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Chess版 - (zz) Chess during the American Civil War (2)
[公告] Chess 板的投票结果Strongest Chinese Chess Software
Re: close board annoucementtoday is a good day.
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Looking for Powerful Chinese Chess Software to Play Online Against Real Players下棋?
Re: Looking for Powerful Chinese Chess Software to Play Online Againstxie jun out
话题: chess话题: civil话题: american话题: war话题: some
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发帖数: 8645
Chess was a part of camp life for many:
Confederate Echoes By Albert Theodore Goodloe. 1907.
After the various camp duties had all been duly attended to, there was
still a good deal of time left to us to be employed in such way as we might
like, provided we violated no military order; and herein the differences of
temperaments, etc., among the soldiers were seen, as in all other conditions
in which they were placed. Some enjoyed one kind of recreation and some
another, while there were some
1 (共1页)
xie jun out[转载] 谢军致国际象棋界一封公开信(中文译文)
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chessmaster 8k releasedLooking for Powerful Chinese Chess Software to Play Online Against Real Players
yahooRe: Looking for Powerful Chinese Chess Software to Play Online Against
[公告] Chess 板的投票结果Strongest Chinese Chess Software
Re: close board annoucementtoday is a good day.
ICCS是open source的吗?来个bbs的比赛如何?
chess BMchinese chess tourment
话题: chess话题: civil话题: american话题: war话题: some