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Automobile版 - 关于引擎磨合--run it hard!??
passta tdi 自动挡新车如何磨合我来非专业的喷一下TDI
VW dealer 给我换错了机油话说柴油车你们开得感觉怎么样?
弱问一下关于oil filter的问题随便聊聊大众尾气排放事件
老车的transmission fluid很脏,换还是不换大众柴油门事件的真实原因
TDI 的 尾气CAT 会不会坏得快啊?PASSAT 2012 TDI MANUAL一百英里驾驶体会
汇报一个2013 Touareg Lux TDI出手价格女生车盲求救 check engine灯亮 :(
柴油机的优缺点GTI和golf TDI请问有什么差别?
话题: rpm话题: engine话题: oil话题: break话题: rpms
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2308
新买了Touareg TDI,花了很多时间研究引擎磨合的问题。发现很多人在倡导high-rpm
"For those who still think that running the engine hard during break-in
falls into the category of cruel and unusual punishment, there is one more
argument for using high power loading for short periods (to avoid excessive
heat) during the break-in. The use of low power settings does not expand the
piston rings enough, and a film of oil is left on the cylinder walls. The
high temperatures in the combustion chamber will oxidize this oil film so
that it creates glazing of the cylinder walls. When this happens, the ring
break-in process stops, and excessive oil consumption frequently occurs. The
bad news is that extensive glazing can only be corrected by removing the
cylinders and rehoning the walls. This is expensive, and it is an expense
that can be avoided by proper break in procedures."
piston ring上。需要在early stage施加较高的压强才能做到这点,后期缸套被"glaze
1. 充分预热
2. work on all rpms
3. avoid cruise
4. 偶尔狠踩油门来ramp up the rpm to 70%-100% range
5. 不要保持high rpm for long, avoid over heating
发帖数: 1180
发帖数: 2308
Rules that apply for the life of the car
-When the engine is cold (below the first 3 white marks at the base of the
temp gage) rev the engine to at least 2,500 rpms.
-When the engine is warmed up (above the first three white marks) Rev the
engine to no less than 3,000 rpms.
The reason for this is to keep the turbo on boost, clear the VNT guide vanes
and apply firm pressure to the rings for optimal sealing against blow-by
gasses. The rings need the boost to seal since its a turbo charged engine,
babying the engine is detrimental and will lead to issues with compression
if done so for very long.
-Keep rpms as close to 2000 rpm as possible when driving at a steady speed.
This promotes optimum temperatures for the DPF and keeps the engine in the
middle of its most efficient rpm range (1800-2200 rpm).
-Allow the DSG or automatic transmission to determine the optimal gear and
engine rpm. It knows better than you... Provided you have it trained to be
biased to the sport mode the engines shift points will occur at the ideal
Redline is defined as the maximum rpm allowed by the engine, in the case of
all TDI's it is 5,100 rpm. The maximum physical limit of a TDI engine due in
part to it's short stroke is approximately 8,800 rpm (this is when you will
throw a rod or damage a piston, this rpm is not possible unless you force a
downshift into 1st gear while driving 80mph)
The instrument cluster shows a red BAND starting at or around 4600 rpm, most
owners will find that very little power resides beyond this point due
mostly to the ECU reducing fueling to respect the smoke map.
Adaptive Transmissions, these transmissions learn based on how you apply the
power with your foot. Over time they will modify shift patterns with a bias
to a "Sport" mode. Train the transmission to shift as close to the
recomended rpm ranges below.
When your engine was first produced the motor was placed in a test cell and
"Run-in" by a computer run dyno. The motor after the run-in was DRAINED OF
ALL ITS FLUIDS (Oil, Coolant etc), the filters were replaced and a unique
break-in oil was installed to promote a proper break-in once installed in
the car as well as to protect the engine from corrosion during shipping to
final assembly.
The "Break-in oil", YES VW does use a specially formulated "Break-In" oil
formulated under an internal "TL" specification and produced by Fuchs. The
oil is a group IV synthetic 5w30 formulated to comply with the LowSAPS VW507
.00 requirements as well as the TL specifications for break-in. The oil is
intended to allow a controlled rate of wear while protecting the engine and
allowing the internal parts to seat proplerly during the engines first 10,
000 road miles.
First 1,000 miles
Keep rpms below 3,800. Avoid steady rpms. Frequent firm (75%) application of
power is strongly recomended up to a maximum engine rpm of 3,800. Avoid the
use of cruise control so that you naturally fluctuate the power with your
1,000-5,000 miles
Use the full 5,100 rpm power range. THIS DOES NOT MEAN DRIVE AROUND AT 5100
RPM! This DOES mean to find the rpm range where your cars best power resides
. Most owners will find that the best engine operating range to be between
2000rpm and 4200 rpm for the purpose of acceleration. At all costs avoid
using full throttle below 2000 rpm the ECU will attempt to prevent you from
applying full power in this range, work with it and don't request it with
your foot.
Continue to avoid steady rpms and avoid the use of cruise control.
occasional application of full throttle (100%) is recomended to help seat
the rings. City driving is ideal for breaking in a TDI due to frequent stops
and acceleration. DO NOT CHANGE THE ENGINE OIL UNTIL 10,000 MILES!
5,000-10,000 miles
Use of the cruise control is ok at this point since most of the initial
break in has occured. Continue to use occasional full throttle accelerations
to continue to seat the rings. You will notice the engine become slightly
louder during this phase due to less friction from the engine breaking in (
normal for a diesel to become louder under lighter loads). If your going on
a long drive and you are using the cruise, every so often step on the peddle
to accelerate up about 20 mph then coast back down to your preset speed.
Your first oil change is due at 10,000 miles DO NOT change it early! Oil
analysis supports 10,000 miles as being realistic for a first change
interval. Wear metals will remain at safe levels during this entire first
interval thanks to the initial run-in and flush at the factory before the
engine was installed in your car.
This is when the rest of the break in occurs. The engine from the factory
will check out with about 475psi of compression pressure out of the crate.
It will take at least 60,000 miles to reach the peak pressure of 510 psi.
For the most part once you get to 10,000 miles your compression will be
around 490 psi meaning that most of the break in has occured.
60,000-the life of the motor
The owners have followed the advice above and do not have any oil
consumption issues. This also means that with the higher pressure the engine
is more efficient returning optimal fuel economy and reduced smoke output.
I am still of the opinion that if possible use a LowSAPS 5w40 instead of the
5w30 oils ie Mobil 1 ESP 5w40 formula M (MB229.51, .6 Sulfated Ash)
发帖数: 2308

【在 b****e 的大作中提到】
: 还是看manual比较保险吧
发帖数: 5301
key point is to vary your rpm during breakin


【在 s********r 的大作中提到】
: 新买了Touareg TDI,花了很多时间研究引擎磨合的问题。发现很多人在倡导high-rpm
: 磨合
: http://www.ntnoa.org/enginebreakin.htm
: http://www.mototuneusa.com/break_in_secrets.htm
: http://www.myturbodiesel.com/1000q/engine-break-in.htm
: "For those who still think that running the engine hard during break-in
: falls into the category of cruel and unusual punishment, there is one more
: argument for using high power loading for short periods (to avoid excessive
: heat) during the break-in. The use of low power settings does not expand the
: piston rings enough, and a film of oil is left on the cylinder walls. The

发帖数: 5085
It's just a car, not your zuzong


【在 s********r 的大作中提到】
: 看一个哥们的磨合日程:http://forums.tdiclub.com/showthread.php?t=252501
: Rules that apply for the life of the car
: -When the engine is cold (below the first 3 white marks at the base of the
: temp gage) rev the engine to at least 2,500 rpms.
: -When the engine is warmed up (above the first three white marks) Rev the
: engine to no less than 3,000 rpms.
: The reason for this is to keep the turbo on boost, clear the VNT guide vanes
: and apply firm pressure to the rings for optimal sealing against blow-by
: gasses. The rings need the boost to seal since its a turbo charged engine,
: babying the engine is detrimental and will lead to issues with compression

发帖数: 2308
shut up your hole and go f your zuzong

【在 v***n 的大作中提到】
: It's just a car, not your zuzong
: vanes

发帖数: 5085
Huh, I am only interested in girls. Looks like you are more into your zuzong.

【在 s********r 的大作中提到】
: shut up your hole and go f your zuzong
发帖数: 2308
I don't know what the hell is wrong with you but you appear to be obsessed
with keeping your hole wide open and gushing around.
I have no interest in learning your fantasy with your mom, mf.


【在 v***n 的大作中提到】
: Huh, I am only interested in girls. Looks like you are more into your zuzong.
发帖数: 3077
差不多是这样子。100% rpm 够呛,一般路面轮子肯定打滑
1. 充分预热
2. work on all rpms
3. avoid cruise
4. 偶尔狠踩油门来ramp up the rpm to 70%-100% range
5. 不要保持high rpm for long, avoid over heating


【在 s********r 的大作中提到】
: 新买了Touareg TDI,花了很多时间研究引擎磨合的问题。发现很多人在倡导high-rpm
: 磨合
: http://www.ntnoa.org/enginebreakin.htm
: http://www.mototuneusa.com/break_in_secrets.htm
: http://www.myturbodiesel.com/1000q/engine-break-in.htm
: "For those who still think that running the engine hard during break-in
: falls into the category of cruel and unusual punishment, there is one more
: argument for using high power loading for short periods (to avoid excessive
: heat) during the break-in. The use of low power settings does not expand the
: piston rings enough, and a film of oil is left on the cylinder walls. The

TDI 的 尾气CAT 会不会坏得快啊?我来非专业的喷一下TDI
汇报一个2013 Touareg Lux TDI出手价格话说柴油车你们开得感觉怎么样?
发帖数: 1619
-When the engine is cold (below the first 3 white marks at the base of the
temp gage) rev the engine to at least 2,500 rpms.
-When the engine is warmed up (above the first three white marks) Rev the
engine to no less than 3,000 rpms.
发帖数: 2308
那个rev engine不是指空踩油门,是指换档的时候踩上去,这哥们不也说了么,平时开
the car like you just stole it"


【在 I******t 的大作中提到】
: 好帖,mark
: 另外,这个“充分预热”是象那个哥们说的那样:
: 空挡踩油门到2500rpm以上,然后等引擎温度上来后,再踩到3000rpm以上,然后再开车?
: -When the engine is cold (below the first 3 white marks at the base of the
: temp gage) rev the engine to at least 2,500 rpms.
: -When the engine is warmed up (above the first three white marks) Rev the
: engine to no less than 3,000 rpms.

发帖数: 1619


【在 s********r 的大作中提到】
: 应该不是这个意思。
: 热车应该就是idle或者缓慢驾驶热车。
: 那个rev engine不是指空踩油门,是指换档的时候踩上去,这哥们不也说了么,平时开
: 要保持2000转左右。
: 后来有人总结开自动挡的车就是抓住启动和加速的机会使劲踩踩,基本上就是"drive
: the car like you just stole it"
: 车?

发帖数: 6223
发帖数: 2308
Nope, you just drive gently to warm up, and shift up at ~2500 rpm

【在 I******t 的大作中提到】
: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060825160839AAMdS
: 看起来好象就是空踩油门

1 (共1页)
GTI和golf TDI请问有什么差别?本虾算是本版第一个吃螃蟹的人了吧
Passat TDI 动力够么?TDI 的 尾气CAT 会不会坏得快啊?
Bluetec, TDI之类的涡轮增压柴油车最好刷个ECU汇报一个2013 Touareg Lux TDI出手价格
passta tdi 自动挡新车如何磨合我来非专业的喷一下TDI
VW dealer 给我换错了机油话说柴油车你们开得感觉怎么样?
弱问一下关于oil filter的问题随便聊聊大众尾气排放事件
老车的transmission fluid很脏,换还是不换大众柴油门事件的真实原因
话题: rpm话题: engine话题: oil话题: break话题: rpms