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Biology版 - Know your talents and amplify your talents
Know your talents and amplify your talents - 2也说说德国、新加坡
Know your talents and amplify your talents -3老骗子ISAAA主席又到中国忽悠转基因 (转载)
Know your talents and amplify your talents -4申请博后老板的推荐究竟有多重要
Know your talents and amplify your talents -5美国培育转人基因水稻:专用来治第三世界儿童的腹泻
Know your talents and amplify your talents -6女人为什么月经?
Re: 拜托,发个言呐!Re: Your suggestion is appreciated..Turn adult mice cells to mES cells
paper help of ann hum genet请问有做quantitative genetics的人吗?问个kinship和mixed model的问题。
话题: talents话题: yao话题: amplify话题: know话题: your
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1300
To be successful in any career, you need to find your own niche and know how
to amplify your talents.
Each human trait probably is normally distributed with a small std-dev.
For example, Yao Ming is a 5-sigma taller than average people. Now imagine,
if Yao is a bio phd, will he be as successful? Most likely not, since his
biggest advantage, his height is irrelevant to bio research. Yao's parent
did not want him to play basketball since they feel that is a tough road,
but they were wrong. If yao
1 (共1页)
无标题 Know your talents and amplify your talents -6
Re: question about QuantRTPCRRe: 拜托,发个言呐!Re: Your suggestion is appreciated..
idea in questionspaper help of ann hum genet
Re: Northern vs RT-PCR人类真的是起源于中国的,因为黄种人jj比黑白人种小
Know your talents and amplify your talents - 2也说说德国、新加坡
Know your talents and amplify your talents -3老骗子ISAAA主席又到中国忽悠转基因 (转载)
Know your talents and amplify your talents -4申请博后老板的推荐究竟有多重要
Know your talents and amplify your talents -5美国培育转人基因水稻:专用来治第三世界儿童的腹泻
话题: talents话题: yao话题: amplify话题: know话题: your