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Apple版 - Re: Icahn V5! Apple to vote for 50B buyback (转载)
著名投资人icahn说出了每个果粉的心声[转载] 艺术苹果VS百变PC,Mac和WinPC的对比测试 4
苹果的iPod真是烂棋Apple's Deal With Google for iPhone Search Pegged at Over $100 Million Per Year
如果Mac OS支持PC,能打垮windows么?iOS 4 is free to all users
Android的势头很猛阿 (转载)游戏控制平台的末日 (转载)
Discovering Ancient Pompeii with iPadabout deleting apps on iphone
我来总结一下steve jobs 的常用词汇表吧:苹果的全盛时期还没有到来
[转载] 艺术苹果VS百变PC,Mac和WinPC的对比测试 1有人用了ipad ios 4.2吗?
[转载] 艺术苹果VS百变PC,Mac和WinPC的对比测试 3如果苹果出一个7"的iPad
话题: apple话题: icahn话题: v5话题: 50b话题: buyback
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 12932
【 以下文字转载自 Stock 讨论区 】
发信人: Lexian (蒙古大夫), 信区: Stock
标 题: Re: Icahn V5! Apple to vote for 50B buyback
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 29 16:33:19 2013, 美东)
i think AAPL is at the early stage of monetizing their dominance in digital
space. their approach of tight control of environment, high margin while
emphasizing user experience will trump the fragmented tech geek low cost
approach in every day digital life. It has so many potential money making
streams. even if none of that gets realized, a trailing PE of 14, PEG of .99
is hard to find in the current market.
- auto info system. latest iOS update already has the option of "Car Display
". i think pretty soon every car will have to airplay iphone system on the
display or not get sold. the system is light years better than each auto
maker's own clumpsy and expensive crap.
- mobile payment. the finger print can truly revolutionize credit card
industry. imaging apple gets a dime in every buy and sell.
- home automation, gaming, entertainment etc. too many to count.
1 (共1页)
如果苹果出一个7"的iPadDiscovering Ancient Pompeii with iPad
Google Tightening Control Over Android as Fragmentation Increases我来总结一下steve jobs 的常用词汇表吧:
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安装Lion失败, 以及对苹果的失望[转载] 艺术苹果VS百变PC,Mac和WinPC的对比测试 3
著名投资人icahn说出了每个果粉的心声[转载] 艺术苹果VS百变PC,Mac和WinPC的对比测试 4
苹果的iPod真是烂棋Apple's Deal With Google for iPhone Search Pegged at Over $100 Million Per Year
如果Mac OS支持PC,能打垮windows么?iOS 4 is free to all users
Android的势头很猛阿 (转载)游戏控制平台的末日 (转载)
话题: apple话题: icahn话题: v5话题: 50b话题: buyback