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Chinese版 - 丢人啊,纽约中国总领馆官员家属涉窃 大闹警局
Cat and Dog Series: At the Zoo请教一个递交485的问题
中国总领馆高官妹妹涉偷窃 妻子大闹美国警局zz: NYTimes: Frenzied Hours for U.S. on Fate of a China Insider
纽约时报报道维基解密:中共政治局发动入侵Google电脑的行动.在美国领馆的36小时:美方官员称王立军相当令人讨厌 (转载)
纽约时报报道维基解密:中共政治局发动入侵Google电脑的行动. (转载)周恩来不懂外语,外交比后来者都要棒
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发帖数: 1151
The sister of a high-ranking Chinese diplomat was busted for alleged
shoplifting from the Herald Square Macy’s — and her well-connected family
caused a huge scene trying to get her out of police custody, The Post has
Guo Wang, 37 — whose brother Bangfu Wang is a section chief in the Chinese
Ministry of Foreign Affairs — walked into the Macy’s flagship store
Thursday before noon, picked up several shirts and two dresses and took them
to the fitting room, sources said.
After a few minutes of fidgeting inside, she walked out with just two of the
shirts and one dress, sources said.
She walked around the store bypassing several cash registers, moved through
a few floors and tried to leave without paying for the items, court records
Store clerk Kristen Jackson, who watched the diplomat’s sister walk around
the store, called Macy’s security and confronted the woman.
A store guard found two shirts and a dress, worth about $148, in Wang’s
blue shoulder bag, according to court records.
Cops arrested Wang and took her to the Midtown South Precinct. She was
charged with criminal possession of stolen property and petit larceny, both
Two Chinese consular officials — Wang’s sister-in-law, Minga Wang, and
Zerui Yang — showed up at the precinct shortly after and went berserk,
sources said.
“They were literally pounding on the desk,” a source told The Post.
Sources said both Minga Wang, who’s married to Bangfu Wang, and Yang live
in New York and work for the Chinese consulate.
A consular spokeswoman yesterday denied they work for the consulate and said
she could find nobody by those names on an internal employee list.
Guo Wang appeared in Manhattan Criminal Court, where she was released after
her case was adjourned in contemplation of dismissal and ordered to undergo
one session of counseling and perform one day of community service.
Bangfu Wang has been stationed at the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs’
New York office for years but was traveling in China yesterday, sources said.
His sister was here visiting her family on a tourist visa.
Despite her brother’s high-ranking post, Wang is not protected by
diplomatic immunity. Only spouses and children under the age of 21 are
included, according to a State Department spokeswoman.
In March 2011, a foreign-government worker from Georgia successfully claimed
diplomatic immunity and avoided being prosecuted for the alleged theft of $
444 worth of merchandise from a downtown Century 21.
Security personnel allegedly also caught Oleg Sharifoy pulling a price-tag
switch — but he was granted immunity because he was on official business
with Georgia’s diplomatic delegation.
1 (共1页)
美国拒绝从委内瑞拉撤出外交人员纽约时报报道维基解密:中共政治局发动入侵Google电脑的行动. (转载)
John Bolton:中国应拆除南海人工岛 否则美国与台湾建交三姐在此事上没有外交豁免权
Cat and Dog Series: At the Zoo请教一个递交485的问题
中国总领馆高官妹妹涉偷窃 妻子大闹美国警局zz: NYTimes: Frenzied Hours for U.S. on Fate of a China Insider
纽约时报报道维基解密:中共政治局发动入侵Google电脑的行动.在美国领馆的36小时:美方官员称王立军相当令人讨厌 (转载)
话题: wang话题: chinese话题: she话题: her话题: said