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Boston版 - 美国医生协会主任:希拉里脑残了! (转载)
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话题: she话题: clinton话题: abedin话题: orient话题: her
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发帖数: 7021
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 美国医生协会主任:希拉里脑残了!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Aug 10 23:39:19 2016, 美东)
10 Aug 2016
The executive director of a physicians’ organization questions how the
mainstream media can ignore signs of what could be a traumatic brain injury
in the Democrat nominee for president.
Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American
Physicians and Surgeons, observes that “strangely silent is the mainstream
media about the fitness” for presidential office of Hillary Clinton. At
AAPS’ website, Orient summarizes the concerns about Clinton’s health that
she says are growing:
There’s the photograph of Secretary Clinton’s difficulty walking up some
steps. Now inability to climb stairs does not necessarily disqualify a
person for public office. However, neither she nor people with her
apparently anticipated a problem. The people helping her seem to be
preventing a fall. Did she simply trip? Or was it a seizure or a stroke?
Videos widely circulated on the internet are, if authentic, very concerning.
One shows prolonged, inappropriate laughter; another, strange head
movements. In a third, she appeared momentarily dazed and confused, and lost
her train of thought. Reportedly, she has a volcanic temper. (This is
probably not new.)
A man who stays close to her, who is reportedly not a Secret Service officer
, was photographed carrying something in his hand that purportedly might
have been an autoinjector of Valium.
While we don’t have Mrs. Clinton’s medical records, it is widely stated
that she experienced a fall that caused a concussion. Since then, she is
sometimes seen wearing eyeglasses with prisms, as are used to correct double
Orient explains that serious concussions can often cause traumatic brain
injury that is not always detected on standard medical tests such as a CT or
“Many of our veterans who experienced blast injury from improvised
explosive devices suffer from it,” she continues, adding:
These are some symptoms: difficulty thinking, attention deficits, confusion,
memory problems, frustration, mood swings, emotional outbursts, agitation,
headaches, difficulties with balance and coordination, and seizures. Many
veterans with such an injury cannot hold a job or interact normally with
their families.
“Obviously, it would be very dangerous for a person subject to symptoms
like this to be dealing with foreign leaders or making critical decisions,”
she states. “The President of the United States may have to make world-
changing decisions on a moment’s notice. For example, should we launch
nuclear-armed missiles? And if the Commander in Chief is confused, who will
make the call?”
In November of last year, watchdog organization Judicial Watch reported its
review of pages of email from Clinton’s top aide Huma Abedin, in which
Abedin advised a State Department staffer that it was “very important” to
review phone calls with Clinton because she was “often confused.”
Abedin had emailed Monica Hanley, a State Department Clinton aide and
companion, from her [email protected]/* */ address to alert Hanley about the
need to review phone calls with the then-Secretary of State.
According to the report, on January 26, 2013, Abedin had the following email
exchange with Hanley:
Abedin: Have you been going over her calls with her? So she knows singh is
at 8? [India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh]
Hanley: She was in bed for a nap by the time I heard that she had an 8am
call. Will go over with her
Abedin: Very imp to do that. She’s often confused.
Breitbart News asked Orient if the Judicial Watch report of Abedin’s emails
is consistent with the signs she notes in her article.
“It is,” she responds, adding:
There are some very concerning things on Twitter #hillaryhealth. For example
, that she naps at 5 p.m. and can’t be aroused, or that her Mini-Mental
State exam – which you use to screen patients who might have an organic
brain syndrome – has deteriorated since 2013.
“Scurrilous lies? Or sign that somebody unknown is acting for her? Could
she pass a random drug screen that might be required of a crane operator?”
Orient asks.
Orient then poses what is perhaps the most obvious question of all.
“Is it conceivable that Hillary supporters would really be voting for Huma
Abedin, Clinton’s top aide, or for the First First Husband President, Bill
Clinton?” she asks. “The American people are entitled to know the
objective medical facts about Secretary Clinton.”
1 (共1页)
波士顿 Winthrop漂亮公寓两房两厅一卫出租1750【有图】Woman dies after Malden home attack (zz)
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Re: 请问波士顿哪里有卖韩国大米?有inspector推荐么?
Worcester 亚洲超市Oriental Flavor--新的点心和中式早餐餐馆
话题: she话题: clinton话题: abedin话题: orient话题: her