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Blessing版 - May she rest in peace (1982-2017). (转载)
希望能在毕业前拿到offer!英文已如此搞笑,翻译却更加残暴 zt 部分16+[网文] (转载)
求bless 论文发表,顺利毕业 in May如果你在嘿咻后冒烟了,证明你整得太快了(zz)
May she rest in peace (1982-2017).100个短笑话zz
May she rest in peace!joke (way to be a pick up artist) (转载)
Use mesome good ones
月月妈,yifan走了,知道吗?英文已如此搞笑,翻译却更加残暴 zt 部分16+[网文] (转载)
八马的一打儿子又跟两个女的轮流发生性关系了要多脑残才说的出来这个:纽约时报:Ai Weiwei might be the world’s most famous living artist
joke (way to be a pick up artist)May George H. W. Bush rest in peace
话题: she话题: may话题: her话题: peace话题: rest
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 953
【 以下文字转载自 Immigration 讨论区 】
发信人: whoiwere (dddddddd), 信区: Immigration
标 题: May she rest in peace.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 17 22:12:30 2017, 美东)
May she rest in peace.
It is really sad. She passecd away just after her 35 years' old birthday in
a car accident.
She is survived by her two young kids.
发帖数: 953
I still remember the day when she was born.
I went back home for lunch from the elementary school when her mom was
screaming in the house. Her dad wanted to name her and asked me. Then I saw
the birds which were building their nest in our hall. I said let's name her
after the bird.
Now she just passed her 33 years old birthday, and left this earthly world.
It is really sad since she is the youngest in my generation.
May she rest in peace!

【在 w******e 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Immigration 讨论区 】
: 发信人: whoiwere (dddddddd), 信区: Immigration
: 标 题: May she rest in peace.
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 17 22:12:30 2017, 美东)
: May she rest in peace.
: It is really sad. She passecd away just after her 35 years' old birthday in
: a car accident.
: She is survived by her two young kids.

发帖数: 216


【在 w******e 的大作中提到】
: I still remember the day when she was born.
: I went back home for lunch from the elementary school when her mom was
: screaming in the house. Her dad wanted to name her and asked me. Then I saw
: the birds which were building their nest in our hall. I said let's name her
: after the bird.
: Now she just passed her 33 years old birthday, and left this earthly world.
: It is really sad since she is the youngest in my generation.
: May she rest in peace!

1 (共1页)
May George H. W. Bush rest in peaceUse me
大忽忧获诺倍儿和平奖 (转载)月月妈,yifan走了,知道吗?
R. P 事件证明...八马的一打儿子又跟两个女的轮流发生性关系了
沉痛悼念教主joke (way to be a pick up artist)
希望能在毕业前拿到offer!英文已如此搞笑,翻译却更加残暴 zt 部分16+[网文] (转载)
求bless 论文发表,顺利毕业 in May如果你在嘿咻后冒烟了,证明你整得太快了(zz)
May she rest in peace (1982-2017).100个短笑话zz
May she rest in peace!joke (way to be a pick up artist) (转载)
话题: she话题: may话题: her话题: peace话题: rest