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CanadaNews版 - 印度小将鼓吹美国生活丰富多彩,10万年薪顶印度的三十万
[JNPT]士嘉堡红河区 华人选票成胜败关键印度的畸形资本主义 作者:阿兰达蒂·罗伊 文章发于:法制周末
温楼价难负担仅次香港 (转载)米国印度裔工程师被判有提供减低红外特征的技术给中国。
印度小将鼓吹美国生活丰富多彩,10万年薪顶印度的三十万 (转载)Modi:印度正在on brink of 'quantum leapZT 路透社
ask for a book阿三威武 American tourist gang-raped in northern India
民主的胜利,印度亿万富翁比法德意加起来还多一倍China flexes military muscle with J-31 stealth jet
话题: india话题: 100k话题: states话题: ppp话题: united
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1846
公立学校world class,
★If a Silicon Valley company pays $100K annually in USA, what would be the
equivalent salary in India?
Ashok M Rao, freethinking conformist
Votes by Daniel Fermanian, Anshul Kumar Jain, Eric Mansfield, Michael Wolfe,
and 268 more.
Anyone answering this question with the purchasing power parity yardstick is
missing the essence of life in the US vs. India completely. Having lived in
both countries, I guarantee you a life in the United States afforded by $
100k will be unmatched by anything less than two to three times that amount
in India.
For example, any affluent family in the United States will have access to an
excellent public school system offering an international standard education
for free. There isn't a single person who makes this much money that would
ever send their kid to a government school in India.
Assuming you have two kids, the cost of an American-equivalent private
education without scholarship (like at the Ambani school, for example) is
about twenty-five lakhs.
There itself you lose half your salary of 100k. Next, aside from food and
domestic help, almost all cost of living expenses are higher. This goes
against what Wikipedia and conventional wisdom says, but the PPP is
calculated if you live like the average Indian – earning 100k is anything
but average in India.
In the US, getting 5 mbps Internet (a minimum there) costs 20-30 dollars a
month for very reliable service. In India it costs three to four times that
for spotty service.
Utility expenses are a lot higher for most families living an international
lifestyle. This is because the electricity tariffs are managed such that
after a point of consumption families pay very high utility bills. In the US
we paid less than a 100 dollars a month but in India there were times we
paid more than fivefold that.
Simply put, for the huge amount of luxuries afforded by the government in
the United States, especially education, living a comparable life in India
is unaffordable without big adjustments.
The life $250k gets you in suburban USA translates into approximately two to
three crores in India. Everyone who is simply looking at the PPP and
comparing $100k to 12 lakh in India is seriously myopic and doesn't really
understand the difference in lifestyle (or the fact that PPP is based on
India as a whole which includes rural villages where people live on less
than two dollars a day).
1 (共1页)
China flexes military muscle with J-31 stealth jet印度小将鼓吹美国生活丰富多彩,10万年薪顶印度的三十万
阿三威武 American tourist gang-raped in northern India印度小将鼓吹美国生活丰富多彩,10万年薪顶印度的三十万 (转载)
老印开始登陆了ask for a book
[JNPT]士嘉堡红河区 华人选票成胜败关键印度的畸形资本主义 作者:阿兰达蒂·罗伊 文章发于:法制周末
温楼价难负担仅次香港 (转载)米国印度裔工程师被判有提供减低红外特征的技术给中国。
话题: india话题: 100k话题: states话题: ppp话题: united