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Automobile版 - 请教,VW Passat, 前后车闸不一致
求问换brake pads大概多少钱?
大家帮忙看看这个报价合理么(03 CIVIC, 60K maintenance)
刚到dealer 换了闸皮 210+
请问这个换Brake Pad + Rotor的Quote合理吗?
请问一般的 rotor 和 premium rotor 区别大吗?
昨天换了brake system,今天开10麦后有焦糊味道
话题: vw话题: brake话题: pads话题: 车闸话题: 000
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 13081
5年的车子。 昨天去换车闸, 本来以为前车闸要换。 那知道, 前车闸还好好的
,还很厚。 后车闸已经给磨光了, 里面的铁片出来的, 车轴rotor 给磨出一道痕
迹了。 只好把rotor 磨平。
现在问题是, 这车自买来就没有动过, 可能一直以来就是这样的。 前车闸没有起
啥作用。 不知道是为啥原因。 道理上, 因该是前后的车闸压力一样。
发帖数: 8859
发帖数: 13081
It is yes if you brake early, and/or gently or in such a way that the rear
brake pads do the majority of the stopping. In addition, the rear pads are
much smaller than the front pads. So if a smaller friction surface area
carries more or both the load and friction, the smaller friction surface
area (rear brake pads) will wear faster.
It is no if you brake more aggressively, and/or later, so the majority of
the braking is done by the front pads and the weight is shifted to the
Right, actually that is what I do. The only change I would make is when you
do brake, brake later, aka more aggressively so the load and braking action
is handled by the fronts. Right now by both your own admission and more
importantly evidence (2 to 1 rear pad wear) you are forcing the rears to do
most of the load handling and braking. You can actually feel this. This
might be disconcerting when you change your behavior. Otherwise if you do
NOT change your behavior, what you noted will CONTINUE to happen (2 to one
rear pad wear). Just as what is happening to me (brake pad wear more toward
the front to more balanced aka 1 to 1) will CONTINUE to happen.
This is a swag only as I only have under 9,000 miles. From what I can glean
and gather and the 1/32nd F/R brake pad wear patterns, I can anticipate 75,
000 miles on a set of F/R brake pads and rotors. This is actually better (@
60,000 miles) than 5 Toyota Landcruisers I have had in the past. The nexus
here being SUV'sand weight @ app 4975#'s.
The disadvantages are brake components on the VW Touareg are a min of 2
times more expensive, I will also have to use/buy ancillary parts I didn't
have to on the TLC's. Brembo really built/ specified the rotors to be
changed when the pads are changed. On the TLC's, I could easily use them for
2 brake pad changes (120,000 miles or 60,000 per pad change)
发帖数: 13081
For sure what I have said, and you are the second person to confirm what I
am saying is my recommendation is counterintuitive.
Indeed I got the recommendation app 10 years ago at a GTG with a very well
known guru on another VW specific web site.. So in that sense, I am only
passing it along and of course with three VW anecdotal experiences. It was
on a 2003 VW Jetta TDI. FF to the upshot is @ 177,000 miles I not only still
have the oem rotors and brake pads F/R but the more than half measurement
of the pads and rotors indicates a swag of 350,000 miles. I tell folks
easily to 250,000 miles, which is 73,000 more miles.
It has been well known in the VW community (non VW T) that VW builds in a
rear bias to their braking system. The theory, concept and practice are to
soften/dampen /compensate for the nose dive effect, braking hard and fast
from autobahn speeds, aka too much weight and braking power transferred to
the fronts. I think folks can figure out the rest of the consequences here.
If not, fire away.
This is just an op/ed but the percentage of pad material left is a fairly
common way of talking about pads material. However the mechanics measure it
in 1/32nds in LEFT. It is not common known what (our specific) oem brake
pads start off with. I am swagging 10 to 11 /32nd in starting. We also do
not know @ what 1/32nd left does the indicator lamp lights (sensor trips
So for example the dealership where I bought the car new and does the
included 3 each 10,000 miles services sets their "RED" code @ less than 4/
32nd in or 3 mm left.
发帖数: 9999
正常,很多车为了避免nose diving,刹车时后刹车用的力更大些。不过你居然能把它

【在 d**********0 的大作中提到】
: 5年的车子。 昨天去换车闸, 本来以为前车闸要换。 那知道, 前车闸还好好的
: ,还很厚。 后车闸已经给磨光了, 里面的铁片出来的, 车轴rotor 给磨出一道痕
: 迹了。 只好把rotor 磨平。
: 现在问题是, 这车自买来就没有动过, 可能一直以来就是这样的。 前车闸没有起
: 啥作用。 不知道是为啥原因。 道理上, 因该是前后的车闸压力一样。
: 这已经过了3年的保修了。

1 (共1页)
昨天换了brake system,今天开10麦后有焦糊味道
4个brake pad和rotor全换,哪便宜?
Brake rotor和pad那个牌子好?
换brake pad多少钱
换了前面的brake rotors and pads,$220,贵吗?谢谢。
大家都去哪里买brake rotor?
话题: vw话题: brake话题: pads话题: 车闸话题: 000