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Belief版 - 有趣
【擂台】基督教有沒有可靠歷史紀錄2世纪的护教的产生 (转载)
【擂台二】耶穌的出生的歷史背景與世俗歷史符合When was Jesus' real birthday? (zz) (转载)
圣经里真的讲到地狱吗?耶稣的名气 (转载)
关于陆贾福音的人口普查事实真像是这样的 Re: 耶稣神话是剽窃古埃及神话鹰神Horus
[合集] 耶酥的出生和人口普查[合集] 最近在看圣经 (转载)
基督教史普及:第一次尼西亞公會議(转载)[合集] 徵求基督徒恐嚇招式
神为什么任凭苦痛存于世上?(5) --神与人共尝苦痛[合集] 关于人口普查时回伯利恒
话题: quirinius话题: census话题: luke话题: ad话题: syria
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 46
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发信人: jym2307 (罪魁), 信区: Belief
标 题: Re: 【擂台三】门徒生命的改变
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 19 16:01:47 2011, 美东)
发帖数: 46
发信人: jym2307 (罪魁), 信区: Belief
标 题: Re: 【擂台二】耶穌的出生的歷史背景與世俗歷史符合
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 10 18:48:44 2011, 美东)
Resolution 1
Linguistic studies indicates that the relevant passage in Luke (informing us
of the census) should be translated ‘BEFORE the census of Quirinius’
instead of the ‘FIRST census of Quirinius’. In one stroke, this would
solve our problems as Luke’s census could then refer to ANY one taken
before Herod’s death.
One possibility is the census on Palestine carried out under the
governorship of Quintillus Varus, who was governor of Syria between 6-4 BC.
It was actually due a few years earlier, but it isn’t unlikely that Herod
dragged his feet on this one, as he had recently lost favour with the
Emperor Augustus and therefore didn’t want any more local trouble as a
result of the census - which always enraged the Jews).
Alternatively, the census could’ve been one of many under Sentius
Saturninus who was governor of Syria between 9-6 BC. According to church
father Tertullian, imperial records show that census’ were conducted during
this time.
But why would Luke mention all of this as appearing before the census of
Quirinius in AD 6? Probably it was because that tax-related census - the AD
6 one - hit the Jews in a particularly hard way (as recounted by Jewish
historian, Josephus) making it similar to us moderns talking about ‘a
recession before 1929’ or ‘a market crash before Black September’. It
would have given Luke’s readers a rough touch-point in time for which to
place the birth of Jesus.
So our first resolution option (and one of the best) is that Luke was
talking about a census before the one under Quirinius in AD 6.
Resolution 2
The popular translations of the Lukan verse in question could, however, be
the correct one. But we still wouldn’t need to posit a ‘discrepancy’ in
his account. The term Luke uses for Quirinius ‘governorship’ is the very
general term, hegemon, which in extra-Biblical Greek was applied to prefects
, provincial governors, and even Caesar himself. In the Bible it was used
as a broad term for procurators and to general ‘rulers’. This term would
’ve applied to Quirinius at MANY times in his political career and, as a
general term, Syria would have had several individuals that could be
properly so addressed at the same time.
And during Varus’ appointment as the Syrian governor, Quirinius was doing
military expeditions in the Eastern provinces of the Roman empire and some
evidence indicates that he could’ve been placed in charge of the Palestine
census implemented during that period (see above). Also, church father
Tertullian wrote that Jesus was born during the governorship of Saturninus (
9-6 BC) and that imperial records showed that census’ were conducted during
his tenure.
In this reading, Quirinius was really the procurator of the province (whose
governor could’ve been either Varus or Saturninus), which exonerates Luke’
s account and his employement of hegemon to describe Quirinius.
Therefore, Luke’s census could refer to the first one conducted by
Quirinius as a procurator of Syria some time before his actual governorship
in AD 6.
可能巡抚Quintillus Varus在6-4BC做过一次地方性的人口普查,而后凯撒做了另一次
发帖数: 19317
1 (共1页)
[合集] 关于人口普查时回伯利恒耶酥的出生和人口普查
[合集] 哪个神更好?[合集] 耶酥的出生和人口普查
Dec 19 荒漠甘泉 Streams in the Desert (转载)基督教史普及:第一次尼西亞公會議(转载)
道德新贴 - 关于golden rule神为什么任凭苦痛存于世上?(5) --神与人共尝苦痛
【擂台】基督教有沒有可靠歷史紀錄2世纪的护教的产生 (转载)
【擂台二】耶穌的出生的歷史背景與世俗歷史符合When was Jesus' real birthday? (zz) (转载)
圣经里真的讲到地狱吗?耶稣的名气 (转载)
关于陆贾福音的人口普查事实真像是这样的 Re: 耶稣神话是剽窃古埃及神话鹰神Horus
话题: quirinius话题: census话题: luke话题: ad话题: syria