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Biology版 - 真的假的?16岁华裔小女生发明新的癌症疗法 (转载)
In vivo receptor blocking with antibody生还是死 ,ALABAMA生物人用枪声做出了回答
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Re: 请教两个发育生物学的问题北美大学的民工们要气翻了! (转载)
[合集] ptt好文 zzAmy Bishop was suspect in 1993 mail bomb attempt
新手求助 EL4 cell line~~~如果评不上tenure后怎么办?
话题: cancer话题: she话题: science话题: 16话题: obama
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发帖数: 1675
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: jjjddd (james), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 真的假的?16岁华裔小女生发明新的癌症疗法
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 26 16:05:24 2011, 美东)
16岁华裔小女生发明新的癌症疗法 成奥巴马特殊嘉宾
马印象深刻的小贵宾--16岁德州华裔少女乔紫薇(Amy Chyao)。
发帖数: 287
我也觉得奇怪,所以上 Pubmed 找了一下,不过没找到她发的文章。有没有知道情况的
发帖数: 2914
Amy Chyao, the 16-year-old from Richardson who won the Intel international
science and engineering competition with her research on a cancer therapy,
really made an impression yesterday on President Barack Obama. Amy was one
of the select exhibitors at the White House Science Fair and eight hours
later, he was gushing about her to donors at a Democratic reception.
Obama's full remarks, just released by the White House, suggest that to him,
this wasn't a routine, quick-to-be-forgotten encounter of the sort that
fill a president's week:
The last person I spoke to [at the Science Fair] was a young woman,
looked like she was of Chinese heritage; lived in Dallas; 16 years old. When
she was a freshman in high school, she studied biology and became
interested in life sciences and became interested in cancer research. So she
decided during the summer to teach herself chemistry -- (laughter) --
taught herself chemistry, and designed as a science project exploration of
the development of a new cancer drug, based on some experimental cancer
drugs that are currently being put together that involve injecting the drug
and then it's activated by light. And it allows a more localized treatment
that isolates the cancer cells -- kills the cancer cells but leaves the
healthy cells untouched.
And the problem is clinical trials and treatments have shown that it's
okay for skin cancer and other diseases where they're close to the surface,
but it's harder to penetrate. Bottom line is she decided she was going to
design a new drug that would work better for harder-to-reach cancers --
having taught herself chemistry -- (laughter) -- at 16 years old.
She went on to win the international science competition. And now she
and her teacher, her high school science teacher, are being approached by
laboratories all across the country who want to collaborate with them in
thinking about this new potential breakthrough cancer drug.
So I'm talking to her, pretending like I understand everything that she'
s saying. (Laughter.) And I'm thinking to myself, think about what this
means. You've got the portrait of Lincoln in the State Dining Room looking
down over us. You've got an African American President named Barack Obama.
You've got a young Chinese American girl, 16 years old, who is designing
cancer drugs, having taught herself chemistry in high school. That idea of
America is alive and well. But we have to nurture it, and we have to sustain
And for all the meanness of our political season and the yelling and
nonsense that we see day in and day out on television, that is something
that is worth remembering --
发帖数: 12367
most of them will end up not doing any science.

【在 j****d 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
: 发信人: jjjddd (james), 信区: WaterWorld
: 标 题: 真的假的?16岁华裔小女生发明新的癌症疗法
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jan 26 16:05:24 2011, 美东)
: 不过这个16岁够显老的。
: 16岁华裔小女生发明新的癌症疗法 成奥巴马特殊嘉宾
: 欧巴马总统25日晚上发表国情咨文时,坐在楼上第一夫人米雪儿包厢的,有一位让欧巴
: 马印象深刻的小贵宾--16岁德州华裔少女乔紫薇(Amy Chyao)。
: 欧巴马着重教育与创新,而乔紫薇是最佳典范。乔紫薇是去年5月英特尔国际科技竞赛
: 首奖得主。她发展出新的癌症疗法,而获邀于去年10月参加第一届白宫科学博览会,展

发帖数: 1675
发帖数: 5970

【在 j****d 的大作中提到】
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1 (共1页)
如果评不上tenure后怎么办?正确答案Re: ===这里有没有高手呀?
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请教:how to motivate students/postdocs?[合集] ptt好文 zz
help with injection into chick embryonic neural tube新手求助 EL4 cell line~~~
In vivo receptor blocking with antibody生还是死 ,ALABAMA生物人用枪声做出了回答
色谱中的载荷量和上样量是一个意思吗? (转载)shooting....Amy Bishop...Neuroscience
Question about tumor study on miceAmy Bishop研究领域怎么样啊?
问个有关人类起源的问题Amy Bishop前途无量啊
话题: cancer话题: she话题: science话题: 16话题: obama