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Belief版 - 有关穆斯林总结,一切尽在此回复中 (转载)
琐男看看这些内容,吓死你--伊斯兰20条和圣战三步曲 (转载)彻魑是干啥痴的
古蘭經裡評論耶穌及基督徒The devine Book
穆斯林征服四部曲--恐怖 (转载)穆罕默德的上帝是耶稣基督的父吗?
基督教徒快跟FBI联系,看你们是否在ISIS死亡名单上! (转载)伊斯兰教的安拉
The future World War III这个宗教到底怎么了? (Z)
湾区附近哪儿有清真寺啊?游子吟: 第三章 谁是真神 回教
有关穆斯林的总结太震撼完整了 (转载)伊斯兰的历史英雄萨拉丁 ZZ
话题: who话题: them话题: allah话题: kill话题: those
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发帖数: 11198
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: GoBlue (Wolverines), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 有关穆斯林总结,一切尽在此回复中
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 22 02:32:21 2015, 美东)
有关穆斯林宗教,来自Facebook上Michael Shea的回复:
For all of the “We want peace, let’s welcome our peaceful Muslim brothers
” people out there and all the do-gooders out there, and all those “
Coexist” folks, let me share a little bit of an inconvenient truth about
the world of Islam.
Islam is fundamentally an “expansionist” religion, with no pretenses to
accept or even tolerate anyone who thinks something different than them. In
fact, they have a religious mandate to kill, disfigure or enslave anyone who
doesn't convert to their way of thinking. This mandate is in the Quran in
over a hundred places, and doesn’t just “go away” because some of them
claim to be moderates. And now, they are exporting that mandate throughout
the free world. And all you do-gooders who admonish us to "coexist" are the
very ones who let them get their foot in the door. You read every day about
AMERICAN institutions in the (formerly) Good Ol' US of A adapting their
policies to appease these peoples' demand for conformity to Sharia Law.
Bullshit. There is no appeasement for them short of a worldwide Islamist
theocracy government.
They kidnap and BEHEAD humanitarian aid volunteers, for God's sake!!! And
the ones who don't actually do this themselves certainly accept and support
the ones that do. And the Obama administration is cozy with the same
international Islamist organizations that publically speak of peace while
funneling money and support to Islamic terrorists.
I don't care what the “Coexisters” say, these goat-fucking barbarians are
a cancer on civilized humanity. They are the most insidiously pervasive and
deadly threat to freedom as we know it that has come about in our entire
lifetime, and perhaps in all US history.
The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with
nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with
commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may
be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and
warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.
Quran (47:3-4) - "Those who disbelieve (everyone but Muslims) follow
falsehood, while those who believe follow the truth from their Lord... So,
when you meet fight Jihad in Allah's Cause, smite those who disbelieve at
their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a
bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives)... If it had been Allah's
Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He
lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others. But those who are
killed in the Way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost." Those
who reject Allah are to be killed in Jihad. The wounded are to be held
captive for ransom. The only reason Allah doesn't do the dirty work himself
is to to test the faithfulness of Muslims. Those who kill pass the test.
There are many more verses in the Quran that instruct the true Muslim
believers to kill anyone else who is not. I looked it up. It not only
sickens me, but it frightens me.
Here is a quote from the Caliph (the universally recognized Islamic supreme
spiritual leader, comparable to the Pope) gathering followers throughout
many regions in the middle east:
“I say to all people who think that the Islamic State won’t arrive in
Europe, with God’s help, we will arrive in Europe. We will expand across
all of Europe, to France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and the USA. I say
to all my brothers that cannot immigrate and join the Islamic caliphate, try
to resist with all means, kill them, slaughter them, burn their cars and
homes. I say to my brothers, if you see a police officer—kill him. Kill
them all. Kill all infidels that you see in the streets.”
Don't be judgmental, you say? Don't stereotype? Don't be prejudiced? Islam
is a peaceful religion, you say?
I'm not so blind that I don't see the handwriting on the wall...
1 (共1页)
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Re: 这里有多少人了解islamic revolution?The future World War III
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古蘭經裡評論耶穌及基督徒The devine Book
穆斯林征服四部曲--恐怖 (转载)穆罕默德的上帝是耶稣基督的父吗?
基督教徒快跟FBI联系,看你们是否在ISIS死亡名单上! (转载)伊斯兰教的安拉
话题: who话题: them话题: allah话题: kill话题: those