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CS版 - 【JOBS】招多个Software engineer and QA at San Francisco
大家觉得software testing的出路好么?Is Software Engineering a good topic to do research on?
【JOBS】招Software Engineer, QA, DBA at SF/NYC请问各位有没有听说过University of British Columbia的Master of Software System program
CS里最吊丝的和最高富帅的方向都是啥?IDL VM Software?
[转载] Agent-oriented Software Engineering?请推荐容易发表Software方面Paper的杂志...
How is Journal of Systems and Software?[合集] 老人申请CS Master的问题
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How to speed up dell laptop?Principle Software Architect position (GenScript Corp) (转载)
Software Engineering Intern请问computer science 和software engineering哪个好
话题: software话题: san话题: francisco话题: qa话题: 多个
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 171
【JOBS】招多个Software engineer and QA at San Francisco
招多个Software engineer and QA at San Francisco
我们公司招多个Software engineer and 多个QA, 在San Francisco,公司有一百多人
一直在快速成长盈利。给办H1,绿卡。有意者发Email resume
给我 c*********[email protected]
我会让HR 给你做phone screen。
all level candidates are OK as well as long as you have great programming
and technical skills. 工作年头多也不一定说明水平高。
=========== Senior Software Developer: =============
This is an excellent opportunity to get in on the ground floor of the
designing and deploying
1 (共1页)
请问computer science 和software engineering哪个好How is Journal of Systems and Software?
贴一个job opportunity (IT相关) (转载)哪位科普一下
Job opportunity for Principle Software Engineer (转载)How to speed up dell laptop?
Job opportunity for Medical Device Software Engineer (转载)Software Engineering Intern
大家觉得software testing的出路好么?Is Software Engineering a good topic to do research on?
【JOBS】招Software Engineer, QA, DBA at SF/NYC请问各位有没有听说过University of British Columbia的Master of Software System program
CS里最吊丝的和最高富帅的方向都是啥?IDL VM Software?
[转载] Agent-oriented Software Engineering?请推荐容易发表Software方面Paper的杂志...
话题: software话题: san话题: francisco话题: qa话题: 多个