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Biology版 - postdoc position (protein biochem, biophy, or struct bio)
求paper, 包子酬谢!问大家一个问题:关于野生型P53表达的
Quick change mutated 4 bp at the same time?What's called somatic mutation?
amino acid substitution 是怎么个原则?scientific support of "其实,那些四十几以上的男人不应该执
point mutation某个基因的mutation analysis,200个病人样本,请问什么方法比较好
DNA SEQUENCE的问题disease mutation database?
由鱼想到的(欢迎讨论)做systems bio到底需要懂多少生物呢?
Help with one atrial fibrillation mutationPaper help
看Fig3~~~求paper, 多谢了
话题: kcnq1话题: channel话题: vanderbilt话题: folding话题: structure
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7
The lab of Chuck Sanders at Vanderbilt University has an opening for a
postdoctoral fellow to conduct studies of the structure, folding, and
function of the human KCNQ1 potassium channel.
KCNQ1 is a critical voltage-gated channel in the cardiac action potential.
Mutations in KCNQ1 and its modulatory partner, KCNE1, result in various
cardiac arrhythmias, including long QT syndrome and sudden infant death
syndrome. Mutations can disrupt normal channel function by disrupting
folding, by altering protein structure, or via more subtle affects on
channel regulation and mechanism. The long term goal of our studies is to
develop a sufficiently robust understanding of the structure, folding, and
function of KCNQ1 to be able to accurately predict whether newly discovered
mutations are disease-predisposing or not. This will be very important in
personalized medicine as personal genome sequencing becomes a routine part
of patient healthcare. This multidisciplinary project is being conducted in
close collaboration with the labs of Profs. Jens Meiler (computational
biology, Vanderbilt)and Alfred George (electrophysiology, Northwestern).
We are seeking a highly motivated postdoc who will conduct studies of the
folding and/or structure of the KCNQ1 channel and of the KCNQ1/KCNE1 complex
. Students with a good publication record and experience in protein
biochemistry, biophysics, and/or structural biology are encouraged to apply.
Previous postdocs on this project have gone on to faculty positions.
Candidates should send a curriculum vita, including contact info for
references to:
Prof. Charles Sanders, Dept. of Biochemistry and Center for Structural
Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee
Phone: (615)-936-3756
e-mail: [email protected]
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Lab URL: http://structbio.vanderbilt.edu/sanders
1 (共1页)
求paper, 多谢了DNA SEQUENCE的问题
paper help! (转载)由鱼想到的(欢迎讨论)
[got]求文献一篇 Current Protocols in Molecular BiologyHelp with one atrial fibrillation mutation
求paper, 包子酬谢!问大家一个问题:关于野生型P53表达的
Quick change mutated 4 bp at the same time?What's called somatic mutation?
amino acid substitution 是怎么个原则?scientific support of "其实,那些四十几以上的男人不应该执
point mutation某个基因的mutation analysis,200个病人样本,请问什么方法比较好
话题: kcnq1话题: channel话题: vanderbilt话题: folding话题: structure