到电视不清晰apple TV 3rd generation 1080p
apple tv到底能干些啥啊??how about using ipad 2 with the new apple TV
有ps3了还值得买apple TV 嘛? 才80刀Apple TV 3
果黑是顽强的apple tv卡的问题
MBA的mirroring声音怎么回事?Apple tv 上,新的youtube app 功能太弱了
Airplay和生态系统怎么airplay iphone 和MBA啊
Apple 在 Apple TV 上太迟钝了请推荐一个强大一点的AirPlay app
我是需要买apple tv么?能够通过Ipad 2加上airplay和国内的家人用电视机打视频电话吗?
话题: apple话题: dlna话题: tv话题: android话题: don