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Chicago版 - Indoor Soccer Practice at Chinatown
美 中 杯 网 球 公开赛Mid America Cup Badminton Tournament
Indoor Soccer Practice at ChinatownMid America Cup Tennis Tournament 2017
Tennis Tournament at Chicago China TownMid-America Cup Beach Volleyball Tournament
Tennis Tournament at Chinatown - RescheduledIndoor Soccer Practice at Chinatown
美中羽球贺岁赛俺家的organic 月饼和蛋糕
Badminton Tourament at Chicago新年倒数狂FUN飧舞会 欢迎未名朋友参加
Mid America Cup Badminton TournamentUpper Michigan Fall Color Trip
话题: late话题: indoor话题: minutes话题: fee话题: chinatown
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 206
Organizer: 美中华人康体文娱联会
Our indoor season starts this Saturday at the NTA gym shown in the attached
map. We have 19 games in totally between 11/05/10 - 03/31/11, excluding
Playtime: 10:30am - 12:30pm (will change in January to 9am - 11am)
Season pass is $80, which gives you access to all 19 games.
Pay-as-you-play: $8/game.
Late-fee deposit: $20.
Late-fee rules:
If you are on time or less than 10 minutes late, no late fee.
10 minutes- 30 minutes late, $1 late fee.
30 minutes - 60 minutes late, $2 late fee.
> 60 minutes, $3 late fee.
(Late fees can be waived if you have other events that you need to go to and
you email the group at least one day ahead, for example, "I will be late
for this week's game because I need to pick up someone from the airport")
Please send email to i**[email protected] for any questions.
To learn this org. more, please check: http://macrogroup.org
1 (共1页)
Upper Michigan Fall Color Trip美中杯贺岁羽球赛
Table Tennis Tournament at Chicago美中羽球贺岁赛
One Day Basketball TournamentBadminton Tourament at Chicago
Door County 3-Day 2-Night TripMid America Cup Badminton Tournament
美 中 杯 网 球 公开赛Mid America Cup Badminton Tournament
Indoor Soccer Practice at ChinatownMid America Cup Tennis Tournament 2017
Tennis Tournament at Chicago China TownMid-America Cup Beach Volleyball Tournament
Tennis Tournament at Chinatown - RescheduledIndoor Soccer Practice at Chinatown
话题: late话题: indoor话题: minutes话题: fee话题: chinatown