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Carolinas版 - 北卡税制改革,州长刚刚签字通过新法案
Refunds sent to N.C. taxpayers who filed on time诚聘保姆
请教怎么去DCNew York - North Carolina
Happy New YearAsheville, North Carolina
You' all请教Carolina Beach钓螃蟹的好去处
包子竞答 - 北卡人文地理(1/1/2009)烦推荐Asheville, North Carolina好的餐馆
looking for a roommate to share a 2 bedroom apartment in RTP area, North Carolina南卡哥伦比亚寻租房
有u of south carolina生统的吗? (转载)where to sent old clothes
[征文活动]南北卡出行(updated征文时间:4/5/09--8/6/09)温柔可爱女生征友(帮顶的发包子) (转载)
话题: tax话题: income话题: north话题: carolina话题: first
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6411
On July 23rd, Governor Pat McCrory signed the historic tax reform package in
North Carolina (scroll down for video).
North Carolina Tax Reform At a Glance:
■The plan is uniform for all North Carolinians across the board.
■It broadens the tax base, lowers income tax rates and reduces taxes for
North Carolina working families.
■It is also fiscally responsible and ensures appropriate revenue for state
government services.
Personal Income Tax:
■Reduces and simplifies the 3-tiered state personal income tax from the
current maximum rate of 7.75% and minimum rate of 6% to 5.8% in 2014 and 5.
75% in 2015.
■Increases the standard deduction for all taxpayers, applied to the:
■First $15,000 of income for those married filing jointly
■First $12,000 of income for heads of household
■First $7,500 of income for single filers;
■​Retains the state child tax credit and increases it for families
making less than $40,000;
■ Offers a $20,000 combined maximum deduction for mortgage interest and
property taxes;
■Makes charitable contributions fully deductible;
■Protects all Social Security income from state taxes.
Corporate Income Tax:
■Reduces the corporate income tax from 6.9% to 6% in 2014 and then to 5% in
2015 a 29% rate reduction.
■If the state meets revenue targets (i.e. if there is additional tax
revenue growth due to a growing economy), the corporate income tax will drop
to 4% in 2016 and 3% in 2017.
Other Highlights:
■Caps the state gas tax;
■Eliminates North Carolina’s death tax;
■Preserves the sales tax refund for nonprofits.
发帖数: 55301

收入州税实行flat税率,2014年降为5.8%,2015年降为5.75%。具体的自己看吧On July
23rd, Governor Pat McCrory signed t........

【在 G*******1 的大作中提到】
: 收入州税实行flat税率,2014年降为5.8%,2015年降为5.75%。具体的自己看吧
: On July 23rd, Governor Pat McCrory signed the historic tax reform package in
: North Carolina (scroll down for video).
: North Carolina Tax Reform At a Glance:
: ■The plan is uniform for all North Carolinians across the board.
: ■It broadens the tax base, lowers income tax rates and reduces taxes for
: North Carolina working families.
: ■It is also fiscally responsible and ensures appropriate revenue for state
: government services.
: Personal Income Tax:

发帖数: 1185

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb - 中文网站浏览器

【在 G*******1 的大作中提到】
: 收入州税实行flat税率,2014年降为5.8%,2015年降为5.75%。具体的自己看吧
: On July 23rd, Governor Pat McCrory signed the historic tax reform package in
: North Carolina (scroll down for video).
: North Carolina Tax Reform At a Glance:
: ■The plan is uniform for all North Carolinians across the board.
: ■It broadens the tax base, lowers income tax rates and reduces taxes for
: North Carolina working families.
: ■It is also fiscally responsible and ensures appropriate revenue for state
: government services.
: Personal Income Tax:

1 (共1页)
温柔可爱女生征友(帮顶的发包子) (转载)包子竞答 - 北卡人文地理(1/1/2009)
下周是tax free day吧looking for a roommate to share a 2 bedroom apartment in RTP area, North Carolina
据说在NC待了两年,去公立大学可以按州内学生交学费?有u of south carolina生统的吗? (转载)
Refunds sent to N.C. taxpayers who filed on time诚聘保姆
请教怎么去DCNew York - North Carolina
Happy New YearAsheville, North Carolina
You' all请教Carolina Beach钓螃蟹的好去处
话题: tax话题: income话题: north话题: carolina话题: first