f**u 发帖数: 346 | 1 这篇东西的大部分是昨天半夜写的,犹豫了一下没有马上发,
按照作者们的说法,假定细菌基因组长度是4M bp,
于是P原子的浓度是8x10E6 P/cell x 3x10E7 cell/ml = 2.4x10E14 P/ml
(2.4x10E14 P/ml x 1000 ml/L )/ (6x10E23 P/mol)= 0.4x10E-6 mol/L = 0.4 uM
另外他们用的参照是"a typical heterotrophic bacterium",
再者,他们既然可以通过测16S RNA来确定这个菌的身份,
我昨天的这个时候还在想要不要到这个人那里做薄厚,现在已经在静观其变了。 |
o**********y 发帖数: 1041 | 2 别去那。。。去真正做science的地方
【在 f**u 的大作中提到】 : 这篇东西的大部分是昨天半夜写的,犹豫了一下没有马上发, : 今天又思考了一阵子,觉得逻辑上好像没什么问题, : 然后又添了点内容,发在这里了,算是抛砖引玉吧,大家可以讨论讨论。 : 我相信这篇文章里还有不少其他问题,大家补充吧。 : 兴奋了一下午,到了晚上冷静下来决定好好看看文章做做自己的计算。 : 靠,不算不知道,一算吓一跳,我觉得所有证据都指向As基本没被加入到DNA里面。 : 首先,他们说了,他们的培养基用的原料不纯,有微量磷酸污染,污染浓度平均是3uM。 : (我觉得这个说法很奇怪,我就不信高纯度的无机盐这么难搞到) : 于是我根据这些数据就算了一下,计算方法如下,大家帮我看看,我倒真是希望我错了。 : 根据他们图1B给出的生长曲线,在有As没有P的情况下(中间那条线),
j*****x 发帖数: 33 | 3 This comment should be marked |
z*h 发帖数: 773 | 4 Good calculation. I am sure that it is a hoax. Science editors have some
excuses for their wrong judgment. |
P****d 发帖数: 564 | 5 I think you should write a letter to Science. Seriously. But double check with some biochemists who are used to quantitative analysis to make sure. |
C*******e 发帖数: 4348 | 6 文章我就草草读了一下
【在 f**u 的大作中提到】 : 这篇东西的大部分是昨天半夜写的,犹豫了一下没有马上发, : 今天又思考了一阵子,觉得逻辑上好像没什么问题, : 然后又添了点内容,发在这里了,算是抛砖引玉吧,大家可以讨论讨论。 : 我相信这篇文章里还有不少其他问题,大家补充吧。 : 兴奋了一下午,到了晚上冷静下来决定好好看看文章做做自己的计算。 : 靠,不算不知道,一算吓一跳,我觉得所有证据都指向As基本没被加入到DNA里面。 : 首先,他们说了,他们的培养基用的原料不纯,有微量磷酸污染,污染浓度平均是3uM。 : (我觉得这个说法很奇怪,我就不信高纯度的无机盐这么难搞到) : 于是我根据这些数据就算了一下,计算方法如下,大家帮我看看,我倒真是希望我错了。 : 根据他们图1B给出的生长曲线,在有As没有P的情况下(中间那条线),
a***e 发帖数: 1010 | |
c*z 发帖数: 157 | 8 lz提到一点:
我觉得更有可能是没有能量来源 而不是仅仅因为没有DNA原料
可能:ATP的P被As代替了变成类似于ATAs这样的东西 没有As也没有P |
n***w 发帖数: 2405 | |
f**u 发帖数: 346 | 10 这个就算了吧,我觉得如果是一片质量很高的文章,还是值得去评论一下的。
check with some biochemists who are used to quantitative analysis to make
【在 P****d 的大作中提到】 : I think you should write a letter to Science. Seriously. But double check with some biochemists who are used to quantitative analysis to make sure.
f**u 发帖数: 346 | 11 半对数我在估计的时候考虑进去了,如果你觉得我估计的差得太远,请你指出。
【在 C*******e 的大作中提到】 : 文章我就草草读了一下 : 没像你看得这么细 : 不过我很想知道你说的终浓度3×10^7和接种浓度1×10^6是哪里来的? : 如果是作者这么写的,当我没说 : 如果你从图上得出的 : 我只想指出一点:这个图是半对数坐标 : 不过我同意二楼的观点 : 那个地方不像是真正搞科学的地方 : 倒像是美国人,而且是比较喜欢耍小聪明的美国人,混饭吃的地方 : 这个PI不过06年博士毕业,刚刚做完三年博后,才开始自己独立出来
n******t 发帖数: 1281 | 12 这个黑人主持的脑袋长得太有型了
leading researcher讲故事很牛X啊,绘声绘色
【在 f**u 的大作中提到】 : 半对数我在估计的时候考虑进去了,如果你觉得我估计的差得太远,请你指出。 : 我也觉得文章的那个作者有点浮,因为我看了当时的新闻发布会, : 如果你去看看,恐怕也会有类似的感觉。 : 新闻发布会的完整版已经在youtube上面了: : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVSJLUIQrA0
n******t 发帖数: 1281 | 13 看那个发布会上一堆人眉飞色舞地大谈As取代,还拿一根铁链子来做比喻
【在 f**u 的大作中提到】 : 这个就算了吧,我觉得如果是一片质量很高的文章,还是值得去评论一下的。 : 但是这篇文章的数据质量和逻辑质量都太低了,写letter也挺花精力,觉得有点不值。 : 再说了我相信我肯定不是唯一一个发现这些问题的,我觉得我没那么牛。 : 肯定有很多人在盯着这篇文章,而且很多人会发现很多别的问题。 : 所以我现在在静观其变,这个是好听的,说难听点就是等着看出洋相,看他们怎么收场。 : : check with some biochemists who are used to quantitative analysis to make : sure.
s******y 发帖数: 28562 | 14 NASA 现在正在向下一任国会吹牛要钱。
【在 n******t 的大作中提到】 : 看那个发布会上一堆人眉飞色舞地大谈As取代,还拿一根铁链子来做比喻 : 搞不懂为啥不提点DNA把假设验证了再来发布? : : 场。
f**u 发帖数: 346 | 15 我在想,那些在发布会里面发表支持性言论的科学家们以后还怎么混呀。
【在 s******y 的大作中提到】 : NASA 现在正在向下一任国会吹牛要钱。 : 这个新闻发布会其实是发给那些人看得
o*****a 发帖数: 2335 | 16 空炮可以放上好几年仍然管用,只要有个热点话题就能继续来钱,毕竟科学实验很难一
【在 f**u 的大作中提到】 : 我在想,那些在发布会里面发表支持性言论的科学家们以后还怎么混呀。 : 虽然夸大自己研究成果在哪里都有,但是这个显然有点过了。 : DNA里面有微量As的这个结论在理论上没有被完全推翻, : 但是现在就信誓旦旦的热炒DNA里面的P被As取代了实在是太premature了。 : 这些科学家的colleages们肯定会有想法的,即使后来的实验证明DNA里的确有一点As。 : 说到发布会是给国会看的,我同意。 : 我现在甚至在想他们所谓明年二月会投另一篇文章,这个是不是也在放空炮。 : 呵呵,有点阴谋论了。
O******e 发帖数: 4845 | 17 洋相倒也不至于,就是没有现在吹得这么凶就是了。
【在 f**u 的大作中提到】 : 这个就算了吧,我觉得如果是一片质量很高的文章,还是值得去评论一下的。 : 但是这篇文章的数据质量和逻辑质量都太低了,写letter也挺花精力,觉得有点不值。 : 再说了我相信我肯定不是唯一一个发现这些问题的,我觉得我没那么牛。 : 肯定有很多人在盯着这篇文章,而且很多人会发现很多别的问题。 : 所以我现在在静观其变,这个是好听的,说难听点就是等着看出洋相,看他们怎么收场。 : : check with some biochemists who are used to quantitative analysis to make : sure.
O******e 发帖数: 4845 | 18 科学家不就是在不断的错误中成长嘛,^_^
【在 f**u 的大作中提到】 : 我在想,那些在发布会里面发表支持性言论的科学家们以后还怎么混呀。 : 虽然夸大自己研究成果在哪里都有,但是这个显然有点过了。 : DNA里面有微量As的这个结论在理论上没有被完全推翻, : 但是现在就信誓旦旦的热炒DNA里面的P被As取代了实在是太premature了。 : 这些科学家的colleages们肯定会有想法的,即使后来的实验证明DNA里的确有一点As。 : 说到发布会是给国会看的,我同意。 : 我现在甚至在想他们所谓明年二月会投另一篇文章,这个是不是也在放空炮。 : 呵呵,有点阴谋论了。
O******e 发帖数: 4845 | 19 NASA越来越像一个政治组织了。他们的浪费比NIH严重多了。
【在 o*****a 的大作中提到】 : 空炮可以放上好几年仍然管用,只要有个热点话题就能继续来钱,毕竟科学实验很难一 : 锤定音。NASA里对付媒体和国会的人才多得很,学术小圈子里怎么腹诽都没什么影响力
f*******e 发帖数: 628 | 20 如果只是含有少量的 As, 而不是所有 P 都被取代的话,mass 不太好测。Mass 只对样
品里面的主要成分敏感,所以要找到里面的 As, 基本上就是大海捞针,测出来基本还
如果 As 的存在能够改变 DNA 的构象,或许能找到点方法来测。
【在 f**u 的大作中提到】 : 这篇东西的大部分是昨天半夜写的,犹豫了一下没有马上发, : 今天又思考了一阵子,觉得逻辑上好像没什么问题, : 然后又添了点内容,发在这里了,算是抛砖引玉吧,大家可以讨论讨论。 : 我相信这篇文章里还有不少其他问题,大家补充吧。 : 兴奋了一下午,到了晚上冷静下来决定好好看看文章做做自己的计算。 : 靠,不算不知道,一算吓一跳,我觉得所有证据都指向As基本没被加入到DNA里面。 : 首先,他们说了,他们的培养基用的原料不纯,有微量磷酸污染,污染浓度平均是3uM。 : (我觉得这个说法很奇怪,我就不信高纯度的无机盐这么难搞到) : 于是我根据这些数据就算了一下,计算方法如下,大家帮我看看,我倒真是希望我错了。 : 根据他们图1B给出的生长曲线,在有As没有P的情况下(中间那条线),
y***i 发帖数: 11639 | 21 如果DNA里真有大量的As的话,还是很有价值的。
【在 f**u 的大作中提到】 : 我在想,那些在发布会里面发表支持性言论的科学家们以后还怎么混呀。 : 虽然夸大自己研究成果在哪里都有,但是这个显然有点过了。 : DNA里面有微量As的这个结论在理论上没有被完全推翻, : 但是现在就信誓旦旦的热炒DNA里面的P被As取代了实在是太premature了。 : 这些科学家的colleages们肯定会有想法的,即使后来的实验证明DNA里的确有一点As。 : 说到发布会是给国会看的,我同意。 : 我现在甚至在想他们所谓明年二月会投另一篇文章,这个是不是也在放空炮。 : 呵呵,有点阴谋论了。
l*********s 发帖数: 5409 | 22 Mass spectrometry can separate particles based on their mass-to-charge
ratios, relative abundance shall not be a concern.
【在 f*******e 的大作中提到】 : 如果只是含有少量的 As, 而不是所有 P 都被取代的话,mass 不太好测。Mass 只对样 : 品里面的主要成分敏感,所以要找到里面的 As, 基本上就是大海捞针,测出来基本还 : 是占多数的磷。 : 如果 As 的存在能够改变 DNA 的构象,或许能找到点方法来测。 : : 3uM。 : 了。
E**s 发帖数: 514 | 23 这绝对的是硬伤。从这里出发,这篇文章就没有讨论的必要了。
【在 f**u 的大作中提到】 : 我在想,那些在发布会里面发表支持性言论的科学家们以后还怎么混呀。 : 虽然夸大自己研究成果在哪里都有,但是这个显然有点过了。 : DNA里面有微量As的这个结论在理论上没有被完全推翻, : 但是现在就信誓旦旦的热炒DNA里面的P被As取代了实在是太premature了。 : 这些科学家的colleages们肯定会有想法的,即使后来的实验证明DNA里的确有一点As。 : 说到发布会是给国会看的,我同意。 : 我现在甚至在想他们所谓明年二月会投另一篇文章,这个是不是也在放空炮。 : 呵呵,有点阴谋论了。
d****h 发帖数: 21 | 24 But if relative abundance is too small, the signal (mass peak) might be too
weak to be separated from noise...I am not sure, just conjecture...
【在 l*********s 的大作中提到】 : Mass spectrometry can separate particles based on their mass-to-charge : ratios, relative abundance shall not be a concern.
S*M 发帖数: 10832 | 25 以我外行的理解,mass spec对大分子也不好使吧
【在 l*********s 的大作中提到】 : Mass spectrometry can separate particles based on their mass-to-charge : ratios, relative abundance shall not be a concern.
l*********s 发帖数: 5409 | 26 it is very difficult identification problem for protein mixture; but getting
pure DNA is much easier.
【在 d****h 的大作中提到】 : But if relative abundance is too small, the signal (mass peak) might be too : weak to be separated from noise...I am not sure, just conjecture...
s********n 发帖数: 2939 | 27 我也同意按照backgound计算估计P加入到DNA的可能性很大,但从他们的放射性实验又
还是要通过3D结构来证明真伪。 |
f*******e 发帖数: 628 | 28 是可以提纯出来 DNA, 但你不能只富集含有 As 的DNA,其实和 protein 做 Mass 的问
题是一样的问题。即使你提出了足够多的同样 sequence, 同样长度的片段,这里面如
果只有少量具有 As, 多半 Mass 不能 capture 到。
除非有可以做 single molecule 的 Mass, 而且可以大量的 screen 提出的所有的 DNA
【在 l*********s 的大作中提到】 : it is very difficult identification problem for protein mixture; but getting : pure DNA is much easier. : : too
c*********r 发帖数: 1312 | 29 我只看里一点点,原文table S1里磷的浓度在不加磷的情况下多数是3uM左右(<0.3到3
【在 f**u 的大作中提到】 : 这篇东西的大部分是昨天半夜写的,犹豫了一下没有马上发, : 今天又思考了一阵子,觉得逻辑上好像没什么问题, : 然后又添了点内容,发在这里了,算是抛砖引玉吧,大家可以讨论讨论。 : 我相信这篇文章里还有不少其他问题,大家补充吧。 : 兴奋了一下午,到了晚上冷静下来决定好好看看文章做做自己的计算。 : 靠,不算不知道,一算吓一跳,我觉得所有证据都指向As基本没被加入到DNA里面。 : 首先,他们说了,他们的培养基用的原料不纯,有微量磷酸污染,污染浓度平均是3uM。 : (我觉得这个说法很奇怪,我就不信高纯度的无机盐这么难搞到) : 于是我根据这些数据就算了一下,计算方法如下,大家帮我看看,我倒真是希望我错了。 : 根据他们图1B给出的生长曲线,在有As没有P的情况下(中间那条线),
E**********1 发帖数: 73 | 30 你所写的也正是我所怀疑.
很赞你的这个critique |
a*****v 发帖数: 128 | 31 看他的DNA里面有没有P,
提取一下做一下1D NMR就知道了,信号应该很强的说
砷有可能,但是他们不足以支持完全替代吧 |
l*********s 发帖数: 5409 | 32 Sperating DNA fragments based on density is a very old technique; and the
purpose of the experiment is to show a significant proportion of P in the
DNA backbones can be replaced by As, not to find whether such substitution is
【在 f*******e 的大作中提到】 : 是可以提纯出来 DNA, 但你不能只富集含有 As 的DNA,其实和 protein 做 Mass 的问 : 题是一样的问题。即使你提出了足够多的同样 sequence, 同样长度的片段,这里面如 : 果只有少量具有 As, 多半 Mass 不能 capture 到。 : 除非有可以做 single molecule 的 Mass, 而且可以大量的 screen 提出的所有的 DNA : 样本,一个一个来,从里面找到具有砷的那一段。 : : getting
y******8 发帖数: 1764 | 33 Good caculation.
The best way is isolating the DNA ploymerase, and examing the activity using
dNTA as substrates. Without enzymatic evidence, this is nonsense. |
y********g 发帖数: 311 | 34 I agree with Pubmed. "I think you should write a letter to Science.
Seriously. But double check with some biochemists who are used to
quantitative analysis to make sure." |
s********n 发帖数: 2939 | 35 其实大家也不必太悲观,毕竟放射性标记的实验还是比较说明问题的,即使不是取代P
【在 f**u 的大作中提到】 : 我在想,那些在发布会里面发表支持性言论的科学家们以后还怎么混呀。 : 虽然夸大自己研究成果在哪里都有,但是这个显然有点过了。 : DNA里面有微量As的这个结论在理论上没有被完全推翻, : 但是现在就信誓旦旦的热炒DNA里面的P被As取代了实在是太premature了。 : 这些科学家的colleages们肯定会有想法的,即使后来的实验证明DNA里的确有一点As。 : 说到发布会是给国会看的,我同意。 : 我现在甚至在想他们所谓明年二月会投另一篇文章,这个是不是也在放空炮。 : 呵呵,有点阴谋论了。
f**u 发帖数: 346 | 36 我也很喜欢那个化学家,看上去像是真正的学者。
得到的DNA pellet都没说用70%酒精洗一遍就用buffer溶解了,然后溶液直接测放射性。
【在 s********n 的大作中提到】 : 其实大家也不必太悲观,毕竟放射性标记的实验还是比较说明问题的,即使不是取代P : ,很大的可能是有部分取代或者是修饰,当然就不知道修饰在哪个部分了,有可能是 : backbone也有可能是sugar。所以我说还是静待DNA的结构出来。 : 还有就是我觉得那个化学家非常牛,在发布会上说得滴水不漏,自己留了一手,既称赞 : 这是重要发现,也说了在化学的角度看来As的取代会使得DNA非常脆弱,在化学上不太 : 可能能,还花了很多时间来说明,这也说明了他们的团队中还是有很多不同意见的,只 : 是由于politics的需要不能明说而已。
l*********s 发帖数: 5409 | 37 no negative control? How did they get the paper accepted ?
【在 f**u 的大作中提到】 : 我也很喜欢那个化学家,看上去像是真正的学者。 : 对于那个第一作者,我觉得学术界的人恐怕对她会有看法, : 但不可否认她的表演也许对公众和那些议员真的挺有用的。 : 至于你说的同位素标记,我可没你那么乐观,如果你去看看她的method,可能会有同感。 : 她纯化DNA的方法是细胞pellet裂解之后用酚氯仿多次抽提,然后水项用乙醇沉淀。 : 得到的DNA pellet都没说用70%酒精洗一遍就用buffer溶解了,然后溶液直接测放射性。 : 就算用70%酒精洗了一遍,最后得到的DNA里面也会有微量的盐污染。 : 我没有定量算过他们加到培养基里的放射强度和最后测到的放射强度间的关系, : 有兴趣的朋友们可以自己算算。 : 最大的问题是她们没有阴性对照,不知道背景会有多大。
s********n 发帖数: 2939 | 38 我总是假设大家都是experienced的,这些实验的细节应该都会注意到,可能只是没有
【在 f**u 的大作中提到】 : 我也很喜欢那个化学家,看上去像是真正的学者。 : 对于那个第一作者,我觉得学术界的人恐怕对她会有看法, : 但不可否认她的表演也许对公众和那些议员真的挺有用的。 : 至于你说的同位素标记,我可没你那么乐观,如果你去看看她的method,可能会有同感。 : 她纯化DNA的方法是细胞pellet裂解之后用酚氯仿多次抽提,然后水项用乙醇沉淀。 : 得到的DNA pellet都没说用70%酒精洗一遍就用buffer溶解了,然后溶液直接测放射性。 : 就算用70%酒精洗了一遍,最后得到的DNA里面也会有微量的盐污染。 : 我没有定量算过他们加到培养基里的放射强度和最后测到的放射强度间的关系, : 有兴趣的朋友们可以自己算算。 : 最大的问题是她们没有阴性对照,不知道背景会有多大。
d********r 发帖数: 3279 | 39 Arsenic-associated bacteria (NASA's claims)
Wolfe-Simon F, Blum JS, Kulp TR, Gordon GW, Hoeft SE, Pett-Ridge J, Stolz JF
, Webb SM, Weber PK, Davies PC, Anbar AD, & Oremland RS (2010). A Bacterium
That Can Grow by Using Arsenic Instead of Phosphorus. Science (New York, N.Y
.) PMID: 21127214
Note to new readers: I wrote this post on Saturday Dec. 4, mainly to
clarify my own thinking. I didn't expect anyone other than a few
researchers to ever read it. Since then I've made a few minor corrections
and clarifications (typos, decimal places, cells not cfu), but I haven't
changed anything significant. Please read the comments - they contain a lot
of good scientific thinking by other researchers.
Here's a detailed review of the new paper from NASA claiming to have
isolated a bacterium that substitutes arsenic for phosphorus on its
macromolecules and metabolites. (Wolfe-Simon et al. 2010, A Bacterium That
Can Grow by Using Arsenic Instead of Phosphorus.) NASA's shameful analysis
of the alleged bacteria in the Mars meteorite made me very suspicious of
their microbiology, an attitude that's only strengthened by my reading of
this paper. Basically, it doesn't present ANY convincing evidence that
arsenic has been incorporated into DNA (or any other biological molecule).
What did the authors actually do? They took sediment from Mono Lake in
California, a very salty and alkaline lake containing 88 mg of phosphate and
17 mg of arsenic per liter. They put the sediment into a similarly
alkaline and hypersaline defined medium containing 10 mM glucose as a carbon
source, 0.8 mM NH4SO4 as a nitrogen and sulfur source, and a full
assortment of the vitamins and trace minerals that might be needed for
bacterial growth. Although this basic medium had no added phosphate or
arsenate, contamination of the ingredients caused it to contain about 3
181;M phosphate (PO4) and about 0.3 µM arsenate (AsO4) as. For
bacterial growth it was supplemented with arsenate or phosphate at various
The interesting results came from sediment originally diluted into medium
supplemented with the highest arsenate concentration they initially tried (5
mM) but no phosphate. Over the course of several months they did seven
tenfold dilutions; in the sixth one they saw a gradual turbidity increase
suggesting that bacteria were growing at a rate of about 0.1 per day. I
think this means that the bacteria were doubling about every 10 days (no,
every 7 days - corrected by an anonymous commenter).
After one more tenfold dilution they put some of the culture onto an agar
plate made with the same medium; at least one colony grew, which they then
inoculated into the same defined medium with 5 mM arsenate. They gradually
increased the arsenate to 40 mM (Mono Lake water contains 200 µM
arsenate). Descendants of these cells eventually grew in 40 mM arsenate,
with about one doubling every two days. They grew faster if the arsenate
was replaced by1.5 mM phosphate but grew only about threefold if neither
supplement was provided (Fig. 1 A and B, below). The authors misleadingly
claim that the cells didn't grow at all with no supplements.
In Fig. 1 (below), the correspondence between OD600 (Fig. 1 A) and cells (
Fig. 1 B) is not good. Although the lines in the two graphs have similar
proportions, OD600 is plotted on a linear scale and cells/ml on a log scale
(is this a shabby trick to increase their superficial similarity?). OD600
in arsenate medium was almost as high as that in phosphate medium, but the
number of cells was at least tenfold lower. And the OD in arsenate
continued to increase for many days after the cells has leveled off. I
suspect most of the continuing growth was just compensating for cell death.
It would be interesting to test whether the cells were scavenging phosphate
from their dead siblings.
The authors never calculated whether the amount of growth they saw in the
arsenate-only medium (2-3 x 10^7 cfu/ml) could be supported by the phosphate
in this medium (or maybe they did but they didn't like the result). For
simplicity I'll start by assume that a phosphorus-starved cell uses half of
its phosphorus for DNA and the rest for RNA and other molecule, and that the
genome is 5x10^6 bp. Each cell then needs 1x10^7 atoms of phosphorus for
DNA, and 2x10^7 for everything. The medium is 3.1 µM phosphate, which
is 3.1x10^-6 moles per liter. Mutiply by Avogadro's number (6.02x10^23
atoms per mole) and we have 1.9x10^18 atoms of phosphorus per liter, or 1.
9x10^15 per ml. Divide by the phosphorus requirement of each cell (2x10^7)
and we get 9.5 x 10^7 cells per ml. This value is just comfortably larger
than the observed final density, suggesting that, although these bacteria
grow poorly in the absence of arsenate, in its presence their growth is
limited by phosphate. (Note: This calculation originally dropped a decimal
point. I've changed it a bit and corrected the error.)
Under the microscope the bacteria grown with arsenate and no added phosphate
(Fig. 1 C) look like plump little corn kernels, about 1 µm across and
2 µm long. They contain many structures (Fig. 1 E) which the authors
think may be granules of the wax-like carbon/energy storage material
polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB). Bacterial cells produce this when their carbon/
energy supply is good but other nutrients needed for growth are in short
supply. Cells grown with phospate and no added arsenate are thinner and
lack the granules (Fig. 1 D). The authors used 16S rRNA sequencing to
identify this bacterium as belonging to the genus Halomonas, a member of the
gammaproteobacterial order Oceanospirillales. Members of this group are
diverse but not known to have any uniquely dramatic features.
According to an interview with the first author, this research was motivated
by a desire to show that organisms could use arsenic in place of phosphorus
. The two atoms have very similar chemical properties, but bonds with
arsenic are known to be much less stable than those with phosphate, so most
researchers think that biological molecules containing arsenic rather than
phosphorus would be too unstable to support life. Thus the authors wanted
to show that the bacteria had incorporated the arsenic in places where
phosphorus would normally be found. They used several methods, each
involving a low-tech preparation of cell material and a high-tech
identification of the atoms present in the material.
First they collected the bacteria by centrifugation, washed them well, and
precisely measured the fraction of arsenic and phosphorus (as ppb dry weight
, Tables 1 and S1). Cells given only the arsenate supplement contained
about 10-fold more arsenic than phosphorus (0.2% arsenic and 0.02%
phosphorus) and cells given only the phosphate supplement had 0.5%
phosphorus and only 0.001% arsenic.
The authors argue that the arsenate-grown cells don't contain enough
phosphorus to support life. They say that typical heterotrophic bacteria
require 1-3% P to support life, but this isn't true. These numbers are just
the amounts found in E. coli cells grown in medium with abundant phosphate.
They are very unlikely to apply to bacteria growing very slowly under
phosphate limitation, and aren't even true of their own phosphate-grown
bacteria (0.5% P). The large amount of PHB in the arsenate-grown cells
would have skewed this comparison - PHB granules are mainly carbon with no
water, and in other species can be as much as 90% of the dry weight of the
cells. Thus their presence only in arsenate-grown cells could depress these
cells' apparent phosphate concentration by as much as 10-fold.
The authors then grew some cells with radioactive arsenate (73-As) and no
phosphate, washed and dissolved them, and used extraction with phenol and
phenol:chloroform to separate the major macromolecules. The protein
fraction at the interface between the organic and aqueous phases had about
10% of the arsenic label but, because the interface material is typically
contaminated with liquid from the aqueous phase, this is not good evidence
that the cells' protein contained covalently-bound arsenate in place of
phosphorus. About 75% of the arsenic label was in the aqueous (upper)
fraction. The authors describe this fraction as DNA/RNA, but it also
contains most of the small water-soluble molecules of the cell, so its high
arsenic content is not evidence that the DNA and RNA contain arsenic in
place of phosphorus. The authors use very indirect evidence to argue that
the distribution of arsenic mirrors that expected for phosphate, but this
argument depends on so many assumptions that it should be ignored.
(They also measured the absolute amounts of arsenic and phosphorus in the
supernatant fraction - surprisingly, no arsenic (<20 ppb) was detected in
the fraction from arsenate-supplemented cells, although the fraction from
phosphate-grown cells had 118 ppb! See Table S1.)
They especially wanted to show that the cells' DNA contained arsenic in
place of phosphorus, so they gel-purified chromosomal DNA from cells grown
with arsenate (lane 2) or with phosphate (lane 3), and measured the ratio of
arsenic to carbon by mass spectrometry. The numbers at the bottom give
these ratios (the legend says 'multiplied by 10^-6 but they surely mean '
multiplied by 10^6').
As expected, this ratio was very low for the phosphate-grown cells (6.9x10^-
6), but it was only twofold higher for the arsenate-grown cells (13.4x10^-6)
. Normal DNA has one phosphorus atom for each ten carbons (P:C = 10^-1), so
the arsenate-grown ratio is only about one arsenic atom per 10,000
phosphorus atoms (i.e. one per 5 kb of double-stranded DNA). A 2x10^6 bp
genome would contain 4x10^6 atoms of phosphorus, so if all this arsenate was
really covalently in the DNA, each genome would only contain about 400
atoms of arsenic. And a phosphate-grown genome would contain 200!
Could 400 atoms of arsenate per genome be due to carryover of the arsenate
in the phenol-chloroform supernatant rather than to covalent incorporation
of As in DNA? The Methods describes a standard ethanol precipitation with
no washing (and no column purification which would have included washing),
so I think some arsenate could easily have been carried over with the DNA,
especially if it is not very soluble in 70% ethanol. Would this arsenate
have left the DNA during the gel purification? Maybe not - the methods don'
t say that the DNA was purified away from the agarose gel matrix before
being analyzed. This step is certainly standard, but if it was omitted then
any contaminating arsenic might have been carried over into the elemental
Failure to purify the DNA away from the agarose would also compromise their
elemental analysis in other ways, since much of the carbon in the purified '
DNA' would have been from the agarose. The authors did do the same
elemental analysis on a gel slice with no DNA in it, a control that only
makes sense if they didn't purify the DNA. Not purifying away the gel might
affect the arsenate-grown DNA more because the band contains less DNA; this
would explain why this excised DNA has 3.5-fold lower ratio of phosphorus
to carbon than the phosphate-grown DNA, a difference that is certainly not
explained by its very low arsenic content.)
(Might they have not presented assays using properly purified (washed) DNA
because these turned out to not have any arsenic? Am I just paranoid?)
Finally, the authors examined the chemical environment (neighbouring atoms
and bonds) of the arsenic in the cells using synchrotron X-ray studies.
This is over my head, but they seem to be trying to interpret the signal as
indicating that the environment of the arsenic is similar to that of
phosphorus in normal DNA. But the cellular arsenic being in DNA can't be
the explanation, because their DNA analysis indicated that very little of
the cellular arsenic purifies with the DNA. The cells contained 0.19%
arsenic (1.9x10^6 ppb), but the DNA only contained 27 ppb arsenic.
Bottom line: Lots of flim-flam, but very little reliable information. The
mass spec measurements may be very well done (I lack expertise here), but
their value is severely compromised by the poor quality of the inputs. If
this data was presented by a PhD student at their committee meeting, I'd
send them back to the bench to do more cleanup and controls.
There's a difference between controls done to genuinely test your hypothesis
and those done when you just want to show that your hypothesis is true.
The authors have done some of the latter, but not the former. They should
have mixed pregrown E. coli or other cells with the arsenate supplemented
medium and then done the same purifications. They should have thoroughly
washed their DNA preps (a column cleanup is ridiculously easy), and maybe
incubated it with phosphate buffer to displace any associated arsenate
before doing the elemental analysis. They should have mixed E. coli DNA
with arsenate and then gel-purified it. They should have tested whether
their arsenic-containing DNA could be used as a template by normal DNA
polymerases. They should have noticed all the discrepancies in their data
and done experiments to find the causes.
I don't know whether the authors are just bad scientists or whether they're
unscrupulously pushing NASA's 'There's life in outer space!' agenda. I
hesitate to blame the reviewers, as their objections are likely to have been
overruled by Science's editors in their eagerness to score such a high-
impact publication.
Posted by Rosie Redfield
http://rrresearch.blogspot.com/2010/12/arsenic-associated-bacteria-nasas.html |