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Apple版 - 谁是罪魁祸首?
罪魁祸首的真相来了Nexus One supports pinch zoom
股狗和苹果的技术差距Google垄断online ad的恶果
其实吧, ios 6 地图也不是那么不堪iPhone 4 retina close up pics
苹果估计没啥机会了iphone 4 实战总结
Apple地图什么时候有web版的啊sigh, IPAD大起, IPHONE4大落....
(FYI) Google Maps 2.0 for iOS ...ipad2很好啊!
iPhone 5有没有 卫星GPS? (转载)iOS Firmware update now Delta?
话题: google话题: apple话题: eric话题: turn话题: api
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16371
我觉得是eric schmitz
如果不是他当时坐苹果board 上偷着自家搞竞争产品,苹果当时就是力创了新一代
smartphone 加上能找到的最好的各种service 来结合,这包括精挑细选的youtube和
google map。
结果这些合作从数据和金钱上养足了google,更多的引起google 的贪欲,给苹果带来
现在苹果只能把这些偏离自己原来的focus 把这些service 自己重新搞一遍。
发帖数: 34805

【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得是eric schmitz
: 如果不是他当时坐苹果board 上偷着自家搞竞争产品,苹果当时就是力创了新一代
: smartphone 加上能找到的最好的各种service 来结合,这包括精挑细选的youtube和
: google map。
: 结果这些合作从数据和金钱上养足了google,更多的引起google 的贪欲,给苹果带来
: 更多的背后一刀。
: 现在苹果只能把这些偏离自己原来的focus 把这些service 自己重新搞一遍。
: 几年前能看到的“完美”的包容了两大技术公司成果的佳作iphone,最终变成两家敌对
: 的公司抢夺的战场。

发帖数: 2983
Ur imagination and ignorance just amazes me...
"这些合作从数据和金钱上养足了google", how much did google earn from those
services? According to researches, > 90% google revenue is from ads, not
maps and youtube.
So where does your "金钱" come from? And apple don't share data with google
on youtube/maps, so where does your "数据" come from?
Why it is not apple's 贪欲 that wants to make more money and pay nothing to

【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得是eric schmitz
: 如果不是他当时坐苹果board 上偷着自家搞竞争产品,苹果当时就是力创了新一代
: smartphone 加上能找到的最好的各种service 来结合,这包括精挑细选的youtube和
: google map。
: 结果这些合作从数据和金钱上养足了google,更多的引起google 的贪欲,给苹果带来
: 更多的背后一刀。
: 现在苹果只能把这些偏离自己原来的focus 把这些service 自己重新搞一遍。
: 几年前能看到的“完美”的包容了两大技术公司成果的佳作iphone,最终变成两家敌对
: 的公司抢夺的战场。

发帖数: 2983
If you check apple's iphone price, u see how greedy the company is.
The original iphone without contract is 499$, and after several month's sale
, apple lowered the price to 399$.
And now the cheapest iphone 5 is 649$ without contract. And they shamelessly
claim that the iphone5 is 199$
发帖数: 16371
地图的data 就不用说了吧?
fee 方面:
More to the point, Google charges Apple for having Maps loaded onto that
Apple hardware. And as I’ve noted before, this is a substantial sum: rather
more than Google currently makes from Android for example.
The figures also suggest that Apple devices such as the iPhone, which
use products such as its Maps as well as Google Search in its Safari browser
, generated more than four times as much revenue for Google as its own
handsets in the same period.


【在 c*c 的大作中提到】
: Ur imagination and ignorance just amazes me...
: "这些合作从数据和金钱上养足了google", how much did google earn from those
: services? According to researches, > 90% google revenue is from ads, not
: maps and youtube.
: So where does your "金钱" come from? And apple don't share data with google
: on youtube/maps, so where does your "数据" come from?
: Why it is not apple's 贪欲 that wants to make more money and pay nothing to
: others?

发帖数: 2983
How much money? You just gave no numbers, and what is the definition of
substantial? It is all your guessing! This article is also pure guessing,
there is no evidence and no number to support it!
according to the article, "Maps as well as Google Search in its Safari
browser", so why it cannot be that safari browser alone generates 4X more
revenue? Browser leads to search, it is the main source of revenue.
You are just misleading the people on this board. What a hypocrite!


【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2012/06/09/apple-is-abo
: 地图的data 就不用说了吧?
: fee 方面:
: More to the point, Google charges Apple for having Maps loaded onto that
: Apple hardware. And as I’ve noted before, this is a substantial sum: rather
: more than Google currently makes from Android for example.
: The figures also suggest that Apple devices such as the iPhone, which
: use products such as its Maps as well as Google Search in its Safari browser
: , generated more than four times as much revenue for Google as its own
: handsets in the same period.

发帖数: 2983
399$->649$, this is real number!!!!
发帖数: 823

【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得是eric schmitz
: 如果不是他当时坐苹果board 上偷着自家搞竞争产品,苹果当时就是力创了新一代
: smartphone 加上能找到的最好的各种service 来结合,这包括精挑细选的youtube和
: google map。
: 结果这些合作从数据和金钱上养足了google,更多的引起google 的贪欲,给苹果带来
: 更多的背后一刀。
: 现在苹果只能把这些偏离自己原来的focus 把这些service 自己重新搞一遍。
: 几年前能看到的“完美”的包容了两大技术公司成果的佳作iphone,最终变成两家敌对
: 的公司抢夺的战场。

发帖数: 16371
let's just list a timeline, please correct me if it is wrong:
1.apple start to develop iphone
2. apple invited google CEO Eric to the board
3. apple put google map on the iphone
4. google at sametime prepared android to compete iphone
5. android launch with similar map service
6. google add turn by turn navigation to android, but refuse to provide it
on ios
7. google add street view
8. google refuse to provide street view to ios
9. apple replaced google with its own map.
google obviously tried to play dirty trick here, not only stealing the idea,
but also try to make the "advanced feature" only avaliable to android to
create an edge to gain market share. It is totally different from the google
that not running under Eric, the "don't do evil" is a bullsh*t.
and today Eric is talking again to remind everyone that google will not make
google map avalaible on ios very soon.


【在 c*c 的大作中提到】
: How much money? You just gave no numbers, and what is the definition of
: substantial? It is all your guessing! This article is also pure guessing,
: there is no evidence and no number to support it!
: according to the article, "Maps as well as Google Search in its Safari
: browser", so why it cannot be that safari browser alone generates 4X more
: revenue? Browser leads to search, it is the main source of revenue.
: You are just misleading the people on this board. What a hypocrite!
: rather
: browser

发帖数: 5514
iOS上的street view很好用的吧...


【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: let's just list a timeline, please correct me if it is wrong:
: 1.apple start to develop iphone
: 2. apple invited google CEO Eric to the board
: 3. apple put google map on the iphone
: 4. google at sametime prepared android to compete iphone
: 5. android launch with similar map service
: 6. google add turn by turn navigation to android, but refuse to provide it
: on ios
: 7. google add street view
: 8. google refuse to provide street view to ios

(FYI) Google Maps 2.0 for iOS ...Nexus One supports pinch zoom
iPhone 5有没有 卫星GPS? (转载)Google垄断online ad的恶果
iPhone被偷,有相关经历的请进iPhone 4 retina close up pics
发帖数: 2983
I don't see any problem in 1,2,3,4,5,7.
In 6,8, why do you put "google refuses"? Where did the evidence coming from?
Please gave a link with a reliable source! not another article from an apple
fan or pure guessing from someone without any base, ok?
and please gave a reason for price to increase from $399 to $649!


【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: let's just list a timeline, please correct me if it is wrong:
: 1.apple start to develop iphone
: 2. apple invited google CEO Eric to the board
: 3. apple put google map on the iphone
: 4. google at sametime prepared android to compete iphone
: 5. android launch with similar map service
: 6. google add turn by turn navigation to android, but refuse to provide it
: on ios
: 7. google add street view
: 8. google refuse to provide street view to ios

发帖数: 16371
per wall street journal


【在 c*c 的大作中提到】
: I don't see any problem in 1,2,3,4,5,7.
: In 6,8, why do you put "google refuses"? Where did the evidence coming from?
: Please gave a link with a reliable source! not another article from an apple
: fan or pure guessing from someone without any base, ok?
: and please gave a reason for price to increase from $399 to $649!
: it

发帖数: 16371

【在 f****l 的大作中提到】
: iOS上的street view很好用的吧...
: it

发帖数: 2983
is this your reliable source?
发帖数: 34805
Is this supposed to be a joke? OK, Google didn't provide turn by turn
navigation to iOS. But which one of the followings did Apple provide to
Android users.
iMessage, iCloud, Apple mail, iWork?
Or you are not supposed to use Android even if you use a Mac?


【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: let's just list a timeline, please correct me if it is wrong:
: 1.apple start to develop iphone
: 2. apple invited google CEO Eric to the board
: 3. apple put google map on the iphone
: 4. google at sametime prepared android to compete iphone
: 5. android launch with similar map service
: 6. google add turn by turn navigation to android, but refuse to provide it
: on ios
: 7. google add street view
: 8. google refuse to provide street view to ios

发帖数: 2983
So u are eating ur own shit now?
Anyway, I don't trust anything WSJ says, it is definitely not a reliable
How pathetic for you to keep googling around. Did you found me a good excuse
for 399$->$649?

【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: 后来加上了。
发帖数: 16371
if you don't know wsj, here is another one:
I think it provide some good analysis about google map restriction.

【在 c*c 的大作中提到】
: WSJ.......
: is this your reliable source?

发帖数: 16371
and what's your point about the "price change"?

【在 c*c 的大作中提到】
: I don't see any problem in 1,2,3,4,5,7.
: In 6,8, why do you put "google refuses"? Where did the evidence coming from?
: Please gave a link with a reliable source! not another article from an apple
: fan or pure guessing from someone without any base, ok?
: and please gave a reason for price to increase from $399 to $649!
: it

发帖数: 2983
So it is Gmap API limitation, what the hell is wrong with that? And why it
cannot be a problem of GPS data purchase agreement. Google bought GPS data
from other sources, they might have a requirement to stop buyers from making
turn-by-turn APIs public.

【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: if you don't know wsj, here is another one:
: http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/06/ask-ars-why-did-apple-have
: I think it provide some good analysis about google map restriction.

发帖数: 2983
isn't apple a greedy company? So why cannot all these maps and youtube
change initiated by apple? They just want to make suckass apps and earn more
money by paying others nothing?

【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: and what's your point about the "price change"?
iphone 4 实战总结iOS Firmware update now Delta?
sigh, IPAD大起, IPHONE4大落....<原创轻拍>我不喜欢iphone的原因
ipad2很好啊!Now the iPhone 4S has both GSM and CDMA
发帖数: 16371
every company is "greedy", and sometimes "evil", apple never label itself "
not evil "while stabbing friend from the back.

【在 c*c 的大作中提到】
: isn't apple a greedy company? So why cannot all these maps and youtube
: change initiated by apple? They just want to make suckass apps and earn more
: money by paying others nothing?

发帖数: 16371
if you are right about other gps data, then how come google has turn by turn?

【在 c*c 的大作中提到】
: So it is Gmap API limitation, what the hell is wrong with that? And why it
: cannot be a problem of GPS data purchase agreement. Google bought GPS data
: from other sources, they might have a requirement to stop buyers from making
: turn-by-turn APIs public.

发帖数: 2983
you bought the gps data, you can make turn-by-turn software by yourself, but
you cannot make a public api so that others can use that API. Otherwise
, the GPS data seller will lose all his clients, as they will all use that
simple API to provide gps navigation.
Did nokia provide a turn-by-turn API? did Bing provide that?


【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: if you are right about other gps data, then how come google has turn by turn?
发帖数: 2983
Ridiculous. Apple is never a friend of anyone.

【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: every company is "greedy", and sometimes "evil", apple never label itself "
: not evil "while stabbing friend from the back.

发帖数: 16371
nokia is not a data or services provider.
and after apple cut google map, google start to open more of their API (with

【在 c*c 的大作中提到】
: you bought the gps data, you can make turn-by-turn software by yourself, but
: you cannot make a public api so that others can use that API. Otherwise
: , the GPS data seller will lose all his clients, as they will all use that
: simple API to provide gps navigation.
: Did nokia provide a turn-by-turn API? did Bing provide that?
: turn?

发帖数: 2983
huh? WTH u want to say? Still no turn by turn API? Any company provide that?


【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: nokia is not a data or services provider.
: and after apple cut google map, google start to open more of their API (with
: fee)

发帖数: 16371
check the day when iPhone is announced and how Eric talk about the
partnership between the two company. of course, later apple found google was
building competition in the dark at same time when Eric talking shit on the
apple stage, Eric got kicked out from the board.

【在 c*c 的大作中提到】
: Ridiculous. Apple is never a friend of anyone.
发帖数: 16371
I just say what u said is not true.
my point is clear, apple bring google into mobile and a better product could
be there from the partnership but not betrayal. and google didn't really
try to provide good service to the iOS user but used it to play tricks to
gain market share unfairly.

【在 c*c 的大作中提到】
: huh? WTH u want to say? Still no turn by turn API? Any company provide that?
: with

发帖数: 2983
Android started in 2003. Google acquired android in 2005, before Eric joined
apple board. So apple knew google was making their own mobile OS when Eric
Now u are eating ur own shit again. what a shit lover


【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: check the day when iPhone is announced and how Eric talk about the
: partnership between the two company. of course, later apple found google was
: building competition in the dark at same time when Eric talking shit on the
: apple stage, Eric got kicked out from the board.

发帖数: 2983
WTH is wrong with ur logic? GMAP API doesn't provide turn-by-turn, this
could be because of agreement with GPS data sellers.
So there is nothing wrong apple don't get turn-by-turn.


【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: I just say what u said is not true.
: my point is clear, apple bring google into mobile and a better product could
: be there from the partnership but not betrayal. and google didn't really
: try to provide good service to the iOS user but used it to play tricks to
: gain market share unfairly.

请收到sprint和VZW版iPhone 4S的同鞋出来证实下: (转载)股狗和苹果的技术差距
whats up with att???!!!!其实吧, ios 6 地图也不是那么不堪
发帖数: 16371
do u have any idea what android look like before iPhone?

【在 c*c 的大作中提到】
: Android started in 2003. Google acquired android in 2005, before Eric joined
: apple board. So apple knew google was making their own mobile OS when Eric
: joined
: Now u are eating ur own shit again. what a shit lover
: was
: the

发帖数: 2983
Do you have any idea how cellphone looks like in the 80s?
Technology advances, phones becomes thinner, smarter, and more easier to
uses. Screen is also larger year by year.

【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: do u have any idea what android look like before iPhone?
发帖数: 2983
You are just trying to diverge the topic. The reality is:
1. You made wrong statement about street view.
2. You are purely speculating on google's role on GMAP API, it is API, if it
doesn't expose anything, it doesn't
3. You still gave no reason why apple increases price from 399->649
4. You made another mistake that Apple don't know Android when eric joined
the board.
5. When u made a mistake, you started to fabricate other excuses now
You are just a joke, my word ends here. What a waste of my time

【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: do u have any idea what android look like before iPhone?
发帖数: 5514
Please read this fun article first:)

【在 c*c 的大作中提到】
: Do you have any idea how cellphone looks like in the 80s?
: Technology advances, phones becomes thinner, smarter, and more easier to
: uses. Screen is also larger year by year.

发帖数: 2198
发帖数: 16371
it is you diverge the topic, I simply point out a fact that google ruined
the partnership.
apple brought google into the new smarthphone market (as a partnership if
you dont' like the word friend), and google simply prepare the competition
underneath, and stab apple on the back.
Beyond that, they keep using the service provided to apple in the
partnership as a leverage to create unfair advantage they could get to
compete market share in a dirty way. Worst of all, it happend when apple
treat Eric as the board member and Eric is at the same time CEO of google.
Instead of ruining it, Eric could push the collaboration or partnership
further and then we could have even better and wonderful hardware/os/service
combined to use nowadays.
instead of seeing these, you simply picking out some API guesses from all
the reference and try to extend that and argue that as an execuse for google
, and throw out some wierd price comparison to prove google did the right
thing? And, full of "sh*t" in your post and mouth..
I could only see you are a possible google fan or maybe apple hater, nothing


【在 c*c 的大作中提到】
: You are just trying to diverge the topic. The reality is:
: 1. You made wrong statement about street view.
: 2. You are purely speculating on google's role on GMAP API, it is API, if it
: doesn't expose anything, it doesn't
: 3. You still gave no reason why apple increases price from 399->649
: 4. You made another mistake that Apple don't know Android when eric joined
: the board.
: 5. When u made a mistake, you started to fabricate other excuses now
: You are just a joke, my word ends here. What a waste of my time

发帖数: 2272


【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: it is you diverge the topic, I simply point out a fact that google ruined
: the partnership.
: apple brought google into the new smarthphone market (as a partnership if
: you dont' like the word friend), and google simply prepare the competition
: underneath, and stab apple on the back.
: Beyond that, they keep using the service provided to apple in the
: partnership as a leverage to create unfair advantage they could get to
: compete market share in a dirty way. Worst of all, it happend when apple
: treat Eric as the board member and Eric is at the same time CEO of google.
: Instead of ruining it, Eric could push the collaboration or partnership

发帖数: 1613
发帖数: 3427
“数据和金钱上养足了google,更多的引起google 的贪欲,给苹果带来更多的背后一

【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得是eric schmitz
: 如果不是他当时坐苹果board 上偷着自家搞竞争产品,苹果当时就是力创了新一代
: smartphone 加上能找到的最好的各种service 来结合,这包括精挑细选的youtube和
: google map。
: 结果这些合作从数据和金钱上养足了google,更多的引起google 的贪欲,给苹果带来
: 更多的背后一刀。
: 现在苹果只能把这些偏离自己原来的focus 把这些service 自己重新搞一遍。
: 几年前能看到的“完美”的包容了两大技术公司成果的佳作iphone,最终变成两家敌对
: 的公司抢夺的战场。

发帖数: 3427

【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得是eric schmitz
: 如果不是他当时坐苹果board 上偷着自家搞竞争产品,苹果当时就是力创了新一代
: smartphone 加上能找到的最好的各种service 来结合,这包括精挑细选的youtube和
: google map。
: 结果这些合作从数据和金钱上养足了google,更多的引起google 的贪欲,给苹果带来
: 更多的背后一刀。
: 现在苹果只能把这些偏离自己原来的focus 把这些service 自己重新搞一遍。
: 几年前能看到的“完美”的包容了两大技术公司成果的佳作iphone,最终变成两家敌对
: 的公司抢夺的战场。

苹果估计没啥机会了iPhone 5有没有 卫星GPS? (转载)
(FYI) Google Maps 2.0 for iOS ...Nexus One supports pinch zoom
发帖数: 3964
Don't see any problem with that. It's a business decision. Like apple "
refused" to support flash on iPhone. Like apple "refused" to export music
from iTunes. Let ppl vote with their money.

【在 w********2 的大作中提到】
: http://searchengineland.com/the-wsj-provides-color-commentary-o
: per wall street journal
: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405270230454390457739850
: from?
: apple

1 (共1页)
Now the iPhone 4S has both GSM and CDMA(FYI) Google Maps 2.0 for iOS ...
请收到sprint和VZW版iPhone 4S的同鞋出来证实下: (转载)iPhone 5有没有 卫星GPS? (转载)
whats up with att???!!!!iPhone被偷,有相关经历的请进
罪魁祸首的真相来了Nexus One supports pinch zoom
股狗和苹果的技术差距Google垄断online ad的恶果
其实吧, ios 6 地图也不是那么不堪iPhone 4 retina close up pics
苹果估计没啥机会了iphone 4 实战总结
话题: google话题: apple话题: eric话题: turn话题: api