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Biology版 - Seeking part-time editors
Looking for part-time editorsMedical background part-time editors and freelance wanted
Part-time job: Degree Application Document EditorMedical background part-time editors and freelance wanted
【招聘】Part-time editor/translator长沙985高校副教授位置,并参与附属临床基因检测实验室筹建
Biomed background part-time editors wantedpart time editors in need!
Biology/Medical background part-time editors wantedpart time editors in need!
兼职编辑机会part time editors in need!
Opportunities for paper editing/translation韩春雨在实验室上吊自杀了
投稿论文润色专业服务- ASJeditorspaper help
话题: editors话题: seeking话题: editing话题: submission
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 77
I'm looking for several part-time editors for manuscript translation/editing
and submission. Our editors are expected to be able to accurately
determine the quality of specific manuscripts before translation/editing and
submission. If you are interested, please send me a message to my MITBBS
mailbox, preferentially with your email address, so we could discuss further.
Please be aware that you will be asked to provide your CV after you decide
to join us. If this is unacceptable, please ignore this post.
Thank you!
1 (共1页)
paper helpBiology/Medical background part-time editors wanted
part time editors in need!招聘生物和医学方面编辑兼职编辑机会
paper paper paper paperOpportunities for paper editing/translation
part time editors in need!投稿论文润色专业服务- ASJeditors
Looking for part-time editorsMedical background part-time editors and freelance wanted
Part-time job: Degree Application Document EditorMedical background part-time editors and freelance wanted
【招聘】Part-time editor/translator长沙985高校副教授位置,并参与附属临床基因检测实验室筹建
Biomed background part-time editors wantedpart time editors in need!
话题: editors话题: seeking话题: editing话题: submission