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Biology版 - 88楼
columbia university Associate research scientist 工资有多少NIH的research fellow和staff scientist有啥差别 (转载)
去做生物试剂的公司的SCIENTIST有前途吗? (转载)Senior research associate 是学术任命还是技术任命?
Research Scientist is the same as Scientist ? (转载)senior research scientist是个什么职位? (转载)
弱问各种title的翻译也鲁的研究科学家(RESEARCH SCIENTIST)工资多高?
哪个title比较好?postdoc or associate research scientist?research scientist
听说很多学校都不给postdoc办H1B了,真的吗请问research scientist和research associate 区别
招聘:中国联合利华 Research Specialist 和 Assistant Research Scientist看看李开复贴出的博导的邮件
请问有人在小core facility里做manager 么?senior research technician是什么样的职位?待遇如何呢
话题: chinese话题: scientists话题: wu话题: building话题: young
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 600
Young Scientists in Love
Lonely Chinese researchers isolated by shyness and long lab hours now have
an online dating service designed just for them.
Building 88 http://www.sciencedate.cn/ aims to become a “soul harbor” for young Chinese scientists, its Web site explains. Spearheaded by Science Times Media Group, which also runs the popular Chinese-language news portal Sciencenet. cn, the service takes its name from a fabled Beijing dormitory that became a meet-up spot for Chinese Academy of Sciences researchers in the 1990s.
Today's scientists lack such gathering places, says site coordinator Wu Hao,
and thus have a “more intense need” for social interaction than Chinese
pursuing other careers. “The social circles of young Chinese scientists are
often limited to other people in their [immediate] field,” Wu explains.
That may be no accident. A questionnaire Science Times distributed to 1243
young scientists revealed roughly 70% of highly educated respondents suffer
from social anxiety, Wu says. Building 88 broadens the pool of potential
paramours for introverts to include Chinese researchers both within China
and all over the world.
Since its launch in January, the site has grown to 1000 users, most of them
between the ages of 20 and 35. Whether an online portal can help draw them
out of their shells is still an experiment in progress; many scientists have
unusually high standards, Wu notes. And as one 31-year-old Beijing
scientist puts it on his Building 88 profile: “Dating is just like
scientific research: Only when you're excited about it do you get results.”
1 (共1页)
senior research technician是什么样的职位?待遇如何呢哪个title比较好?postdoc or associate research scientist?
Research Associate和Assistant Scientist 哪个Title更好?招聘:中国联合利华 Research Specialist 和 Assistant Research Scientist
请问UT Health Science Center (Houston)的Research associate请问有人在小core facility里做manager 么?
columbia university Associate research scientist 工资有多少NIH的research fellow和staff scientist有啥差别 (转载)
去做生物试剂的公司的SCIENTIST有前途吗? (转载)Senior research associate 是学术任命还是技术任命?
Research Scientist is the same as Scientist ? (转载)senior research scientist是个什么职位? (转载)
弱问各种title的翻译也鲁的研究科学家(RESEARCH SCIENTIST)工资多高?
话题: chinese话题: scientists话题: wu话题: building话题: young