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Aviation版 - [NS]Space probe targets third comet after second vanishes
[zz]Voyager 2 probe reaches solar system boundaryRe: Any portable good telescope?
[zz]NASA spacecraft to study Moon's lumpy interiorAstronomy Picture of Day: Comet SWAN Outburst
A Plan to Send Flight Data Somewhere Off the Plane美国人震惊地发现他们的人权在美国机场消失的无影无踪了
Immediate Openings in Ridley Park, PA for 3 Procurement Agents & 4 Manufacturing PlannersWhy did the interest of manager vanish?
NASA Hits Snag in Reviving Hubble Space TelescopeWhy did the interest of manager vanish?
why no minority in this core team?The battle of Leadville (6) - Sugarloaf Pass to May Queen
Re: Any portable good telescope?奔一首 我大学的labmate的双人音乐组合的歌
Astronomy Picture of Day: Comet SWAN Outburst她是中国人却改名换姓入日本籍,痴迷陈冠希,16岁就失身
话题: comet话题: probe话题: deep话题: impact话题: ns
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1233
* 10:23 17 December 2007
* NewScientist.com news service
* David Shiga
A comet targeted for a flyby with NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft cannot be
found, forcing mission planners to send the probe to a different comet. The
comet may have evaded telescopes simply because its predicted orbit was
incorrect, or, more intriguingly, it might have disintegrated completely.
The Deep Impact
1 (共1页)
她是中国人却改名换姓入日本籍,痴迷陈冠希,16岁就失身NASA Hits Snag in Reviving Hubble Space Telescope
今天看过的几本书why no minority in this core team?
paper helpRe: Any portable good telescope?
看EHEC疫情新闻复习FA/UWAstronomy Picture of Day: Comet SWAN Outburst
[zz]Voyager 2 probe reaches solar system boundaryRe: Any portable good telescope?
[zz]NASA spacecraft to study Moon's lumpy interiorAstronomy Picture of Day: Comet SWAN Outburst
A Plan to Send Flight Data Somewhere Off the Plane美国人震惊地发现他们的人权在美国机场消失的无影无踪了
Immediate Openings in Ridley Park, PA for 3 Procurement Agents & 4 Manufacturing PlannersWhy did the interest of manager vanish?
话题: comet话题: probe话题: deep话题: impact话题: ns