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Biology版 - The disposable academic
2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine为了出名上位,这位美女无所不用其极(18+) (转载)
好像美国一年毕业生物PhD 12000人NIH raise $ 2 B. 喜大普奔
A thinking mind cannot feel. [email 转载]问问题
Scientist / Associate Scientist, Bioinformatics at Shanghai GSK R&D[zz]Why doing a PhD is often a waste of time
急求文献 包子答谢Fresh PhD对回国还有兴趣吗?
求paper Global Proteomics Reveal an Atypical Strategy for Carbon/Nitrogen Assimilation by a Cyanobact想不通
human 18s rDNA请教一下生物医学PhD毕业回国将来的去向问题
话题: phd话题: disposable话题: academic话题: research话题: phds
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5516
The disposable academicWhy doing a PhD is often a waste of time
Dec 16th 2010
business leaders complain about shortages of high-level skills, suggesting
PhDs are not teaching the right things. The fiercest critics compare
research doctorates to Ponzi or pyramid schemes.
These armies of low-paid PhD researchers and postdocs boost universities',
and therefore countries', research capacity。
Even graduates who find work outside universities may not fare all that well
. PhD courses are so specialised that university careers offices struggle to
assist graduates looking for jobs, and supervisors tend to have little
interest in students who are leaving academia.
The organisations that pay for research have realised that many PhDs find it
tough to transfer their skills into the job market. Writing lab reports,
giving academic presentations and conducting six-month literature reviews
can be surprisingly unhelpful in a world where technical knowledge has to be
assimilated quickly and presented simply to a wide audience.
Many of those who embark on a PhD are the smartest in their class and will
have been the best at everything they have done. They will have amassed
awards and prizes. As this year's new crop of graduate students bounce into
their research, few will be willing to accept that the system they are
entering could be designed for the benefit of others, that even hard work
and brilliance may well not be enough to succeed, and that they would be
better off doing something else. They might use their research skills to
look harder at the lot of the disposable academic. Someone should write a
thesis about that.
1 (共1页)
博后的架子都很大急求文献 包子答谢
染胶的塑料盒子哪里买?求paper Global Proteomics Reveal an Atypical Strategy for Carbon/Nitrogen Assimilation by a Cyanobact
请大家支招,有人在lunch room张贴有歧视性的东西human 18s rDNA
求助:lentivirus 溅到胳膊上了又有一篇关于图灵生物学理论滴文章
2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine为了出名上位,这位美女无所不用其极(18+) (转载)
好像美国一年毕业生物PhD 12000人NIH raise $ 2 B. 喜大普奔
A thinking mind cannot feel. [email 转载]问问题
Scientist / Associate Scientist, Bioinformatics at Shanghai GSK R&D[zz]Why doing a PhD is often a waste of time
话题: phd话题: disposable话题: academic话题: research话题: phds