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Chemistry版 - zz a postdoc position who can make colloidal suspensions (转载)
Paper help, Thanks a lot! { Journal of Colloid and Interface Science}paper help, thanks
求好心人帮我下载一篇paper (转载)paper help
JACS-46亿年前的Fe3O4的colloid cystalPaper help! Thanks
paper help baozi thankspaper help please
paper help link available baozi thanksPaper help, please
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book chapter help baozi谁知道哪里有卖电化学仪器的Pt wire的?急
paper help bao zi thankspaper help
话题: colloidal话题: who话题: eere话题: postdoc
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 633
【 以下文字转载自 Postdoc 讨论区 】
发信人: icytide (小新但不是蜡笔的), 信区: Postdoc
标 题: zz a postdoc position who can make colloidal suspensions
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Sep 16 14:33:41 2016, 美东)
quoting from the sender
"we’re looking for someone who has some practical experience with colloidal
suspensions to help us out on some of the contracts we have right now – we
are currently working on a battery electrode project through EERE/VTO and
are starting a fuel-cell/electrolysis program through EERE/FCTO. If you
know of anyone with some practical experience making colloidal suspensions (
especially high volume fraction ones) who is going to be free soon, please
forward the posting to them."
1 (共1页)
paper helppaper help link available baozi thanks
Paper help! Thankspaper help baozi thanks
两个analy chem的方向请大家给点建议book chapter help baozi
Paper help! Thanks a lot!paper help bao zi thanks
Paper help, Thanks a lot! { Journal of Colloid and Interface Science}paper help, thanks
求好心人帮我下载一篇paper (转载)paper help
JACS-46亿年前的Fe3O4的colloid cystalPaper help! Thanks
paper help baozi thankspaper help please
话题: colloidal话题: who话题: eere话题: postdoc