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Biology版 - Re: 大侠们, 请教一个问题.
another clone trick: 3-way ligationRe: 搞DNA microarray的老兄
Re: Yeast Enolase_2 Help请教:如何灵敏检测 40-50 nt viral RNA
关于nuclear loading control的问题Roche的DIG in situ system 怎么样?
求subcellular fractionation 的protocol或kit推荐DIG-UTP RNA probe removal in Northern for re-probe
Histone H3可以做nuclear fraction positive marker吗?有人用biotin conjugated ATP标记mRNA吗?
请教个蛋白间相互作用的问题,thanks a lot!土问:RNA degradation能从OD260看出来吗?
求推荐Nucleo-cytoplasmic fractionation的kit求large scale RNA end biotinylation kit
做了cell fractionation以后, nucleus里面啥都没了。。。请教精确定量NH2 group的方法
话题: txn话题: fragments话题: run话题: labeled话题: 大侠
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 27
they are basically the same. the principle of run-on is that you first
isolate the nuclei and remove most of the proteins, but still keep the
RNA polymerase associated with nascent transcribed target gene. then
when you add NTP and p32 labeled UTP, the TXN will run on and then all
the product will be labeled. it allows mapping of the start point from
the size fractionated products.
run-off means that TXN occurs to in vitro DNA fragments, which are
typically restricted fragments with the start si
1 (共1页)
请教精确定量NH2 group的方法Histone H3可以做nuclear fraction positive marker吗?
how to add alpha P32 to 3' of ssRNA?请教个蛋白间相互作用的问题,thanks a lot!
请问有人用Dynal beads做IP么求推荐Nucleo-cytoplasmic fractionation的kit
EMSA再次求教——0 protein也有”complex band"。。。做了cell fractionation以后, nucleus里面啥都没了。。。
another clone trick: 3-way ligationRe: 搞DNA microarray的老兄
Re: Yeast Enolase_2 Help请教:如何灵敏检测 40-50 nt viral RNA
关于nuclear loading control的问题Roche的DIG in situ system 怎么样?
求subcellular fractionation 的protocol或kit推荐DIG-UTP RNA probe removal in Northern for re-probe
话题: txn话题: fragments话题: run话题: labeled话题: 大侠