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Chemistry版 - 中国农业大学教授职位招聘信息
恳请大牛们推荐审稿机会 (转载)贴一个postdoc 职位: 无机化学背景做纳米材料合成的请进
Job opening: Analytical Services Manager in HoustonPostdoc Opening on Surface Chemistry Modeling (转载)
Bioprocess Position Openings in China不想读phd了。但是还没有master degree怎么才能走人呢?
部分知名高校93-2009年杰青获得者统计Doctoral Dilemma - Is chemistry facing a glut of Ph.D.s? [ZZ]
Postdoctoral Position Availablehelp needed for a paper
Postdoctoral Position Available职业选择
[JOB] Senior Polymer Chemist@Denver,要求有绿卡Sr. Analytical Chemist Position available at BASF
话题: research话题: university话题: according
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 23
【 以下文字转载自 Returnee 讨论区 】
发信人: TDCS (江湖好汉), 信区: Returnee
标 题: 中国农业大学教授职位招聘信息
关键字: 中国农业大学,教授职位,招聘
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 7 15:19:55 2011, 美东)
Two Positions: Assistant/Associate/Full Professor
Location: College of Civil and Water Resources Engineering, China
Agricultural University, East Campus (Former Beijing Agricultural
Engineering University)
Date Available: January 1, 2012 or until the positions are filled。
Nature of work: Two engineering science positions are created in the area
of Environment-Enhancing Energy, to convert algae and biowaste (animal,
human and bioprocessing) into crude oil and chemicals, capture carbon,
recycle nutrients and clean wastewater. This is new research program funded
through the National ‘1000-Talent’ program, within China Agricultural
University, a ‘985’ research university, with unprecedented opportunities
for academic career development. Responsibilities include conducting high
quality research in the newly established Thermochemical Conversion
Laboratory, teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels, supervising
graduate students, writing research proposals, conducting research projects,
and publishing research results. Successful candidates are expected to
develop a leading research program nationally and internationally.

PhD degree in engineering (such as agricultural, biological and chemical) or
chemical science with proven record of high quality research. Strong
background in chemistry and chemical engineering is preferred. Experience
in thermochemical conversion experience is
an asset. According to the professional credentials, each position can be
at the rank of Assistant/Associate/full professor.
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience,

Benefits: Standard benefit package for faculty including health, dental, and
life insurance, vocation and leaves. Housing assistance may be available
according to the CAU policy. A start-up package will be negotiated
according to qualification (visit CAU website:
Application: To ensure full consideration, applications must be received by
December 10, 2011. Candidates should submit a resume (including coursework
and experience) and the names and addresses of three references to:

Contact: Dr. Chaoyuan Wang
Telephone: 010 62736904
E-mail: g******[email protected]
1 (共1页)
Sr. Analytical Chemist Position available at BASF部分知名高校93-2009年杰青获得者统计
犹他一哥们造假被发现了Postdoctoral Position Available
生物、化学、物理成功转CS的不要太多Postdoctoral Position Available
化学、生物、物理成功转码农的不要太多[JOB] Senior Polymer Chemist@Denver,要求有绿卡
恳请大牛们推荐审稿机会 (转载)贴一个postdoc 职位: 无机化学背景做纳米材料合成的请进
Job opening: Analytical Services Manager in HoustonPostdoc Opening on Surface Chemistry Modeling (转载)
Bioprocess Position Openings in China不想读phd了。但是还没有master degree怎么才能走人呢?
话题: research话题: university话题: according